The billboard (Jan-June 1895)

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Billboard ^dve^lslnj Classified Advertisements. Two line displayed »dvMtl*Bment« under this headine. 25e. for otie insertion. buc..i"T tnree in^rtfons, Toc.for lour InMrdons. 8100 for six insertions.- Larger carrds, 10c. per agate line , =====- BILL POSTERS' DIRECTORY. W iSF3£l.MI l-t .ess ^ ,5.000 Inbabitgnta. Adggg^ Mls , on|ai MOD t Blending & French, the Bill Posters and Distributers bt fatnam, Conn Advertise In the Copper Country I Amos DeMars. bill poster, Houghton,Mich A Freak in Texas! Reliable Bill Posierat Honey Grove: Owns 7500 feet of K* can Rive guaranteed showings. Pop 3S0O. SefB&gNlTT.tbeB.ll Poster ' W«<stepn Bill Posting Co., Salt Lake ' qty, UtSh7 Bill Posters and'BUl Writers. The Curran Bill Posting andDistri-" butinffCorown wid control all bill boards i b „ Ut i, n e |Ver;Tueb.o, Colorado Springs and surrounding tow n*, faen'l Office, JJenver Hugh Vance. City BUI Poster and Distribute" References. Effingham, Ills. John A. Lafcln, City Bill ?ostep, Cooperetowu.N. Y. Kenanie . EvansviUe, lnd., has population of 7s!000 Write PROVES, abottt posting. The Oshkosh Bill Posting Co., City Bill Posters and Distributers. Reliable and definite serrlw. Population. 30 000. j. E. WlliLIAMa, Jigr., ushfcosh. Wis. THE L1BBIE SHOW PRINT PRINTERS AND ENGRAVERS, 6 to 12 BEACH STREET,' BOSTON, MASS. When you w rite, mention Billboard Advertising Chatham Bill Posting Ageney BUI Posting and General Advertising. Agents in all adjoining towns. W. W.Si'ANE, Mgr., Chatham . Ont. The Summit City Bill Posters, S..uder& Smith, Ft Wayne.lnd. Managing The Temple Bill Posting & Distributing Co . Harry W. Curtin, City Bill Poster, . WHAT UnEKB, IOW A. The Elgin Bill Posting, Advertising and DUiribuilug Company. Elgin, IJJj. All work guaranteed, population 23,000 Only licensed r-oster in city. FRED W. JENCKS, Prop'r. Billboard Advertising is a Journal for advertise rs. Good thing—push it along Washington, lnd. has a population ( of 10,000 Write Horrall Bros about posting Wiilimantie, Conn., nop. 14.000. 4iixaBo J. U, GRA Y, citF-BilL^oater Carlinville, Ills., pop. 4,000. County seat of Macoupin county, A. J. 1UKNEK, City Bill Poster. Refeences; FlrstUaiionalBanJi. and 4ma95 C. H. C. Anderson, Banker Sioux City, Iowa, pop. 40 000, Put sioux City on your lb-t by all means. E L. Webster, bill poster, 3,000 ft of boards Pana.Ills. Pop. 7,000. LuO KOCEY. Bill Poster, controls all the 4ms boards. 510 ft. of desirable locations POSTER AND BILL WRITERS. I Write Bills and Posters. oc-95 KOBT. UARKELL, Daytoij, Ky . Sam. H; Dawson, Gait House, Cin- cinnati, O. Prepares Descriptive Posters of all kinds. oc-fe POSTERS *f SHOW BILLS l-OR FHIRS! Write for JVew Catalogue. The Donaldson Litho. Co. CINCINNATI, OHIO. When you write, mention Billboard Advertising. n P Fairrhilri C,TY blLL P0STtR ' U. Ii ranUII HUt Qi s t,ibutei and General Brertiser, Covington, Mildale, West Covington, Ludlow and Surroundings. 16 East Fifth Street, COVINGTON. KY. Wben you write, mention. Billboard. Adver tising. OLEAN ADVERTISING CO. OLUAN, XT. Y. BILL POSTERS AND DISTRIBUTERS WESTERN NEW YORK AND NORTHERN PENNA. WE STRIVE TO PLEASE. -When you write, mention Biuouaia AuvertiaL-j;. ^ The Largest Advertising Finn in the World 4 MAIN OFFICE, t, 28]0bl)5D!)St.,Bl f 00kll|D:5!M|^ OPPOSITE POST OFFICE, BARNEY LINK, Qen. Man. George H. FItchett, Thomas J.FIarpby, .Carter Couturier, William P. Fay. Barney Link. a- -*-•»■-<»-•*-#- A Badly Written Bill is Worse than no bill at all. Try me. Terms reasonable ap-83. C. F. McHENBY, Newport, Ky Pointers For Bill Writers. BlLLBOAED ACVKfiTlSIHQ Is full of them. Subscribe now. • ADVERTISING AGENTS. Sam M. Dawson, ' Henck's Opera House, Cincinnati, O G. H. Hartford. Fountain S q uare Theatre, Cincinnati. O. CIRCULAR DISTRIBUTERS. All Kinds of Advertising Mat'er distributed. Reliable, prompt. Reference Population 350.000- Address. W. H. Steinbrenner, 313 Vine, Cincinnati. J. H. Lane & Co., EvansviUe, lnd. does Distributing. 317% First street. Distributers, Advertise! In Biu-board Abvkrtisino. We reach all the large advertisers. Strictly legiti- mate advertisers only wanted. Whan you write, mention Billboard Advertising. American Bill Posting eo. OB Brooklyn and Long Island. Classified Advertisement s Two line displayed iidvettsemeiits'imder, this heading; 2oo tor one Insertion,.