The billboard (Jan-June 1895)

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Id BTTTb oavd -"^dVgyfcfsfug, M P. F. SCHAEFER & CO., Prop'rs & Managers. Telephone 4637. THE eHieHGO BILL POSTING eO. 395 &397W. Harrison St. CHICAGO, ILL. UNEQUALED FACILITIES FOR Distributing, Sampling, Tacking anil General Out- door Advertising. V&~Al,I, CONTRACTS RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. BUY THE BEST Bill pecial. TO fliSrii posters? Copper Half-Tone Engravings, PORTRAITS. 2x3..-..— ••• $2.60. 2^x3 # • $2.75. 3x4 $3.00. Send Good Photo with Honey Order, TO THE HELLEBERG PHOTO-GRAVING CO,, CINCINNATI, O. PnQtpr'c fi^ ror) ^ jt y Bijl P osti ^ ^°-v /* kr01 ?' °- JL \J)J LwX )5 4000 feet of Boards, All Best Locations. 400 New Three Sheet Hoards. 200 Hew One Sheet Boards. ilia K|Tr > n AH the work we can get, at three cents a sheet WANTED Distributing from one fifty to two fifty a thousand Copper bound arid steel riveted. Manufactured expressly for.tne Donaldson Lithographing Co., and guaranteed trie rnost durable brusri on trie rnarl^et. 10 ineh Priee, eaeh, $3.75 g " " " 3.25 2.85 10 ineh Priee per dozen, $40.00 9 " *• " " 36.00 8 " " «• " 32.00 SEND CHECK WITH ORDER The DONALDSON LITHO CO. CINCINNATI, OHIO. ^tyatfya/rt Bill posting /^eney, BILL POSTING AND GENERAL ADVERTISING, POPULATION 10,000 ^^ESTErST^-. ^\t)Uvb(ivn SHOW PRINTING GO. 166 Clapk, Chicago. (DOM'I FORGET THE NUMBER.) DesCFTpiTVe arid pTCtoi-TaT POSTERS, OF KLL KINDS. M1CHI6AN STATE BILL POSltfiS' Association Will Hold their 18th Annual MEETING at MUSKEGON, TUESDAY,' f EBRUARY 5th, 1895. A Special Invitation Extended to all Bill Posters. Arrangements have been made at the Occidental Hotel for all who may attend. THOMAS KEYES, Se<?y, Ionia. GEO. M. LEONARD, Pres, Grand Rapids 5thocKph£,g I The J. J. Baird Bill Posting Co. DISTRIBUTING. © C. A. CARY. Manager. COUNTRY WORK @ offle. at bbirdsopera house. LHNSING, MICH. BII2I2 POSTERS ^_, —TRY MY NEW— Bill Po5tip4 BRUSH. MADE OF BEST MATERIAL. S2 25 2 50 1 50 —PSICE— 8 Inch Brush ..... ....._. With 8 foot handle ......_............„, Six 8 foot handles........._..._.„....... Send P. 0. op Express Order to GEO. M. LEONARD, BILL POSTER, Grand Rapids, Mich. POPULATION 10,000. JOSEPH T~BARRATT, Bill Poster and Circulator. 1880 CARTHAGE, MISSOURI.—1895 ALL WORK WELL DONE. BILLPOSTERS.—► On the line of the BIG FOUR R. R. NOTICE. SEALED PROPOSALS for one sheets, two weeks' showing, to bill New Orleans Carnival in all towns and cities on the line of and ad- jacent to the Big Four R. R., will be received by E. O.-: McCORMICK, Traffic Manager, Big: Pour R. R., Cincinnati, O., up to noon,, January 15th, 1895. Please apply by mail only, stating lowest price and number of one-sheets required to bill your town thoroughly. To the Bill Posters and Advertisers of the World, from L. W. SMITH & SON, ASHTABULA, O. U. S. A. Gen, Bill Posters &Dist'efs,T»r J . H n ,r BACK AGAIN IN KALAMAZOO ! After 12 Years on the Road as Pill Poster and Agent. J,L'McCMTHY, Bill Poster \ Distributor KALAMAZOO. MICHIGAN. COMMERCIAL WORK A SPECIALTY. FRED. KERTH. ESTABLISHED 1885. •*GITY BILL POSTER,* Office, 62 EAST BROADWAY, 0pp. McDermott Hotel, BUTTE. MONT. Special OFFgi* FOR $3.00 We will send you the . Donaldson Guide AND A C. R SHAYo£K~Bill Poster & Distributer JVE W BR C2VS WICK, JV. J. BILL BOARDS LOCATED IN THE BEST PARTS OFTHE CITY Great Faculties for Three Sheets, One Sheets and Snipes. Cards, Pamphlets, Circulars, Dodgers, Carefully Distribnted Year's Subscription to Billboard Advertising. The Donaldson Guide contains the • only accurate and complete list of the Bill Posters and Show Printers of America " that has ever been pub- lished. It also contains the complete code of the Donaldson Cipher, by the use of which great saving in the mat- ter of telegraph tolls may be had. The regular price of the Donaldson Guide alone is $3.00, hence, we afford you • an opportunity to practically get your subscription free of charge. Now Is the time to Subscribe. CAPITAL STOCK $40000.00 SURPLUS $100 00000 m £t M $ itho^ra **.** ^c ff-E f: WW*- LITHOGRAPHED POSTERS Headquarters and Main Office, cmcqijuiTi, 0.0. S. S. 2«£ BRANCH OFFICES. LONDON, ENGLAND. MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA. AGENCIES, NEW YORK. CHICAGO, SAN FRANCISCO When yon write, mention .BfUooard Advertising. THE DRAMATie NEWS CHRISTMAS ** NUMBER, ■♦-♦is isrow on s^l^e iisr*^ >^ : Every City in the United States. It Contains Many Interesting Stories, Beautifully Illustrated. And a Very Large Number of Prominent Ladies and Gentlemen of the Stage. If you fail to find it on sale at any News Stand, Your order will be promptly filled by sending direct to THE DRAMATIC HEWS, 107 West 28th Street, NEW YOBK. Wbn yon writ*, mention Billboard Advertising. *\