Billboard advertising (Jan-June 1895)

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Billboard ^dVgrtTsfrig Classified Advertisements. Two line displayed advertisements under thlH heading^25(*. for one insertion. KOc. f«>r three tusertibus, 75c. for four insertions, SI 00 for six insertions- Larger carrels, 10c. per agate line. BILL POSTERS* DIRECTORY. WANTED, TO B.UY ! Bill posting Plant, not less than 25,000 iu habitant!!. Adrtress. C. A. HARXOIg. Missoula, Mon t Blinding & French, the Bill Posters and Distributers of Putnam, Conn • Advertise in the Copper Country I Amos DeMars .bill poster, Houghton, Mich Horral Bros-, Washington, Ind. Bill Posters and Distributers Western Bill Posting Co., Salt Lake City, Utah. Bill Posters and 1 Bill Writers. The Cdrran Bill Posting and Distri- buting Co..own and control all bill boards in Denver, Pueblo, Colorado Springs and surroun ding towns. Gen'l Office, Denver Hash Vance, City Bill Poster and Distr ibuter References Effingham, Ills. John A. Lakin, City Bill Poster, Co opergtoffiyN Y. Reliable . Evansville, lnd., has population of 76.00 0 Write UKOVES, about posting. The Oshkosh Bill Posting Co.,. City Bill Posters and Distributers. Reliable and definite service. Population 30.000. j e wluLlAM.-j.-ngr., ushkosh. Wis. .*. -**. " — —— — — ; : _^^__^^^__ Chatham Bill Posting Ag*ney, Bill Posting and Ueueral Advertising. Agents In all idloininK towns. W. W. S' ANE, Mgr., Chatham. Ont. The Summit City Bill Posters, Souderii Smith, Ft Wayne, lnd. Managing The Temple Bill Postlug & Dis trib miug Co . Harry W. Curtin, City Bill Poster, WHAT CilKKK, IOWA. The Elgin Bill Posting, Advertising and Distributing Company. E gin, Ills. All work guaranteed. Population 23,000 Only licensed poster in city. - FKEU W. JENCKS, Prop'r. Billboard Advertising is a Journal for advertt»ers. Hood thi ng—push it along POSTER AMD BILL WRITERS. I Write Bills aud Posters. oe-95 ROBT. UARKKLL, Dayton, Ky . Sam. H. Dawson-, Gait House, Cin- cinnati, O. Prepares Descriptive Posters ot all kinds. oc-»5 A Badly Written Bill is Worse than no bill at all. Try me. Terms reasonable ap-95. C. F. McHENRY. Newport, Ky C. H. Besing, 248 Race, Cincinnati, ; Writes bills and makes designs- * 3a-% Pointers For Bill Writers. Billboard advkktisims is full of them. Subscribe now. ADVERTISING AGENTS. Sam IK. Dawson, Heuck's Opera House, Cincinnati, O G. H. Hartford. Fountain Square Theatre, Cincinnati, O. CIRCULAR DISTRIBUTERS. Home ,< .<iar Advertising Co., i'.^itibute circulars, tack signs, paste ollls. Wrrte-ng Homer, Mien _^ D. C. Advertising Bureau, Sharon, Mercer Co.. Pa., would like to correspond with firms "wishing to place Advertising Matter before J300,W)0 people in any or all of the 3 Great valleys, She- nango, Beaver and Mahoning All Kinds 'of Advertising Mat'er distributed. Reliable, prompt. Reference Population 330,000. Address, W. H. Stelnbrenner, 313 Vine, Cincinnati. J. H. Lane & Co., Evansville, Ind. does Distributing. 317>£ First street. Distributers, Advertise! In Billboaed advkktisikg. We reach all the large advertisers strictly legiti- mate advertisers only wanted. " For Information on Washington Cedar Shingles ADDRESS. MONTAGUE S McHUGff, Fairna?en, Wash. When you write, mention Billboard Advertising. THE LIBBIE SHOW PRINT. PRINTERS AND ENGRAVERS. 6 to 12 BEACH STREET. BOSTONvMASS. When you write, mention Jffltboard A<3vertiAiu*r POSTERS ,#>SHOW BILLS Write for New Catalogue. The Donaldson Litho. Co. CINCINNATI, OHIO. When you write, mention Billboard Advertising. fl P Fairnhilrl city bill poster, U.I i rOMUMIIUj Distributei anil Eeneial Advertiser. Covington, Mildale, West Covington, Ludlow and Surroundings. 16 East Fifth Street, COVINGTON. KY. When you write, mention Uillboard Advertising. Wit)tobapi) SHOW PRINTING GO. 166 Clark, Chicago. (DON'T FORGET THE NUMBER.) D^sCr-TpttVe ±r}d/p1&&r$&X POSTER OFHLL KINDS. * When you write, mentiou HiiiOoata ^.uvert.aiiig. ■ ■■ >• The Largest Advertising Firm in: the World. - 4 MAIN OFFICE, •$ 28 Jobi^oo St.,BrooWt|i)1 °™i OPPOSITE POST OFFICE. BARNEY LINK, Gen. Man. aeorge H. Fftchett, Thomas J. nurphy, ^.Carter Couturier. William P. Fmy, Barney Link. a-*'-*-*-*'*-*-*--^^^.