The billboard (Jan-June 1895)

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•BTTTboafd ^dV^ytfafqg Classified Advertisements. Two line displayed advertisements under tills beadiug-, '25c. for oue insertion, 60c for uiree insertions, 75c. for four insertions, £1 U0 for six insertions- Larger carras, 10c. pei ..dateline. BILL POSTERS' DIRECTORY. Troy, M. Y., Dundon & Co., Bill Posters and Distributors, 114 4th St. Horral Bros., Washington, Ind. Bill Posters and Distributert, A Freafc in Texas! Reliable Bill Foster at Money Urove. Owns 7500 feel uoards. Uau give guaranteed showings ±"op. 3500. See BUKN1AT, the BUI 1'osler- Western Bill Posting Co., Salt Lake City, Utah. Bill Posters and Bill Writers. Trie Curran Bill Posting and Distri- buting Co., own and control all bill boards in Denver, Pueblo, Colorado Springs and surrounding towns. Oen'l Omce/Denver Will Crockett, The Bill Poster and Ulstribater. UiOAN, UTAH. Hugh. Vauee, City Bill Poster and Distributer. Keferences. Effingham, llls # John. A. Lakin, City Bill Poster, Cooperstown, N. Y. .Reliable. EvansYllle, Ind., has population or 7S.000. Write UKOV1SS, about posting. The Oshkosh Bill Posting Co., City Bill fosters mid Distributers. Keliable and ueftuite service. Population iSO.UOO: J. JS. WlxJJAMa, -s»gr., ushKosh, Wis. Chatham Bill Posting Ageney, Bill Posting and Ueneral Advertising. Ageni* In all adjoining towns. W. W.aCANB, Mgr., Chatham, Ont. The Summit Ciiy Bill Posters, Souder & Smith, Ft. Wayne, Ind. Managing The Temple Bill Posting & Distribuilug Co. Harry W. Curtln, City Bill Poster, VraAT UilJilSK, 1UWA, The Elgin Bill Posting, Advertising and Distributing Company- Elgin, Ills. All work guaranteed. Population 23,000 Only licensed roster in city. " *fKE1> W. JiSWCKg, Prop'r Caldwell, Kas., s. Harvey Horner, Own <fc control all boards also Opera House Billboard Advertising is a Journal for advertisers. Uood thing—push it along POSTER AMD BILL WRITERS. I -Write Bills and Posters. oc-95. KOBT. CAKriELL, Dayton, Ky. Sam. M. Dawson, Gait House,-Cin- cinnati, O. Prepares Descriptive Posters ol all kinds. oc-Bo A Badly Written BUI is Worse than no hill at all. Try me. Terms reasonaWe-. ap-95. C. P. McUENBI, Newport, Ky. C. H. Hesing, 248 Race, Cincinnati, Writes bills and makes designs. ja-!*o Pointers For BUI Writers. BILLBOARD ADVBKTISIHQ is full Of them. Subscribe now. ADVERTISING AGENTS. Sam M. Dawson, Heuck's Opera House, Cincinnati, O G. H. Hartford. ', Fountain Square Theatre, Cincinnati, O. CIRCULAR DISTRIBUTERS. AU Kinds of Advertising Matter distributed. ReliabIe,prompt, Keference. Population 850,000. Address, W. H- Steinbrenner, 313 Vine, Cincinnati. J. H. Lane & Co., EvansvUle, Ind. does Distributing. 31% First Street. Distributers, Advertise I In Billboabd advertising. We reach all the large advertisers. Strictly legiti- mate advertisers only wanted. For Information on VasUn^ton Cedar Shingles ADDRESS. MONTAGUE & McHUGH, Fairbaven, Wasb, When you write, mention Billboard Advertising, No Trouble to estimate on any class of Work, Large or Small. The Show Printing House of the East. Ihg, Libbie Show Print PRINTERS AND ENGRAVERS. 6 to 12 Beach 5t. Boston, Hass We Make a Specialty of Large Block and Type Work for Mercantile and Theatrical Advertising. Correspondence Solicited. Connected by Telephone. We use to Donaldson Cipher. L>.l*liilip F>liil!ips 9 General Agent, WALKER WHITESIDE CO. TRAVELING REPRESENTATIVE, for BILLBOARD ADVERTISING Permanent Address, 166 S CLARK ST. CHICAGO. TH.e VIRGINIA Ad^ei-tising Agency Business men *ake iif»IU-e, W will mail your circulars, 0x9, 10c* rxi 100. Will distribute samples, circulars, etc., lack up signs, post bills through the rich valley of Viiginia, either in towns, villages or rural districts. Write for special price. Address; J. H. BELL, Box 695, S tAUNTON, Va. ET SURE CURE FOR PILES in any form on I receipt of 4 cents for postage. Send to A. F. BDSON, P. O. Box 1466, Janesvllle. Wis. THE ROBINSON WORLD'S FAIR Steam Cooker FOR FK7«nLY USE, -H Challenges Competition to Equal It. f€* •." Cooks an entire meal at one time, on one I.ole of any kind of stove that will boil water. . ■ Saves 75 per cent, of fuel, and mates your two-hole stove equal to a six-hole range. •.