The billboard (Apr 1895)

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The great success of the ■■ "SHY" POSTER Has induced us, to get up another, which is even better. It Is the YES! »» Poster, being d one-sheet, with figures on either side, reading in centre, can also be used as TWO HHLF SHEETS. , APPROPRIATE FOR ANY BUSINESS. Write for circular and sarnple. HENNEGAN & 6©. Poster and Commercial Printers, CINCINNATI. OHIO. Sorter, Si-arid^v Thai Eve*. DOUBLE • IT? • FORMER • SIZE. Permanent tddress, DONALDSON LIT HO, CO., Cincinnati, 0. BUY THE BEST EVANSVILLE, IND. P opulation 75.000 Finest Bill Posting Plant in the South-West. More Boards and the Best Located ot any City in the Country. We know the value ot advertising and always strive for results. In making up your list, don't forget Evansville. F.M. GROVES, BILL. POSTER. FAIRS _ CiDCir/rjati -Amusement- fl4ei)o|, The Queen City at last boasts of a solid and per- manent exchange, and a reliable dramatic, musical and variety agency. H Books Artists Ot All Lines. r,. J'Furnishes Talent for all Classes of Entertainment E Leading American Drawati m. H,D'MHLLET. Mgr.. Dnnaldsan Litha.Cij. Bldg. Eincinpatl, Cedar Shingles Poster's Brush- Copper bound and steel riveted- Manufactured expressly for the Donaldson Lithographing Co, and guaranteed the rnost durable brush on the marKet .. Fricf, each, J3.75 | io inch Price per dozen, 840.00 " " " 36.00 SEND CHECK WITH ORDER. The DONALDSON LITHO CO. CINCINNATI OHIO GBNERKL KEST6RN OFFICES, Leander Richardsons Dramatic News DGNKLDSON LITHO. CO. BLDG., il"joI-rft?n?Jiiol^^r^i{vI^il" CINCINNATI, OHIO. DISTRIBUTING ? OH VES! and BILL POSITING. REESE St LONG, »sooo Population. SCRANTON, PA. The HemUn Soys* Friend BOYS' FRIEND, THEY START WELL- Most Biy Posters do. Getting the best of Stands, hiring good talent, putting plenty of money into the enterprise. With brains and a place to fill they should make a success of the business- There are many who do all this, and then waste it all by not advertising in the right papers: those which circulate among the people whom they need and who need them HOW DO THEY END? Often they fail to succeed for want of that publicity which advertising in BILLBOARD ADVERTISING p Would give them-