The billboard (Dec 1894)

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diums his dailj bulletins of atoic aewt. vho one or SDolber ioKeaiout niFtbod ofpramotiag his busiBess, begins to do it no*, will remp the gTUtat gain. The £iBiiiB£ to auiwc and Uw penon wko doea tut joiD in b not Rc^K to Cue «d] i* the cbmoI < Tfe* above pancnph ftoni the eStotiel pmei^aiM.AXtmrl'ari Dramalii Mirror, NbvoDber 17th is ■ fair sample of what not kmir abin't the bonds. It is a little more lemarkable than onial .teresling to li"ow jost -hiteis think of Ihia un- ite efipusion. rspecisUj e*t.paSh of an is the c We have reference lop-slcn. How few ' retaileis' realiie the value of this med inm. And yet thete if- nolfaing *o pimnpt. so reliable, and so sare, nothing that will ydid anywhere near the reinl'a oA a like investment. Try it! just oncd poster printei in joor - Ukdy an It's the number of ideas, rather tban the nnmberof wordsinanadv which makes it cActire. The best ads eontaiB bnt oae —Botfaa Homtjountal. ^rnith Hardware & Iron Co. m\\ FuaucES ind heaters Tin, CoppsF ft Shmt Iron Wara, U. Olt*. Gla**, HalK. Btaperi. DpIIK. Mowan. Plowi, Farm MaahtBinr BTerrtblog M St. Lonla Prleei. n4 Braadmaf. Catf St lova ItiiacaaeeM ftet tkitadtettiras mafcei a builmai- Snecesstbl bn^scsa men aU wfll testify to tbe fact Bnt b BoneeinthiB acience-for such it ia— i( prone to mistakes and often goes to a big onllay of moneu and misapplied right results. Yon adi feaple inaw aikal yoi want That's it in a nut sUelt. 1 qnestion is "How can I reach in I most Ptribing way. the greatest num1 of peoplewho need my goods' in mj ptrtinUai Uh and at the least, coat?" V»mmf thjafcing ~ iata4.descT^rtW The: * ~ ^ ther an fn Us UsB. The •.du^eic rateh;, and he c«o*t help himself if he wonld. The laborer reads them, they a TclKtation from his work. The aeti jtad them, just to see what Ifaey Tlie rjuldren .read Qam, Quj'n » n «nn wM^yMr aam .fen weHnaaOoK Btide to oik poitv. Then Un the dty Ihoron^Ij, and get tljem ont into the coBiitry also. Unr word for it that yon will not only find that it pays bat yon will doit'agaiDSS soon as >«Icet Ott lippn rtnin ty. eial activity in trad^ wmld imp with any very great t^dfi^ afia election Theuni — — —^ in this broad land Bv&e BBB aTadwtl^g iuDe ? wb» doaa net know this pleaaiiig sense, Ne*er feds tbe-pleasing recompense— That peace oi mind tlut doth entwine Tbe brow of him who doth enshrine His budness deeds, and advertise Btfoie the truly goiid and wise? Ensign fair! to the distant isles; Dfthe styles; ~, yoniiE aad old, spend-t^cir gold. O! Adnrtisemetitl Open door To wealth and fame fbrerer more! Ec*p on—in car, on fisnce and domc^ In paper going to the home, Oii.mnc#«oo4 or itone, or brk^— * ' *" whoAw'/Daeyaa STOVES. There is bnt one ihing better than posters, and that is better because it lasts longer, and of course costs more, that is Advertising sisnsf Painted .signs! " i, bnt .do, it right. Hatry W. Thompson, one of the-moot ^bUlfnl toll- posters an the coast, and a ■oig time, with. JeluL.Wiaiama.of ^oct- nnd,iB - - - - basis of operniions upon ytidA to pro- ceed. Tbey know what is coming and hence Icnow what to calculate npon. siderabteIfane. Agrcatbodjorcoosam- cn base gOMvlAoat their wages, or at ipaftofthcq. Tbey .tMOtr. Tb^nvt of comineree; bBsEceas iriH fidi 1^ It is the tiine, then, to begin to adver tise again, not lavishly, perhqn, bat steadily. Tbe inercliBot is after the di^- lais and dimes of the people. The peo-' pie win begin to have those indispem- al>lc commodities from this time foi w aitf they will spend thetn rather slowly, slill they will apeaA them, and tbe liieidHnt A Dainty Breakfast.