•.•. WARRANTED to cook all kinds of meats, vegetables and puddircs witbont emitting any ot The offensive odor, or mingling the flavor.". • There is no steam in the house ; no tough meat; no offensive odors; no burnt food; ,110 boiling over; no heavy kettles; no crowded stoves: no damp walls ; adapted to fit any kind of stove. *. * Will ship prepaid, on receipt of price, and If you are not satisfied with it will refund money. PRICES ! SMALL SIZE, «2.75; TAMIL'S BIZB. S3.50 ; lARGB8iZB.S4.CO. J. J. NEVILLE & CO., manufacturers. 20 Biebmond Street, AGENTS WANTED. CINCINNATI, OHIO- LIGHTNING PASTE MIXER Makes a smoother and better pasLe than can be made by any other process. Flonr or. starch is sifted into the water and thoroughly mixed at the same time; then the steam is turned on aud cooked while mixing. Built of boiler iron, bolted and riv- eted together, heavily galvanized. A strong and durable ma- chine, and will last many years. bill posters, Manufacturers of Paper BagB, Paper Boxes, Novelties, Trunks, Bookbinders, etc, will find them a valuable machine. Sizes, one-half to tfen barrels. Write for full Infor- mation and prices. Sifting and MixiDg»Machines for Drug- gists, Chemists, Manufacturers of Baking Ponder, etc. Faint Mills, ail sizes, Mixers forjDsy and Liquid Painte Send for catalogue fo all kinds of Mixing JSaTninery J. H. DAY & CO. 17 Court and Broadway, CINCINNATI, O. Branch Office, 35 Murray St. NEW YORK. When you write, mention Billboard Advertising. gO.OOOSguare Feet^ of Bill .Boards. ~~~~ ~~~~~ RBLISBL9 KND DBFINITB SBRVICB. OWK KND CONTROL. RLL. BILL BOHRDS IN THE CITY. Jno. E.Williams, eity Bill Poster. : : Window Work, : : : : :Card Tacking, : : : Sample Distributing,: : Country Work; Etc. : 4 „^ rflMa!toyauS Wfcec yon write, mention £«»oardAavertWMr Bill Posting and Distributing, oshkosh. wis. Member of Wisconsin State Bill Posters' Ass'n IO Years a bill sticker, signed for 12 more, First season 1 sfi S eT fi A n " 8tler from Hay River- has troubles of Ms Classified Ad veriist merit s Two line displayed advetlsWients under this heading, 2oc for ori^ Insertion, «0c. for inree insertions,75c. for four Insertion.,31.00 for »lx insertions, Larger curds, 10c. per agate line. AMERICAN FAIR BULLETIN. Trenton, N. J. The Great Inter- state Fair. Jno. Guild Muirheld, See'y. Ionia, Mich. Ionia District Fair Association. M. M. CURRIER, Treas. A Line In Billboard Advertising will Beep your name before the largest advertisers In the country. Groesbeek. Tex. Limestone County Fair and S R.'s Assn. Dr. a. 0. Bugg, Secy Fair Bills and Posters. The DONALDSON LITHO CO., Cincinnati Billboard Advertising, for Fairs. Advertise in it. Subscribe for It. Shedman Bros.' Kuno-Drome. A Great Attraction, Address SHEDMAN BROS, Elizabeth, N. C. Billboard Advertising is going to prove a great boon to Secretaries of Fairs. Newspaper Cats for Fairs. Write to UELLEBERG PHOTO-GRAVING CO., 313 Sycamore Street, Cincinnati, O. T&f If©BtlfM Boys' Friend A monthly Paper published for the ben- en of the Homeless Boys of Cincinnati 50c. per >ear. Address THE HOMELESS BOYS' FRIEND, 184 Sycamore Street, Cincinnati When you write, mention Billboard Advertising. ELEG1R0TYPING! ! Special Attention Given to : Fine WOOD-CUTand BOOK WORK | —WORK WARRANTED.— 5 WINKELMANXBURBANK.i 16 to 20 East Ninth Stmt. CINCINNATI. 0 I When you write, mention Billboard Advertising. HETRY~C; WILMOT, City Bill Poster and Distributer, Work done Promptly and Satisfactory 33 fi Main St. ANN ARBOR, MICH. When yon write, mention Billboard Advertising. Will buy BILL POSTING. Whole or part, large or small city. ALriRESS E. T- HeVenn, Louisville, Ky. 