Billboard advertising (Nov 1894)

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We take it that in the matter of p ain industry the bill poster stands alone, with no man worthy to be a second. Tbe hill poster Is busy the year round and rejoices in leap years; but he seems I make an especially violent effort aboi this season He sleeps a little, we fane such display: of weakness, and sticks bil through the long night as well as throut the hurrying day. It is not likely lb Is it possible that bill posters, paradi ical as it seems at first sight, are ui boys ofa larger growth? that of the vast oceans of energy cousen and stored up while in the larva state of hoy bnrst forth in rit profusion in J tbe perfect condition of """poster? There are whole intellectual tauranls of food or thought in this idea; but we leave it to some profes Weekly ■sleep he would not get the hot and ti taring walls covered with posters in tii to catch the eye of the man running get the s a. m. train. If he were at hoc in bed he could not crowd through the fire lines and post bills on the top story while the firemen were fighting the names on the floor below. He loves to be out on! the street at night, when, should he discover a fire, he can bill the If the spirit of restless industry which pervades the ranks of the bill posters could be made to permeate the rest ol the community, who dare say how much it would add to the national wealth f If, for instance, the bill polling zeal amid take hold upon the messenger boy,' the —hi-h — •"■'■» i— —ought in the is world ts scarcely con that the ides or the messenger boy will infect the hill poster. Fire nor water nor night nor storm nor policeman can gives him pause is the dreaded and bated dgnofPost No Bills." It must not be supposed by the unob- serving that pasting up the gigantic bills which cover fences and sides of houses is the bill poster's only work. The be sure are his great works, the which call forth his genius; but his , all attract htm, but the ne> mi. ii.- of them give him that ..quil Joy which he feels when e new ash barrel swims into bis ken. He loves ; bill and rebin ba ash barrel every moi fng s new bill, whether or not the old one baa been damaged, till the barrel is pa ded with paste and paper, upholstered bills, takes on an obese aspect, becom : broader than it is long and looks as if oline. But it is when rival bill stickers decend upon the aah cans of a L si i eel, one detachment waiting around trie corner till the other has affixed its loathed bills, and then swooping around and sticking its own over tbe others with is that an ash cs ktrte! ADVERTISERS' RICHES. hundred years could be ascertained added together, the sum would be of ■ infinite magnitude, that eve a the WISCONSIN BILL POSTERS. l Bill Posters' Ai Theft of the sociation: E. A Hartman, ('resident, -Man to woe W. C Tiede, Racine, Vice President Frank A. Fitzgerald, Secretary, Mi kee; E.J. Kempt, Treasurer, " Cream City Bill Posting Co, F. A Pitz- gerald, Manager, P. J Shannon, Presi- dent, Milwaukee and Snborbs; Aug, Erickson & I' -., La Crosse; Henry Sarau, Osbkosb; w. c. Tiede, Racine j Karl dtussy, Han Claire; E. J. Kempf, Sheboy- gan; G. W. Harwell, Ashland; Mrs. John Reiner, Madison; P. B. Haber, Fond du Lac; John T. Condon, West Superior; S. H. H. Bamhart, Appleton ; Wm. Stoddard, Jancsvillc and Chippewa Falls | ;John Howard; Adam Me)era, Stevens J. Disch, Kenosha; WUl lapsing, Neenah P. O. To every person subscribing for Bill- board Advertising before December ist, 1894, we will send, postpaid, A Hand- some Calendar for 1895. To avail jour self of this offer, you wast send Money Order throne, wiib snhftcriptioo ' filled out to reach us not SHOW PRINTERS. Points About the People Who Print The Morrison Show Print Company of No. II Jefferson Avenue, Detroit, Mich.. :d the field under the guidance r Jon. It. lively competitor and a vigorous candidate for theatrical patron- age. For tbe time being, they will con- fine themselves to engraving on pine, and color, printing, both block and pic- torial, and type work in all its branches. "Billy" O'Malley, who for years ran the stock and shipping at the Empire in Chicago, is now engaged in a similar capacity for the Donaldsons, of Cincin- uc Walki at the lours and conduct the business let rising young tragedian Samuel Booth has again opened u much to the gratification of bis aum< ous friends in the show business. He located at No. 333 Seventh Avenue, Ne York, where he has a splendidly eqnipped establishment. . Mauberret's Show Printing House, ol em in the South, believ, that 1; 1 j. [. 111 hA k j 1 Advertising is a good ihing, and give substantial evidence of their endorsement in the shape of a subscription andan advertisement, which appears in this issue on another page. H. J. Anderson, manager of the En- quirer Job Rooms, of Cincinnati, haa succeed In producing results in t graphic printing that are truly wonderful. The Show Printers' Association, of which Thos. S, Dando and Moncrief Cleliiud are the ruling spirits, has ao complished more real good in the matter of adjusting credits and affordiDg im- munity from loss to the members of ttai Association than any organ. proji which is flourishing splendidly, dues in comparison with the ser rendered are merely nominal. Inquiries should be addresaed to Moncrief Clelland No. 34 S. Third St, Philadelphia, P.. Francis & Valentine have entirely recovered from the effects of their recent disastrous lire, and are now located al No 517 Clay Street, San Francisco They carry in stock a complete line of the Donaldson pictorial paper. Hennegan & Co.,. of Cincinnati, are rapidly building up a splendid busineas. Their growing patronage has twice dur- ing tbe last year necessitated their en- The t ay. of Boston, than which tbete eaista no office America better equipped for all kinds of poster printing, are making a apeclalty " large block and lype work for both ircantile and show advertising. : This well known house is one of the uiosl ressive and enterprising of'all the Hastern firms in their line. Tbeyiave hold upon the estimation of a large number of patrons, both in the commer- cial and the mimic world, and the num- ber of their customers is growing at a most gratifying rate. Their unequalled facilities, rare courteay and uncommon Libbi«,Jr P are It number of failures which occurred dur- ing the recent panic, but one show printing house went under, (The Em- pire of Chicago} and its downfall was directly attributable to a combination of circumstances totally outside of its reg- ular business. Ed. Sprague. formerly of the Empire is now .with the Central Show Printing Company, of Chicago. E. C. Thnrber, (Cbarley) with the Shober & Carqueville Company, is as No one has more friends emongf sin w meo than Mr. Thurber. Tun Aull at Wlborg Co, of Cincinnati, is one of the most progressive ink houses in the couniry. The rapid growth of this concern has been truly phenomenal. Their inka are known far and wide, and their label on a can of ink is a guarantee of excellence. Their poster inks ire an- doubtedly tbe best in the country. Tbe ink used on this publication is from the HOLIDAY TRADE. day Trade. Don't let the oewapapera bsve it all. See your merchants, espiate on the advantages ol the boards as a holiday advertising medium. It won't take long to' convince them. Start one and they will all follow. Send to Don- aldson for a sample or their new Holiday Poater-it will interest your patrons and A HORSEY TALE. Pittsburg has the reputation ol pos- sessing the greatest bustling aggregation of bill posters of any city in tbe country. Seldom, indeed, doea a box or a barrel of any description escape these enterprising bill stickers, but it remained for one of their number to gaio a record second to none by posting a half sheet .ai; the sa of a bone while the body was