Billboard advertising (July-Dec 1895)

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BILLBOARD ADVERTISI NG HAS THE LARGEST CIRCULAT ION AMON G THE MAN UFACTURERS. and give better and quicker service than any other Bill Posting com- 'pany in America, bar none. . . Advertisers intending advertising Chicago would do well to look our plant over before placing ap- propriation ! %>• AND GEORGE A. TREYSER BILL POSTING COMPANIES. R. C. CAMPBELL. Prest. 2 280 Mm St., CHICAGO, ILLS. ^ BURR ROBBINS. Treas. =3 rummmwuummmmuuuuimmummmi^ TOLEDO, OHIO. ■»<»»l»«M«W^»«g«»».» » ..—»««W Established 1868. Population 110.000 >■— THE OLD RELIABLE — ' eity Bill Poster GEO,f, BILLS DISTRIBUTING !| HND GENERAL °i ADVERTISING i All Work Done Prompt and Reliable. Estimates -Furnished Upon Application. Office, 308 Summit St. •••■•••■•*i a **to>i James R. Long. A specialist in preparing an ad to go in the paper, on a circular, program, or the fence. Send full particulars and a dollar for sample. 130S B street, S. W.. Washington, D. C. •••••••••••••••••••••••••A •••••••••••••••••••••••••a aaaaaBaaBaaaBBBBBHaaaaaaaaaaa'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaauiaaaa E. T. HE1ZERIN. C. T. HB1EER1N Citij Bill po5te5 v 6ei)eral Adverser? Contractors for the Southern States. _ LOUISVILLE, KY. _ BB0BBBBBHBEBnP!BER(J'RnBI3n(3nr)GErJOGGnBBBERBEEEBEErjEP3GEErjEiB> Population, 10.000. Established 1885. Suburban Towns, 3.000 PASTE? Well yes ! We srjow you rjow to mal^e 'erq with paste an.d frorn ocear] to ocean'we want a legena to read POST AND PROSPER, So th,at every business concern, will war|t to "Put up or shjut up " Are you with us? Come an.d spar- kle with our bright gems. SUBSCRIPTION St.00 PER YEAR. ADVERTISING 25c. Pep Agate Line. BILLBOARD ADVERTISING, 127 E. Eighth St. CINCINNATI. 0. ••••••■••••••••••••••••••• Entered in competition by Margie fiozcman, 7 Floss .-Irv., Buffalo, .V. y. G. H. Otting. Established 1870.. J. F. Otting (LICENSED) Styej-ludsoi} HD1ZERTISING RNC3 BILL POSTING CO. BILL POSTERS DISTRIBUTERS TOLEDO, OHIO. •When you write, mention Millboard Advertising. Electrotyping We employ only expert workmen, in conjunction with the latest im- proved machinery, thus enabling us to turn out the best work' for least money. Correspondence invited. • W. A WINKELMAN & CO. 16,18 & 20 E. Ninth St. Cincinnati, 0. •When too write, mention JiHftoard'Adv ertising. J. N.Wheeler, mm Pffi§tt©ir AND ©nsitrnlbiintter OFFICE, GRAND 0FERA H0USH, Wilmington, Del. WORK PROMPTLY EXECUTED. When yoa write, mention Billboard Advertising. CHAS. A. PAGE, Circulars, Samples and all advertising matter Faithfully Distributed. Fall River, Mass. Wlien yoa write, meuliuu milOvartl Advertising. ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO. COUPON ThisCoupon and two cent stamp entitles you to a sample copy of "The Indian," thrilling Buffalo Bill fVild Western Story. Gor- geous colored Lithographed Cover, interesting Indian intelligence, magnificently illustrated, 20 large pages. Address, THE INDIAN. New Haven, Conn : Own and Control All Bill Boards in I Newport, Bellevue, Dayton & Ft. Thomas, J GOOD WORK GUARANTEED. j 608 York St. NEWPORT, KY. i ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. SYDNEY H. BALL. CHAS. S. JOHNSON. CM R '■ I The old reliable Citv Bill Poster. ■ . f% . K. Rowland hsss^ssh Augusta, ua BALL & JOHNSON, Bill Posters and Distributers Office, I09 Fitzpatrlck, KEY WEST FLA. Population, .... 25,000 Prices made known on application. Reference: Hamlin's Wizard Oil Co., Chicago Wben you write, mention Billboard AdverMstn- 0. P. Fairchild, =IIIE3IIiiiI GO TO LAGOON, |[ Coney Islan AND Jhe ZOO COVINGTON, KY. IiTJDIiO"W, KY. MILDALE, KY. WEST COVINGTON, KY. Office, 16 East Fifth Street, The Old Reliable ER ROSE DALE, KY. CENTRAL COVINGTON, BROMLEY, KY. And the Surrounding Country. COVINGTON, KENTUCKY. This is RdlTI60V^ ^slls£^ Don't, Overlook Lexington, The Queen Of The Famous Blue Grass Region <*ty. mm SS1RS* *f\ POSTS BILLS? Ho, , T D n « HE OWNS LEXIM0T0K T«tB =;i ,' % h; The Boss,nn v D -^ . StES r,THt ^HOTCov^to'TiLTiM^s,, Distril 137-E-MaIn- ■^ •m ?*i nek." U-H « CO j Good Iff* f^PIace to WladL Cotton States Exposition, Opens September 18th. Jylake your contracts for Jjosting jHqw. \ ]VL J. Dooley, f BILili POSTER. TORONTO, CANADA, Population over 200,000. Street Car Lines. Passengers carried Last Year, Over 80 rnjles. " 20.000.000. Ltd. RTLHNTH, C7T. THE DONALDSON BILL POSTERS' PASTE BRUSH COPPER BOUND & STEEL RIVETED. THE BEST AND MOST DUR- . ABLE OF THEM ALL. PRICES: 10 in, doz. S40.00 9 " " 36.00 S " " '32.00 SEND YOUR ORDER TO The Donaldson Litho. Co- Cincinnati, OHIO; .10 in. each. 53.75 9 •• •' 3.25 s •• - 2.85 The Ptfce ^dveKTsTng @. j BILL POSTERS. DISTRIBUTERS. &c. I Own arid Control All Bill Boards. HPr* v £1 c Advertising: Co. 1 V/^LdSsANANTONIO,TEX. 60,000 POPULATION. BILL POSTING, SampleB and Circulars Distributed. Signs Fainted and Tacked. P. O. Box, 686. •<?»SOS<»Se>» IE53 ® (ptau for €«"» ojiK, «n6 €wrj tgitt in if« gjfoce. isgs t My w„ rk | GE0#W> jHeKSON, I My Reference.- BILL POSTER AND DISTRIBUTER. L».^«<*.cJ XA£lL_7V^UNGTOIN, D6L. NAAAAAA^AAA^A K ts. SMITH. ?ity Bill poster ar>d Distributer WASHINGTON C. H., OHIO. F*or>tilntfoii 7.«iOO. Own all Boards. Brains Bar Ca&h.^^ Labor Inc/urfod at Aa.oc-tatfon Kates, ^ddreu, E, J. KEMPF, Bill Poster and Distributer, Sheboygan, Wis P. J Culhane. HE "RECORD" WRECKER. 4x6 (Sinjile Sheets) EIGHT MINUTES. Hamiltun, Ont. iptepbUfi) We can plea5e yoU. Send for H5timote5 SHOW PRINTING 60. 166 CLWRK STREET, *5 CHICHGO. ILLS. ESTABLISHED i860. Bill poster,! sustvtbuter, |Geo. fVI.Lteonapd Hbverttstng j grand rbpids, mich- SkjnS. . . .! POPULATION, . . . 100,000. ^SWo Saq Soipetbioci In Colorado about your business, keep in miud that THE V£RR2\N eO. GENERAL OFFICE, DENVER, COLO. (The up-to-date Outdoor Advertisers) can post, distribute and paint j'our ad. . . . . . ! Hi i 1 i 4jM f f