The billboard (Dec 1894)

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The Revel, erf tt» Pnidee. rp in Canada the moraliita aei ra everylhiDK ml tb. lends D aloD the mBlter nr theatrici] billboards, but ti the rigbta or priia'c citizens to enjoy the moit otdiiiary com forts and liberties on Sonrtiy lb Toronto for inatante.a cUj of abant looooa Inbsbilants, there an na ■■■day atieet eara or other ac- •vitb thB BtlKfctMl reganl for ■ltd Hbortla* would insist npon bBviog nnd would surely succeed In Kcnring. It is not>nrpri-lng^vher«sach groleaque servility as this is in eiistesce. that the war aeainst theatre posters should be carried out stcaitra^tlv and almost with- (.iH intermiMion V, W Stair, Dtanager of the Acdcmy of Mnsic in the dty the local moralisU did not like. At the ptclioiinary bearing Ibe other day, there —1 the tuaal Ujtatcd teatinony rran ot fkmi tie Rev. Dr. ttaet be belkvcd tbe tbctlre^ iDfluence *aa«»n, end he bad fteqnenttv preached ■galuK tbe Ibntlre. He had seen the node Btatsea at the Toronto Normal SAooi, and coB-idered that "if eibibited In'poMlG places their InSnence ironld be bad and itinm>ral." What do yon tblolc of that > WhT.nieb-a man wonld bare qaalms of coneicMe at aij;ht of the naked truth and woold bhuii'at a bite auaghL It Is eniCBdjr ^oBblfld If eourta of ■ 1'ead. eownry u ptulib Owurical man- •«crs far Dottinit Dp iMMimi socfa as uij rspiriabhBBHgn.wonU Odiik tf-ptac- •■K on tho Mm. TtaeDnBatfe News arfan the batter pert <^ the theetrical profenloa, would esieify and vieoronslv «Bi»t la the obliieratioB of any .cn^ iiqtnonlity in the matter of stage pos- ters But that there la aqythinit wrong • ^j^gre diUK In any ordinary pictnre of a woman in tixht^ le ■ propoaitioa so «;;*AMW. Ibat we e.n»rcon«der neMlj^. Bor cao we regard u any mwMBnDka, hypocrites or bnetice, G. U Hartford, whoae featnres are pictured 'above, is one of the yonngcr advertising agents of tbe day but decid- edly clever in his chosen avocation. He hosjlBl ready-achieved a ipleodld reputa- tion which many an older nian might envy. At present he is maaagiug the advertising department of The Fount- ain Square Theatre, of Cincinnati. His experience has been wide and varied and embraces all the lines of both tfaealrical end circu^ work, be having at diSimnt times been identified with Sell* Bnia ClfCM. IlMibao^ VMut Co. RInKilny Bna Uqim^ Amomi** Club Setta and 'Rentftom Chcna and Irwin Bros Bhow^ hrMu pottiaB in an entire season eacb at tbe St Cbaileg Theater, New Orleans, llaelaja Thater. Chicago, and Tbe Osead, Chtcago. He works with The New York State BiUpostera' As- iciatioD held its fourth annual meeting ent were: George .r Syracuse; Vice- r, of Troy; Sec- y James H. Slaats, of Lamport; Clayton, Niagara Falls: H. I, East- Albion: E.A.SUblhrbdt.Rochester; Eastliet.W. L, Milbom. Yonkers: -ey L Palmer, of Hoosiclt Falls; rry, Bfltavis; fohn Reese, Mechanira- , Samuel Pratt, New York; L. W. a, AuDuru; JoHo Napier, Utica, and Tbe annual election of officers was held and resalted as follows: W.J. Mc- Allister, Freaident, Troy; C. B. Clayton, VIce-Piesldent, Nisgara Falla; Jaatei H. Staat^ Secretai;. lAckport; J. Ballanl Carroll, Treaanrer. Albany. Reportv were read by the diftetent officers and , various other business was transacted. ' - Plans forthe protection of the present interests of the members of the associa- tion and also for the IncreKse of their .Interests were proposed and discussed. all present took an actlve'part. Tliere was quite a spirited contest over the place of the next meeting. It was filially - decided to hold it in Syracnse, May 6^ ■S95. In the evening all the'members of tbe conventioii attended tbfe perTMOiance ofShore Aeies" at the Lyceum Theater on invitation of Uanatier Fieiee. feasloa of any, ii that of Bill Potting, if ancient oriRlii is any criterion. Tbe nobility of Eniope take pride ia and make much of ancient lineage If a ftmily