The billboard (Mar 1895)

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Billboard 3dvgrt'S"l3- Detroit, PUT DETROIT ON YOUR LIST. Michigan. WALKER & COMPANY, BILL POS l ERS, GENERAL ADVERTISERS OFFICE, 43 ROWLAND STREET. PUT DETROIT ON YOUH LIST. Detroit, The great success of the- "SHY" POSTER Has lead txs to get up another, which is even better. It Is the YES! Poster, being a one-sheet, with figures on either side, reading in centre, can also be used as TWO HALF SHEETS. APPROPRIATE FOR ANY BUSINESS. . Write for circular and sarnple, HENNEGAN & QO. Poster and Commercial Printers, CINCINNATI. OHIO. , - Sr-gater, Gr-aryd»»r- Thai Ev?f. DOUBLE • ITS • FORMER • SIZE. BUY THE BEST Poster's Brush- Copper bound and steel riveted. Manufactured expressly for the Donaldson Lithographing Co., and guaranteed the rr\ost durable brush on the rrjarKet. lOlneii Priee, each, $8.75 I 10 Inch Price pop dozen. »40.00 SEND CHECK WITH ORDER. The DONALDSON LITHO CO. CINCINNATI OHIO.! EVANSVILLE, IND. Population 75.000 Finest Bill Posting Plant in the South=West. More Boards and the Best Located o. any City in the Country. We know the value ol advertising and always strive lor results. In making up your list, don't lorget Evansville. RM. GROVES, BILL POSTER. Special,— TO fgsm poster, |S«CPtti»l«» «* Mf, Copper Half-Tone Engraving., PORTHH1TS. 2X8- 12.50. 2#XSK *2.76. 8X4 -08 00. Sead Good Photo with Honey Order, TO THE HELLEBERG PHOTO-ERAVING CO., OIMOINNATI, OHIO Ideal HdvertLsinq Package CONTAINS 120 THPEE INCH LE1TE8S MHO FlGtlMS, »H0 350 OKE IHCH LETTERS MHO FISUKES. Printed in bright Red Ink on White Paper. Makes agreat Display Card. The Ideal Advertising Package is designed especially for retail merchants for making "Special Sale". "Bargains" and all kinds of Announcements, in their show windows in a cheap and effective manner. One package will make from 20 to as signs. Any boy can make them. Send 50c. for a trial. PBICE 60 C, EACH, SENT POSTPAID TO ANY ADDRESS. pbt vp ay - HEUNEQAN & CO., Cincinnati, 0. FAIRS Ciuciooati -fliDasenjent- fl4wi|, * The Queen City at last boasts of a solid and per- manent exchange, and a reliable dramatic, musical and variety agency. Books Artists .in* All Lines. .□Furnishes Talent for all Classes of Entertainment- Vl 1,1 w Represents the Leading American Dramatists. and Parts Tvpe Written to Order. Supplied wit. WM. R. O'MALLET, Mgr.. Donald son Lltho. Co. Hlrlg. Cincinnati. GBNERHL W.EST6HN OFFICES. Leander Richardsons Dramalic News DONHLDSON LITHO. CO. BLDC uJESSSSSXSXU CINCINNATI, OHIO.