«0e. for three Insertions,76o. for four insertion., 11.00 for six Insertions, Larger cards, 10c. per agate line. __•__ AMERICAN FAIR BULLETIN. -*--*■■*- Trenton, N. J. The Great Inter : State Fair Jno. Uuild Mnlrheld, See'y. Ionia, Mich. Ionia District Fair Association . M. M. CPRR1KR. Treas. A Line in Billboard Advertising will keep your name before the largest advertisers In the country. Groesbeck. Tex. Limestone County FalraudS R.'s Assn. Dr. S. D.Bugg.Hec y Fair Bills and Posters. ' The DO N ALDaON LITHO CO., Cincinnati Billboard Advertising, for Fairs. Adverl ise lu it. Subscriue for it. TELEPHONE 1573 BROOKLYN: 'ir Controlling ALL Bill Boards and Advcr- , Branch Offices: * .. . _ , „ ♦ tising Spaces in Brooklyn, Willlamsburgh, ^K.,bandHud« BA v, <•**-£* ♦ East New York, Qreenpoint, Long Island 55 Harrison A*enue, Wllliamsbargh ^ » "- 4 Bedford Avenue, Oreenpoint, L. I. City, Jamaica and Adjacent Towns. Cnas. Wood„ - - - Jamaica, L. I. ' Attan t te Av.«dw«rwic kS t.E.N.Y. ♦ 800 Prominent Billboard Fences. When you write, mention BtUboard Advertising. Shedman Bros.' Kuno-Drome. a * Great Attraction. Address SHEDMAl* BROS., Elizabeth, N. C. Billboard Advertising is going to prove a great boon to Secretaries of talrs. Newspaper Cuts for Fairs. Write to HELLEBERU PHOTO-GRAVINU CO., 243 Sycamore Street. Cincinnati, O- The H&wilejj Boys* FrfcM A monthly .Paper published for the ben- efit of the Homeless Boys of Cincinnati 25c. per j ear. Address THE HOMELESS BOYS' FRIEND, 184 Sycamore Street, Cincinnati. When you write, ment ion Billboard Advertising. ■•■■■■■■■•••* ■•■■•••••«««««««••««....«■«««««•..■••.■■■•»■■■•■■•«••■' I ELEGTR0TYPING! | • Special Attention Given to : | Fine WOOD-CUT and BOOK WORK: 5 —WORK WARRANTED.— S iWINKELMAN&BURBANK,! I 16 to 20 East ninth Street, ' ClfiCiMlHTI ,0. | tJonT^'^ranLaverOsTugT When you write, men For information on nasbin D ton Cedar Shingles ------- AXJiyKJCSH. MONTAGU & & McHUGH, Falrhaven, Wash. When you write, mention Millboard Advertising . MU CIRCUS CANVASES. Poles and Stakes, SEATS, Flags. Etc. Agents for kidd-s riTSST ciacra LIGHTS. A MONTHLY MAGAZINE FOI "»« TO IICUII l " ,Pl0, " l " T AOVIITIIEM MilKM r=b.,.b,d b, CHASJLHESMJB, SfilfflSi,^: SUBSORIPTIOM SO Oanta n Year. Aaveruslag BaUs 11.00 psr Batuura of 11 Agate UnM m New York Office Notes. What Prominent People and Firms Say About It. President R. C. Campbell, Chicago. Ills.—I aui pleased to note you have got your offices open. I can't be quoted too strongly in favor of an office in New York City. We must have a representa- tive there who is in touch withourinter- ests .beyond all others, and one who will gain the respect and confidence of all our patrons. You have my best wishes. A. Van Beuren & Co., New York ,— This is what the Association has long been in need ot. The New York Office now puts every bill pos'ing concern in the United States in direct touch with the advertising public, through its repre- sentative here. It is already conceded a success. We will do all in our power to aid it. The undertaking has our hearty aupport. C S.Houghtaling, New York Gener- al Contracting Agent of the Association. —It's a good th-ng and T will help push it along. I appreciate the necessity of this undertaking and am in accord with the same. Edward Donnelly, Boston, Mass, —Beg to acknowledge yours of the 13th. You may be assured of our fullest aid to do what we are able ,to make the venture successful. /. Ballard Carroll, Albany N Y., Sec- retary —It's a winner. With the united assistance of all our members the best service ever praduced is sure to follow. It can't fail. Reese & Long, Scranton Pa. —We *^are pleased to see afFairs shaping them- selves toward the wished for point, which seems sure to bring success. Yon have our best wishes. J. H- Sldats, Lockport, N. V.