Billboard advertising (July-Dec 1895)

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BILLBOARD ADVERTISING is the Official Organ of the SHOW PRINTERS' ASSOCIATION. Classified Advertisements. BILL POSTERS' DIRECTORY. Two line Displayed Advertisements nnder^ this headings 25c. for one insertion, 60c. for three inser- tions^ 75c. for four insersions, $r.oo for six- inser- tions. Larger cards, 10c. per agate line WANTED! ~~ ' A permanent position as bill poster.adver- Using agent and distributer, 25 years ex- perience, - strictly sober and industrious New York State perferred. For further particulars address, Paste, in care ot Bill Board Advertising. Indianapolis, Ind.» Fop. 105,436, Indianapolis Bill Posting Company, 631*. Pennsylvania Street. Waukesha. Wis., pop. 9,000, All boards ewned and controlled by ad. F. Mevis, 638 Masn street Farmer City, 111., A.'H. Shumaker, BUI Foster A Distributer. Bethlehem. Pa., pop. 25,123, South and West Fa. Groman Bill and Uistribating Co- Posting James E. Henry & Son, Up-to-date Bill Fosters and Distributers Detroit, Mich. Established 1865, Wallaee, Idaho, Coeur;d'AIene Mines. J. C. Campbell, Bill Poster and Distributer. References. Carbondale, Pa. Carbondale city ill Posting and Dlstr ib- ntlngCO. J. 0*Hearn, Manager Prairie City, Iowa, Write to W. s. Parker, City 111 Foster and Distributer . - Port Huron, Mich., Bennett & Murray, Ulty Bill Posters, Mem- bers State Ass'n, D T.Bennett, opera house Wilmington, Del., pop. 70,132, Geo. W.Jackson, Glty Bill Poster and Dis- tributer, .907 Orange street - -J. E: Williams. Oshkosh, Wis., City Bill Foster and Distributer. Reliable ana neflulte service. Population 32 826. -Own all boards in the city, 30,000 square feet "1 have troubles of my own; don't—"etc The Summit City Bill Posters, Souder * Smith, Ft- \Vayne,lnd. Managing The Temple Bill Posting <fc Distributing Co Washington, Ind. has a population of 18.000 Write MorrallBros about posting Sioax City, Iowa, pop. 40.000, Put Sioux City on your list by all means. K. L. Webster, bill poster, 3,000 ft of boards Pana, Ills. Pop. 7,000. lArO HOLEY, Bill Poster, controls all the lm* ' boards. 510 ft. of desirable locations Los Angeles, Cal. Pop. 85,000. City Bill Posting Co., 251S. Main street. . qeo. P. McClain, Pro, F. E. Holtslandcr, Mg Pasadena, Cal. City Bill Posting- Co.„ D- Coyle, Mgr. Geo. P. McClain. Prop Miifbrd, Mass. Population 10.000. W. E. Cheney, City Bill Poster. Distributer R4 So. Bow street. Sole control of all bill boards In city and adioining towns. 20 years* experience In tbls city. Baggage and scenery truck express. Nebraska, 25 County Fairs in Sep- tember. I'll do distributing, bill posting, etc orders must be in before September 5th. Bates reasonable. F. P. FODRES, Orand IslandJCtebraska. Boonville, N. T. Wm. Comstoek, City BUI Poster. Owns and controls all boards. Marshall, Ills. Victor Janney. Licensed City Bill Poster and Distributer. Nails up signs in adjacent territory and contractsforneigbboringtowns. A prompt reliable and efficient service. Fort Seott, Kas. Pop. 14.000, Harry C. Ernich, City Bill Poster, Litho- grapher and Programmer. Cards tacked up and samples distributed. Put Fort Scott, Kahsas, ok -your ijst Laconia, W. Ya., pop. 15,000, Folaom Opera House, Driving Park and Show Grounds, J. F. Harriman, Manager, owns all boards in city and suburbs. -■ Grand Junetion, Col. 5 Pop. 4,000, Bill Posting, Distributing. Tacking, etc., drcula-s mailed, or list of names of rest* dents of Meso County furniBhed, best of refe rence. Edwin A- Haskell. Western Bill Posting Co., Owners of all Advertising Spaces.. Salt lake City, Utah . W averly, M. Y., Sayre, Pa., Population 10,000. Address, Murdoch, & Co.. Waverly.M.Y. Perth Amboy, N. J., Pop. 13,000 Geo-Searles, City Bill Posterand Distribu- tor.; Frankfort, Ky., Pop. 12,000, Ttaos. Hefner, City Bill Poster, 332 