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The billboard (Jan-June 1895)

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Bill board ^ dyg Hrsfyg Classified Advertisements. Two line displayed advertisements under this heading, 25c. for oue insertion. *. M three insertions, 75c. for four insertions, 51 w for six insertions. Larger carrels, 10c. per agate line. . __ BILL POSTERS' DIRECTORY. Blending & French, the BUI Posters and Distributers of Putnam, Conn f Advertise in the Copper Country ! Atnos D^Mare.bill poster, Houghton,Mich A Freak In Texas! Reliable Bill Poster at Honey Grove: Owns 7500 feet of boards. Can give guaranteed showings. P..p.3500. See BtTKNlTT, th e Bill Vo-ier Western Bill Posting Co., Salt Lake j;uy, Utah. Bill Posters and Bill Writers - The Curran Bill Posting and Distri- buting Co..own and control all bill boards in Denver, Pueblo, Colorado Springs and surrounding towns. Gen'l Office, Denver John A. Lakln, City Bill Poster, Cooperstown, N. Y. Reliable Evansville, Ind., has population ot 75. 000- Write OKOVES, about posting. The Osnkosh Bill Posting Co., City Bill Posters and Distributers. Reliable and definite service. Population 30.000. J. E. WILXJAMa. -Mgr.. Ushfcosb. Wis. Chatham Bill Posting Agency, Bill Posting and Oeueral Advertising. Ageuu- In all adjoining towns. W. W.W'ANE, Mgr., Chatham. Ont- The Summit City Bill Posters, Souder * Smith. Ft. wayne,lnd- Managing The Temple Blil Posting & Distributing Co The Elgin Bill Posting, Advertising and Distributing Company. Elgin, Illf-^ All work guaranteed. Population 23,000 Only licensed poster in city. FRED W. JENCK3, Prop'r. Washington, Ind. has a population of 10.000 Write Uorrall Bros about posting Willimantie, Conn., pop. 14.000. 4ma95 J. H, (1BAY, City Bill Poster Carllnville, Ills., pop. 4,000. County Beat of Macoupin county, A. J. TURNER, City Bill Poster. Kefe-ences; First National Bank, and 4ma95 C H. C Anderson, Banker Sioux City, Iowa, pop. 40.000, Put Sioux City on your list by all means. K I*. Webster, bill poster. 3,000 ft of boards Classified Advertisements Two liue displayed advertisements under this Heading, 25c for one insertion, 00c. for three insertions,75c for four inset tion.,S1.00 for six insertions, Larger cards, 10c. per agate line. BILL POSTERS' DIRECTORY. Display Advertising. TO RENT. HW0 spaces on bill boards for painted signs, each 150 square feet. Located in New England towns and cities. Location ol boards guaranteed first-class 0. S. K1E I'll, Bill Posting and Painted Sign Board Advertising 417 Alain street, Fltchburg, Mass Lima, Ohio. The World Advertis- ing service. W. C T1KBILL, Proprietor, owns and controls all Bill Boards in Lima and adjacent towns - Louisiana, Mo. Population 10,000. C. A. Bragsaale City Bill Poster, Dlsiribnter Manchester, N. H. Frank P. Colby, City Bill Poster. D stributer and baggage Transfer. Address 30 Manchester si. Seranton, Pa., and adjacent towns embracing a population ol 225000. UEESE & LUNti. City Bill Posters. Hugh Vance. City Bill Poster and Distributer. References and estimates. Effingham, Ills. Hot Springs, Ark. Pop. 12,500. L. A. THOMAS, the only Licensed Bill Poster and Advertiser iu Hot Springs. Owns and controls all boards and dead waits San Antonio, Texas. Pop. 40 000. Texas Advertising Co . City Bill Posters and Distribnters. Office, Alamo Plaza, WeckesBIdg. P. O Box6s6. signs painted and tacked up. Albuquerque, N. M. Pop. 10.000. The Hudson Adv. <£ Bill Posting Co , own and control all bill boards. Also do distri- buting, tacking, fence painting, mailing. Vietoria, British Col. Pop. 20 000. The Victoria Kill Posting Co. own an con- trol all bill boards, paintslgus and nniletins and does distributing. Addre»s ROBERT JAM1ESON. Manager. P. o. Drawer 28. Laurence, Kas. Pop. 15.000, A. M. Poff, City Bill Poster and Distributer Meridian, Miss. Pop. 15,000, L. D. Hoffer, City Bill roster <fe Distributer EXPERT AD. WRITERS. Pana, Ills. Pop. 7,000. LOO HOLEY, BUI Poster, controls all tbe 4ma boards. 