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The billboard (Jan-June 1895)

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i!'= Billboard ^dygr-tisfrig Classified Advertisements. Two line displayed advertisements under this heading, 23<-. for one insertion, 60c for three insertions, 75c. for four insertions. Si U0 for six insertions. Larger carrds, 10c. per agate line. BILL POSTERS* DIRECTORY. WANTED, TO BOY I Bill Posting Plant, not less than 25,000 inhabitants. Address, C. A. HABNOH, Mis-onla, Mon t Blending & French, the Bill-Posters and Distributers oC Putnam, Conn Advertise in the Copper Country! A mos PqMars, bill poster, Houghton, Mich A Freak in Texas! Reliable Bill Poster at Honey tirove: Owns 7500 feet of boards. Can give guaranteed showings. Pop. 3500. BegBDfiMlTT.the Bill Poster Western Bill Posting Co., Salt Lake City . Utah. Bill Posters and Bill Writers. The Curran Bill Posting andDistri- butinECo.,own and control all bill Wards in Denver. Pueblo, Colorado Springs and surr ounding towns. Oen'l Office, Denver John A. Lakln, City Bill Poster, Cooperftown, N. Y. Reliable . Evansville, lnd., has population ot 75.000- Write PROVES, about posting. The Oshkosh Bill Posting Co., City Bill Posters and Distributers. Reliable and definite service. Population dO.UUu. J. E. WlUJAMa, Jigr.. Ushfcosh, Wis. Chatham Bill Posting Agency, Bin Posting and Ueneral Advertising. Agents In ail adjoining towns. W.W.8QANE, Mgr„ Chatham. Ont. The Summit City Bill Posters, Souder & Smith, Ft. Wayne, lnd. Managing Xhe Temple -Bill Posting «fc Distribaliug Co . The Elgin Bill Posting, Advertising and Distributing Company. Elgin, I"«- All work guaranteed. Population 23,000 Only licensed r-oster in city. - FRED W. JKNCKS, Prop'r- Washington, lnd. has a population of 10,000 Write Korrall Bros about posting Wlllimantlc, Conn., pop. 14.000. 4ma98 /■ H. OKAY, City Bill Poster Carlimfflle, Ills.,pop. 4,000. County seat of Maconpin county, A. J. TORNEB, City Bill Poster. Refe-ences; First National Bank, and 4 ma'J5 C.H.O.Ander-on, Banker Sioux City, Iowa, pop. 40.000, Put Sioux City on your list by all means. E I>. Webster, bill poster, 3,000 ft of boards Pana, Ills. Pop. 7,000. LoUKOLEY, Bill Poster, controls all the 4ma boards. 540 ft. of desirable locations E. L. WEBSTEB, City BUI Poster, Sioux City, Iowa. Personal attention given to all worK entrusted to me. Los Angeles, Cal. Pop. 85,000. City Bill Posting Co., 354 S3. Main street. Geo. P. McCla lri, Pro. F. E. Holtslander, Mg Pasadena, Cal. City Bill Posting Co D.Coyle, Mgr. Geo. P. MeClain, Prop Elm wood Opera Bouse, Bill Posting Department. Large facilities for commer- cial work, boards In four towns haviug eapaclly of 700 sheets. Locations excellent for local and railroad showing. Kates reasonable. Work thoroughly, promptly and hocestly done. W.H. TROWBRIDGE Month Kramingham, Mass- . Milford, Kass. Population 10.000. W. E. Cheney, City Bill Poster, Distributer fr"4 So. Bow street- Sole control of all bill boards in city and adjoining towns. 20 years' experience in this city. Baggage and scenery truck express. -~»— - . - - Alexandria, Minn. Boards under electric lights. General advertising done in Douglas Co. Send paper—we'll do the rest. References if required- Bart'B Advertising Service. Alexandria -Boonville, N. Y. ,Wa. Comstoek, City BUI Poster. O wns and controls all boards. Marshall, Ills. Victor Janney. Licensed City Bill Poster and Distributer. Nails np signs In adjacent territory and contractsforneigtaboringtowns. Aprompt reli able and efficient service. Fort Scott, Kas. Pop. 14.000, Harry C. Ernlch, City Bill Poster, Litho- grapher and Programmer. Cards tacked up and samples distributed. Put Fort Bcott. S aksas, ok yopb list Belfast; Me F. E. Cottrell, City Bill Poster. P. O. box 78L Residence 20 High street- Bill Posting and Distributing service Troy, N. Y., Dundon & Co., Bill Posters and Distributers, 111 14th st. When yon write, mention SUBjoard Advertising. THE LIBBIE SHOW PRINT- PRINTERS AND ENGRAVERS, 6 to 12 BEACH STREET, BOSTON. MASS. When you write, mention Billboard Adverti"iw (LrVFairchilu, CITY BILL POSTER, ___^__ Distributer and General Advertiser, CoviDgton, Htldale, West Covington, Ludlcw and rurroondiogs. 