Billboard advertising (Nov-Dec 1894)

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^^ayd J^ dveffcTSTtis Brrrboafd j^dvevtrsfns. Classified Advertisements. Tnro line-dlsplayed advertisementg under this beaatug, 25c. for one losertloD, eoe. fur curee iasertioi2tf,75c.fortoairlii8ertioDs, SI 00 foi six inserUons... X4ar:ger-carrda, 10c. per agate line. BILI. :£OST£aS' DIRECTORY. American Aavertisinsr & Bill Post- iiJK V*j.9 ^tili Jladisun jLve., «jluca]$u. Ills. Troy, M. x;; Daadon & L'o., aui x'oBter&aud ulairiOaiorii, xii.4th St. A FreaK la Texas! Kellabie Bill Fuater:«t^±toiiey tvrove. uwuh ToUO lect Duarus. cau give gaaranusea stxowiiigi». f up. 3SU0. see HUUWli.'!', the Bixi i-usit^r. Western Bill Posting; Co., Salt Lake Oiiy, Utab.. Jiiil fUBUiiB aua iiiu Writeni. Tbe Curran Bill P'ostlntr ana Distrl- uutmg Cu.tUWU ttiiucuubrvA aii ^i^^ uuarus %sx iMjuTer, l*aeblu, ^juioradu siprinna aua imrroancliuif tuwus. iitati.*!. OHice, Denver^ Send your Ad. In for Onr Mew Year's Mumber. Will (iroet^tt, Tbe tsiU Poster and Uugli Vanee, City Bill Poster ana Uuuibubsir. i^eleteuceB. JiJtlu^aui, llu. Jolinv Lakin, City Bill Poster, cuuiierstuwu, A. K. iteiiable. j£vausvUie, Ind., nas population oi 7D.UUU.' Wi-iie uivUVa, auuui iiumiug. THe OsnkosH Bill Posting^ Co., city ali«x ueniuL«s bervicv. ir'opuiutlOll ^.UJU. J. ti. W 1..I.I A >! ■■»■ jigr., UsbiiOHti, win. cnatlujoi BUI Postlngr Asrcney, Bill t^iMtms ana utsjierai ^dveruaiiig. .ck.seiiu> laaliciiUumliiKtowiu. ^ ^ ^ , v». w. BoAJ<JS, Jlgr..Chatbam.-On t J. C. Campbell, Bill Poster ana Dls- ■tnbuler, w albums, iualio. k- W orji. uoue in W auace, tteiu aua BuriLe, Billboard Advectlslugr is a Journal lor.aavDiUttertt. uoou Uiiiig—puttn li niuug POSI£K AMD BILL WBITEBS. 1 write Bills and Posters.: UC-U6. ttoar. uAJtttthll.l., Uajpton, Ky. Sam. M. Dawson, aalt House, Cln- " ouiuau, U. iTepalxffl i»escnpxive jiTooKstb uX^aalLinaB. oc-to A Badly Written Bill is Worse than no Diu at aU. ITy me, I'ermiB reaBonauie- aprilo. U. i". MctUSK KX, W e wport, Ky. C>H. fiesinsr, 24S Baee, Cincinnati, Writes Dills alia makes designs. in-Vo Paiid»rs For Bill Writers. Kn.i.HHARn ADVJUtTiauie 18 luU ot tnem. SuowriDe now. AD:7SEnSING AGENTS. Sam M. Bawson, Meiaelt's uper& Huose. dncinnat!, U G. H." Hartford. . .. „ l!'o>uitamlJ4uai&Theatre, G inelnnatl, O . Do you need, work ? If so, say so. Hay It in tah hBOASD APTUBXianig- . CIRCULAR DISTRIBUTERS. AU Kinds of Advertisi,Dgr Hatter distributed. Kellal>ie,prompu reference. ropaiaUou-33u,WW. Aoareas, W. a. Steiabreimer, 313 Vine, dncinnati. J. H. Lan».& Co., EvansviUe, Ind. does SisirtbaUug. 317}^ First Street. Distributers, Advertise! lu BuxBOABB ABVg&xiaiiio. We reocb aU tbe large adTertlsers. strictly legiti- mate advertisers only wanted. For iBfonuatioffoa WasUogtoo Cedar Shingles ' AODRBSS. HONIAGDii ilcHUGH, FalrhaTeo, Wasb. The Show Printing House 'VJ"!;'"f *» est"""** on any cuss _.,_-,. * -■v»»*.j», „( Work, l.arse or Small. of the East. • IM .Ubbie Show Print PRINTERS AND BNORAVE i?S. 6 to 12 Beach St. Boston, flass . We Make a Specialty of Large Block Jand Type Work for Mercantiie.a nd Theatrical Advertising. Corresponden ce'Sollcited. ^.ConnectedZbyiTelephone. :We^use:to;Donaldson .Cipher. Classified Advertisements flmeFican Advertising & Bill Posting Company SUCCESSORS TO THE Broadway & Treyser and Geo. A. Treyser Billpostlng Companies. ■ -' "•*« Largest and Best Equipped Advertising and Billpostlne Company In Existence. Own and control mere Billboards, Fine Localiops, Car Line Displays than any other Billposting Company in America. Advertisers invited to investigate care- folly oar faciliiies. ao8 MADISON STREET. ROBT. CAiTPBELL, Pres't. CHICAGO. ILLS. General Agent, WALKER WHITESIDE CO. TBAYELIN6 REPRESENTATIYE, For BILIiBOnnD flOVERlISINO. Permanent Address, 166 S GLARK ST. CHICAGO. THE ROBINSON WORLD'S FAIR Steam Cooker F=OR F=K3HtIl_V USB. Two Hue displayed advel.isements under tula heudiiig, 2oc for ouu iusertlou, «0o. for three InserttoDS.73(^ fi.r four insertion., Sl.OO for six lusertluns. Larger c«rds, 10c. per agate line. AMERICAN FAIR BDLLETIH. Trenton, N. J. The Great Inter- state Fair. Jno. Guild Muirheid, Seo'y. Ionia. Kleh. lonisf District Fair Association. M. M. CDBlUEB, Treas. A Line in BlUboaitd Advertising: will keep your name before the largest advertisers in the country. Groesbeek, Tex. Limestone County Fair and S. R.'s Assn. Dr. 8. D. Bugs, 8eoy Fair Bills and Posters. The DONAliUSON LITHO CO., Cincinnati Billboard AdvertisinET, for Fairs. Advertise in it. Subscrloe for it. Shedman Bros.