540 fU of desirable locations E. L. WEBSTER, City Bill Poster, Sioux City, Iowa. Personal attention given to all work entrusted to me. Los Angeles, Cal. Pop. 85,000. City Bill Posting Co., 251S. Main street. Oeo. P. McClaln, Pro. F. E. HolUslauder, Mg Pasadena, Cal. City Bill Posting Co .!>. Coyle, Mgr. Geo. P. McClaln, Prop Elm wood Opera House, Bill Posting Department. Large facilities for commer- ci-U work, boards in four towns having rapacity of 700 sheets. Locations excellent for local and railroad showing. Kates reasonable. Work thoroughly, promptly and honestly done. W.H TROWBRIDGE Suulh Framingham, Mass- Milford. Mass. Population 10.000. W. E. Cheney, City Bill Poster. Distributer CI so. Bow street. Sole control of all bill boards In city and adjoining towns. 20 years' experience in this city. Baggage 'and scenery truck express. Alexandria, Minn. Boards under electric tights General advertising done In Douglas Co. Send paper—we'll do the rest. References if required. Bart's Advertisin g Service, Alexandria Boonville, N. T. Wm. Comstock, City Bill Poster. Owns and controls all boards. Marshall, Ills. VietorJanney Licensed City Bill Poster and Distributer Kalis up signs in adjacent territory and contracts for neighboring towns. A prompt reliable and efficient service. Fort Seott, Kas. Pop. 14.000, Harry C. Ernich, City Bill Poster, Litho grapher and Programmer. Cards tacked up and samples distributed. Put Fort Scott, Kansas, on your list Belfast, Me F. E. Cottrell, < ity Bill Poster. P.O.box781. Residence 20 High street. Bill Posting and Distributing service Troy, N. T., Dundon & Co., ■ Bill Posters and Distributers, 114 14th st, Northfield, Minn. Pop. 4,000. ~ H. IT Ensign, Bill Poster and Distributer Board capacity, 900 sheets Wien you write, mention Billboard Advertising. Do you know good ads W hen you see them ? If you do, you can appreciate my work, specimens sei t up- on request. Write and tell me'what you use and I will quo.e price for doing it. D. B. Archibald, 73 Nassau st,, New York I Write Bills and Posters. oc-95 ROBT. CARHELL, Dayton, Ky A Badly Written Bill is Worse than no bill at all: Trynie. Terms reasonable ap-95. C. F. McHENRY, Newport, Ky Pointers For Bill Writers. BlLLBOAKDADVKKTlSINO is full Of them. Subscribe now. Geo. J. Guilford, Program, Bill and Advertisement Writer, Address, Music and Drama, Cincinnati, O AMERICAN FAIR BULLETIN. Trenton, N. J. The Great Inter- state Fair. Jno. Guild Mulrheid, Sec'y Ionia, Mieh. Ionia District Fair Asso-iatiou. M. M, Currier, Treas. Groesbeck, Tex. Limestone County Fair and S. K 'a Assn. Dr. S. D. Bogg, secy Newspaper Cuts for Fairs. Write to The Helleberg t-hoto Engiavlnglo.,No. 243Sycamore street. Cincinnail, O. Wanted—Fair Grounds Attractions, Races. July 3-d,4lh and 5th, 1X95. Races and fair, September 24th l«» 2sth, '9.3. Address, with full parti' stars and terms. Alex. Kibkiasd, sec'y, Pamtcah, Ky Op-to-date Fair Bills and posters, The Donald-son Litho Co., Cincinnati. O Fair Grounds Attractions, Of Every Descrip' ions. Cincinnati Amuse- ment Agency. 127 E. 8th st., Cincinnati, O. Chas. Fenz & Co.. New York, 103 E. 14th st. Furnish all kinds of Open Air Attractions for Fairs, Feles, etc Balloon Ascensions And Parachute Drops of Every Description Wm. P. Hanner, Cincinnaf. O "Laloo," Greatest of all Living Attractions. Addrers Geo. Arlington. 