^ /American Bill Posting e<>. Off Brooklyn and Long: Island. TELEPHONE 1573 BROOKLYN: 4^ 4y 4^ ^^ ^fr ^> -^ w- 4^ ^> 4^ k ,_ _. 3- Controlling ALL Bill Boards and Adver- Branch Offices: . * tising Spaces in Brooklyn, Willlamsburgh, DeKalb and Hudson Avs. Brooklyn i. . «., „ .. _ ss Harrison Avenue, Wiiitamsbunth \ East New YorkrGreenpoInt, Long Island 4 Bedford Avenue, Greenooint, L. i. City, Jamaica and Adjacent Towns. Cbas. Wood, ... Jamaica, L. 1. T 800 Prominent Billboard Fences. Atlantic Av. and Warwick St- E. NtV When you write, mention Billboard Advertising, Classified Advertisement s Two line displayed advetisements under this heading, 250 for one insertion, 60e. for three Insertions.76o. for four Insertion., Si iv, for six Insertions, Larger cards, 10c. per agate line. < AMERICAN FAIR BULLETIN. Trenton, N. J. The Great Inter- state Fair Jn o. Oulld Mulrheld, Seo'y. Ionia, Mich. Ionia District Fair Associatio n. M. M. CURRIER, Trees. A Line in Billboard Advertising will aeep your name before tbe largest advertisers in the country. Groesbeck. Tex. Limestone County Fair and S B.'sAssn . Dr.». D. Bugg, 8ecy Fair Bills and Posters. The DONALDSON LITHO CO., Cincinnati Billboard Advertising, for Fairs. Advertise in It. Subscribe for It. Shedman Bros.' Kuno-Drome. A Great Attraction. Address SHEDMAN BROS.,Elizabeth, N. O. Billboard Advertising is going to prove a great boon to Secretaries of Fairs. Newspaper Cuts for Fairs. Write to HELLEBERG PHOTO-GRAVING CO., 213 Sycamore Street. Cincinnati, O. Tfo Kemtess Boys' Friend A monthly Paper published for the ben- efit of the Homeless Boys of Cincinnati 50c. per year. Address , . THE HOMELESS BOYS' FRIEND, 184 Sycamore Street, Cincinnati;'' When yon write, mention Billboard Advertising. ELE6TR0TYPING! I Special Attention Given to i Fine WOOD-CUT add BOOK WORK | ■WORK WARRANTED.— i WINKELMAN & BURBANK,! 16 to 20 East "loth Street, CIPCINPATI, 0. ■ When you write, mention Billboard Advertising. CO. C *'C«GO Ots CIRCUS CANVASES, Poles and Stakes, SEATS,'Flags, Etc. Agents for Kino's pitist nsccs lights. When you write, mention Billboard Advertising. AJMIH^ ro. " 0PlE T.-.B.K 1 " 1 "" 1 " ADVERTISEIS IDtlHESt r*w *, CHAS.H.HESING , U*£ZbX SUBSCRIPTION SO Cents a Year. Advartlalac Bates II.OO per Square of IS Agate lines When 70a write, mention Billboard Advertising. <v X3\ • •—1. c/v Q^ o 03 •a <o ■ <» a no B CD cs c? IS s xn d erj csj -i-> O S a ■ a ■ » - M •z ro o aj _trf a o U O S z CO NEW YORK OFFICE Associated Bill Posters' Asssociation OF THE UNITBD STATES AND CANADA, 604-51O Cable Building, Broadway. Cor. Houston Street. Ed. A. Stahlbrodt, Representative. LIST OF MEMBERS OF THE ASSOCIATED BILL POSTERS* ASSOCIATION, Of the United States and Canada. NAME. LOCATION. Albany City Bill Posting Co.... Albany, N. Y. American Bill Posting t'o • hi ago. Ills. American Bill PostingCo....Philadelpela,Pa! American Bill Posting l*o.. : V-Br.ooKlyn, N Y. Bryan & Co „ .......Cleveland, Ohio. Bresiaur, M Minneapolis, Minn. Brooks, J. H Leavenworth, Kan. Branhan. W. T Aurora, Mo. Burton d: Lambert Richmond, Va. Blakeslee, Col. Joe.. New Haven, Conn. Bnrr, T. W _.. -.Bangor. Me. Curran, Jas. A. Bill Posting Co.Denver, col Cream City Bill Posting Co-Milwaukee, Wis Cline, D.F _ La Salle. III. Uastner. Geo ™-Syracruse. N. Y. Cline, J D.... -.New Albany, lnd. Clayton, C.B., Niagra Falls, N. Y. Chamberlain, F. w Burlington, Iowa. Cliapman Co., John Cincinnati, Ohio. Dubbs;C. E .Springfield, Mo Donnely Sons, J Bogto Magg Dooley. M J...... _ Atlanta. Ga. Eaton . L - W- Auburn. N. Y Garlick, J New 0rIeans La' Hasklns, o. F Providence, R I. Heverin ft Bro Lonlsvlile. Ky. Houghtallng. C S New York City. Heillg, s. t; „..Tacoma, Wasn, Harnois, C. A Missoula, Mont. Uamond ft.Co _ Pittsburgh, Pa, Indianapolis Bill Posting CO „_.... - Indianapolis, Ind. Jennings, H. H Bridgeport, Conn. £?"f- F F - -Palmyra. NY. £ lndt ' c - F Davenport, Iowa. Kansas city Bill Posting Co ;.;.