* Kuno-Drome. A Ureat Attraction. -Address SUEDMAN BROS., BUzabetb.'N. U. Billboard Advertisinsr is groinsr to prove a great boon to Secretaries of Fairs. Newspaper Cuts for Fairs. Write to UBLLiEBERO PHOTO-GRAVINU CO., 313 Sycamore Street. Cincinnati, O. T^f ^©iftlfsi Serf FrJfUi A monthly Paper published for the ben- efit of the Homeless Boys of Cincinnati Sotper year. Address THE HOMELESS BOYS' FRIEND, 184 Sycamore Street, Cincinnati. ppancis ^ V"alent!iiie, Printers & Engravers S17 Clay St. and 5i2-5i4-5i6 Commercial St. SAN FRANCISCO, CALi Commepctcl and Shoot Pfinters, POSTERS AND COLOR WORK. Desicns Furnished. Work auarnteed •^ Challenges Competlilon to Equal It. f$* •. • Coots en entire meal at one tittie, on one Lole of any kind of stove that will boil water. . • Saves 75 per cent, of iuel, and makes yotir two-hole stove equal to a six-hole range. •.•.-. ^- - ~.> ^''B-g">~fl^ B '^l-fclf ■WARRAirpDtocooJ all kinds of mwit^ vegetables and puddliiBs wltbont emitting ^Ar'MONTHLY * M flilvU / Iml* any ot lEb oflenslve odor, or mingling the flavor. •. • There ft no steam lu the house: 110 -^JIl^-wLiilii^^ III fllj fl^ 11 w£ tough meat; no offensive odors; noEnmtfood; no boiling over; no heavy kettles > ■CBBIC TmaritiLiX^ crowded stoves; no damp walU; adapted to fit any.klndofBtove:-.r.WluiihiDnrrt>'.dd fOi '""» " „,„„.-IMPlOfWIT ^OVHTI»a» """"lUIMIIM PaMtofad by CHA8. H. HE8t»IQr Sy.««y.»i!- MfBSCklPTIOM 90 Cents n Year. AdTMilslacSstM (LOO par Bqaar* of U Acat* IlBW WlUahip prepaid. ™~_^-„■;„.„, no-duup walls ; adapted to fit anykiudof stove! on receipt of price,and If yon are notsatlsfled with It will refund money, ::-FBIO^! SHALL 8IZK,-«3.7S:~>'A>(n.T BIZB.t3.S0: UROH aiZBr-M:BO. J. J. NEVILLE A, CO.,~«MMurACTmiMB.^O-BIeIunond.Street. AGENTS WANTED. "^ ^'CINCINNATI, OHIO. The ReveLof the Prudes. Up in Canada the tnoralists seem-to have everything ail their own way Their supremacy extends not alone to the matter of theatricil billboards, but t-> the rights of private citizens to enjoy the most ordinary-comforts and liberties on Sunday In Toronto for instance, a city of about 200 000 inhabitants, there are no Sunday street cars or other ac- commodations which a community vyith the slightest regard for its privileges and liberties would insist upon having and would surely succeed in securing. It is not^surpri-ingi where such grotesque servility as this is in existence, that the war aeainst theatre posters should be carried out steadfaHtly and almost with- out intermission V. W Stair, manager of the Academy of Music in the city named, is at present awaiting trial in the law courts for having put up some pos- ters of one of Sam Jack's companies which the local moralists did not like. At the preliminary hearing the other day, there was the usual bigoted testimony from clergymen. One of them, the Rev. Dr. Galbraith, said, under cross-exaniination that he believed the theatre's influence was evil, and he had frequentlv preached against the theatre. He had seen the nude statues at the Toronto Normal S(4ool, and conidered that "if exhibited in public places their influence would be bad and immoral." What do 3?ou think of that ? Whv, such a man would have qualms of conscience at sight of the naked truth and would blush at a bare thought. It is extremely doubtful if courts of law can be found in any part of this civi- l-zed country to punish theatrical man- agers for putting up posters such as any reputable manager would think of plac- ing on the walls. The Dramatic News and all the better part of the theatrical profession, would eagerly and vigorously assist in the obliteration of any actual immorality in the matter of stage pos- ters But, that there is anything wrong or degrading in any ordinary picture of a woman in tights, is a proposition so utterly childish that we cannot consider It senouslv. nor can we regard as any- thing but cranks, hypocrites or fanatics, the people who are frothing and fuming about these th.'ngs in various parts of the country at this time.