Maln.St. Classified Advertisements BILL POSTERS' DIRECTORY. Display Advertising. TO RENT. 1000 spaces on bill boards for painted signs, each 150 square feet. Located in New - England towns and citii s. location ol boards guaranteed first-class C. 8. KIE I'H, Bill Posting aud Painted Sign Board Advertising •H7 Main street, Fitchburg, Muss Lima, Ohio. W. C. TIBRILL owns and controls all Bill Boards In Lima and adjacent towns, ■ Louisiana, Mo. Population 10,000. C. A. Bragsdale. City BUI Poster, Distributer Manchester, N. H. Frank P. Colby, City Bill Poster. D strlbuter and Baggage Transfer. Address 30 Manchester st. Hugh Vance. City Bill Poster and Distributer. References and estimates. Effingham. Ills. San Antonio, Texas. Pop. 40.000. Texas Advertising Co.. City Bill Posters and Distributers. Office, Alamo Plaza, WeckesBIdg. P.O Box 686. -' Signs painted and tacked up. Albuquerque, N. M. Pop. 10.000. The Hudson Adv. i Bill Posting Co., own and control all bill boards. Also do distri- bntlng, tacking, fence painting, mailing. Vietoria, British Col. Pop. 20.000. The Victoria Bill Posting Co. own an con- trolall bill boards,paint Bigusand bulletins and does distributing. Address ROBERT JAMIESOM. Manager. P. c>. Drawer28 Laurence, Kas. Pop. 15.000, A. M. Poff, City Bill Poster and Distributer Meridian, Miss. Pop. 15,000, L. D. Hoffer, City Bill Poster <fe Distributer Belfast, Me- F. E. Cottrell, City Bill Poster. P. O. box 781. Residence 20 High street. Bill Posting and D istributing service Northfleld, Minn. Pop. 4,000. H. C Ensign, Bill Poster and Distributer Board capacity. 900 sheets New Hampton, Iowa, R. B. Garver, Bill Foster and Distributer, Circulars distribnted in Northern Iowa. Houest work. Reas onable Rates. Reference George Knox, Meadville, Pa., City Bill Poster, Distrlbnter, and General Out Door Advertiser. W.E. PATT0N, Corinth, Miss, Bill Poster and Distributer. Reference f ur- mind. Greenville, Miss.. For Bill Posting and Distributing, address, L. Hexter, manager Opera Bonte. Bowling Green, Ky., Pop. 10,000. All Desirable Boards controlled by J. M. Robertson, manager Opera House. Lee Bros. & Co., City Bill Posters and Distributers. Santa Rosa, Cal., , Population 7,000. E. S. Carpenter, Bill Poster and Distributer. Danielgon, Conn A. C. H. Mesler, City Bill Poster and Distributer, Port Jervls, N. Y. AMERICAN FAIR BULLETIN. WANTED!! Privelege men in all branches, EVERY- THING goes this year, The Central Ohio Fair, Orrville, 0. Prices reason- able and fair treatment Oct 8 to II. Proctor E- Seas, sec. & sunt. Priveleges Wanted—Fair Grounds Attractions, Races and Fair, Keptem ber 24lh to 2tstb, '95. Address, with full particulars and terms. Am. KibklaM), Sec'y, Paptjcah, Ky Fair Bills and Posters, The Donaldson Lit ho Co., Cincinnati. O Fair Gronnds Attractions, Of Every Descriptions. Cincinnati Amuse- ment Agency, 127 E. 8th St.', Cincinnati, O. The Only Comedy Attraction for Fairsextant Fortpaugb's Yankee Faimer James B. Macks, Address, care of DonaMton Lit ho., Co., Cincinnati, O. . . BUY A PRIVELEGE AT "The Banner Fair of Ohio" CEUNA, 0., AUG. 20, 21,22,23 & 24. 31,00 per front ft. Terms cash. No exclusions, C. IV HALFHILL, Sccy.CEt-JKA, C/i/O Wben you write, mention Billboard. Advertising. Classified Advertisements AMERICAN FAIR BULLETIN. Chas. Fenz & Co.. New York, 10.'