Billboard advertising (July-Dec 1895)

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18 BILLBOARD ADVERTISING is the Official Organ of the PENNSYLVANIA Bill Posters* Assoc! Established 1868 n /f n i: W0LF BROS. • UaytOn, U. <;. general Bill Posters and Distributers, g Best facilities in Ohio for Commercial Posting during all seasons of the year. Stand Work, 4c. per week for 30 days show. I Invite You To Read This. I am a writer and illustrator of ad- vertising. I take a great deal of pride in whatever I do. I am not satisfied to merely please a customer. I endeavor to doubly please him, and to do work so weft, that it will be a credit to me. My services will be found of special value to advertisers who use circulars and post- ers. This is my first advertisement in this paper. I desire- to find out how good a medium it is. I want to get all the answers I can. If you are interested in good advertising, I would thank you to write to me fpr more facts and figures. Please don't wait till tomorrow. Write now before you forget. Bert M. Moses. P. O. Box 283, Brooklyn, N, Y. When you write, mention Billboard Advertising. » You furnish the paper We furnish the paste. J AS. H. STAATS, Lockport, N. Y. When you write, mention Billboard Advertising. ■ * If You Have any work to put out in . . . STEUBENVILLE, OHIO, don't forget the ONLY BILL POSTING SHOP in the city. CHAS. J. VOCEL, Manager City Opera House. Once a billposter, nwa manager, still a billposter DO YOU KNOW HIM? NO? I will tell you. I was discovered on the coast of Ireland by Deafy Gaylord, and for many years traveled as bill poster and distributer with "Poga" O'Brien, A. A. Grady, Burr Robbins and Windy Van Houton. I was shipwrecked on the Kal- amazoo River a few years ago, and as my manager, D. B. Hodges, did not send passes, and the walking not being of the best, I decided to remain in Kalamazoo, and tell my many friends "How it Hap- pened." Truly Yours, J. e. McCarthy, THE BILL POSTER. (/SCORPORATED.) Huiest-Stout Sign eo. axcoi Advertisinq (Contractors. 3 Licensed eity Bill Posters. 213 N. Eighth St., ST. LOUIS. Oai ail :» 3I.1>1 Vitil F»t Of Bill and SnlleHo Boivds lo St. boa!* lod Sabarts. When you write, mention Jiitibuurd AdvertiKiwr jyjBULOUS FORTUNES ; In proprietary articles have all been made THROUGH The aid of BILLBOARD 4ICTRTISIM The Victoria Bill Posting Co., Bill Posters and Distributers ROBT. JAMIESON, Mgr., VICTORIA, B. C. "When yon write, mention Sitlboard Advertising. I H.H.JENNINGS & SON, I £ THE OhlLY ^ 1 City Bill Posters V DistPibuters f P IW BRIDGEPORT. CONN. A \f We Control and bill 25 towns. Largest owners of Walls and Bill Boards in the East. y George Efston, Licensed CITY BILL POSTER . "%fr ' Owner of all Boards and Priv- £T~ eleges. . . Established 1SS9 }>r Distributing a Specialty. . . . ANACONDA, Deer Lodge County, Montana. MT. VERNON, 0. Population 6027. L. N. HEADINCTON, City Bill Poster & Distributer, (LICENSED) Distributing service City and Suburbs. The highest possible per cent in the proper way. NOTE.—Total abstinence, trustworthy, ability* HERE IS A LIVE TOWN! Kenosha, Wisconsin, Population 9,000. JAKE J. DISCH, CITY BILL POSTER AND DISTRIBUTER. 9 Years Experience in this City. THE INDIAN, Magnificent lithographed cover in colors. Great Buffalo Bill Story, "A Bad Indian. or Bloody Water", a Border Romance, interesting Indian miscellany, remit two two cent stamps for sample copy, address JCickapoo Indian Medicine Co., New Haven, Conn. When you write, mention Billboard Advertising. *B©©M Your Business. J. F.O'MEALIA, T3oss Boomer, Jersey City, M. <J. WE LETTER DISTRIBUTERS. SEND STAMP FOR CONTRACT. .