Billboard advertising (May 1895)

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list and letter beads. Let everyone le a helping hand. It has helped you a you can well afford to reciprocate. Bill Posters' Rules. Those which are In force In the office D EVERY MONTH BY BILLBOARD ADVERTISING C6. Wo. II W. EIGHTH ST.. CINCINNATI, O. James H. Mennegan. Manager. -ADVERTISING HATES.- lTmKSr'?^,;iT', ! ;,''- Advertisements.- See pagag, ^sWBStMIPTluw" ,,U " Q Year, !■> aoyanre, f, oo -. 60 cts. Single Copies, ID ets ol the Associated Bill Posters' Ant tion of the United States or America. The action was brought against Mr. Stahlbrodt at the instigation of tlis O. J, Gude Co., but just why, does not appear at all clear, si they failed to sustain a single charge, point or argument. There can be no doubt that Mr. StnhLbrodt was fully warranted 11] sending out the postal The attention of all employees is par- ticularly directed to the following Ru'es and Regulations, wbich are to be strictly o do so under the laws oi the An ion. In attacking Mr. Stahlbrodt Sir, I. P. A.; a that hi* actio* adder duly of 1 furt' rouldae Jnght t tb« c will be condoned by the A. 11. P. A , and we hope by Mr. Stahlbrodt also, for Mri Gnde isa hustler, and has done much for Bill Posters at large. .delphia, April Stb, i BILLBOARD ADVERTISING CO. No. tl West Eighth Street. Cincinnati. Ohio. The phenomenal amount of cotbmer- cial advertising which has been diverted from customary channels to the bill boards of late, has set many advertising journals to claiming the credit of having directed the attention of advertisers to the advantages of this particular medium. Printers-Ink thinks it is largely due to from the headache, which was bound tc lievea that it is entitled to the credit, doctrine" tnTc'raft"'.„"eve'tyta"™* ^-^.P'^!"* A &f r,it '"S > 8 of necled or identified with it in any way, ii going to feel the betieficient effec:s of i We have received Your favor of April 5th at band. In reply, would state, there is a very good reason whv the show printers do nag an era of prosperity such as tbey not take any interest io Billboard Ad- ve never experienced heretofore. Bill vertising; from the fact that the bill aters are happy, poster printers ate osperous, and advertisers are highly tisfied with the results or the new sdium that tbey have adopted. As before it is used. Employees in charge of horses Bud wagons to report at once any ma'ler about same that is unserviceable. It is the duty of every employee to see that all paper or pasle is removed from si lewalks, streets and roofs upon the completion of work on fence or wall, before he leaves the location, so as to leave no possible ground for complaint from the property owner or city authori- ties. On all occasions employees are to be- tbe time they are■employed. Care must be taken in the posting and other labors, that no person is injured, splashed with pas'e, or i neon veil Ii need. Employees hold ng keys to this shop raised the price to four centa per she for posting, and then when we do get new customer by giving th-.m low fi ures, bringing tbem trade, they do. outside of business hours, eicepl for the prosecution of their work. Employees are requested to report all rations for posting, orders for ic, will be appreciated and re- o the credit hill p had no P ,ailIts fcom advertisers regarding the discount when we guarantee the bill. rendered by circular distributers Un,il u,: » is is done - ,hc s,1 °" printers a Philadelphia pub- t would seem that for posters, are irresponsible and who have little idea y and duties of their t take any interest in'the bill lions about. We might lay el selves, inasmuch • organ prior to the time we entered the field, and, furthermore, the present activ- ™ bo . " ity arrived just about the time our second ,1Bhm ! issue came out- But the fact is, the condi- themoslpart they are lrresponsioie ana lions and causes which gave rise to this incon 'petent boys, who have little idea large increase in patronage, date back to some three or four years ago, when the P""'"™. uislnouting matter entrusted A. B. P. A- ™ first organized, and if 10 tBeu1 ' except here and there in rare credit belongs to any one man .more cas£s ' ' B absolutely wasted. This leads than another, it should he tendered to us to observe that no adveitisement will Mr. Ed. A. Stahlbrodt. be received from circular distributers by this paper in the future, unless they are * accompanied by references which will nave contributed their influ- enable us to satisfy ourselves that the ly H. C. Campbell, C. S. advertiser is sober, reliable, honest, and in E- TQe IaBt fcw editions of Printer's S, and O J. Gude bat, as we over twenty-one years oi age. Under no devote considerable space to Display e, Mr. Ed A. Stahlbrodt, and circumstances will we accept or publish Advertising and Bill Posting.— Display Jtera' Association advertisements from minors. Advertising. were the prime factors, because they , « first made it apparent to general adver- * 11 Brought Them Around, risers, that honest, efficient, and reliable We know that Billboard AduEKTis- Will in, an tic, Conn., April z 3 th, >8 95 . service on the bill boards was hoth pos- i N " is accomplishing great results. On Dear Editor:— sible and feasible. If, to this influence- ever T hand we bear its influence lauded Regarding the little item I sent to we add .that excited by the advent ot flEd extolled, and we believe that every you for publication, warning bill posters that fantastic and ugly duckling, the bill poster, poster printer.and distributer to look out for the Iron Tone Chemical Beardsley Poster, no one need look fur- the land is keenly iutvrested in ex- Co f of New York - as they s , uck me loI ther for the cause and effect. tending its scope and usefulness. This bill posting, I will say, the niu.nOABD is . , can best be done by building up and en- of some use after all. It brought this Urging its circulation, by patronizing its BraL to time sn.l tbey have settled with advertising columns, and ' BILL POSTERS. Prin/e- s fnt for May 22d neat, will discuss the ([uestious,' How a Billposter Should Advertise." and "Why a Billposter Should Subs Sample. tsof tl all billposters Will W ■ To Quiet Your Nerves, Smnke Tan- sJH's Punch. We observe, with considerable satisfac- tion, that the announcement of the forth- coming appearance of "Display Adver- tising'' has stirred up some of the papers that heretofore published little concern ing any method but Newspaper Advert is- TEorLE 011 this side of the Atlantic fill observe with interest the effect 0 he current moral reaction in London on lr. Aubrey Beardsley and the Yellow look. For some time to come morbid are likely to he less lucrative in London than they have been for some years past ^AfteR Ait, what does it matter? The, it either by Respectfully, to America thia spring.- Life. TBI Texas Advertising Co., of San Antonio, Texas, are busy erecting boards in that city, and expect to have over out hundred large stand* iu May. This city has long needed an enterprising service d will be^glad to learn 1 soon be affected. V. of the new company and Alec Ileitis is manager. They will join the A. B. P. A. shortly.