Billboard advertising (July 1895)

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s«!ery'"/jb^"^™P''-'l,'"' A - il u rV.Viy! 1ms. II. f. Buck. KC-y. (Hut it Ic A B.,,boafci *Vvg t'fc,s, n -g' Uiuoiiter. Grant County Agricultural Society. IKlosAQrarcis,pn:s'l,^W.£ McCoy, Ircu T. Madison,' Wisconsin Stole Aericullura] Soeielv t Sessswi- r- — Mlnenl Point Miner.! mint Association. °?^t: gJ^^^'cle.'Ais^l.'S'^ Ftertl^^Columbht Qamty^|t|rienUtH»l Society, nrdy scolt. Kfy, Address Bio. Wisconsin, J r SJ, fjuoell. sec'y^'Sepl. 24 to 3J AUGUST NUMBER Of Will be the'Mid-Sumnier Special HANDSOMELY ILLUSTRATED, - WITH ILLUMINATED COVER. WILL CONTAIN A COMPLETE ACCOUNT OP THE V CONVENTION. It will Contain a flash LIGHT Picture of t n e Members \ n Convention, asseirjbled. ' SEND IN. YOUR HDiZERTISSMSNT. Read All Over the World. Edition 20,000 Guaranteed. Positively NO SAMPLE COPIES To Bill Posters. Marathon County Aeticutti RuU. rlLscIs. jires'l, John Klcfcr, tross. E.B. est Bend, West Bend Agricultural Sodely, S. P. Msyer. prci't. Ceo. W. Jones, lre»a Joseph est Superior. Douglas County ApicnllurHl So. arty, Jas. Bishop, aee'y, Sept. 2 to 6 ~. -JESSi I Grater, Sfaqdef Than Ever- I DOUBLE • ITS • FORMER • SIZE.| I Parmanaht MMnn, DQNALDSOK LIT HO, CO., Cincinnati, 0. § International Exposition, ATLANTA. GEORGIA WAS GETTING HIS MONEY'S WORTH. The impecunious young man h been kept ia me boose by a cold, be had actually managed to get 1 gather * 10 on wnich there was no debts, I "I oiv-tit to do something for that friend of my sister who is in town," 'I haven't taken any no- tice of the card she pent I wonder how I con square mvself? Might ■ s her to the theuter. No; that i-tdo. _ _ Hfor I can make the boor 7 o'clock and say that we couldn't get to the thea- ter without hurrying through din- D tell her I'want to have a nice obnt with her. Wemigbt even wind up at the art exhibition it we went to a table d'hote. Tick- ets are only 50 cents.' sent. The reply accepted the apolo- gy and the explanation. Tho young man had much difficulty in holding to bis $10. Ho vowod that ho would have asbestus pockets in his next a hole tlirougli. On the appointed evening the three went, to tho new hotel which - t'.io vonng man had se- lected, because bo bad been told that Tho dinner 1 ant, and two hours and a half ■ spent in delightful conversation. Finally coffee was served and drunk, and the waiter brought two checks. One was for wine, the other for the Each dish that the party bad eaten was stamped on it in red ink, with the price. The horrible list ran down the entire face of the check and. two-thirds of the way down tho'other side. It started: "Clams; 7a bants; soup, $1.20; pom- pauo, $r.S0,"and- the obeofa, but ha was thinking of a way to got ont of his scrape. Bo didn't bavo his watch, but the cash- ier might accept hiscard. Meantime the waiter stood solemnly by. ' "■What's the total?" finally asked^ ity. here it is." and the waiter- point- isome small figures at the top of the check. ' These said simply, "Three dinners, $4.50." A sigh of relief got to the young man's lips, but was stilled there. The CIO bill was more than enough, but those few minutes (if- it was minutes) of shock took the edge off the host's spirits. Be doesn't know yet what the itemized account was all about. Probably the hotel wanted to show bow much it gave to eat for il.60.— New York Tribune. Greece was formerly Grscia. Iv bad its name from that of its inhab- itants. . FIRST OF THE FOURTH.