—Leanifer J^^■cJi. ardson's Dramatie News. A aOOD ONE. BILL POSTERS IN SESSION. NEW YEARS NUMBER. The January number of BtHBOARD Advbrtising will be a memorable issue It will have a lithographed cover, con- sist of sixteen pages, and the edition will be ten thousand copies of which it is designed to send at Iea»t fifteen hundred complimentary copies to billposters and advertisers throughout England, Ireland, ScoUand. South Africa and Australia. As this is a very ambitious undertaking for so young a journal, we are going to call upon our friends to patronize our advertising columns liberally. In Great Britain bilposters, show printers, and advertising agents support their trade journal handsomely. Their American confreres should not be behind them in •his respect and here is the opportunity to demonstrate the fact Send in your advertisement. Send in the news. Make this particular number a fitting t ffort to send across the seas; a greeting '» it were from the billposters and show i'nnters of America to the members of 'lie craft in foreign climes. Ninety Cents. There is no billposter, no show printer, no advertiser, and no agent in the land but what can well afford to exchange ninety cents for the news gossip and. pointers that a year's sub scription to Bihboard -Advertising will bring him. A Bill- Poster's Challenge. There is a billposter in H«milton, Ontario, whose height is five feet eight inches and weighs 145 pounds, who can do a twenty-four sheet stand (single sheet) in eighteen minutes. ■«> would like to hear from some one who can cot these figures. Don"t forget our special New Year's Number. It goes all over the world. Do You Know Where He Is? John J Shea of Belleville, Ontario, left his home to join the Washburn Circus in 1893, he afterward went to San Francis- co. Was heard from last April, but his family ha^-e heard nothing from him since. Any information about him will be thankullly received by his wife Mr. Shea was eighteen years in busi- ness in Belleville. An advertisement in our New Year's Number will be read throughout the entire English speaking world. W. J. McAllister, of Troy, Chosen President to Succeed Mr. Castner. G. H Hartford, whose features are pictured Tabove. is one of the younger advertising agents of the day but decid- edly clever rn his chosen avocation. He has^already achieved a splendid reputa- tion which many an older man might envy. At present he is managing the advertising department of The Fount- ain Square Theatre, of Cincinnati. His experience has been wide and varied and embraces all the lines of both theatrical and circu^s work, he having at different times been ident'fied with Sells Bros Circus, Morrison's Faust Co. Ringling Bros Shows, The Fatmen's Club Sells and' Rentfrows Circus and Irwin Bros Shows, besides putting in an entire season each at the St Charles Theater, New Orleans, Hooleys Theater, Chicago, and The Grand, Chicago. He works with an enthusiasm fnd earnestness that command admiration and brings to h's aid an experience of such wide range as would be deemed almost incredible in a man of his years The New York State Billposters' As- sociation held its fourth annual meeting in the New Osbum house Nov. 12th. Among those present were : George Castner,- President, of Syracuse; Vice- President W. J. McAllister, of Troy; Sec- retary James H. Staats, of Lockport; C. E. Clayton, Niagara Falls; H. L East- lick. Albion; E.A.Stahlbrbdt,Rochester; P. N. Eastlick, W. L. Milbum, Yonkers; Harvey L Palmer, of Hoosick Falls; A Perry, Batavia; John Reese, Mechanics- ville; Samuel Pratt, New York; L. W. Eaton, Auburn; John Napier, TJtica, and Charles Wood Jamaica. The annual election of officers was held and resulted as follows: W.J. Mc- Allister, President, Troy; C. E. Clayton, Vice-President, Niagara Falls; James H. Staats, Secretary, Lockport; J. Ballar'd Carroll, Treasurer, Albany. Reports-were read by the different officers and various other business was transacted. ■■ Plans for the protection of the present interests of the members of the associa- tion and also for the increase of their .interests were proposed and discussed. The meeting was an interesting one, and all present took an active'part. There was quite a spirited contest over the place of the next meeting. II was filially - decided to hold it in Syracuse, May 6 1895. In the evening all the members of the convention attended the performance of '• Shore Acres" at the Lyceum Theater on invitation of Manager Pierce. -' DENVER NOTES. Mr. Turk, agent of the -American To- bacco Co., is booming the Old Dominion Cigarettes very strongly in Denver at the present-time, and he is a friend of all the Associated Billposters. Mr. Will Wheeler, ahead of "A Pair of Kids " was here last week, and left on his way East. Mr. Frank Murray, ahead of "Aladdin Jr.," paiated the- town in all colors for Henderson's greatest attraction, and has let for Los Angelos- Mr. Dean, ahead of" Katie Emmett," who is one of the nicest and smoothest ' agents on the road, was here last week. All the theaters in Denver are now open and doing good business. Mr. Harry Robinson, of Cincinnati, is here in Denver picking up his lost health.