Billboard advertising (Dec 1894)

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tat ■gatn.t pattiBB tba U Hoyt'sA Bl-ck " on its B-rival limilar onslaogU. mA Um Chriatian T«inpei«BC* Cnlo^ «■ lailihi- tion which appein to be petpettuIlT Koinji about tcekinf loniethhn with wbicb ti Tha vMwa MniM iW h> titl«v The QuBMi af B»«l—q»^—i preKsti to th- «W7*lM ftm «r > VMun in liBht-. TIm ptctvrebaaforRB taCkKreaDd ■ pe- ealor ilw^ of red. -nWIe the fiffore of tlie mmpi i» paa^ tf the Btoet erqnlHie iha4e of bine ManilinK with faer mf eht DP on one fivit the Other beinf; >t ntt. tlie bull nfthe foot onW tonrhcB the llBor. The irnmm'n face U •nrthlna hut pretiT. ICHl* (Ksh'lv tn one side and elaneei to the floor. Orcr her staoaldera is * band- MHiw wrap which shr is In the act of ad. jo^HK hoth of her hands bcine above ber ShMiUleni erBErine the mantle. A ddlca*c. alwi^er wai»t t apeia np to ■ pair ItnMvpM Mas. lUdi an aot of ail wm po M tm ««h tbe tot mtttm twd*. TWite.«otnnttv. ta nOe In* attiBe- tln bv (he Tiin wMdi ibow* • M aet of UnteteeUi, end Hps m led that the Iw haa sot BEcn for twenty 701*, with which he obrioosly cuuiot be in %hm leaat Etmiliar. & clever aatiiiat one* •aid, in Bpcakinic of persons of thia type, "To the pure, all things arc Impnie," and tbia smart speech fains corrobora- in the reverend Bntler'a acknowledg- t that he ia. obliged to ~ thoach there was ao veiy nnch in the bin lo bnamehTSterical abont. Certaln- 1t . it is snperfloTis to aav that Mr. Hovt ■nd his THTtnrr. I>r>t.k McKm. .re -b^«t ttielast nun connected with tbcatrical tnanaiKnicot in thia conntr* who wonld Q. md thai nlctvTef thnnichta In ™ir tnlndl The mln'ster scratched bis beiwl and said ni'hlnT. O Cat! nind Tv^vedanlmonrelMpreedMlfteailoOk- wv at tbe hHIa? . tnewh>.n Imw the'alefk — at * B»l»mh ainwd with me 11 an>1 immnner. nid th<^ Bnt that 1« imt what I know. What abont the effrctaf tt«A Black Sheet) nlctniv on mo? A Ttia wyendeaWT lo kM0«Ma|r O tVi Mn attend tbe'aMWtnt A.'"t)M*«M«baa • credit the Wi bard worktDg advertiser, late yean he baa added to hia the work of the Park. It is no latter to handle paper , for two . In a city tike Philadelphia, and nnec in which the two theatres mentloned^are billed, reSecU great on genial Tom. He has been at ^ brings him tn quite a sum. Thomas Rilev of the Lyceum Theater, Philadelphia, i> qnite popular with all the agtata of the num; vaudeville attractiDiit that play tab boui. - tam it wwer too tired to keep at 1^ a>d Om wiUlin Imb twaaiiMoneMaM M Mqr < for alarm ooQceminK Uie OBOitfa of At- lanta t&rongh the' exposnre of the A Black Sheep plctvires, for he promptly dismissed the complaint, aiter hearing all the testimony that was offered.— Joe McGeaiy of the Bowden Square Theatre, Boston, keeps all the lestofthe advertising "gents on the move, and it ia rarely his bouse is not far ahead of the others in the matter of billing, be is a haatler of tba Brat dasa, and Is oa the Jbe>f - The Unfaoaidiaan rtniaikaii laatltn- testiiy. Thd been an attempt on the part of certidn manager or atais to eHmioate the tail- board as an advertising mediDm. In the case ofa certain few attraction—thoaeou B highly intellectDJil bans—the billboard ' adJnnA In the f^- iwncr. It ia a \-alDable tM i3mm of so-called effects, it . !