! K. Hlh st. Furnish all kinds of Open Air Attractions for Fairs. Fetes, etc Balloon Ascensions And Parachute Drops cf Every Description Wm. B*. Hauner, Cincinnati. O " Laloo," Greatest of all Living Attractions. Address Qeo. Arlington, 88 90 Centre st., New York Balloon Ascensions, Jewell Bros. Aeronauts, Trenton, N. J. Jeakles' Pony Hippodrome, Strong and strictly first-class attraction for fairs, chariot Races, Roman Standing Uaces, Pony Flat Races, etc. Address E..C. Pratt. Manager. Bntavia. Ills. Arabs. A Wonderful Troupe of Performing Arabs; address Jas. J. Arra- strong, 10 Union Square. Mew York City M. M. Forsman, Peoria, Ills. Makes a specialty of Odd, Unique and Orlg- inal Balloon Ascensions, Parac hute I'rops Shedman's Coursing Hounds, W S Sliedman, S8 and 90 Centre, Hew York FIREWORKS, Write for our descriptive catalogue. The Masten & Wells Fireworks Co., Boston DISTRIBUTERS' DIRECTORY. We can guarantee that advertisers will re- ceive honest, reliable service from any firm or person whose advertisement appears in the following list. Ko advertisements received from minors References as to honesty and inttgr.ty must accompany all applications for space If You Have Anything; In Distributing Line, write J. E. Stro-er Co. 383 Central ave, Rochester, New York Valparaiso, Indiana, D istributirgln Porterco. J. H. McGIll Matawan, Monmouth Co., N. J. Lloyd's Distributing Agency, Box 67 St. Charles. Mo., B. F. Brnns & Co., Advertlsl ng Distributers Haekettstown, N. J., ■C- A. McLean. Distributer, signs tack ed Pougbkeepsie, N. Y. M. F. sprenger. Distributer, sampler and -BUI Poster. 1 Maple street. _J Correspondence solicited Grand Rapids, Mich. . George M. Leonard, Reliable Distributer Nashville, Tennessee. Circulars, etc, distribnted, cards nnikd £150 per 1000 up. James L. Hill, 323 Broad street NaBhvllle, Tenn. Scranton, Lackawanna Co., Pa. Jo n n H. Beltz & Sons, General Advertising Agents, Write to us, t&i Deacon street Carthage, Mo. Pop. 10,000. Joseph Barratt, Distributer; Sampler and General Advertiser. All Kinds of Advertising Matter ■ distributed. Reliable, prompt. Reference Population 350,000. Address. ■ W. H. Steinbrenner, 313 Vine, Cincinnat i Chicago, Ills. J. A. Clongb, Contracts solicited for the distribution of . ail legitimate advertising matter in Chi- cago and suburban towns. Western Bill Posting Co., General Distributers. haltLakeClty, Utah I will Distribute Circulars, and Post Bills. Advertisers, write at once, B. F. Evans, Minster A la . Chester, Conn. Chas. E. Lord. Entire or any pait of the State, posting also. J. E. Stroyer & Co., Rochester, N. Y. does distributing, and nails np signs lt> western N, Y„ altomaillngandaddrefcsiiig 383 Central. A venue. Washington, D. C. P. PBINTZ & CO., 730 9th Street, N. E. Dis- tributers of advertising matter. Write us. Fort Scott, Kan. The Kansas Advertising Agency, H. N, Goetz, Mgr, Distribute samples and circu- lars throughout Bourbon. Crawsord, Cher- okee, Labette, Noosno, Miami. Anderson, Allen aud Franklin Counties, Kansas Reference, 1b1 Nat. Bank, Ft. Scott Boston, Mass. Pop. 600,000. J. F. McWhlrk. General Adv. Distributer Grafton; Neb., Emanuel Kahm, Bill Poster and Circular Distributer. J. H. Lane & Co., Evansville, Ind. does Distributing. 317}$ First Street. Manchester, N. H., D. J. Lefebvre. All kinds of Advertising Matter Distributed. P.O.Box 183. Classified Advertisements EXPERT AD. WRITERS. I make a business of writing for buslnes i. meii. I am prepared to undertake any work of that nature. Newspaper and Magazine ads, curslgns, posters.clrculars, little book", labels, prospectuses, are all in my line. I have been the ad. writer of the western omce Of one of the best known advertising agencies. Business men who write to me oil their business paper, can have samples of my work, aud my little book about ad writing, free. Concise, clear, convincing wrlttug -straight to the point, is my style It does business. * R. L. CURRAN. Ill W. 84th St.. N.Y. 4 Cuts and 4 ads. for $1.00 Up-to-date nroofs free. Margie Bowman, Learn to write advs. instructious, by mall 25 cents. I make S60 a week, so can you. 4 retail ads. with cuts, 81.00. Up-to-date and "catchy" Prools free. Margie Bowman, Buffalo, N. Y. Root. Carroll, Dayton, Ky. D. B Archibald, 73 Nassau Street, N. Y. C. F. McHenry, Newport, Ky. Geo. Guilford, 127 E. ElghtSt., Cincinnati, O Bert M. Moses, Brooklyn, N. Y. PRINTERS' DIRECTORY. The