'When you write, mention EUlboard Advertising. wl-MAGAZINE rot PEOPLE T* SENsE iMPtOVMENT ADVERTISER! ■ •","""" lull MESS Mtturf by CHA8.H.HE8INfl , %£££& SUBSCRIPTION SO Cents a Year. AdnrtUiaa-Bataa tl.QO pntgun of 19 As*te liaM When you write, a>>,ties SUlboard AdvertUlng. I BTrtboavd <mdVt*ftf»TriS« AN ENTERTAIN1NO LETTER FRO/1 Mr. PETER SELLS. rt|D Sell* Bros. Circus' Bill Posters and that , Australian Bill Posting Incident. Columbus, O, Dec, 15, 1894. Edjtor Billboard Advertising Cincinnati O. flear Sir—I received a copy of your paper to-day, No. 2, Vol. r, and I want to congratulate you upon its typography as wejf as interesting matter Such papers are ealcu'ated to do much good. The bus|ness of billposting, like all other legitimate calling, has made marked progress during the last few years. It has fallen into better hands and correct business methods characterize it now that ^rere wholly absent, except with few notable exceptions twenty four years agq, when we first had occasion to come in qpntact in a business way with bill- postyng. The result of this evolution is increased confidence of advertisers in billposters, and consequent increased buijuess. "Years ago large advertisers hes^ated to entrust their valuable print- ed matter to the average billposter, but noy the largest advertisers are the best patrons of billboard advertising. Your newspaper, by the publication of inter- esting items relating to billboard adver- tising, and of interest to billposters, will be the means of dissipating the bad features and promoting the good ones of a yery important calling. The billpost- ers associations are elminating every Objectionable feature and are calculated Jp improve the personal as well as the methods of billposting. The most inti- mate relations should exist between the advertiser and billposter, and your valu- able paper will do much toward bringing about this desired result. On page 9, fourth column, I notice a clipping from "The Billposter," of London, England," in which claim is made that a Mr. Tur- ner, at Sydney, Australia had posted bills on a gable so high that our billpost- ers were afraid to undertake it. Don't you believe it. We took out eigh' as fine billposters as ever handled a brush, and they attracted as much attention by tneir expert work, as a whole circus 'parade would here in America. Not only were the average citizens astonished at the rapid manner in which our billposters posted nine, twelve, twenty-four, forty- eight and sixty four sheet lithographed posters but the resident billposters stood paralyzed with wonder, and loudly proclaimed their admiration for the "bloody yankee billposters," who usually hang more paper in one day than they had ever supposed could be done in a month. Our men who had repeatedly posted four, six and as many as ten deckers here, were certainly not afraid to tackle the highest buildings in the Antepodes. Permit- me to again con- gratulate you and extending best wishes for your success. Yours truly, PSTI5R SULLS. Harry White is managing O. M. Tiche- uor'a Boards at Princeton, Ind. H. C. Wilmot is waxing wealthy with tiie boards at Ann Arbor, Mich. NOW THEN, BRO. CULHANE. The bill poster in Hamilton, Ontario, is not in it for a minute. Fred W, Jencks, manager of the Elgin, Ills., Bill Posting Co., has in bis employ D. L. Tucker, whose height is five feet, seven inches, weighs 150 pounds, who has posted a twenty four sheet stand in twelve minutes. If the gentleman from the Queen's Dominion is looking for a little easy money, Manager Jencks would like to arrange a match for any sum of money up to five hundred dollars. Man and money ready at auy time James J. Baird, of Lansing, Mich, be- si(les-c»atrolling the board? of this city, »lso maneges Baird's Opera House. ANOTHER RECORD. James S. Claxton, of Mt. Morris. N. Y, recently covered a forty-four sheet board (all single sheets) with eight half sheet dates added in 26 minutes. The feat was carefully timed aid accomplished in the presence of reputable witnesses. THE NEW BILL