• tbc Bndn 1 mi iillal Take anch a stage prodnetlao as "The Fast Man" and tlie billboard is the main refiance of the muiBKer. The fact ia the that tbenewr paper appeals to one class of the pnbUc, the bUlboBrd to another- Some playa can do wittiont the one) some ptaya with- ont tbeother, Int moat plays require the The fmrieat man tn Bnoktyn laBamay I>ink of the American Bin Ctating Com- paoy, of Brooklyn. He ia on the go all the time, and In conaeqaence ke has few ITcw Ortems- He hospnt li ■ years "wlOi Klaw & Brianger, and with ■'UUy"RowleaathUback heia snre to add another stKcesa to bis Rreat record. When in Boffsk^ Tom -woke the town no In Kieat shape, and secured a splendid engagement to go ahead of the Sondan. ; tfa< Ath OlUe ■ve Dark. CahSII is in advance and "danb him up" to the boys as th^iright sort of a bajr. the Hagan in St. Lonis. e!t Russia a neat ^ittinir. and it is -aid that it was the beat bil'ed tbralrical en- tertainment that bad h«n there in vwirs. Sa-n has been at the bead o Ihi- a^vertia- tiHBg depar tm ent for Mr. Hapm a nnm- ber af yMn, and ha« a haat of. friewda The bUlboard la in danger of losing its chicT nfirtiyauina tar the theater throngh a late iBMiatliiu, Within al- by the [ancy printing in it intheshowbnsioesa. Tbone have «i ed poI>lic ai Charlie Otevens. who is the advertlsinE agent of the People's Thentn-. Toledo, work is rno^ efficient and he has heen in the emplov nfthe bouse for n nnmber of years- Tie will need »o hustle'next Instead It has been dlacoveied that the fiucDy aamed thing was not a new play, hut a new cigarette, chewing gum, patent medicine or break- fast food. So mnch ol this commodity advertising in tmiiation of plays has dis- gusted the curions public, and the bill- board is no longer an object of interest. shotild take note of this fact. For ex- ample, the liLbograpbs of "The Fast Mail" are a( little valne'sandwiched be- tween the Admiral eignrettes and Tutti- Frnlti chewing gum. At b«t billboard companies hare • "soft aQap,''p^lng for rentals with passet. and ,getting tb^r work done at a amlD Ggorv. It ia cer- tainl? doe the theatrical pnAanon. wbicb ha* given the bilUnaid ila earaing o^ain^, that ptaj-priatlBca&aaM not be ■dzadopwith tohKCo aad Mdicina ad- 'onty oaoM.Ma of VV- THE POSTER PAD. r)enp1e have (?*ne into th>* p€>Bter 6eld qnite proii>i?i;ntIv. In New York, and and I donht nnt the rest of the coontrv m well, thev ar- aslng a twelve sheet stand ahowlne the trade-mark of the little cook in colors, and the words « PiM Ct>-American Sonpa." lo bi>. thick ateadv rdierrad tn thia colnmn wme time ago namriv. the <m- pnrtance of Dns'er> as an advertising Ti-edium in Pranrc and more lattetfv in England. Of coarse, whatever Tohn Rait takes Bp ouBht. in' dne ■ erfiid E.It win aBbnd ! vears bock there has been aaeb I demand far posters that It b wot aa inusnal thin? to have an edition pclmtad >1Iectar>a use only. It no doubt ap- nd conscqDenttT Is bnav twelve montha in th~ Tear Re la ca- tietnelv popnlar wi>h trimlinr n and all have a kind wnrd for oneofthe beai advertisers In the eastern caaatry. he aooAt far the aaaae an attta nit iciie a a In tUt decar ni ent as does that of Pronee. Pofdblv we have not the artists. But we have many eood illnstiaWB, whose admirers would ap- oredate a bit of work !n color which they could obta'n wholly for tbemscK-ea. espectsHv if it came Ihroueh a channel wictified fav Brittsh'apo'nval. Then is poster eiliibitJon in Loodon, and mUmi* ia qnite a collection of Fnndk vaaten ip thto conitrv in Vka «Cr. A W 'Dnlbb or the CMhan ft MiXM Ml U b* a tf^ fcwH mattir to haie thna «■ Adw; av A tto Alttw Cinh, At an aRcnoM Md