—I wish you unbounded success. I am satisfied it will come your way, and doing so, must come ours. Newark Bill Posting Co., Newark N.J, —With every member of the Asso- ciation at your back it will make bill posting the coming fad. This new un- dertaking completes the success of our Association Better service means more bill posting. It has our endorsement. American Bill Posting Co., Brooklyn N. Y. —We will back the undertaking to the end. Without it-our Association is like a mill run by water power, and 110 water. It will gain.the confidence of the advertiser; and doing that will fill cur boards with paper Good service means plenty of work. /as. F. O'Mealia, Jersey City, N. J. Treasurer —1 bespeak for the venture a success. Billboard display advertising has too long been neglected for other advertising methods, and now .that its praises will be sung-by our direct repre- sentative it will surely boom to the lop May it live long and prosper J. H. Gray of Wiilimantie Conn , in addition to conducting the bill posting, business of his city, also manages Loonier Opera House. Srllboafd ^dv^rtfsjgej. Logan & Nelson Horrall of-Washing ton, lnd., are reaching out after new business. EDWARD A. STAHLBRODT, OF ROCHESTER N. Y. Edward A. Stahlbrodt, whose portrait appears upon our first page, was born in Rochester, N. Y.. December 15, r86o, and is of German parentage. He re- ceived his education in the public schools when at age of eleven years he entered the employ of the Evening Express Printing Company. Here he worked ten years, going through the various depart- ments of 'devil." feeder, pressman, job and news compositor. In ifc8i he en- gaged with the Caledonia Advertiser. and remained about two years. From there he went to Mt. Morris, N. Y , to take charge of the Enterprise office, but remained only a short time returning to Rochester. In the fall of 1884 he started in business for himself at 18 Mill Street where he began the manufacture of print ers' roller composition. In 1885 he added a line of printers' suoplies, comp -ising presses, inks, type, etc., and the following year began the manufacture of steam flour paste. The same year he also start- ed a bill-posiing establishment In 1889 these enterprises were consolidated and formed into a stock corporation, known as the Rochester Bill Posting Company, of which he is the manager, secretary ana treasurer. Last November in passing through Erie, Pa., he found the bill boards there so bad that he at once opened up an office and now has one of the finest plants in running order, which also inc'udes the manufactuie of paste. Upon the reorganization of the old In- ternational Bill Posters' Association, of North America and the general change of policy and name to that of that Asso- ciation to the Associated Bill Posters' Association of the United . States and Canada, at a meeting held at Chicago, 111, July 15, 1891, Edward A. Stahlbrodt was unanimously elected as President. In 1892 at the Rochester Convention, and again in 1S93 at the New York Conven- tion, he was re elected to the same office. In 1S94 at the Philadelphia Convention, the by-laws were changed to give an Ex- ecutive Committee full charge of the business matters of the Association, and Mr Stahlbrodt was elected its Chairman. Owing to the very important turn bill board display advertising had taken, it was found necessary for the Association to hold a Special Convention at Cincin- nati, O , January 9th, l c 95, and there de- cided to open a general suite of offices in New York City, under the representation of Mr Edward A. Stahlbrodt, where he is now situated. Mr. stahlbrodt is a member of Monroe Commandery, No" 12, Knights Templar ; Damascus Temple, Nobles of the mystic Shrine; is serving his second term as Exalted Ruler of Rochester Lodge No. 24, B. P O. Elks, and was appointed chair- man of the Grievance Committee at the Jamestown Convention. He has served two terms as school commissioner, and - was nominated for assemblyman by the Repub icans of bis district. If the advertisements rather than the subscriptions make the publication of a paper at a low price possible, the chap who borrows a copy practically pays for "it if he reads the ads, Unfortunately, however, the kind of man who prefers 10 borrow a copy of a paper is scarcely like- ly to increase the value of an ad to any : extent, even if he reads it over forty times. —Printers Ink. DENVER NOTES. The Curran Bill Posting and Advertis ing Company are doing distributing this month for W. T. Hanson