88 SO Ceutie St., New York When you write, mention BiUooara Advertising. DISTRIBUTERS' DIRECTORY. Wo can guarantee-that advertisers will re- ceive honest, reliable service from any firm or person whose advertisement appears in Hie following list.. Jso advertisements received from minors References as to honesty and integrity must accompany all applications for Bpace Logan, Utah; Will Croekett, City Bill Poster and Dlsiribnter If You Have Anything In Distributing Line, write J. E. Strover Co. 383 Ceutral.a"e, Rochester, New York . Valparaiso, Indiana, Distributirg In Porter co, J. "B. McCHIl Matawan, Monmouth Co., N. J. Lloyd's Distributing Agency, Box 67 St. Charles. Mo., B. F. Bruns & Co., Advertising Distributers Haekettstown, N. J., C. A. McLean, Distributer, signs tacked Michigan. Advertising matter dis- tributed, slens tacked, addresses furnished E. A. SBPDTjL, Alpena, Mich, Ashland, Ohio. Geo. M. Bott, Circulars and samples honestly di'trlbuted signs tucked up. Best of reference. Rochester, N- Y. Elward A. Stahlbrodt, Distributer and General Advertiser, 16 and 18 Mill street Pougbkeepsie, N. Y. M. F. Sprenger. Distributer, Sampler and BUI Poster. 1 Maple street. Correspondence solicited Grand'Rapids, Mich., George M. Leonard. Reliable fUslribnter Nashville, Tennessee. circulars, etc., distributed, cards nailed SI 50 per 1000 up. James L. Hill, 323 Broad street Nashville. Tenn. Seranton, Lackawanna Co., Pa. Jo>-n H. Beltz & Sons, General Advertising Agents, Write to us, B54 Deacon street Ionia. Mieh. Thos. Key es Distributes Circulars. Samples Chicago. Ills. A Reliable Distributing Service, operated with men—not boys. P. F. Scnnefer 0l Co., proprietors. 395 397 W. Harrison st. Dis- tributing, Samplirg. Tacking and General Ontdopr Advertising Lansing. Mich. P. A.Cary. Experienced Plstribnter Carthage,. Mo. Pod. 10,000. Joseph Barrett, Distributer; Sampler and C3enera' Advertiser. Akron, Ohio. A iron rtitv Bill Postipg: Co. Distributing SI.50 to S2.50 per 1000, accoiding to size All Kinds of Advertising Matter distributed. Reliable.prompt. Reference Population 350.000. Address. W. H. Steinbrenner, 313 Vine, Cincinnati Butte, Mont., Fred Kerlh, City Distributer and General Advertiser, Address, 62 East Broadway Fort Wayne, Ind. Slmider & Smith. Distributers of Circulars and samples. Office. Masonic Temple Reference, White National Bank Denver, Colo. Write Curran about Distributing. 17th and Larimer streets Office, Chieago, Ills., American Advertising Co.. 280 Madison Chicago, Ills. J. A. Cloatrh, Contracts solicited for the distribution of all legitimate* advertising- matter in Chi- cago and suburban towns. Philadelphia, Pa., Sanlord H. Robl«on, Absolutely Reliable Distributing Srrv'ce. 709Sansom sireet. Baltimore, Md., Write to Rife * Honck. 20 North street, RettHtjle Distributing Service MURAL SIGNS AND PAINTED BULLETINS. Advertisements under this head are inserted free if set in nonpareil. One Dollar per annum in bold face type, and twenty-five cents per Hue for display ad. not exceeding six lines in size. Omaha, Neb., Thos. Mulvihlll, General Advertiser. Office, 1512 Harney street Albany, n. y. J. Ballard Carroll, 54 Beaver street. Boston, Mass. J. Donnelly & Sons, Boston Advertising Co., 8 Bromfield st. Brooklyn, n. y. The New York and Brooklyn Adv. Sign Co., DeKalb and. Hudson aves. Thos. A. Skidmore, 640 Halsey st. Cincinnati, O. The John Chapman Sons Co., 19Longworth st. Dilt's Advertising Service. Ph. Morton, 171 Central ave. Hummel & Curran, 642 Main st. Chicago, Ills. R. J. Gunning, Wabash ave., cor. VanBuren st, Bour & Company, 59 Dearborn st. F. M. Lewis & Co., Temple Building. Thos. Cussack, 382 Madison st. Cleveland, O.