- He is an old circus billposter, and well known to manag'ers over the country^ The Sells & Rentfrow Circus, now called the Paris Hippodrome Syndicate, is wintering in Denver, and will start from this point in the spring. They have the finest winter quarters they were ever in, as all their stock and everything is under one enclosure. Charlie Holton, the old, reliable agent, is here for the winter. The Elk Whisky people, of Lexing- ton, are booming Colorado very stronglv Chocolat Menier has contracted for two hundred stands of paper and fifteen thousand feet of wall and fence signs Over fifteen hundred copies of our New Year's Number wifl be. mailed to members of the craft in foreign coun- tries. The Ancient and Honorable Calling of Bill Posting. The most aristocratic and noble pro^ fession of any, is that of Bill Posting, if ancient origin is any criterion. The nobility of Europe take pride in. and make much of ancient lineage If a family can trace back its ancestry to the days of William, the Conqueror, it holds a proud position. The Pooevof Rome claims authority as a descndant of the Apostle, Peter, only nineteen hundred years ago. We, as bill posters, can trace our occu- pation and family back much farther than Apostolic times. We can go beyond the dark ages clean to the dawn of Crea- tion into the Garden of Eden. The first bill poster of whom we have a record is Adam. He put up a "protected" "fig leaf,' which gave notice of a ' leg show" and-made' conspicuous the "living pic- tures." Noah followed the noble profession and galve notice to his generation^, as chief of the "weather burean," that a heavy rain was coming. The builders of the Tower of Babel erected a conspicuous "stand" to attract the attention of the public, but as' it became an obstacle to public improve- ment, it had to come down. The co- operative workmen got to tnisnnder- standing each other, which caused a big row and the job stopped. The' Prophets, also, notified the pnblic of coming "events," not always in the way of "attractions" to be sure, bnt useful information to.that generation, at least.. Elijah; the prophet, put in-some good "show work" when he called down fire from Heaven, and made it hot for the prophets of BaaL John, the Baptist, in his peculiar garb, attracted the pnblic as the "original and only" perapatetie ad- vertiser or herald of his day. The red men, aborigines of this conn- try, were adepts in the art of bill posting. - They marked the sides of trees with, their . tomahawks, blazing the way through - primeval forests so that-those who fol- lowed might read. The so-called "masters" in art, the-, great painters are only bill posters in a degree. They, put np "show work" on canvass, put a gilt frame around it, and sell it for big prices. Hence, we may boldly assert and main- tain it stoutly, that the much-abused bill poster is entitled to the front rank as the most ancient and honorable calling in existence. A. W. W. Boom our New Year's Number: We want an advertisement from every Billposter and Show Printer in America, for our New Year's Number. It is now designed to make it sixteen pages. We would like to make it thirty-two. The Montana State Billposter Associ- ation was recently organizied with a hustling lot of boys who don't Post Bills on Dead Horses. Fred Keith, President, Butte; J. M. Alexander, Vice President, Helena; C. A. Hamois, Secretary, Mis- soula ; J. E. Kidd, Treasurer. Boseman Geo. Blston, Solicitor, Anaconda.> AnvERTisiKC sncceeds where the best of solicitors fail, because it is never inopportune. Its arguments- are sound its reasoning plain and to the point. If you want commercial patron- age let us help you Send.ns six names and sixty cents and ire:^^ . send the paper to each address for thiee months. Result: six new patrons for yon. i i -i It ^ 1 d i ii