POSTER. The fin de siecle bill poster has kept pace with the times. He is an expert in the science of advertising. He can talk entertainingly and well with you regard- ing the respective merits and compara- tive value of various mediums. He is not only well up in everything appertain- ing to his own calling, but is well versed in the art of show print ng. He knows the quality of paper, its worth, and in fact, can estimate on poster printing as intelligently as the printer himself. He no longer -watts for work to come to him, not he, you will find him hustling for it morning, noon and night, soliciting in person, by letter, advertising on his own boards, those of h's neighbors in ad- jacent towns, and in his journal, Bill- board Advertising. CORRESPONDENTS Will kindly remember that hereafter our forms will close promptly at 5 P M. on the twenty eighth of the month. This is imperative in order for us to get on the stands by the first of the month following. BOOMING SOON. Business with the billposters will soon open up. Merchants and manufacturers are tired of waiting for belter times, and give evidence of an early onslaught on the boards, with a view of making busi- ness. They will succeed too. Every well organized billposting estab- lishment should keep on hand a good assortment of streamer letters, borders and blarks The investment involved in these useful adjuncts o f the craft is insignificant, and scarcely a day passes but what they can be utilized to advant- age. Can anything less artistic, more mean- ingless and absured be conceived than the socalled "new" style of posters- Presumably adapted from the crude efforts of French zincographers, it has found temporary favor in the estima ion of a few jaded and novelty seeking ad- vertisers, mostly journals. It is hoped that this "style" will die aborning. It is utterly uncouth and whole devoid of artistic merit. H's Bur!. B. Chapman now. Kindly -"•••member that "Bum" and "Bummer'' luive been discarded. Thos. Mulvihill, than whom there is no more popular member of the craft in America, now owns the boards in Omaha, South Omaha and Council Bluffs, Iowa. VERY VERY FUNNY. The Peoria Billposters' Union enjoyed a banquet at their rooms on Thanksgiv- ing night. Among the professionals present were the members of the/'Lost in New York" company. Manager Barhydt responded to a toast, and the opera house orchestra furnished the music The Mirror correspondent re- sponded to the toast, "The Billposters' Friend, the Mirror." J The above clipping from the New York Dramatic Mirror is about as ridiculous an effusion as has appeared in a long time v In reality the Mirror has seldom let an "opportunity pass wherein there was a chance of giving 1 illposters a slap or a dig, for instance in its issue of November 17th it published the follow- ing editorial. The crusade against billboards, noted as spontaneous in several cities, has broken out also'in Chicago. As a matter of fact, the billboard is a relic of cruder theatrical times, and it is in many re- spects an annoyance to theater managers as wells as sometime a public eyesore. Since, when nearly every number has contained articles of a similar nature, and we clip the following also, an edito- rial from the very same number in which the article first mentioned here- with appears. Chicago, long noted for the spectacn- 1 ? r . is digesting an ordinance that will limit and make unobtrusive the bill- board A modest yet effective billboard ought tobe the height of every billpost- er's ambition, as it would be the delight of passing eyes; and perhaps Chicago will be the first city to furnish it. Billposters and show prtnters.especial- ly those of the latter, who patronize the advertising columns of the Mirror should resent the attitude of this journal toward the. billboards. Carter Cou'ourier, for many years gen- eral agent of the Buffalo Bill Wild West Show, is now interested in the boards of Brooklyn N. Y, and it is said has little inclination