—Al. Bryan, Denver, Col. The Curran Bill Posting and Advertising Co. Louisville, Ky. —Hevenn Bros. Newark, N. J.—Newark Bill Posting Co. New York, n. Y. O. J. Gude & Co., 13 and 15 west Broadway C. S. Houghtaling, No. 3 Park JMace Standard Display Adv. Co., 6th ave. and 13th st. Frank J. Beyer, 116 Chambers street New York Adv. Sign Co., 16 and 18 Park Place, Excelsior Adv. Sign Co., World Building, Display Advertising Co., 1S7 6th avenue Samuel a. Hoke, Nassau and Fulton streets, H. R. Robinson, Advertising Agent, J. B Coakey, 95 Bowery Art Sign Co., i4i~Bowery Chas. Jas. Wells & Co., Bowery and Houston st Frank T. Jones, 40 west Broadway, Unexcelled Advertising Co., 46 Vesey street Colyers System Advertising Service, Philadelphia. Pa. American Advertising Sign Co., 1336 Race st. J. F. Johnson, Scranton, Pa.— Reese & Long Adv. Co. St. Louis, Mo. W. F. » illiamson, 113-115N. 6th street Hurst & Stout Adv. Sign Co. R. J. Gunning, Toronto, Can, —Price Advertising Co. PRINTERS' DIRECTORY The following firms make a specialty of Pos- ters and distributing work. Advertisements under this head are printed' free of charge in nonpareil. In bold face type one dollar perannum Display Advertisements (not exceeding six lines twenty-five cents a line. Advertisements amounting to oue dollar and over include a year's subscription free. Springfield, Ohio. H. H.Tyner, Reliable Pistrlbntlne Service Covington. Ky., O. P. Faircbild. Distributer and General Advertiser, Office, 16 E*st Fifth street Toronto, Can.. Pod. 200.000, Price AdverlIsing<'o.,Ke'lableDistribnters Grand Junction. Col. Pop. 40,000, Kdw'n A. Ha*fcell. General Adv»rls»r, Hand billsrilHlributedandClrcula smailed to every redden*, of Meso Connty J. H. Lann & Co.. Evansville, Ind. dOfK Distributi ng 317% First Street. Boston, Mass.' Pop. 600.000. J. F. McWhirk.General Adv, Distributer ADVERTISEBS NOTE..— We personally unrantoe- the servlre r*nd*»ed by any Dis- tributer in our list. No advert'seraenta re- ceived from parties unknown to us, unless accompanied by first claim references, and minors are not allowed to advertise under nnvctrenmstances. When you write, mention Billboard Advertising. Bien, Julius & Co., 140 6th ave. New York Boston Job Printing Co., 4 Alden, Boston Mass Broofclvn Daily Eagle Job Printing Co, Brooklyn Brooklyn Times Printing Co, Brooklyn Calhoun Printing Co, Hartford, Conn Calvert Litho Co, Detroit, Mich Cameron Show Printing Co. 57 Ann, New York Central City Show Printing Co, Jackson, Mich Central Litho and Eng Co, 1406th ave. New York Central Show Printing Co, 143 Monroe, Chicago Commercial-Gazette Job Rooms, Cincinnati Correspondent Show Printing Co, Piqua, Ohio Courier Printing Co, Brantford. Ontario Courier Show Printing Co, Buffalo, N Y Cox's Sons, John, Gay and Pratt, Baltimore The Donaldson Litho. Co 127 Hast Eighth, Cincinnati Dramatic News Job Rooms, 107 West 28th street. New York Eagle Show Print, Chicago Eaton, Allen & Co. Grand Rapids, Mich Eichner & Co, Baltimore Empire Show Printing-r**.. 73-75 Plymouth Place, Chicago Francis & Valentine, 517 Clay, San Francisco • ., Enquirer Job Rooms, 88 East Eighth; Cincinnati K«c Show Printing Co, Erie, Pa Forbes* Litho Co, 181 Devonshire, Boston Free Press Show Printing' Co . Detroit, Mich Fox, Richard K, Franklin and Dover, New York " Gillin Show Print, 132 West 14th, New York Goes* Litho Co, 140 Monroe, Chicago Ot. Am. Eng & Print Co, 57 Beck-man, New York Great Western Printing Co, 511 Market, St Louis Greve Litho Co, The, Milwaukie, Wis Haber. C. F., Fond-du-lac, Wis Hasselman Printing Co.', Indianapolis. Ind Hatch, C R. & H. H., Nashville, Tsnn Hennegan & Co., 127 East Eighth, Cincinnati Jackson, J B., 48 Centre, New York Jordan Show Printing Co., 128 Franklin. Chicago Ledger Job Office, 60s Sansom, Philadelphia Llbbie Show Print, 6 to 12 Beech, Boston Lick Show Print, Fort Smith, Ark Liebler & Maass. 