The billboard (Dec 1894)

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J. BALLARD CARROLL. J. BdUrd Cnran, tbc m*Mg«r «r tbe.AllMv au BtUpoMing Cn, m ben OD the iil|ht of Jaty 19,185S. An utrologa H>7B that «b tlwt olght the moon'i outline was circDlar and that its only inbabltant imiled when the bahy came into the world. Whether that wa* a aixn of the good nature of the child or vbether the cbitd was good naiundoD (bat ftCMunt it > queation n eanncctiim, Mr tteitlgtattlwtllr.lUn,orilMB,i ~ the t^most brauchi-H, he found the iniK- tletoa^ tore it off and descsnded tlio tree iu trinmpfa. He fonnd the cottage witb- uat dincslty, praAented hta pea^ oSer- lag auil was pnNUptiT (H'm (bo yoiiDg tafiy, with wbmn be p " *- palaca; itbm ba lived tl hilt itajra in tbe uraal li Mt CanoU wu born G*e doora horn hia pretent home Hia whole life has been Ipcnt in Albany, and bai been apentiBROch a way that he eOmmanda Ibe respect and coofidence of erei; bniiDCBs man In Ihe citj. He was the maoager of Ibe Albany Store Co. for a nambcT of years, and left thai ctunpany to accept a poiitioB in tbe bnainefs office of the Leland Opera Booac, wbicb into the taandi of H. R. Jacobs. Duiing hii businciB career at tbe Inland be condacted tbe aflain of tbe honie in a manaer bixbly creditable, and when he aainnied the poaiUon which he BOW occoplca he wa^ known to be a Ihorongh tm^aeu uun. The aflaira of tbe biUpoatiog conpany were ThtB offer ia open to x^eial 'ell as biUposlera. but in view of the fact that this edition is a ■ouvenier number, in-ended largely for distribntion amcug the ineiii>)ers of the craft in foreign countries, we are in hopes that they will be secured by biU- postiog firms. Kcmember that the edition will cou- piOTCu of wbkb iwaily two thousand ■■Why, ftlher," sniil I^na in an ii;;- ttrterad voice, "ve always get you uf iv tnl preFeots, don'i I dou't layacll believe iu things that ore nia usetat. '' Father's cjes twinlded. "Yes." We Eaid, "but I sometiiniiti think tliuy nrcn little loo Dsefnl, you know." Xell shrugged her shi.nlders impii- time, futber?" The "old K^tleman. baviiig wnrmei his settled bimiwlt back comfort ■'Well, lefs see,"' hewrat on in a tDiniiiatiug manucr. ''DoyonTinueinbc* the iloieii hemsHTcbed ban'kerobti'fs that jou gwre me but Chiiimnaff, Leny* Siune wny oc other," witti a.genial, liu- - DBTiial slamee at tbo oanpuy, "Iieu.v 1 htm been mlii tX 'em, anil AbiI at laat allwiods up with Twelfth Night itieU, and "alniB" and spicv cake are tclven In the daytime to a^l tbe chiMren that ooma for them nuKiuKi And in the erening there un> gtunes: gay gam«s of Heap druiron, where raisins am ):iintcli«d froia tbe flames of burulDK bi'anily. and injpromptu cbaradcs, ^nii fbere>bal1 be cuujoriiigaitdfortuuQt&ll- ing and riddles, and perhaps a Httle play will be given, and stately hislor- •eBBes hienk and eat the Twelt^ Night cake. All tbe little cblldrea come in. bearing a Jigbted taper to be stnok in Uie topotit. Ibehlddenringisfonnd-with muoh sport, and all driok tbo wassail bowl, uo lou^ compounded ot hot Older taken through stiawsor tbe stsms utnew day pipea. And then the whola The Sobiutoo World's Fair Steam Cooker is one of the gteatest hou^ehoM ateasils ever inliodond. It lightens feller about for he's bewj Dsm of ll i __, Theu. yt's see. ihae m the lilk hon'- kochitf that mazier gire ne at btnh- dar. and I pot it aw^ ehoieallke, Bud tba ftwt thbiK I kaew Lcoy was B-weor- in of it Imjde ho-Jacket Tes.inypr«s- ents are all nn^al. a teetle bit too use- f tbe point. doa'C you?" prf^nls had bis I'.iine BDd madeoA ^» wMeb pany has the coafidence of all mED, who are liberal pationa. Of coarse, there have been a few tullpMIct-s Ggbti, but in every fme Mr. CattoU baa twu backed by the pieta and the public and has won all of them. Mr. Carroll is Ihe aecretaty of the AMOCiated Billpoalcrs' Association of Ihe Daitad Stale* ud Canada, and ia cofftaa HawIM MUpoMei^ ~t ii Ml M« ^ - - Helaone«rthent plawBM aan la be met aodany. His good aatare has paascd into a provincialisBi in Albuy. He ia a prince of eutettainen, and his pleasant little hone at No. 714 Bioadway for a mtlqueand artistically amnged dioDW taUemay beof eenioe. Tba dot- era nay ba laid far as many as nay be desired. In the e«n(er bave a stjuaze bed ot bolly, tmrn the middle of which there may lieo a small Chistmas treo ■nilably deootaled. At either end of tbe table Mand the oandelabra. vbich for Ifala occasion staonld bare red candles and red sbadee. At each lady's place bave 4 ooraage bouquet of bright led floweia tied with red ribbcm and tor tbe geollenien bontonnierea ot mistletoe. Bave suspended over tbe table a little above tbe tree a large bell ot red daw- an, from the top of which, reaoblug to eaoh plat«^ may hang red ribbona about an inch wide, held in plaoa by the weight of tbe dinncrcard, wbioh should be perforated near tbe top. allowiiig (be end of tbe libbou to pasa throni:h and tia in a bow. On tbe nppcr ilda ot thaoMdAonld ba wripwitba jMifi tletoe legends, fur iHtapuaks emphatical- ly of "balohil miatleloe," as do other wntma of his day. Amnwg the n ' gaoda told thla baa no tragic ' prince is the berok and be g tad ti«M bi* Mend* wUle hnutlug. a long period Heia ha locft sMtar foe a t in love wifli the oceapaaCs dangbtvr. His Identity was not snspecc- ed. Slid owing to his shabby apprarance was. regnhled as an undesiiable sniliir and wasi summarily peered. Broken heaned, he again resomeS bis apttatvat- ly eudlesB journey and at night idept tmder an oak tree. Then a good fniry told him that ■ twig <fl ndstlelOBWoaM reconcile the Irate parcel to Ibe match, but It mnsc be gathered tma a boUov ask tTHi growing by the Ma ot a atnam opposite a peouliarly dwarfed weeiiDg Th» pooreat family la Hervia wilt pinch thamselvea all thraugb the year •o as to ha<i> money eoongb (o bny a pig at ChiisiiDBi' Skewered to a long pirrr ot wood, the pig if tamed over a blaciDg Bre noHl oooked, the gaesta watching tbe pmreas ucith inc interest: After dinner el isoD 6t an bonwed goe*^ ii o rective instead ot to . departs after the teas^ dem- wttt it Itmg ring ot cakea anni inOia OOWILL PAY FOR ONE YEAR'S SUBSCRIPTION TO BILLBOARD ADVERTISING <PO.V.>V AND THE DONALDSON GUIDE. TWO FOR DNg PRICE,