to, resume his former posi- tion. '< Col Burr Robbins. of the American Advertising and Billposting Company, of Chicago, was summoned before the Judiciary Committee in the late un- pleasantness in the Windy City. He evi- dently talked right to the point as the authorities are now engaged in backing down as gracefully as they can under the circumstances. The Chapman Boys, of Cincinnati, are among the most enterprising mem- bers of the craft in America. Their rentals are enormous, but for all that their annual dividends are of most ample and gratifying proportions." H. H. Tyner would like to see Bill- board Advertising made the organ of all the State Associations, and especially of the Ohio State Billposters Association. Coming from the President of the Ohio organiyation this expression has more than ordinary weight and signifiance. R. C. Campbe'l, Ed. A. Stahlbrodt and J. Ballard Carroll, are agitating the necessity of affording Billboard Ad- vertising official recognition as the organ of the Associated Billposters Asso- tion of the United States and Canada. Walter Droup, of Columbus. Ind., be- sides owaing all boards in Columbus, also controls sites in Orinoco, North Side, Maple Grove, East Columbus and West Co. ut bus. BUSINESS COMPETITION. Billboard competition runs pretty high nowadays in New York. An owner of some down town property was awakened by the loud ringing of the door bell re- cently in Harlem. "What on earth is that?" he exclaimed. "Is the house on fire?'" "Somebody's dead," said his wife. In the meantime a servant was returning from answering the bell. "Please sir, there's two gents down stairs as wishes to see you." said the girl. "See me. Why its three o'clock in the morning." "Important business, they says, sir." "Well, I should think it would be— waking a man up at this time o' night. I'll have to go down and see I suppose." He quickly threw on some clothing and went down stairs Two "gents" awaited him in the hall. "I beg your pardon sir, for knocking you up at this hour, but I want to make you a proposition for billboards around the corner of your place on Blank street while you are rebuilding. Name your figures including two theatre tickets every night of the season." "And sir." began the other 'gent,* "my company would like to make you a prop osition for the use of the walls that may remain standing after the fire " "Fire! Fire! What are you talking about?" The old. man was completely nonplussed. "Why, your place caught fire about two hours ago," said the first 'gent* "And is gutted by this time." added the second "gent" "Of course you'll give me the refusal for billboards—remember the two theater tickets," yelled the first gent as the old man bolted for the stairs.— Pittsburg Dispatch. J. M. Alexander, manager of the Helena Montana, Bill Posting Co., writes us as follows: "At last! No business is properly es- tablished in a country without its official organ, let Billboard Advertising get a foothold from Maine to California, and bill posting will prosper and be one of the leading advertising branches." W. W. Scane, proprietor of the Chat- ham Bill Posting Agency, is working with might and main to place his Agency in the front ranks. His efforts will un- doubtedly be rewarded by a largely in- creased business in the spring. J. E. McCarthy, Kalamazoo, Mich. — "Your paper is a 'corker* for an infant, and I feel sure you will be a big, healthy Adonis soon. It is just what we billpost- ers want. Something to keep us in. touch with one another. Here's wishing you all the success in the world." G. N. Shepard owns Ventura, California. the boards at John B.Xedou, of Aspen, Col, reports business as being very dull in that part of the country. W. Melcher, of Mt Pleasant, Iowa, is always on the lookout for everything that • tends to increase his business. He has quite a local patronage. .■-.,"- Joseph Barratt of Carthage," Mo., says Billboard Advertising is a spicy, journal, and wishes us great success.; :x I.'-