Billboard advertising (Dec 1894)

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MeW^ Prom The t?ai fS. NOTES. HAPPCNINGS. COMAVCNTS. 1 of Cit. . ■ CIRCUS MEN. Tbe tuthinil org Hu]Bg«rs, ktidm as the Protective LeagDc of American Showmea, will assemble at Cindnnili, 0.,Juii]ary 8Ui next, for their Second Afltmal Connen tioD. This AsaodatioD. irtiicli is parcl; CHRISTMAS EDITION Leaitdcr RIcbardMH's Dranutlc New* By far the most onistic and credilahlc of all tbe many Chtutnua rwTi l iflMma is the Chiistmas Nanbcr <i( LataAit RiduudsoD's Oramatie A^or*. aw jeifc - \y illnnnted iij aoch artirta M Ud, Iqf^vlaKW the macb » niAnj are vezy bri£lit,liwwij and evidcDily iateuded forpDblicalion. Some few axpreuljr requcat ua bol to publish, bat not over half & d c ttn allow ns to make lue of tlwir cammiiBicatioDS. For thii icaaon, we would rejueat all «>ms- poBdcBta to eipnaal; itate iu all fuluie tetteiB lAttker aaw ia fur publieatton When the ioo or ahow- CD) wa* firat broached it was scouted I visiouaiy, and gettetally deBominated d—d -Utopian ideally. No ob« loght to deny its posiibiliiies for good, :t no one seemed incllBed to believe would ever take-afaqw bat it did and to be one of the atioDB- Theae erils had grawu to pidDonnced > to lerioutly neaace the fnture ol when the league was fonoed, already bcea the checking the growth ot i Although but Co;.ft highest Older, while bma ■ Hteniy ■tandpoinl it has Bever been equalled. Among those who have coatribnted may be mentianed Hoii. David McAdaiu, A. H. Uommel, WUton Lackaye, Helen Tea Broedc, Charles T. Daiey, Clay. M. Greene, Hon. Cbas. Hoyt, Uay Wheeler, ~es DsTia, Georgia \Valdn>D, Chas. Ed. W. Dunn, Cecilc Joyce, ito- fetsor Uany KdUar, Jobs Irring DiUoo, nsnlta of* ling nature ueed be looked for. Large bodies move slowly bu all AtaoelaliOB of tbe Seoetariea aud cdnediuDof been Deeded by the aeenlanes of I-sirs iu America. As a inle they predict thai SuxsauLD ASVCBTISIKG WlU piece a (o iKoefit r'air Asaociaiiooa. avine few cspoBdeBIs prophesy ing M lavish |tto^>enty for the juur- [ BBqoallficd.CDdOMe- Forall of which we desin to extend /.aar thanka and acknowledgeincois, at '•>uj poaslbte efibn will be made to IKtflytE which SI social poiot of v e DOW subject, and We are moved lo the belief that , the atiggestion i> oppor- tune aBd valuable, but by reaaon of the is widespread. We pn>ditiiDua tmOaf expended BpuB it and tefleets th* (leat- ol tbe -••> 1b another colunui we give the impic»- sioaa of an Eagliah trli poatet ol bjU posting in tlw Uuiled Stales, and «• been favoured wiih the aidht - —"-— ^- 'tx. W, Turner, WritiBg from Sydney, Mr. i]s the Gnu with wbiEh he iS employs thircceB mcB, and at seven a. m., have dinaer tci holiday o'h SaiBrdaya. Be tl General Uanagers of Fairs be orgauiud for the promotion of tbe common inter- ests of Agiicullural Societies and Fair Associations, AU that I can say is, that tbe idea has my emphalic endoraenwot. Such an ocganiifltion Konld tie of hK> niense betiefit to all concerned, tai I lincerely hope that yon will lead ttovement jDut '"Ppo"- Gbo. DitiswoKxa. TV the Editor of Biu,BoaBD Advsk- w mm I of yout Mr to the ««• iran Aiyrky. am by Sols very cloudy afternoon. The Hel Co. have several cots of different of the above fair. Duplicates of ci ocnted herewith will be sold at each. Write them. practiesble. Without dwelling further upon the aubjeel at this writing, we will merely slate that our columns are open to all who desite to discnas the matter tbereio. 'Theaubject ia worthy of grave amudaBtloB .and the movemnBt will nndoubtedly-apccdily.'aaannie definite furiD We have . already acot out In. qniries to many petaoaa promlneBt In thnjali Wbtld, oiiUdtini ^lapi —a im of o^aioti as to the feadbility and pnc- linUU^ of the aeheue, and Ikeir ■■ awu a win «H)e*r .lD ooc Dszt vdilloB. W«J|iilw-.iBttlfMUH.101llllto Mfj and in fact all inleresled poTtiecr Tke time and place to be detennined hj the convenience of a majority at tboaa signify a wish to attend. Yours ttulj, M. M. illoir me to snggest aniiation of local Fb__ Asaociaiions. Advocate a oBion or leagae of (hi* natnte and yon will be Mi^Bgtlwbcit Intemtof Um mch*^ The RBllBBd Coun^ Agricnlttual So, ciety, of Rnlland, Vemont. was foondad iBiS45. OfSccnfcraKji^itMiFMil. ant F. A. rMMM; VncU^TL: Knft F.A.VMd,a^erRBtbuid,VL; Secie- tny y.H.ChifMM, City ol Kntland,Vt. " " - - jj^j^ (fiacesto the efara^end tlujdid their work. Ooe of tbe gabtea rented —-o high that the men said tbeycoidd lOt post 11, the bmahes they aaed were reiy large ones, coating ijs each, and large brushes he mooaUd the laddci and (inickly covered the gatile, the oOMn looking on •> ^eclatora. When SdFa Citcns are at home is .America tbqr.oB- pl<7 twcn^-cight bUlpoalen, aad those they took with them to Sydney were the — Itiaherbcattlam ^ck of Ihe lOLvMi Now ^ Ibe'.HMrYorit a^jV"*^ fimudly'ad^qite ~ it will be bnt a eX thit well known system win be ia ' general nae among theatri-nl managers n^bOlpiMten sbonld