224 Centre, New York Los Angeles Show Print, Los Angeles, Cal Maubert, Victor, New Orleans, La. Metropolitan Printing Co, 222 W. 26th, New Y01 k Mitchell, Chas., Ottawa, Ont., Canada Morgan, W. J. & Co., St. Clair, t leVeland National Printing & Eng. Co., Chicago Pioneer Printing Co., 214 Jefferson, Seattle, Wash Richardson & Foos, 112 4th Ave, New York Riverside Printing Co.. 216-3rd, Milwaukee, Wis Saffin, H. ■ *., 172 Sklllman Ave., Brooklyn Seers, A. S., 19 E. 17th street. New York Shober & Carqueville, Jackson St., ■ hicago Springer Litho Co., The, 342W, 14th, New York Springer & Weity, New York Star-Printing Co., 606H' Second, Seattle, Wash Strobridge Litho Co., Cincinnati Union and Advertiser Co., Rochester, N. Y. Union Job Printing Co., Walla Walla, Wash. United States Printing Co., Cincinnati van Fleet, 88 centre. New York What Cheer Show PrintingCo.,Providence, R. I. ■Winterburn Show Print., 166 Clark, Chicago When you write, mentloa Billboard Advertising. BTTTboafd •-•^dVgr-t-srrig. Other People's Brains. Borrowed, Appropriated, or Stolen Outright, as You Choose. There's one great trouble with the average summer advertiser. He makes his advertising loo heavy. He needs to take off the winter clothing, to make the ad look "cool" and inviting. A clean, open-face type will help to do this, with plenty of white paper, and perhaps a breezy cut or two. Let in more light, and adapt the ad to the changing season. Then try to hit the right class of people with it.— Profitable Advertising, Boston A Thought For Newspaper and Mag- azine Advertisers. It is a mistake to handicap newspaper advertising by expecting it to do too much. The newspaper is a splendid place to present an argument as to why people should buy your articles in per- ference to any other. But small space costs big money, and if the paper is any good, there is lots of other interesting matter to hold the attention of the read- ers. Display advertising gives big space or little money. It is a tremendous help to pithy news- paper argument to have tbe i.ame of tbe article greeting the eyes of the people from fence and v/all as they travel through a city; to have it salute the reader as an old friend a* he s'.eps into the street car. Last, and best of all, (if it is a propri- etary article), the very acme of help is obtained if there is a bulletin-board on " the side wall of the retail *tore where the article is sold. It hits the possible buyer right at a time and place where, if a de- sire for the article has been created the opportunity to purchase is immediately at hand Does this place display advertising in opposi ion to tile newspaper ? No; a thousand times, no! It is the newspa- per's best friend; its greatest help Every new advertiser that enters the field of publicity, by its verydetnand for it, increases the cost of space and also nia'<es space less valuable; for the more people that are shouting, " Come and buj of me." the louder,the one must shout to be heard above the crowd. This is why, with the increasing recog- nition of its importance as a trade factor, advertising is so serious a problem to-day. This is why newspapers can't do it all. This is why display advertising is the friend and co-laborer, not the rival of the newspaper. It makes it easier to get result*. Any proprietary article that seeks pub licity to-day ignoring the value of dis- play advertising and sticking to newspa- pers alone, is