The billboard (Dec 1894)

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BUY THE BEST Bill Posters' Brush- Copper bound and steel riveted- Maqufaciured expressly for.the Donaldson Lithographing Co.. arid guaranteed the iriost durable brush o^l the niarKet. lOUuIu FHw. e&eli.f3.76 I 10 Ineh.—.Priee per doren. SM.OO SEND CHECK WITH ORDER thebONALDSON LITHO CO. omcaNNATi, omo; , . ■ IIEIIIEGlllliCO. i^iE.ilLi'gg- POSTERS OUR SPECinLTY. FINE COLOR PRINTING. STATIONERY & PHOTO-EIMGRAVING. Writa for Samples of UU PoaUn' Letur Houis, In colon. TO fills'" eo»tei-s» Copper Half-Tone Engravlags. PORTRKITS. 1 Not ordinary Posters vou-wrHLnote. for I understand my business ^thoriaughiyi Some people say I charge a good price. AU'agree that I do good work. Cveryb6dy'lcnoivsthats|&od . work is always cheaper thart poorf;^Yau cm^fflt|Q.-^ me at 332 Seventh Avenue. Ejew Vorfc C^ ~'^ SAMUEL BOOTlii^: ,:>t ^"^^ (Dpirr MBwr tmm bvkbmc.) DeaBCi-TptfVe arid pf^vfeT POQT^SI^ OF KLL KINDS. Sand Good FboM wltb ■ TO M HELLEBERG PUDM cincinna; SAq-URDAY.DEa 22.18m: gp^Qfat . , .Tie"..ill;ii™'^''*^. linpfiHAIimblfl memory, um wnile'^li will BOtaltOT AKY O] $3.00 Wb vUl uad jH Us Cluw p. KWb Co- 1<I W.«o»H. CtMlmatI, 0. rallM CollMtlea. KUOLEOI Pm, ""SISo?™ iVi" SATURDAY, Dec aa, 1S94. to JUNE I, iSVSt Indiulve. HICK lOBEBTS. NfiBW KKTUEB. Billboard MYerUsijg^ The DoDaldsoD Guide o oaly accarale. and complete list of die Bill Fosters and Shoir PriDterE of America that has ever been pub- tidied. It also contain* the complete code ol tbc Doaaldioa Gf^, bjr the ter cfl nlry n t m*p^ WklA io* r^nlar pffae oTthe ponaUMM.Gidde al ne is $j 00, bence, w» afibrd an opportUDitf 10 practically get your subscription hee of charge. Now la thcttmcteSybseribt.