following firms make a specialty of'Misters and Distributing H'ork. ' ' Advertisements under this head are printed free of charge in nonpareil. In boldface type one dollar per rea". Display advertisements (not exceeding: six- lines, twenty-five cents. Advertisements amounting to one dollar and over include a year's subscripsiott, free. Bien/Julius & Co., 1406th ave. New York Boston Job Printing Co., 4 Alden, Boston llass Blackwater Courier Job Office, Franklin, va. Brooklyn Daily Eagle Job Printing Co, Brooklyn Brooklyn Times Printing Co, Brooklyn Budget Show Print., Box 38. Elmira. N. Y. Calhoun Printing Co, Hartford, Conn Calvert Litho Co, Detroit, Mich Cameron Show Printing Co. 57 Ann, New York Central City Show Printing Co. Jackson, ilich Central Litho and Eng Co. 1406th ave. New York Central Show Printing Co, 143 Monroe, Chicago Commercial-Gazette Job Rooms, Cincinnati Correspondent Show Printing Co, Piqua, Ohio Courier Printing Co. Brantford. Ontario Courier Show Printing Co, Buffalo, N Y i Cox's Sons. John, Gay and Pratt, Baltimore The Donaldson Litho. Co., Cin'ti, 0. Eagle Show Print, Chicago Eaton, Allen & Co, Grand Rapids, Mich Kichner & Co, Baltimore Empire Show Printing Co., 73-75 Plymouth Place, Chicago Francis & Valentine, 517 Clay, San Francisco Enquirer Job Rooms, 88 East Eighth, Cincinnati Enterprise Show Print , Cleveland, O. Erie Show Printing Co, Erie, Pa Fair Printing House, Norwalk, O. Forbes' Litho Co, 181 Devonshire, Boston Free Press Show Print., Detroit. Fox. Richard K. Franklin and Dover, New York Gillm Show Print, 132 West 14th. New York Goes" Litho Co, 140 Monroe, Chicago Gt. Am. Eng & Print Co, 57 Beekman, New York Great Western Printing Co, 511 Market, St : Louis Greve Litho Co, The, Milwaukie, Wis Haber, C. P., Vond-du-la% Wis Hasselman Printing Co., Indianapolis, llld Hatch, C R. & H. H., Nashville, Tsnn Hennegan & Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. Jackson, J B., 48 Centre, New York Jordan Show Printing Co., 128 Franklin, Chicago Ledger Job Office, 605 Sansom, Philadelphia Libble Show Print. Boston, Mass. Lick Show Print, Fort Smith, Ark Liebler & Maass, 224 Centre, New York Los Angeles Show Print, Los Angeles, Cal Lotus Press, 140 west 23rd st.. New York City. Mauberret's Printing House, New Orleans, La. Metropolitan Printing Co , 222 W. 26th, New York Miner Litho. Co The H. C. 342 west 14th st. New York, Mitchell, Chas., Ottawa, Ont., Canada Morgan. W. J. & Co., St. Clair, t lcveland National Printing & Eng. t 'o., Chicago Pioneer Printing Co., 214 Jefferson, Seattle,Wash Richardson & Foos, 1124th Ave, New York Riverside Printing I o.. 216 3rd, Milwaukee, Wis Sackett & Wilhelms Litho. Co., 5th ave. and 16th St., New York. Snflin, H. 1'., 172 Skillman Ave., Brooklyn Seers, A. S., 19 E. 17th street. New York Shoher & arqueville, Jackson St., 1 hicago Springer & Weity, New York Star Printing Co., 606}$ Second, Seattle, Wasli Sterrett Show Print San Francisco, Cal. Strobridge Litho I o., Cincinnati Union and Advertiser Co., Rochester, N. Y. Union Job Printing Co., 'Walla Walla, Wash. United States Printing Co., Cincinnati Van Fleet. 88 Centre. New York What Cheer Show Printing Co., Providence, R. I. Winterburn Show Print., 166 Clark, Chicago Wint hrop_PreS8 ,.New Yp rlc - _, A SUCCESSFUL PRINTING SPECIALTY Wants to locate in a large city Some good printer who could handle it and would HKe to ae quire Interest in same, can ad- dress "SPECIALTY" care of BILL- BOARD ADVERTISING. Wbtn you write, mention Billboard Advertising. BILLBOARD ADVERTISING Is Die Official Organ of the Associated Dill Posters' Association. AMonthiyResumeO fAu. That k Nek ikfarr And InterestinoOnThe Boards Vol. Ill, No. 10 CINCINNATI, AUGUST X) l895 . PRICE to CENTS. PER YEAR. $1.00. Distributers' Chat. Not long since the Columbia Cfaemical Co., Manufacturing Chemists, at T402 Fourteenth Street