The billboard (Jan 1895)

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AN ENTERTAININQ LETTER FROH Columbus, O, Dec, is, 1894. Editor Billboard Advertising Cincinnati O. Uf .n Sir—I received a copy of your pnpe-r to day, No. 7, Vol. 1, and t want to -a aalcu'aied to do much good, business of MHposting, like al legitimate calling, has made progress during the ' has fallen into better business i tbaf were wholly absent, except with few notable exceptions twenty four yeaia in qnntact ia a business nay with biU- post|og. The result of this evolution is incrfaaed confidence of advertisers in bil] BUS ters, and consequent increased buaiDess. Years ago large advertisers hesitated toe largest advertisers are (be best of billboard advertising. Your Mr, by the publication of inter- ems relating to billboard adver- NOW THEN, BRO. CULHANE. The bill poster in Hamilton, Ontarii VERY VERY FUNNY. / Peoria Billposter- <t in it for a minute. a banquet at their n.™ Fred W. Jencks, manager of the Elgin, ing night. Amor Ilia.. Bill Foaling Co., has in bis employ P* Ese J nl D. L. Tucker, whose height is five feet, seven inches, weighs 15' has posted a twenty four i' Union enjoyed f on Thank sgiv- ; the professionals mpany. New York- ._ Barhydt respondi-d . _ opera house orchestra furnished the music The Mirror correspondent re- sponded to the toast, "The Billposters' Friend, the Mirror." The above clipping from the New York Dramatic Mirror is about as ridiculous an effusion as has appeared in a long time Jn reality the Mirror has seldom lei an opportunity pass wherein there ving t illposters a slap by the loud ringing of the doi cently in Harlem. "What on earth is that?" he "Is the house on fire?" "Somebody's dead," said hi ihe meantime a servant was "Important business, they says, sir." "Well, I should think it would be— waking a man up at this time o - night. (all single sheets) with eight half sheet dales added in 36 minutes. The feat was carefully timed and accomplished in the presence of reputable witnesses. patron D«*»pi eajfng ''ling, be the THE NEW BILL POSTER. entertainingly and well with you regard- ing the respective merits and compara- tive value of various mediums. He is not only well up in everything appertain- of die: [ the bad -s and promoting the good 1 important calling. The billpost- isociatious are elmiusting every e and are calculated s well v. He knt (O improve the personal as well a ing to his own calling, bu in the art of show print n the ijuality of paper, its worth, ar fact, can estimate on poster prinlii intelligently as the primer himself. . longer waits for work to Chicago, long noted for the spectacu- lar digesting an ordinance that will board A modest yet effective billboard awaited him in the hall. "Ibegyoor pardon sir, for knocking you up at this hour, but I want to make you a proposition for billboards around every night of the season." "And sir." began the other 'gent,' "my company would like to make yon a prop osition for the use of the walls that may remain standing after the fire " "Fire! Fire! What are yon talking about?" The old man was completely n-plnssed. Billposters and show printers.especial- hours Why, your place caught fire about two him. not be, yon will findbim hustling l ' ,h °« •*"«" latter, who patronize the - it moraine-, noon and nigh', soliciting «dvert ls ,ug columns of the Mirror able paper will domuch toward'bringing about ibis desired result On page 9, fourth column, I notice a clipping from "The Billposter, of London, England," in which claim is made that a Mr. Tur- ner, si Sydney, Australia had pasted bills on a gable so high that our billpost- ers were afraid to undertake it. Dou'tyou believe it. We took ont eigh' as fine r handled a brush, and ■ by their would here in America. Not only were the average citizens aatoniahed at the rapid manner in which our billposters posted nine, twelve, twenty-four, forty, eight and sixty four sheet lithographed poatera bnt the resident billposters stood paralyzed with wonder, and loudly proclaimed their admiration for the "bloody yankee billposters," who usually hang more paper in one day than they had ever supposed could be dote in a mouth. Our men who had repeatedly posted four, abi and as many aa ten deckers here, were certainlv not afraid lo tackle the highest buildings in the fur it in person, by letter, 1 own boards, those of h/s neighbors in ad- jacent towns, and in his journal, BtW- Will kindly remember that hereafte our forma will close promptly at 5 p M on the twenty eighth of the month This is imperative in order for us to gel on the stands by the first or the moult following. u'ouner, for maoy years gen- eral agent of the Buffalo Bill Wild West Show, is now interested in the boards of Brooklyn N.Y.and it is said has little BOOMING. SOON. Business with the billposters will soon open up. Merchants and manufacturers are tired of waiting for belter times, and give evidence of an early onslaught on the boards, with a view of making bnsi- ness. They will succeed too. Col Burr Robbins. of the American Advertising and Billposting Company, of Chicago, was summoned before the Judiciary Ct "At last! tablished in organ, let B; 1 foothold from Maine to California, and Every well organized billposting estab- lishment should keep on hand a good assortment of streamer letters, borders and blarks The 1 o' the pleasantness in the Windy City. He evi- bill posting will prosper and be one of deutly talked right to the point as the thc leading advertising branch es." in backing w w Scane. proprietor of the Chat- ham Bill Posting Agency, is working with might and main to place his Agency in the front ranks. His efforts will un- doubtedly be rewarded by a largely in- creased business in the spring. bera of the craft in At rentals are enormous, but for all that their annual dividends are of but what they can be utilized to advant. Can anything less artit ingless and absured be the socalled "new" Presumable- adapted efforts of French ziw H. H Tyner would like to see Bill- board Advertising made the organ or all the State Associations, and especially of the Ohio State Billposters Association. /. E. McCarthy, AafoJHasoo, Mich.— "Your paper is a 'corker' for an infant, and I feel sure you will be a big, healthy Adonissoon. It ia just what we billpost- ers want. Something to keep us in tunni 1 the eight and aignifiac James J. Baird, of Lansing, Mich, be sMes-controlling the board; of this city, ■1™ manages Baird'a Opera House. Itfa Burl. B. Chapman now. Kindlv '^member that "Bum" and "Bummer" R. C. Canipbe'l, Ed. A. StahlbrodI 1 the estiiua ion J- Ballard Carroll, of a few jaded and novelty seeking ad- necessity or 1 vertisers, mostly journals. It is h-ped vbrtising ol that this "style" will die aborning. It is orgauof the Associated Billposters Asso- utterly uncouth and whole devoid of tiou orthe United States and Canada. artistic merit. Walter Droup, of Columbus. Ind., be- sides owning all boards in Columbusi introls aitis in Orinoco, North Thos. Mulvihill, th America, now owns th Omaha, s ; oei Slaple Grove. East Columbus and s,lowa. westCo.uTbus.