as badly handicapped in its advertising methods as is a man in the rare of life if he lacks oue of his senses. He may get along without it, but it is deuced inconvenient— O.J. Gude in Dis- play Advertising, St. Louis. Poor advertising is waste. Good ad- vertising is gain. The knowing How When, and Where to advertise is nee! essary to success. Placing such an im • portant matter as your advertising in the hands of an inexperienced person (be he relative, friend, or dependent) is a great mistake. Better pay him to keep his hands off. There are experienced men whomakeofadvertisingalife-study. — The King's /ester. With the coming :of spring there seems to be a lively revival of the sand- wich man and "parade" advertising in general. These street processions inva- riably attract attention, but it is rather doubtful if the interest they create ex- tends much beyond their o« n unusual 'appearance.— Art in Advertising: The long line of boys, clad from head to. foot in white duck, each wearing a cook's cap and -apron and carrying a gorgeous banner on which is printed the name' of a lunch resort," is not so bad. In the shopping districts it ought to be a good thing — Art in Advertising. The "Say" Poster. The Boston correspondent of Art in Advertising has the following comment to offer in regard to the famous "Say" Poster in the May number of that Mag- Some Suggestion For Printers. By W. Moseley. Pr'n'ers in small cities and towns—and the same thing may be said of those in larger cities—are poor advertisers, it they advertise at all. While they have something that is in universal demand, they seldom seem to be able to make an interesting advertisement. One great trouble with printers, although they might not admit it, is their lack of enter- prise in supplying and getting up really artistic work. They say ' People won't pay for it." Just the opposite. People . do not have the opportunity to get it or they would soon see the advantage of using that class of work. Like really good advertis-ing, really fine printing pays,'and pays well, both printer and customer. A reputation for turning out really artistic work is a great thing for a printer in these days of competition. Business "Mr. Donnelly, the well-known bill poster, is using a creation of the modern impressnnist (?) school of art. I suppose its title should be,' Say." It is florid in tone, gruesome in its awful frightfulness but altogether good—for advertising.. It is an apt illustration of the association-of- ideas principle, and, once the idea inoal- culated that this monstrosity is Donnel- ly's, the association can never be obliter- ated.' —Art in Advertising. A talk is told of Robert Bonner and of his belief in advertising. One day he engaged a whole sheet of a newspaper and repeated .a two-line advertisement, upon it over and over again. It must have been repeated five thousand times upon the page in the smallest type. "Why do you waste your money, Rob- ert?" asked a friend. "I noticed that same line so often. Would not half a page have answered your purpose?" • "Half a page would never have caused you to ask the question." replied Mr. Bonner. "At least five, people will ask to every line, was the way I figured it" — New York News. men are gradually coming to realize that it's the best work that pays best, and they are consequently willing to pay for it. It is human nature to want as good, or a little better, than your neighbor is getting. " Suppose a particularly fine job of pro- gram, menu or invitation printing is done, why not make that job the subject of an ad in the local papers, describing the beauties of their job, and making men'ion of the tact that a specialty is made of th : s class of work, and inviting people to come in and see this and other specimens of nice work ?