The billboard (Jan 1895)

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THOMAS flULVIHlLL CITY BILL P0STEI * OHAHA, NEB. SOUTH OMAHA, NEB. COUNCIL BLUFFS, IOWA. ^ GCHCriU AdVCrtlSCr GENERAL OFFICE, 1512 HARNEY STREET, OJ1AHA, NEBRASKA. THE POWER OF POSTERS. AN EXTRAORDINARY FEAT. AmOHg SI.OW Printers. The power of posters aa compared Charles Holtou, last season agent for with other advertising mediums, lies SeI1 " & Rentfrow's Shows enjoys the Samuel Booth continues in favor as o chiefly in their repeated attack and per- distinction of having posted, alone and ^ ^ y rmfUBy gFltlnE wt bis oW alstent repetition. As an illustration. '"■"■'led, six hundred and sevcntyeigbt CBitonlerSj heBides adding a fine lot of "»9 writing it WOUld St compare newspapers and posters. We sheets of paper on country route. The new ones proposed joint convention of the a will infer that you desire to appeal to ftat was «nieved while he was in the institutions will be carried to a success- men. Everyone; knows how a business em P 1 °-' of Sells Bros , during the sum- W. J. Widterburn, President and Cen- fu , i3allc . Manr advBn , a ge S mil ircnie man reads the paper in Hie morning. A mer ol l8 >J. and the route layout of eral Manager of The Wioterbnrn Show to both the showmen and the bill posters hurried scanning of the headlines, per- Clarks vi lie, Tenn . thirty-five mile, long Printing Co., ofChicago, U In Cincinnati as a result of the deliberate a. " ' chancealso a hasty glance through one aod =°™red in just sixteen hours Under the care of his physician. An affec- «ve discussion ' or two of the moat interesting articles " Bd *°rty-hve minutes. Ronte was rid- Hon of the bladder rendered a surgical j s bound to en and then a dash for the office In order den and counted by Sam M.Dawson, operation necessary. Dr. J, C. Karr per- The Protecti to have caught hia eye at all yon must now •"--» Henck's Opera Honse, Cindn- formed th e operation Decembe r aotb. be called to order by P.™ u ™ — needs bave^adeoullav in the matter of O. Is this the record, or has it p . ( . - „„ Sells promptly at 10 A. M., Tuesday, Jan- assured is a sum sufficiently targe to bill the hillboards; many are not as good. j ohn R n.Jolpli, 0 | thB courier Co. is bring the joint conference off at JP. M. the town thoroughly thrice over, and ~ " ~ here there and everywhere these times, the same day. e arrested his attention once! * B°od play at a popular theatre is a gtni tn<; thm of tbe dnM Bill pasters everywhere ought to give drawintr card, bnt it is a miserable fail- ... .. . .. .. ?, Many have not seen the announcement at all, hut we will hope that you have drawing card, but it is a miserable fail- ure if not properly advertised. So it is sde a sensational effort, which could w "° r " son » ble P" 10 " 1 K ood * ° r hi K h The Moiiison 5tlOW Printing Co.. of Associations are vitally interested in the -X escape even the busiest of men. V""** in " is dotng some very clever work aat ^ me ofthe delibmlions . Now for the boards. One-third of the /n *" . for John M orri«=y-s Ly cenm Theatre Co. money needed for the newspapers will A Christmas Present. bill the town thoroughly, which mean. Mr ]; c DoB ^ o| DoDnelly & Som the well known bill posters of Boston, of The Donaldson Litho. Co., is of the John LowIoVa paper, Uutic and Drama was agreeably surprised by hia employees usual high standard of artistic eicellence j, a 0 { DS «ii that can be expected of a new — "to wilh maintained by this well-known office. venture in journalism in times like these _ *' Js ° Lick, Artist Printer, of Fort Smith; " _ „ „„„, ,. , ,„_ „,_. ._ eeD . .„ u „n to him, argued wi.h him repeat- , . . ... , r _ tmrTI „ v Ark., who advertises hi, establishment u T.Z , ? 8 7™ t "fYh, -^safflsS j^sxissst^ zzzxz&szz-jx: tssttsrsszi !?_..*^*^"!_ n)a ^M ll ? r - Ttsmc. It tickled John to see hia old " '"f"*.°™"* . C l- R '. & H " H ! B * s "ported that ^h. friend Bally Carroll on the first page of J*** ° f Nashville, and Mauberret, of graph Comp, ougl, you follow up the attack throughoi entire day. Vou catch him on hia way — TZL HeteWft JOHN E. WILLIAflS between thei 8 igCo. ofNt York City, are badly in need of a hustling Manager ofthe Oshkosh swUtltor a nd some judiciona a dvertising- i S'iX*,".; o^'h —«"»■»'• - ..rT~^ii~,^. ~~~ .i v.unpo«l. t «n. "°»« —-"f-—■ ^MIMt-OiU rwi » l wavs. i. ,b, .a,. ..a s.c ,.-.,..,<,£a. o„!,,asL. t . rum o, .. . .. . ^a^Sr poy, five bill postm. ine Co of Cincinnati O «« ..... any commodity of which every person or th ^nv*:™^;^^'''', 00 - J ollnn 7 Williams is wellTnown .or fav orit e 'among ^l. m .U en family may become a possiKe user. The u ces™ in Hfe to the adTe ofTh, " bi " hU " linS " blli,i "' " e " eaUed b ^ his J 0 ? 8 « TCr 7 bonnUful share of their pat- difficult >- rtu! seems . ,0 ^ .ucces. in life to the advice of others, [tieIlA th ^ le ^ on ,. The Hmt . P- ,„ ge , v a want of systematic service by which he did not take, and by the same ,„ from H . y River . H j s motto ia .. aDv . ^ which an advertiser could apportion. token many an advertiser has acquired thm| , wortn doing is worth doing well " The Detroit Free Pres. Show Printing "check up" and trace result* as definately wealth without the aid of expert advice. Company believes Billboard Advhr- and accurately as in his newspaper ad- fht..vrr,.7.."r., b pr.r„ h .',' , >,.,^c,™. ,,„„■« So rare in that -her. on. an.^.,1. °- b, 'f ' T"» hand.... a thousand fail. blotter advertising their business. It ,s printed In colors on translucent gelatine, If th. avetsge m,„h.nt would Ihe blotters being stt.cb.d b, . male it a rule to invest a certain unv.r- « ing pcmntage at hia prollta annually in i.hi."°" 1500.000 PE0PL1 VIEWING MORNING. NOON AND NIGHT .-■ ; " 1 129 Square Miles Advertising is like electricity - a I.eander Kichardson'a Dramatic New* Of Advftrtlslng Space Id the "Cfty of Homes." great motive pnwer which is becoming is serving a most delectable menu of , more valuable as its intrinsic merits are circus notes week ly. This column ii g AAA fivA Controlled Exclusively by discovered, and aa the men lenru how to edited by H. A. Covell, of 1193 Br use it to the lieal advantage.— Printers and it is fast bringing the DramatU ,., . w l«i. into fine favor wilh circua folk. Philadelphia. P column is n "' , "™'" tjniui.'../ -irtrtrtrta £: 8.000s«»i ihe mam m posting ct 10.000b News Philadelphia. Pa.. U. S. A. " SftTirl US (.fin And we will send BILLBOARD ADVERTISING to any six of your local OOIIU US OUt. merchants for three months. It wil| help your business. Try it.