„ „ •"""• - —Kansas.Clty, Mo. { Cerlh « F Butte CUV, Mont. Leonard. George M Grand Rapids, Mich. McAllister, ft Son. W.J Troy N Y McQuegg, John Mrs... ...Ironton, Ohio! Moxley. Lloyd.;. Washington, D. C. Mn V,h D U1, Th0n,a8 ° m » h » Neb Miller Bros .; Columbus, Ohio. ""g^ <*■ w ^PortAngelos. Wash. MatlcWstW. H. B:........ .^all River, Mass Newark Bill Posting Co.... Newark, N. J o-m™ *" i-I Jersey City. N J. o Mealia, J. F _ Bayonne, N. J. Price Advertising Co -Toronto, Ont. Rife* Honck Baltimore. Md. £" m8ey * ?» Lexington. Ky. R^fT?' Qe ° Da " a8 . Texas. ^fl* ^? ng ~ - Soranton, Pa. stahlbrodt, Ed. A Rochester. N. Y. sooit, l. n mill H( Pau| Mlnn l^7,V'»J-" Birmingham. Ala. Htaals, J: H „ Lockport N. Y. Southern BUI Posting Knoxvllle, Teu... T^"v r ' H ,".. H Springfield, Ohio. Tucker, W. L...._ Memphis. Tenn. VanBurenftCo.,A New York City. Wa ker..W. H. ft Co Detroit, Mich. Wateou A Prlce Hannibal, Mo. Webster, O. L sioux City. Iowa. Western tsiu Posting Co Salt Lake. Utah. WhitralerftFllbriok Buflalo, N. Y. Walker, a. H-. s« n Antonla, Tex. FRONTISPIECE. . William M. Donaldson, president and founder of the widely known lithograph- ing house which bears his name, was born in Cincinnati, O.. March 14th, 184.0, and is consequently now in his fifty-fifth year. The photograph from which our cut was made, was taken only a few weeks since, and is a splendid likeness of the original. Mr Donaldson is entirely a. self-made man, having lost his father while he was yet a babe and his mother dying when he was eight years of age. He has had as much experience crowd- ed into his busy life as nsually falls to the lot of half a dozen men; he has made and lost s-everal fortunes, and is now at the head of the Donaldson Lithograph- ing Co, one of the most enterprising and populars printing offices in existence. This great concern was founded by Mr Donaldson in 1863, and has ever since been under his control. It has been won-. derfully successful aud now boasts of agencies in New York, Chicago and San Francisco, and branch offices in Austra- lia and England, the latter of which was established by Mr. Donaldson last. year, he making a special trip to Great Britain for that express purpose. George Leonard, the bill poster, of Grand Rapids, Mich., is doing all the advertising for the Powers Opera House and is doing it so well, that there is no libe'ihood of a change. George attended the billposters' convention, here a short time ago, and was welcomed^by v great many "troupe"' people. The mayor of Boston will not approve the ordinance permitting the swinging of advertising banners across the street. WHY? Why is the attitude of the press always inimical to the bill boards? They make business and promote industry. Any- thing that does this, helps the newspapers and everybody else. IN ENGLAND. As others see us, through the medium of British spectacles. From America we have received what Me ^ay* term ''our other self " It is designated "Billboard Advertising." It is a title which sounds strange in our ears, but it is realy the American Bill- poster: The first number was issued on November 1st and a very interesting, bright, and sanguine journal it is The style of its comments are too piquant for our more phlegmatic temperment to fnlly appreciate, but to those who are i'in the know 3 ' they are doubtless all the more interesting ' It is jlliistra'ed very finely, is puMished at Cincinnati, Ohio and the price per copy is 10 cents The subscription for a year is 90 cents. Many of the Atnericau billposters take «-ur publication, and it may be that some of our friends would like to take in the American organ of the trade. If so, thev will know where to obtain it, or we should be pleased to supply them with i- each month if they make their wishes known to us — The Bill foster, publisfisd in London. England. Mr. O. P. FAIRCHILD, Whose picture appears above, was born in Cincinnati, Ohio, March 1, 1832, went Covington, Ky, in 1842. At the age of sixteen he learned