The billboard (Jan 1895)

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measures whntever, are going to adjust the matter. As well might the publisher of a newspaper attempt 10 base his adver- tising rates upon the intii vidua! character of each of Ilia subscribers, asfor the bill- of so -BILLBOARD ADVERTISING CO. no 11 w. eighth st.. cincinnati. o. James h. hennegan. Manager. d copies of this U be mailed to bill posters, poster printers and prominent advertisers ' 3, Scotland, South Af- Altbough the New -ADVERTISING RATES.- Seenta an agate line with t) orVpa« B!' ip'pHcrtlon. Hmolltr ad^orM.iementB.cents * line subject to tlio fibular dlacnn. on pin- gift 1 inert ion n and the to Howl he additional 10 per Cent- nil for three Insertions. lSpnrcont,orrtorfonr li ■ son to the recipient! and to wish them on behalf of the bill posters and poster prin- of his boards. The pres much per sheet thatisa uniform rate per sheet per week, may have to be supple- mented by an additional charge lor special locations owing to the fact tbet rentals for billboardpurposesare mounl- ing higher and higher every year. I fail to see how any other scale is either prac- ticable or possible. 17 j™« .li< 0(m. Tht Trai' ntpvlfeo- ill "SatfiSSS ii~I4 liaakhalitH)!! When It la necessary to wire ns copy and ptrous New Year. To our friends and glad to state that there is every prosaect that times will improve with the ad- vent of 1895- On all hands indications of a revival of be hoped that the industrial depression will have entirely disappeared by spring. To this cheerful prediction we append a New Year's Greeting to every one inter- ested in the billbosrdsand in Billboard Apropos ol the convention of the Pro- tective League of American Showmen, (leNewYoA Clipper has this to say: "The Protective League of American Showmen will doubtless succeed in elim- inating the evils of the suit in attach- . . i . i i i.iii_ n th- ing the dr legal ngwith Vegotia,ionsnowpeudingw_._ the American Suretv Co.. of New York, provided thev are brought toa surcesafnl issue, will enable any show in the league to furnish bond at a moment's notice in anv part of the conntrv and thus will the odions "shake down" become a thing of threpresen The BILLBOARD ADVERTISING CO. . No. 11 West Eighth Street. Cincinnati. Ohio. personal sacrifice in time and money, he importance both to the bill posters and the circus men. Many problems which discussion, differences of long standing will be adjusted, acquaintance renewed, and a good time generally will be had by everyone in attendance. All indications now point toward an entirely successful realized will not only redound greatly to the mutual advantage of the organizations immediately concerned, bnt will also t In fayor of Thkrb has been'some talk of making this journal the official organ of the A. B. p. A and the matter ne. believe is now being agitated, with a view of bringing it before the members at the convention. Pending final action upon the matter we would state that if BtLLBoARE Adver- tising is honored in the manner men- tioned it will prove a zealous advocate of the interests and aims of the national organization, and will cheerfully assume the obligations implied It so happens, I is in hearty accord with the to asRccessfhl issue, many plans and measures which have resulted in great good and lasting benefit to his fellow Reference is had to hia latest plan in another column. It is almost needless takings it is entirely worthy of the aup- THB REA50N WHY. We hive been asked why we include Fair News in onr columns. The query is nodoubt. pertinent and our reasons therefore will likely prove of interest. Our reaions are fourfold. In the first >rd in its broad [positions, food I agricnltnral «- importauce. Secondly by re bill p It may be argued that the owners of boards in the minor towns, while in every way fully as legitimate aa their brother* in the cities will find it difficult to meet the requirements and provisions of Mr Stahlbrodt's plan. The argument is not a good one however, for the reason that no bill poster in good standing in his town will experience any snch difficulty, and until he has attained such standing he is The si erationofell! ing that has ever been proposed hereto- fore has resorted in a tithe the benefit which is likely to ensue from the success- ful operation of this plan. In the meantime Billboard Adver- tising passes with this issue into its second volume. An event which we are and circuses were they not so well repre- sented by jonrnals already in the field In the third place because a medium of unication is badly of lairs, and finally oecause many advertisers and bill posters We believe also that the scope of our paper is broadenedanditscolumns rend- ered correspondingly more interesting by reason ofthe double feature. Certain it is that Billboard Advertising, has been elevated thereby toaposilion high- er than that usually occupied by the Nearlv everv member will be on hand and it is confidently expected that nearly two hundred showmen, agents and man- agers will be represented. The mem- bership of the league is increasing with great rapiditv as the date of the conven- tion draws near. It now numbers two hundred and eighteen, with a orosnect of reaching two hundred and fiftv before Tanuarv 8th. The members resident in Cincinnati, and there is quite a goodly number of them, are looking forward to the coming of their friends with lively anticipation. No effort will be spared bj- them to make the week a pleasant one. If the Associated "ill "Asters' Associa- lion convene simultanrouslv and things point stronglv to their so doing, what a gathering of the clans there will be! Cincinnati will be fairly il " good fellows- OUR CHRISTMAS PRESENT. The following letter received by Bit iBoi would be considered rather a hand- aome present by almost any young jour- a we cannot from reference to Ed A. Stahlbtodt of Rochester, N. Y. than wham there is no te of the interests of theA.B P. A. irculation and advertising No more fitting testimonial and business poster printers is required than the man- ner in which they have taken hold of this paper and pushed it forward to suc- The edition of this number of Bii.l- copies guaranteed and proved, and it goes all over the English Speaking World ' A PROTEST. A correspondent writes as follows: I notice in the last issue of " Printerj' Ink" a paragraph credited to you in which you advocate a more carefully adjusted scale of price ascribing as a reason therefor, the fact that space on a thoroughfare Mgr BnXBOAan AnVHRTISING Cincinnati O. for (ioo oo. for which kindlv mail Bill- roard ArtVBRTtsrNC. to each of the 150 addresses which we enclose We want to interest these prominent advertisers in costers and we know of no lietter means to emolnv than your valuable Journal. We will take one-halfthe third page ol id will r< t in returns than the third or fourth board 1 an alley. While cheerfully granting II truth of your premises I am totally u ol prices or for She a Tfh DoNAi.nsoN Lit no. Co. WM. M. Donaldson. Pres. The two hundred and fifty addressee referred to In the letter embrace nearly all of the larger ndvertlsersln the United States and Canada. All of the most prom- inent manufacturers of proprietary rem- edies, tobaccos, clear-cues, cigars, soaps, stoves, etc., are included, a fact by the way. which greatly enhances the value our columns as advertising media for bill posters and poster printers. This handsome holiday remembrance is char- acteristic ofthe well known donors, who hy the wav. enjoy the distinction of being "-- best advertised printing office In the rr of that any Ouited States.