16 East Fifth Street, COVINGTON. KY. When you write, m ention Billboard Adver tising. i Billboard Advertising for Jane Will contain a Complete List of all the Fairs of th^e United States and Car\ada, toge+hjer with the names of the Officers The INTERNATIONAL PROPAGANDA CO. FERRON. CURTIS & CO. Managers. CENERHL HDiZERTISING CONTRACTORS United States, Canada, Mexico, Central and : outn nmerica, and tbe West Indies. Advertisernents written and translated ihto^Spanish, French, and Portuguese. Bill Posting. Distributing, Mural Display, Sign Painting, and Stereopticon Adver- tising a specialty. We control 1000 Programmes of the principal Theatres and Circuses of the two continents. MANUFACTURERS' AGENTS. American goods introduced into Spanish-speaKing countries of Central and South America, on commission- General Office, 1364 Broadway, New York, TJ. S. A. WITH BRANCHES AT Havana, Rio Janeiro, El Paso, City of Mexico, Buenos Ayres, San Francisco & Lima TORONTO, CANADA. Population, Street Car . Passengers Carried Last Year, . Over 200.000 " 80m,iles. " 20.000.000. The Price Advertising Co. BILL POSTERS. DISTRIBUTERS. &c. Own arjd Control All Bill Boards. ^Special. TO f|[B?H poster? il^dv^j-trsrtis Agents, I &ZQr%kart%s oF Faffs, Crpper Ha'f-Tonc Engravings, PORTRHITS. 2x3 $2.50. 2 i Ax.'syi $2.75. 3x4 $3 00. Send Good Photo with Honey Order, TO THE HELLEBEfiG PHOTO-GRAViKG CO., CINCINNATI. OHIp. . When you write, mention Billboard Advertising. Classified Advertisements Two lino displayed atlvetlseineuts nnd*-r this heading, 3nc for one insertion, tiOc. for llnee insertions, 75c. for four insertion., $1.UQ for Mix hiHurUous, Larger curdH, 10c. per u<ate line. BILL POSTERS' DIRECTORY. DisplaflQttvertlsing. TO RENT. :lanarto\ CIRCULAR DISTRIBUTERS. Ashland, Ohio. Geo. H. Bott, Circulars and samples honestly distributed Signs tucked up. Best of reference. All Kinds of Advertising Mat'er distributed. Reliable.prompt. Refere"ce Population a50,00u. Address. W. H. Steinbrenner, 313 Viue, Oinclnunti J. H. Lane & Co.. Evansville, lnd. does Distributing. 317% First Street. Distributers, Advertise I Iu BIM.BOARD AuveKT'lSlKG. We reach all tbe large advertisers Mtrlctly legiti- mate a dvertisers only wanted. Chicago, Ills. J. A. dough, t'outracts solicited for the dlMtrlbutlon of all legitimate advertising matter lu Chi- cago and suburban towns. Nashville, Tennessee. Circulars, etc., distributed, o^rds nnlUd $1 50 per 1000 up. James L. Hill, 8!M Broad street Nashville, Temi. Poughkeepsie, N. Y. M. V. Sprenger, Distribuler, .Sampler and BUI Poster. 1 Maple street. Correspondence solicited Fresh List of 1895. Men and women In every profession and business, for sale. What do yen pay? Oeo. M Bolts. Ashland. Ohio Michigan. Advertising matter dis- tributed. slz»-ft tacked, addresses furnished B. A. HEPULLi, Alpena, Mich. When you write, mention Billboard Advertising. BrHboar-d ^dver"fciSTT|g. Tguud Pnii^eirSigii lOOOsjI^Hfen bill bourns for palmed sIkiis. each ^MQbuuro feet. Located in New EnglanaTtowus and citlis. Location of, boards guaranteed! linAttfass U. S. KIEI'H, Bill PosCTRg Board Advertising J47 Main street, Fitchburg, Muss Lima, Ohio. The World Advertis- ing service. W. c. TIKRILL, Propretor, owns and controls all Bill Boards in Lima and adjacent town*, Louisiana, Mo. Population 10,000. i:. A. Bragsuale Cli-y itiil Po>ter, Disir ibuter Manchester, N. H. Frank P. Colby, City Bill Poster, li siributer and touggsge Transfer. Address 30 MamhesterM. Seranton, Pa., and adjacent towns embraciu{£ a populutlou ot -225 000. KKESE & L'lNii. City Bill Posters. Hugh Vance. City Bill Poster and i)i.