Billboard advertising (June 1895)

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6 The Rochester Bill Posting Co., THE ERIE BILL POSTING CO. BUI Posters, Distributers and General Advertisers, No, 10 North Park Row. ERIE. PA. ADVEMISlNCi— Is me to knock off everything else until I peruse every line, and aftir so doing, I invariably say, "It's a daisy." And so it is. Now. I think that every bill poster should read it and become a subscriber at once, it being the official publication of the Associated Bill Posters' Association of the United States and Canada, everything of interest to its members should be found in its columns, ' rs of its officers id knowing all matters to be authentic As all our craft are aware, we meet in Detroit, Mich-, on Tuesday, Wednesday f. July oth, 10th and nth, :r. if they never attended a meeting before, should attend this one, as matters of importance will be brought up that will amply repa " ' whether m can't we? And we can, with your aid. We have several propositions for mem- bership to he acted upon, and 1 hope to blanks before the meeting. Three states have organized since our DENVER NEWS. Denver, Col., May aS, 1S95. J, Ohio. ingand ast foradmi last 1 you sac. with all the way, we are creeping at a very rapid rate and are in shape to continue on. One word about our New York office. For years we have been in the hands of the middle man, who has made capital and beld big positions at the eipense of dodgem e tbat find' only be vent- can and will be settled. No , the kick may he. e vent to your feelings, and shake off' that tired feeling." These annual gatherings serve to make ua better acquainted, and places confi- dence in the respective abilities ol each other. Why bill posters can't be united really and positively know bill posters who have had work seat them at the regular Association rates of three cents per sheet per week and have refused to do it, all they wanted being font cents (or thirty days. Probably these people didn't know the war was over. If they tiou and gotten their work through the seen fit. He conld make any deal he wanted, and never give our interest any consideration. Novr all this is changed. We have our New York representative, who devotes his entire time and attention to our interest, and if you will piece your confidence in him you will see where the benefits are derived. If we searched the eutife country we could find do more competent man for the place than the opect for the place, and is filling it to the letter. The good work can and will go on. Join ua and see for yonraelf I wish more of our members wonld write to your valuable paper letters like our Brother Breslauer. It does one good to read such interesting articles. There is pi'es of paper ready to be put out if the advertisers know that we are united. and they will see then who and what we are. My agreement and membership I 1 knock at the door of every home we use a horse and wagon tha* —■ - 1 * specialty of distributing, and our wagon ia the (allowing sig lettei and be money in Let any bill poster take paper at pencil, and they will find it impossible and do it honestly. Then why do they ask a big price for theatre and drcus work, and for commercial " " a manager, I wonld insist Albany, N. V-, May Joth, 1093. the boords with that, post i would paper and then tack 11 be surprised how long his ps; ing no ads. from any irresponsible partie: for distributing, on account of a number of complaints. We think that you are taking a good stand on that; as surely distributing of samples, pamphlets or essential as Sill posting they go band in hand, and you can- not impress too firmly upon the bill posters, or parties wbo make a specialty of distributing, that the work should be done honestly and conscientiously. There should be a fair price paid for distribut- ing. We figure if a man averages six hundred to eight hundred pieces of ad. vertising matter a day, he is doings good day's work, and it is a trade in itseli. Some people may say, "Well, I can dis- easy as anybody e'se." I say people fake the saw, and very often it is sawed crooked. A distributer who will average one house a minute will make siity houses an hour, or in tin hours he will pnt out six hundred pieces of adver- tising matter. In distributing, we have to rely upon the honesty of the parties distributing, as there is hardly any wav to check this work up With bill posting you can ride accept- territory and it has give 1 wonderful Bat- very often lasts as high as four or five months on a place. John Coleman, the bill poster from Leadvitle. is visiting us this month. DotJ'T you think tbat it would be a good idea for bill posters to exchange views, or express their opinions about posting, and also keep each other in- that would be for the good of the fi nity? J. G. Reese, of Reese St Long, Scran- ton, Pa , while on his return from Phila- delphia, where he was in attendance al the Odd Fellows' celebration, was a caller at our New York office, sod said: "Since 1 signed the agreement, 1 haven ft trouble in getting the Aasocialion prices, and busicess has improved fifty per cent. The Collectors. Will Bradlev has issued a new pos- ter exploiting the advent of The Echo, a fortnightly raagaiine, publshed In Chi- cago. A special edition for collectors has been issued, copies of which may be bad by addressing The Echo Publishing Co., Chicago, Ills, enclosing twenty-five Scri»n art's have issued a special col- lector's edition of their "Napoleon" pos- ter The price is (1.00. tribuiing; ■ v bouse." We also stamp iming matter with the following -If more than one of these are : your house, please notify us at vM Telephone 1351 The Curran Dis- tributing Co." This also helps to cheek See the call for the Fifth A vention of the Associated B Associtaion, ol the United £ we argue that no distributing c. done for less than two dollars a thousand and from that up, according to the bulk of the matter. <e figure ihat it com t 1 hall per thousand I hlets or circulars. We notice an article from Mike Bres- er, the bill poster of Minneapolis. Mich , July 9, 10, 11 and u, in another Fourth of July One Sheet.