N. W., Washington, D. C, had occasion to cover Cincinnati wilh distributing matter They employed the American District Telegraph Co., to do the work, as the employees of the con- cern are largely minors, many being mere boys, ranging in age lrom fourteen to sixteen years. The quality of service rendered, can be better imagined than described In the interest of circular distributers, Mr. W. H. Steinbrenner of 813 Vine St, Cincinnati, O., wrote the Columbia Chem- ical Co., describing the service rendered, and demonstrating the error of entrust- ing work of this nature to boys or con- cerns employing boys. As was natural the Washington people, promptly investiga- ted, and the investigation disclosed a condition of affairs, which resulted in their .quickly registering a thorough and vigorous protest with the American District Telegraph Co., in which the name of Mr. Steinbrenner was disclosed. One of the employees of the American District Telegraph Co, called on Mr- Steinbrenner, in company with two special policemen and endeavored to "bluff" a retraction from him, but find- ing that they could not secure it, they endeavored to accuse him of following the boys, and gathering the circulars himself. This charge which was as silly as it was groundless. Mr. Steinbrenner was able to absolutely refute, as will be seen from the enclosed letter which he received recently. Office of Columbia Chemical Co., 1402 Fourteenth Street, N. W. Washington, D. C June 19, 1&95 Mr. W. H. Steinbrenner, S13 Vine Street, Cincinnati, O. . Dear Sir: We have your letter of the 17th inst, and have read the same very carefully. We note your statement that the Tele- graph Co., is trying to "bulldoze" you. So. far as we- are concerned we are per- fectly familiar with the facts, as they ex- ist regarding the distribution of our cir- culars in Cincinnati. Your statements were amply confirmed bv those of others and we know they did defective work for us in your city. When the time comes for us to distrib- ute further matter in Cincinnati, we would be glad to communicate with you looking to obtaining your services. We return herewith as requested two letters of recommendation and believe us. Sincerely yours, Cot.UMBtA CUKMICAT. Co., By W. P. Springer, Mg'r. No further comment on the above is necessary. Mr. Steinbrenner has fully . substantiated his charges and proved that he was absolutely right. We cannot refrain from reiterating our statements made in former issues of this paper in regard to the employment of boys. As is well known we have taken a pronounced stand in regard to this evil. No minor can advertise in the columns of this paper, and no one else who cannot produce reference that will fully satisfy us. that his integrity and honesty will fully warrant us in endorsing him and recommending his services to advertisers. We are now going to assume a position and attitude even more pronounced. Be- ginning with our September Issue, we reason that it is not universally recog- nized, is because advertisers have; en- countered such gross neglect, dishonesty, and incompetency. The papers that have heretofore endeavored to cover this field have for the most part been mere schemes to further private interests, purely per- sonal organs and as such have accom- plished no good, but on the contrary have on occasions heightened the evil condi- tions existing. They have solicited aud published ad- vertisements from anybody and every- body, holding out alluring inducements M WsmsZsm ,«- .■eIj»*irV «'« His ^^^^^•^•^Jl^lS^B W | P B ^ a>■'^i i sS^ J .. rj -■■■ .