The billboard (Jan 1895)

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Billboard qdVijH-jsTng^ American Advertising & Bill Posting Go News From The Fairs. NOTES. HAPPENINGS. COMMENTS. By far the largest and of the (lira this year will be the Atlanta International Exposition at Atlanta, Ga. in regard to which we clip the following New York, Dec 16.—(Special )— Hits Ella M. Powell, of Atlanta, Ga., is her* in the intereat of tile Atlanta Inter- national Exposition. A reporter had en interesting talk with her. "Already," said Hiss Powell, women of Allan " "Yon see," she continued, "for the women of the Sooth it is a tremendous undertaking, and it ia the first time they have bads representative bdilding, snch as this will be All Atlanta has been agog over this work, and for the past two years the Women have been giving enter- to conduct a Woman's Department. Every cent of this has been earned by the "women 1 and ii3t one penny have they taken from the fund allowed by the Gov- ernment. They mean to show what the a Women conld do by united t. and the result so fsr bus surpassed . wildest dreams. Every State in the South will be represented by some prom- stales will also send a representative. MisslfleleirGould net. H the State repre- sentative of Hew Yotk. "I hHve come North," continued this pretty -Southern 'woman, "to tell the Northern women about our work, and to ask their help, as we wish them to send na representative exhibitions in every denartment of work. We desire particu- the artistic work of women, such as in oils, etchings, watercolors, 1 designs, sculpture and clay. tny question, What special The exposition at Lexington, Ky. proved a great snccess. We clip the following from an exchange, Lexington, E , Dec 16 — (Special)— This is the tig tb day of the Lexington Manufacturers' Exposition. The grand display made bj the manufacturers, chants, distillers and growers " ing. The schools of both the city and county have a very creditable display. The Kindergarten has a beautiful display of the talent exhibited by the little while the different city schools have their separate exhibits. During the week Music Ball will be given np most of the time to entertainments by the children ■onnity will be invited here. On Labor Day the different unions here will hold a general celebration in the main building at the exposition. The Masons, Oddfellows, Knights of Pythias and Essenics will alt have their cay and large crowds are expected here every day during the remainder of the exposi- An application for a charter was filed tion. Pa. The stockholder are as follows G. W.Bissell, Pittsburgh; J. W. Crawford, Kittauniog; Jacob Koenig, Freeport, and W. H. MaCullough, James M. Esler, 1 eorge W, Smjlh, George M. Getze, Joseph e Dunn, W.H Milldollsr, George W Scale, Frank J. Harrison and George A. McWUliams, oflarentum en, Mich , 'tis , will hol< alSSfV plana harfbe Building? The Noble County. Ind. Agricultural Society have determined to hold a fair, in spite of last year's financial losses. The Board of Directors were elected and will proceed st once to organize. 1 London, England, and joined the Buffalo Bill Show, remain- ing until October, 1888, when the show closed in Richmond, Vi Shortly after he was engaged as Advertising Agent for the Grand Street Museum, N. Y In the fall of 1S89, he was promoted to the position of Manager, which he held until extended tour through France, Germany, Austria, Spain, Italy, Belgium, Scotland, and England. Two days after the return of the Company to America he joined the Harry W. Williams Own Co., and remained with them two seasons. Last summer he was engaged as Assist- ant Advertising Agent for the Buffalo Bill Wild West Show, but resigned in July to take charge of the ' The American BUIpasting Brooklyn, N. Y "" ixed a short lim the oldest firm in Brooklyn (T.J. Mur- phy & Co.), consolidated with the Amer- ican, forming a stock company with Mr. fore. The merchants appreciate the fact that The Cnrran Co. know their bi and that it pays to patronize them. A special L posters. Arrangements b-vc ^ at the Occidental Hotel for all a Those exceedingly short sighted and benighted merchants who do not adver- tise owing to the attendant expense might reflect with profit to themselves upon the observation of a highly success- ful merchant now retired. '-Yes," said be, "I have always found advertising rather costly, but never one balf as expen- - Q. H. Otting & Son collection for the library photographs of the " posers of America, _ _ of their compositions.' "How do yon find the Southern w a_» Aretbey The fifth annual fair of the Oshkosh, Wis. Fair Association will be held Sep- tember 9,10, 11, taand 13, 1895. The following officers were elected to serve this year. John Laabs, president; Col. Gabe Bouck, vice president; George Hilton; treaaurer; John Laabs, J. N. Hoaglin, Dr. Rowlands, F. C. Schneider, s Spalding and C. B. Angdl are Link as General Manager. Since August, 1894, under bis manage- ment, the American has extended its territory to Greenpoint, absorbing the firm of Reardon & Graul; to Long Island City, absorbing Murphy ft Green; of the country about fairs, in linaiionon the part of hold, the excl in every town and city on Long Island. The brilliant success of this great enter- prise is attributable largely to Mr. Link's executive ability. He is a rising star in the billposting DISTRIBUTERS BUI Posting Distributing General Advertising. EDWIN A. HASKELL H. H. TYNER CITY BILL POSTER, Owns and controls all boards 8; dead walls