can trace back its ancestry to tbe pation and family back mnch farther than Apostle times. We can go beyond tbe dark ages clean to the dawn of Crea- tion into the Guden of Eden. The first of whcHn we have a record is 'protected'* "fig of a ■ leg show" the "firing ^c- Noeb blhnrad tbe neUe profeaaioB and gave notice to hie generatiaB^. as <2nef of tbe "weather bureau," that a heavy tain was condng. The builders of the Tower of Babel erected a conspicnouB "stand" to attract DENVER NOTES. ' Mr. Turk, agent of the American To- bacco Co, is booming tlie Old Dominion CigaTOIes very strongly in Dearer at the preseut'tiiiie, and be is a liiend of ell the Associated BiUpostaei. -™. IB •ailoas pma of the cooatiy at tUe'tlMv-JLae^Ar JMsI- «nrtiw*s /Im St. WW YEARS NUMBER. Tbe Jamuir anmber of Bii,i.hoard AimcanHMO win be a memorable tssne n Hn Mm a lithegraph^ „vcr, con- aiat of abileen pega^ aad the edition will *« ten tbOBMDd ol which ii is oe^ed to send at least fifleen hundred '™^~~*" ^ biltposlers and ~ igland, Ireland, -— Jod Anstratis, — ■ 'ary ambitkras undertaking rw M yoaagjoonul.« going to m npon ear .lUends to palmin our ■amtiilnscaliitWH Hbendtr. bGinat Muln Ul-pMiare, aho* pdatcra, .„d sdvertiaiug agents aopport their trade journal handsomely. Their American i:anfreteH .honW not be behind Iheni in 'his respect snrt here is [he opportunity advertisement. Send In tbe news. Make this particular number a fitting •'IforttoaendecrosBtheseasj agreeting '>* It were froni the billposters and show iiiiotets ofAmefiea 'to the uMmbcrsof -Iw craft in foreigD dimes. •xchange ninety gossip and puntera that ■ yw^ sub ECripdon to Bll.T.BOAltD A I>VERTISI KG win bring him. A Bill Poster's Challenge. There is a ttlilpoalcr in namiltOD. OnlBrio, whose height ia five ftet e^t inches and weighs 145 poBndB,wha can do a twenty-four sheet stand (single sheet) in eighteen minntes. would i all O' orld. Do You Know Wbetc He la? JohuJ Shea of Belleville. Ontario, left his home to join the Washburn Circus in 1893, he afterward went to Sea Francis- co. Was heard from last April, but his family have heat-d nothloff froin him since. Any icrormallon about him will be thankullly received by his wife Mr. Shea was eighteen years in busi- Ur. Dean, ahead ofKetie Emmett," wbo is one of the nicest and amooth'est agents on the road, was here last week.- Mr. Harry RobiiiEon, of Cindniuti, is here in Denver picking up his IobI health. He is an old circus billposter, and vrell known to managers over the The Sells & Rentfrow Circus, now called Ihe Paris Hippodrome Syndicate, is vrinterinj! in Denver, and will start ftoTTi this point in Ibe spring. They bave the finest -wiuler qnartere th^ were ever in, as all tbelr ato^ and evervtblBg t* mder. OM. end oeg u e . "; Cbaille aeltmiithe eild, lettable aven^'is here for the winter. of "BttreeUons^ to be sme^ bttt MeM infoiniBtion to that gcneretion, at least.. Elijah, the prophet, put in some good "show work" when be called down fire from BcBven, and made it hot fbr the propfaels of BaaL John, the Baptiat, In his peculiar garb, attracted the public as the "original and only" perapatetlB ad- vertiser or herald of his day. Tbe red men, sbott^nes of this oonn- try, were adepts in the art of UUpaeUng. art, tbe, only bill p Thej- put np "show wo rk" «b put a gilt frame around 1^ end sell it for big pticea. Hence, we may boldly assert and main- tain it stonily, that the mneh-almsed bDI Billposter and Show Printer: for our New Year's Nnmbei. It deigned to make it sixteen pagi would like to make it thirty-two. HelaM; C A, X aeola: J.R. Baa.T»i^Mr,B Geo. Hlsten , 8i>Brftor.A a ea ' i^dl BiuwunD AsvSAn Chocolat Meiiiei Over fifteen hundieil Neiv Year's Nouber will memben of the cral in fortign « It Is never inopportnne. luaisnmenta- an sonnd its raaaoning plain and to the point. If you want commercial patron- age let us help jou to get. it Send us . s end sixty cents and ik ■