-■ L. N. SCOTT. are going to exclude advertisements of all firms who employ boys, no matter who they are The only exception we make is when they are worked in gangs, each gang being constantly and contin- ually under the supervision of an exper- ienced man. Distributing is a good business. As an advertising medium, it is second in im- portance, only to bill boards and in some instances especially where long and care- ful argument or description is necessary, it has no superior whatever. The only to advertisers, and extending misleading promises to clients until the confidence of both, has been severely shaken and sometimes altogether destroyed. As we said before we have attempted to remedy this state of affairs, and we mean to do it. We are going to expose the frauds, weed out the incompetents, and elevate the business of circular dis- tributing to the rank of an entirely legi- timate occupation. We call upon all honorable, all real distributers to aid us in the attempt Vou need not advertise, you need not subscribe, if you do not care to, but we do want you to bring to our notice every instance ol an advertis- er's confidence being abused, that comes under your notice. You do this, and we will do the rest. F. K. Fitzgerald, 218 and 220 Third St Milwaukee, Wis, distributes window work, circulars, samples, and tacks up cards and signs in the city, suburbs, and couutry. J. A. Clough, who conducts the Model Distributing Service of Chicago, Ills., writes us as follows: Chicago, Ills., June 25th, 1895. ' Bii.i.BOARrj Advertising, I want to say that I am well pleased with my ad in your valuable, paper. It has yielded more large orders than all the remainder of the.ten papers that I have been advertising" in. You can count on mejfas a steady advertiser- and sub- scriber in the future. I will send you another, advertisement just as soon as I can get a certain cut made. I like the stand you take in regard to boys. Chicago suffers greatly in this respect, but I am fighting against it. I was also greatly pleased with Mr. Cur- ran *s letter. To my notion he is right ou every point Respectfully yours, J. A. Clough, 647 Austin Ave.' Chicago, Ills. Numerous complaints have reached us during tne past month relative to the Ford Manufactur- ing Co., and Eddy & Kennedy both of Chicago, lluth of these concerns advertise for distributers! the former requesting ten cents and the latter four cents for a reply, spme of our correspond- ents characterized them as "dead heats," others as ••skins.-'andstillothersas"swindlers." With- out entering into the matter at further length for the present we will merely observe that it would be well for distributers to ignore all such adver- tisements. They may really want distributers and then again they may not. They unquestion- ably do want stamps. There is.another firm ad- vertising in the same manner this month. They style themselves the United states Distributing Bureau and are also located in Chicago. C H. Rowan of Milwaukee, is also advertising "how to get a million circulars to distribute, for 10 cents. From the printers we learn that the following firms have large editions of distributing matter iu press, viz: - Ponds Extract Co., 76 Fifth Avenue, N. Y Solvodine M'fg. Co., Xoblesville. Ind. Haverhill Pharm. Co., Haverhill, Mass. Dr. c. I. Thatcher, 1401 Masonic Temple. Chicago, nis. F. Hiscox, 853 Broadway, New York City. Lazarrette Remedy Co,, Unadilla, n: Y. " H. H. Warner, St. Paul St., Rochester, K*. Y- P. Harold Hayes M. D., Buffalo, N. Y. Geo. F. Sargent Co., Su Broadwav. New York City. Henry Thayer & Co., Cambridgeport, Mass. Vapo-Cresoline Co., 69 WaU Street, N.Y. The Donaldson Guide which is now in process of compilation will be a splendid manual for ad- vertisers. Distributers everywhere will do well to have their names inserted under the headings of the various cities In which they reside. Wood B. Hughes of Milan, Mo:, has sent us a list of references regarding his integrity and ability which forever sets at rest any doubts which advertisers may have entertained upon that score. His service is equal to that of any in his state. jff ■ 1: III ■.'Mr "■5! IgSf ii s 1 1 I •I , it mm Hi SI'S 1 <s