-tribut=r. References and estimates. Effingham. Ills. Hot Springs, Ark. Pop. 12,500. L. A. THOMAS, the only Licensed B li Poster and Advertiser iu Hot Springs. I >wns and controls all hoards a nd dead wails San Antonio, Texas. Pop. 40 000. Texas Advertising lo. Cltv Bill Posters and Distributers. Office, Alamo Plaza, Wecbes Bldg. P. O Box «s«. Si rns painted and tacked up. Albuquerque, N. M. Pop. 10.000. Tiie Hudson Adv. & Bill I'o-tingCo , own and control all bill boards. a<bo do distri- buting. tacking, fence pa inting, mailing. Vietoria, British Col. Pop. 20 000. The Victoria Hill Posting Co. own an con- trol all bill bttnrds. paint sigiisaud tiulletins and does disl-ibutlng. Address ROHKKT JAMIESON. Manager, P. •>. Drawer 2S. POSTER AKD BILL WRITERS. Do you know good ads W hen you see il.ein ? If you fo, you can appr.ciale my work. Specimens sel lui- oii request. Write and te<l me what you use and I will quo e price for doi"g it- i>. B Ai'cuibaid, 73 Nassau St., Sew York I Write Bills and Posters. oc-95 KOBT. CAKKKLL, Da? ton, Ky A Badly Written Bill is Worse than no bill at all. Try tne. Terms reasonable ap-95. f. K. McHENRY. Newport. Ky Pointers For Bill Writers. BILLBOARD ADVVUTISIKG is full Of them. Stihsirribe now. ADVERTISING AGENTS. G. H. Hartford. Car No. 1. Ringllng Bros. Shows The Rochester Bill Posting Co., ED. A. STAHLBRODT, Manager. Bill Pos'ers, Distributers and General Advertisers. No. 16 and 18 Mill Street, ROCHESTER, N. Y. i THE ERIE BILL POSTING CO. ED. A. STAHLBRODT, Manager. Bill Posters, Distributers and General Advertisers, No. io North Park Row. ERIE, PA. Prudes on the Prowl. "Prudes oil the prowl," is a phrase which has "caught on" in reference to the action of the County Council, in the matter of the Empire License. Into the merits of that case we shall not enter, but ws as billposters have for a long time past been subject to the criticism of ' Prudes on the prowl," although we never thought of coining so happy a phrase to describe the criticism from which the bill posting industry has long suffered. If the music hall Indus' ry feel aggrieved, what ought the bill posting industry to feel ? Under the heading of Wrexham, in this number, our readers will see that a picture of a ballet girl has been objected to because her skirts were short, aa if a ballet girl can have any other than short skirts From Cork, however, comes the latest and most re- markab'e exhibition of pru-iery which we remember. One of the Town Coun- cilors arose iu his place in the Council and deuouueed Messrs. Guy & Co., for corrupting the morals of the young peo- ple of Cork by posting indecent bills. There is not a more respectab'e fiim in the business than that of Messrs. Guy Si" Co. They occupy a deservedly higji place amongst the tiadesmeu of the ci y, and would not knowingly do the slight- est thing which could by any kind of judgement be construed into an act for "corrupting the moral of the young peo- ple of the city." What then was this act of theirs which was having so terrible a resu't? It was that they had actually posted on their hoarding a pictuie of a bull. Most of our readers will know the picture sent out by the Bovril Company—a splendid example of wha a poster ought to be— we have always thought it. On a hoard- ing near to a public college, this firm had posted one of these pictures; thus, they had become 'corrupters of the morals of the young" It seems to us that an Irish- man is nothing if he is tot emphatic; he