The billboard (Dec 1894)

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BILLBOARD ADVERTISING CO. No. 11 W. EIGHTH ST.. CIFICINNATI. O. tjAMES H. HENNEGAN, MANAGER. ^ADVERTISING RATES. Sihotcmotawatt.) BTMUI. AUfinUEBnRl.-SM pat*S. SDBauRIFTION. On* Tmr. In adTu», ao nnti HoBlbi, tH bU. Biagla CoplH, lie faad been. He concluded by asfing that it took btin fin ycus to get his bnsioess back where it ms wheti fae was cpendiog a qaaitcr of* iiuUioii.uid to do so be hid to spend more than be CKT bad before. So don't Mop beonac timei are not a* good as ttx? wm a little wbOe back, but keep mniag, and btuitte*a will not be ao bad if an of na trj to impitne it. Tbis dull- tien la eanaed b; a peat mass of people ^uittiof wock^bacanae titncA are bard- Of cotme MOM hne to qtdt, bnttbat is aoTCMM braB «f wata l^dowB. So l«t«»Wot«y nd te^MdU and by, tariff bin, riher or BO dher. 1. President. Giarf ay. Vi» PiaUatdt. ; Tfaos. Keyes, Secielaiy, It (1 J. BloomScId. Treaaurer. Bay City. Walker & Co, Detroit: C. J. Btoom- fietd, Baj City P. O- and West Bay Citj; Claj & Dandson, Sa{^naw; StevetuoQ St Solomon, Jackson; G-H.IjnDaid.Giaad Rapids; C. H. Hllner, Big Rapida; Albeit Batle. St Loaia; Laoaaid ft ttCTOot^ MDskegOD F. O. and Kortli Minfc^oa: Thomas Keyea, Idoi*: % ~ ~ ' Three Bivera; Bffia R. BaAk, 1 Creek; C. H. Adami, tOt^; QUb Ualtaews, Haalnwi: H. R. ttaaa^oa. Grand L,edge; A. H. BOlea, BUIwlale; Henr; Willmott, Ann Arbor; R. U. Hnr- ray & Son, Port Huron; Jamu Thomp- son, Hanlstee P. O. and East Lake; /aa. Westfall, Caro; J. C. Baker. Howard City; . Vandenberg, Holland; A. B. Honse, Uanistiqae; Fied Hutty. Grand Haien; W. G. Tracy, Petoskey: W. G. Davey. is jDst the thing to ''fiU > andl would like to aee it ofthe Associated Bill VoM BILLBOARD ADVERTISING CO. H6^ 11 Eighth Street. Oncinnaa. OMo. Rnds its projectors etmI 'ETatlScBtton-| There has been mnch kim and enconraffin^ Interest, ■< dreds ofinstances has lieen BnTwtantially manilestefl in the wav <if frahscrio' anda^lTertisemenis. Tlierecannolc be am doubt that the jnumal was ' needed—neitber there my qae«H> toitSBltiinmte* riaU. I»«catioo» idnaSy aoDarent^ waai aaa» to potatto tt»e &ct that the' jMRMrr m^MT wOt fee even lareer. All. or irikibA 8M» Is ikow thai . faealthyj giDi(a>b»satta.e*esat ada early day. Hjin ot onr ■■bacr l bga also avafled tbtowdnaa of the apecbd oSi>r. and or-| dand BnxwMSD AuvawYiSinCj aent to pnttthtent fi>na nf tbrir Rsnective dtlet. Aa a rale, a fa^f diwn tianes were sdee-| ted for a trial, bnt In aone inat aa e^we^ upon onr circnlation. which baa attalnedl' most respectable proportions almofit i a sinffle bonnd. It is seldom, indeei that ajatmial in ita second editi-vi ca point to over six ttunsand oaiA bu1 JX ia wori^ ornate that In voint of eroTirietoriai o other ohtpttt. Inextawtible originalitT in desien. strength and vigi t'ETatiScBtton- ,thiscanqna^kanM<M(^afiQ«fl. ^1'''"'"' indlT coinraeat itn Atsstnl^ alH^ Mr MBL afaH th* SktiI^ which In hnnj pictorial paper naed H fa poatril flvi IwUk ,th. UttaS, « » a »aa l e— pil nl hii m Am on my way to Rocfacater to attend Hew Vork State Associotion Meeting. lend my ninety PMk Harnard, An Sable aad OMOda^- C F. Ctntrd^ Itbacs; Alva Setrer, Alma; Wm. George. Greenville; A. H. Sleater Charlotte; B. A. Tbayet, Flint- E. Cnlrer, Mason; James J. Baird. I^- sinit; Joseph Henning, Coldwnter; Plank U. Depel, Otsego; J- McCarthy, Kal>- onablepnde. oTh,— IP. IP:Scamt,M,m,eer,C»aaaM • * • MmobtgAga^. a^Ham, Ont. Tbk ntarbtn pasting, tooibas rewbed — si tHxbert atste of develo^ent in In mill 111 It «J I 111 f ^eii and I wi e ri ca . Btnecially haa it made rapid fcop»*o«B it • ^a«* aawMj aU p^«ra Urides of a<lm«oefnent dnriDK the laM ^ United Stjrtea. Ha^g been a lew yean. Bat a Aott wUla bv^ and *™ poster lot the paat twenty years, I ippreciate its valu callinEitV ADVERTISma COSTS. erytbing Advertisers an ^t erowi IlKhtened in regard to bill | irss methods, and the tin ListsTit wbeu hm boarfl s >nn:liiised at ita ml value gent Mn pi George Elslon, Anaconda,' Bfont. Please ran my ad. tf. It haa been the means of getting toe work already.— . Bvrnitt, BUI Poster, Iteaey Grove, Pa. together, and if tbete la t do for you will gladly Ao\X^—l^D. 100^; Meridin, Miss. Jnst received the paper. II ia O- E.— jnst what we bill posters want. I ahall look for its coming as I wonld for my breakfast. So good Inck to yotL—^obi A. Lam, CocffWmm,lf. Y. else worth having ei Bometlmca they o er let tbe cost deter yon. Bear i U Cottrell's wan sayi. that yon cannot get rich bv saviDg. Not now. In theae times yoa must spend money to make money, and in apendioe it fbradvcttia- snianee, wUle its asndoR eqiad^ can only be compared to componnd interest at tbe highest legal rate. Adveitidng medinns are legion, bnt there Is none that eicceds In real intrinsic value, wdl ordered billboards and posters, nnleaalt be bunctins and even Iba ' " A SPECIAL OFFER. The snccess attendant npon onr apecial ofier in tbe November issue, moves ns to aKsin extend it. vii: Sndusaxnamet of poisiUt aitotrtittri in yomr eitf with DONT STOP, man ia no croaker now who aava that times are bard, for it Is a cold and nn- Dleaaaat ftet, bnt stflL that is ao T>UDn wbv we ihMtd dl rit down and wA for Mtar. Wl^t»4o>ato . and kaa^fc'sU.tte the ann sliiaes. fa t WaiTIMxIsaa jaai ■■hilafalbep^ Badaa It ia ■ avodlUaKad And! be well patronized, as H meets a growing want and win do mnch good t bittboard advertiiiug. — Emfiire Show Printing Co , Chicago. Ills. It la MMiit cowBrta We can the attention of Bm Poaterv to onr Special OSbr of the Donaldson Guide and a year'a-aBbscriptlon to Bn,!.- BOAKD AmmtTiaofO, for $3.00. the book