Billboard advertising (May 1895)

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Classified Advertisements. *n |UM«rfd BILL FOSTERS' DIRECTORY. WANTED, TOMBOY ^ g A Freak in Texas! Reliable Bill Western BUI Posting Co.,Salt Lake Tba'^Curran Bill P DS **^f a<idOu|gi- John A. Latin, ClgrBlU Foswr,^ Evans villa, lnd., has population ot Chatham Bill Postmg^ Ag*ncy, ( Biii ' W?W."''°S ft Mil The Summit f Cl<j BlU^agMJ^ The Elgin Bill Posting-, Advertising ud IMSftballUff Company, t'sln, Uli- All «orE jimimt rapalMloii z>,°l»> lnd. hisi population Conn., pop. 14.000. c&FlinvUle. llls.,j)op. 4,000. t A°.°J. t T'^HEBTci'^Bni*'poster. Sioux City, Iowa, pop. 40 000, P ana. Ills. _ PgD. 7,000^ E. L. WEBSTEB. City Bill Posiep, Pasadena, Cat. City Bill Posting Depurlrnei Work tni*roug* Mllforo.Yass. Population 10.000. Wm. Comstoek, Ills. Victor Janney. Troy. K. T., Dilution & Co., THE LIBBIE SHOW PRINT. PRINTERS AND ENGRAVERS, 6 to 12 BEACH STREET, BOSTON. MASS. 0. P. Fairciiild, clTY blLL P0ST£R ' MtbMei ml Gtieral Advertiser. Covington, Hildale, West Covington, Lud'cw and rurroundings. it* East Fifth Street, COVINGTON, KY. jj Billboard Advertising for Jane {J Will contain, a Complete List of all the' Fairs of trie United States and Canada, together with the names of the Officers and th,e Date of the Fair. The INTERNATIONAL PROPAGANDA CO. FERHON. CURTIS * CO. Managers. CENERHL ADVERTISING CONTRACTORS United Stales, Canada, Heiito, Central and : ouiL Smtrica, and me West Indies. General Office, 1364 Broadway, New York, TJ. S. Ouer 200.000 80 miles. ■■ 20.000.000. The Price Advertising Co. BILL POSTERS. DISTRIBUTERS. Sec. Own ar,d Control All Bill Boards. JSpeciaL— TO fjjBfft Postcs, Copper Ha'f-Tone Engravings, PORTRAITS. 2*3 S2.50. 2^X3^ $2,76. 8x4 -*3 00. Send Goud Photo with Honey Order, TO THE HELLEBEF.G PHOTO-GRAVSKG CD,, CINCINNATI. OHI£. . Classified Advertisements pr^hli diMTll'.iii.. l.nrtiir purlin, IW-'pir BILL POSTERS' DIRECTORY. IspbJk&verllsing. TO RENT. s^fey Mr,*,: KllKhm7l0WIIII Hud citl.H. Lucullan ul, c"i' k i1"i'h Vbu i eJ) s T*T? 'i u'l l'« Ij^effel g <• ™ « Mi'mi Blrgcl, Fltcllburn, Miihh Louisiana, Mo. Population 10.000. Hugh Vance. City I Hot Springs, Ark. Pop. 12,500. San Antonio, Texas. Pop. 4 'd "a Bin | P °?" ij 0 000 Victoria. British C Pop. 20 000. POSTER AND BILL WRITERS. Do you know good ads » lieu j-oiiseell.eiu f if jnu fa, von tnn Tb *Arei !! uuid" nSwlS'lU S'e "Yurk I write Bills and Posters. OC-BS KUW-tMUHKLL, UaMon. Ky .. Badly Written Bill Is Vi ii<< bllLxlnll. Try n.e. Trrma nimiuiile ' . !■ McHK SHY. Newport. Ky (WHiftBll o( ibem. ADVERTISING AGENTS. G. H. Hartford. CIRCULAR DISTRIBUTERS. Ashland, Ohio. Geo. M Bott, All Kinds of Advertising; Hat-er d.jtrlbuled. Uel^lBble^rompt. Kefcn-ce Distributers, Advertise! Nashville, Tcnnf ssee. :l '.i |,.' r IHtl np. Jnmes L. sir.e- .v.i-liviiic. T. Poughkeepsle, 1 "crtrrfiBpondcne Fresh List Of 1885. Men and wo'riau In every proftBKlnn nnfl Michigan. Advertising matter dts- lrll>uWd,»lll"B!li.rli6il,HddreilKtil f.i«.i.fc~i E. A. HtvVLI., Alpsn*. Mlcu.