is of such an ardent temperament that moderate views are to him, a stranger, and thus, whichever side he takes on any given question, he is an extremest. This is the only excuse we ctn think of for such an objection concerning the picture of the Bovril bull. Shakespeare makes Shylock to depl ire thai to some people there is offense ii a ' harmless necessary cat," although no reason for it can be given. So surely for this offense no soutjd reason can be given. The Cork Corporation ott k ht to pass a resolution that all boys in public schoo's should cease to walk in the fields until such time as the farmers had provided clothicg for the animals browsing there- in. Messrs Guy & Co., desirous always to remove any cause of offense which their hoardings could possibly contain at once covered up the bull pictures, and cancelled the contract. Perhaps the Bovril Company will see their wav io have some new bulls made clothed in trousers, and send them to Cork for ex- hibition, and so avoid offending the supersensitive prudery of the members of the Cork Corporation. Still, to the credit of the Corporation, it shou'd be stated, that, as a body they declined to take any actioniu the ma'ter, so we must not speak of the whole bod) as endorsing the sentiments of the Councillor who br.ught the matter forward„but if the Bovril Company could see their way to meet this gentleman s objections in the way we have menticce?' the advertise- ment would be a very effective one,'and cause a great deal of attention from its "novelty. It is desirable in these days of purity that Nature should be improved up n, and Mr Watson, R. A., the painter of the picture in question, might be com- missioned to try his hand at a puss in boots—no, a bull iu—what Mark Twain would designate—'britches."— The Bill Poster, London, Eng. Art in Advertisitig devotes a page 'roasting" street car advertising. It speaks of "the decline in value of street car space." in face of the fact that street car advertisings increasing in popularity ar.d more value given with the perfection of service, which conies as a result of confidence and patronage of adveitisers. —Display Advertising, St. Louis. The Greatest Guide. F:om time to time during the past ten or a dozen years, attemp's have been made by various individuals and firms to issue complete and comprehensive the- atrical gu des conveying all sorts of use- ful information concerning the different branchesof the amusement calling. Some of these guides have been very good, and some of them of them of trifling value. But there can be no mistaking the qual ity of the mest recent theatrical guide which has just been issued by W. H. Don- aldson, of Cincinnati, Ohio. This is, be- yond all dispute, the greatest book in i s line ever projected. It contains, in ad. dition to all other information that has been published in previous books of all descriptions, a complete and useful tele- graph code, and, in fact, all kinds of in- formation on all sorts of subjects that can iuterest managers, actors, agents, show printers, and others in auy wav counected with theatricals. The tele- graph code is a particularly useful com- pilation It enables those who use it not alone to save money in the way of tolls, but to convey information by telegraph in a confidential way. into which even the operators can rot penetrate un'ess they are owners of Mr. Donaldson's book. Up to this time I have not been a strong advocate of the kinds of theatrical guides in circulation. But this one is so im- measurably superior to- all that have gone before it as to command my e>teem and htarty endorsement. No person counee'ed with the business end of anv amusement scheme ought to be without a "Donaldson Gu:de."