the cooper trade, at which he worked until 1866, when his health failed, and being advised by his doctors to do outdoor work, he commen- ced carrying the daily papers, and in conjunction posted a few bills on small fences, averaging about two dollars'per week for long time. While pursuing this occupation, he became acquainted with Mr. Jos. Havlin, father of the now fxmous theatrical manager, who went his security for umber to build bill boards, whichhe built himself. From this small beginning has built up a substantial bus- iness, employing at present, three men, one of whom has worked for him nine- teen years, which goes to show that he does first-class work. He now has over 7,500 running r eet of bill boards, 1 1 and 12 feet high, also a large number of three sheets, and about 7,000 running feet of fences for small work. Besides Covington, he bills West Covington, Lud- low, Mildale and Centra] Covington. He is now building more boards along the electric car line to the Lagoon Park. Mr. Fairchild is highly respected in both Cincinnati and Covington, and has a large circle of friends. FROil PRINTERS' INK. "The trouble with a bill board is it's apt to fall flat in windy weather.—Jed - Scarboro." And the trouble with the above squib is that it is utterly flat, no sparkle of wit or meaning to it.. The Beeman Chemical Co., Cleveland, 0.,'and the Pillsbury Milling Co. Minre- apolis, Minn., are again using the bill boards extensively Mr. E. T. HEVERIN, A splendid likeness of whom appeared in our January number, is the senior member of the Louisville Bill Posting firm, E T. Heveim & Bro., and Vice President of the A. B. A. Association. Being a practical man, he has piloted the business for the past sixteen years to success. Mr. Heverin is energetic and alive to all business improvements, genial in his manners, a quiet man in political matters and yet a power to such an ex- ten» that his advice and assistance is al- ways sought, he never being on the los- ing side. And even now. at this time, he is setting his figures for a big sur- prise" in 1896 Mr. Heverin being pro- gressive in all matters of national and municipal importance, is a member of the Commercial Club, is chairman of an ortaat committee on reception of the G. A R. Encampment in Louisville, in September. He has taken a great interest in the Bill Fosters' Association, and has taken pride in being the organizer for the Southern States, and has worked un- tiringly to building up the State Asso- ciations and assisting the A. B. P. A A Poster Show, that is tc say, an exhi- bition of posters, probably the finest ever seen in 1 his country, was held in Buffalo last week,' undei the auspices of the Buffalo Society of of Artists. A correspondet sends us some partic- ulars, and the catalogue with its Beards- ley illustrations in green, purle, white, which contains a description of 138 pos- ters,; this including the collection recent- lv shown at the Grolier Club in New York. These latter were obtained through the courtesy of Geo. DeiForrest and are mainly French in design and execution. ■ DENVER NOTES. Mr. Kirk, agent of the Carmencita Cig- ars, was in the city recentlv, and closed a contract with the Curran Bill Posting Co , for bill posting, they have just fin- ished a contract for painting 10,000 square feet of wall ard fence signs. Brown Bros., the owners, are advertising in the wester n country very hea vy. 1 General Dave Wheeler, one of the fin- est of all agents and treasurers, and the friend of all associated .bill posters, was here last week, as- treasurer of Salvini, Mr Turk, agent of the Old" Dominion Cigarettes, just arrived from New York, where he has bee n spending t h holidays. 'Old Horse" Sanford, otherwise known as Frank Sanford, German Comedian, has returned from California, and will embark once more in bis old'business. ALBANY CITY BILL POSTING CO. J. BALLARD CARROLL, Manager. 43 BEAVER STREET. BILL POSTING. DISTRIBUTING KND EXTERIOR HD1£E!?TISH\G. When you write, meuiion Billbonra Advertising. ALBANY, N Y- I'm w 1 III <