— Printers' Ink. Personally, I like an advertisement that tells me in the briefest possible manner what the advertiser has to offer me I never read, under any circum- stances, except in connection with my business, the discursive introductory re- marks—curtain-raisers, so to speak— which seem to be popular with some ad- vertisers When I want to read, for. the pleasure of reading, I can usually find something more profitable and entertain- ing than these "side talks" with my tailor Or shoemaker — Art in Advertising. This is an ideal poster, according to M Cheret: It "should be as simple as possible, and I consider the introduction of one figure and need I hardly say, that of a lady for choice, is indispensable; whenever it is possible, this figure should be life-size. My own posters are never smaller than sixty centimetres (two feet) by eight-six (nearly three feet), and my favorite size is two hundred and fifty by ninety; the figure should, of course, be elegantly and brightly dressed in some striking cos- tume not likely to go out of fashion as long as the poster is to be in use. I always make a point of designing the lettering of the actual advertisements. I do not believe in black and white letters, but have no objection to their being very dark blue, red, or violet; this produces the effect of black without giving a jar- ring note.— The Echo, Chicago. The exhibition of posters made by the Cowles Art School attracted considerable attenti6n. There were a number of unique specimens shown, many of them bearing out the ideas of the Beardsley.— Profitable Advertising. Speaking of mysterious disappear- ances, what has become of that proposal to ab lish the bill beard nnisance in Chi- cago — The Echo. Don't attribute the success of a busi- ness enterprise to luck. If yon will ex- amine closely, you will generally find some potent advertising force behind the throne. No business of any kind, provided it is worthy of patronage, but what can be increased by judicious advertising. To make money you must be willing to spend some-select.good advertising mediums and you are nretrjrSHf 6 of good results. Many good advertisements are spoiled because the writer don't know when to stop. Make your advertisements brief and to the point.— Brockton Times. IT took a good many years for adver- tisers to learn that it paid better to hire the kind of brains that they didn't have to look after the advertising end of their business, rather than bungle along with it themselves. There are some even now who are struggling away at the business failing to recognize the fact that the very best expert service is the kind that pays best— Profitable Advertising. Some merchants sit down and criticise their competitors' methods of doing busi- ness, only to see them get nch, and themselves get poorer. It is bad policy for a merchant to say that "such and • such methods" would drive his trade away, when it is slipping away for the want of just such progressive ideas. The old fogy methods of years ago won't do for 1895. Get up and at them.—Progress *«Ful.i. many a gem of purest ray serene The dark unfathomed caves of ocean bear;*. Full many a bargain goes for days unseen. Because the people do not know|it's there, —ftinttPs Int. Bad luck is simply a man with his hands in his pocket, and a pipe in his mouth, looking on to see how it will come out. Godd luck is a man with pluck to meet difficulties, his sleeves rolled up, working to make it come cut all right.— The John Hancock. ;{:]"■ if 5 -tl'l HI w I : if m i (SI I ill . V' f mi 1. Ell § if 1(1 * t