— Leander Kich- ardsons Dramatic News. DENVER DOTTINQS. Mr. Knight, agent of Beeman's Pepsin Gum, of Cleveland, Ohio, made us a call this month and renewed another large contract for bill posting in Denver- Pueblo and Colorado Springs He speaks very highly of the systematic maimer in mariner in which the Associated Bill Posters are working throughout the country, as he is getting better work and more protection for his -aper. H. C. Frese, wno lias been agent with the Pat Rooney show all this season, closed here and left to join as press agent with the Lemon Brothers' circus. W. A. Rusco, the Prince of all advance agents, and an agt nt who does not need any bookings to place his show in the best houses, was here this month repre- senting the only fcichards & Pringle's Georgia Minstrels. They played to big business in the Southwest circuit, and also at the Tabor Opera House. Mr. B. E Richards, manager of Richards & Pringle's Georgia Minstrels called later. He was surprised at the good, successful week, and left here happy, saying he would return in the near future. We are doing considerable posting this month for Pettijohn's Breakfast Food, Scribner's Magazine, Adams' Pep- sin Gum, and the Banquet Hall Cigar, manufactured by M Foster & Co, New York City Mr. Moran, agent of Kohler's Tea, of Baltimore, Md. was with us this month, and contracted for sampling Denver, Pueblo and Colorado Springs. He speaks ve-y highly of the paper. Bulboard ADVERTIS"NG. The Advance Car No i, of the Syndi- cate & Paris Hippodrome Circus started out and we commenced billing Denver April 9th. They go from here to Pueblo and Colorado. Charlie Holton, the old minstrel agent, is in charge of Car No. x, Ed. Norris, an old St. Louis bill pos'er, has charge of the paper, with Charles Flora as his assistant. They have taken some of our regular bill posters away, but we have got new men and have broken them in. Mr. Jenkins is in charge of Car No. 2, which was ctartcd out after No. 1. No doubt but that this season will be a prosperous one. They open in Denver, May 2d, for three days. Something must have happened at Munsey's. He has gotten out a rate card which people can understand— Art in Advertising. Out of ten single-sheet posters hung in a Sixth avenue elevated station last week, nine were the work of engravers, while one, and only one, was printed from a type form constructed by a "pos- ter hand." There is every indication that another year will witness the' de- parture of poster type, and that the pos- ter of the future will be the product of tbe engraver's art. This is not particu- larly to be deplored, as the engravers are a better paid class of men, and it takes longer to engrave a bill than to set it up — Union Printer, New York. Mr. C. S. Houghtalikg, of " Hotes Advertising Signs" fame, has compiled a list of bill posters in the United States, which is probably the best list extant Bill posters are beginning to do a little advertising on their own account, but they ought to advertise a great deal more. Every bill poster in the United States ought to be a subscriber to Print- er^ Ink. With a view to introducing "The Little Schoolmaster," a sample copy of the issue of May 22d will be mailed to each of the thousand or so names io Mr. Houghtaling's list.— Print- ters' Ink. New Yorh. ELDER, JENKS & RABORQ, 'Excelsior' 127 N. Fifth Street, Cor. Cherry, Circas Paste A.HSD ; BILL POSTERS'BRUSHES Made of Hard Wood head, best long Russian Bristles, copper wiied. The most practical and reliable brush made. Will not come apart. Used and recommended by Baruum. Forepaugh and the leading Circuses and Bill Fosters throughout the United States and Canada. Size a inch. Price $30.00 per doz. $3.25 Each. Sent C, O, V. to all parts of the Country ELDERJENKSOnBOlu Brush Manufacturers. PHILADELPHIA. 1:1 J J m 1 I. I HI 1... f 1