Co., Schenec- tady, N. Y. Mr. George Newton, Advance Agent '"Pawn Ticket 210" was in Denver last week. This was his first visit to this city. He is well-known all over the country as an advertising agent having been connected with some of the largest enterprises in the country, andalso Pain's Spectular outdoor Shows. We found him a good fellow. The Curran Bill" Posting and Advertis- ing Company are doing a lot of posting this month for Scribner's Magazine ^hich we received from Houghtaling's National advertising Service POINTERS FOR BILL POSTERS. We think that if bill posters will work to the advertiser's interest by making always the best show for him when his work comes to the office, and if the char- ter of the work is snipe, half-sheets, one- sheets or three sheets that as soon as this paper is out, he should send a list of the routes or streets that have been worked with this paper, to the advertiser- If it is stand work, then the bill poster should furnish the advertiser a list and the date when all the stands were posted so the advertiser can check his paper up. It is nothing but fair and reasonable that the advertiser should check np' posting, distributing or sign painting as well as he would check up his newspaper ads. We make it a rule always to furnish list of routes and list of stands regularly every month, to oil advertisers that we are posting for.— Curran Denvet t PRETTY NEAR ALL, We are happy to state that we now number among our subscribers nearly all the bill posters of the United States and Canada. The list of those who had not subscribed was carefully gone over dur- ing the last month and personal letters sent to each of them As a result, we are enabled to count among our sub- scribers every bill poster in the territory mentioned with theexception of sixteen. Of these latter two are not interested in our efforts on behalf of the bill boards. Eight have not assigned a reason and six cannot afford to subscribe. Arrange- ments will probably be perfected through Mr. Ed. Stahlbrodt or some other kind hearted missionary, where by even these few will receive the paper regularly before our next issue when we hope to be able to state to our subscribers and advertis- ers that we reach them all. The constant repetion of the name of a proprietary article which ensues from advertising it upon the bill boards possesses manv virtues. It fixes it firmly in the memory of the most obtuse and when this is once accomplished its uses, merits or qualities are spon as>ociated with it When you use posters say your say briefly, tersely and to the point. Change your posters often, not only the copy but the color style and general appearance. The bill boards accomplish in a ""single day what the newspapers are months in doing If you have an article of merit, a bar- gain, a novelty or a good thing of any- kind you owe it to the public to advertise it properly "" Let your advertisements be timely and reasonable and there will never be any q testion Miout their value. Be prodigal with your space but never with your copy. A little slang judicously used, is some- times valuable, but two much means loss of dignity which is always to "be greatly deplored. Some people do not like to read adver- tisements and never look into the adver- tising pages of their papers and maga- zines ; When you use the bill boards they cannot help themselves, they are bound to see your poster and see it ofen. Walker and Co., of Detroit, Mich., have a splendid clienteles. This is oneofthe^ most efficient and ably conducted services in the country. H. W. Walker is a mem- ber of the Associated Bill Poster's Asso^ ciation, the Michigan Bill Poster's Asso- ciation and the : Protective League of American Showmen. ELDER, JENKS & RABORG, 'Excelsior' Cipcas Paste AND BILL POSTERS'BRUSHES Made of Hard Wood head, best long Russian'Brlstles, copper wiied. The most practical and reliable brush made. Will not come apart. Used and recommended by Barnnm Forepaugh and the leading Circuses and Bill Posters throughout the United Sta'es aud Canada. Size a ineh. Price $30 00 perdoz. $3.25 Each. Sent C, O, U. to all parts of the Country ELDER, JENKS& RABORG Brush Mana$$eiurers ;*>}! m :®s ill - ' i$3. i •Sri 11 127 N. Fifth Street, Cor. Cherry, PHILADELPHIA