■•. . Signs, furnish men to distribute all kinds of matter, samples, etc., in every County ... in the United States. Write for terms. Special prices on large lots. None but . . . reliable men employed who can give reference. Address, United Manufacturers and Publishers Advertising Co., Cohoes, N. Y., Special Advertisers Whenyot write, mention inff/winf Advertising. BILLBOARD ADVERTISING Believes in the Efficacy of MURAL SIGNS AND PAINTED BULLETINS. ** Paste acbipe Manufactured by the IDEAL PASTE MACHINE CO. 517-529 W. Fifth Street, DAVENPORT, IOWA. (D ® This Paste Machine is to-day the simplest piece ot mech- anism on the market. Easy to operate, can be run by hand or steam power. Size of machine. 4 feet 4 inches long, 23 inches wide, 5 feet 5 inches high. Write us for printed matter. IDEAL PASTE MACHINE CO. ® <§>. FallR iver, MASS. Pall RiYer Bill Postirg & SipldYeitising k. 11. E. MANCHESTER. Sole PropV. ~ (M^ and eootpol^ all gill ,g 0 aPs^, gifo JSoapdj aud Jtead v/all^ IN THE CITY. Cincinnati Engraving Co. F>IXE BLOCK f£.<L?AY£? 0 s . POSTERS. 8I9 Barr St, Cincinnati, 0. Special Prices to Printers and Bill Posters. Correspondence Solicited GEORGE H. BUBB IS THE CITY Bill Poster and Distributer, And General Out-Door Advertising Agent for WILLIAMSPORT, PA. Owns and controls all posting priveleges in Williamsport. Newberry & South Williamsport Nashville, Tenn. Jo^pB^tleySQo. LICENSED City Bill Posters, - Lithographers. Distributers, RAILROAD & COMMERCIAL ADVERTISERS ' Office, New Masonic Theatre, We Control All the Bill Boards and and Dead Walls in the City. •Tis old. yet true. That ••competition is the life of trade. II Advertise your business and increase your sales. VICTORJHNNEY Will do it with his LITTLE PHSTE BRUSH. It sticks it does, the paste I use, For thirty days and more. MHRSHKLL. ILLINOIS. J. M. Harkness, Bill Booster KND i ^Distributer 62 E. JBain St., N0RWAUK, 0. When you write, mention Billboard Advertising. TOiKl=(gLA!! ftUlf-T®Dvs EINIGIBAWiC?. SEND A good Photograph and Get a Good Cut. © PRICES: The Money With The Order. •Tf^@ M®(lll9h0l}»$ (Pl^@t®°^lP^0^O®o O^oni^o \Vk»D yourSTrtrrmSntlon - JtlTThotirrf Adverttslug. READING ^p A ° s Y T,NG READING, PA. Population 75,000. POSTING and DISTRIBUTING GUARANTEED. Established 1886. JOHN MISHLER, Pres't W. P. BAXTER [Licensed City BILLPOSTER Richmond, Ky. Secretary Kentucky Bill Fosters Association MURAL SIGNS AND PAINTED BULLETINS. Advertisements under this head are insersed free if set in nonpareil. One dollar per annum iu^bold face type, and twenty-fife cents per Hue for display ad. not exceeding si.r lines in size. Albany, N- Y. . J. Ballard Carroll, 54 Beaver street. Boston, Mass. J. Donnelly & Sons, Boston Advertising Co., 8 Bronifield St. Brooklyn, n. Y. The New York and Brooklyn Adv. Sign Co.. DeKalb and Hudson aves. Thos. A . Skidmore, 640 Halsey st. CINCINNATI, O. The John Chapman Sons Co., 19 Longworth st. Dilt's Advertising Service. 312 Coleman st. Ph. Morton, 333 west Fifth st. - Hummel & Curran. 642 Main st. CHICAGO, ILLS R. J. Gunning, Wabash ave., cor. VanBureu st. Bour & Company, 59 Dearborn St. F. M. Lewis & Co., Temple Court Thos. Cussack. Blue Island ave. and Throop st. Clevkland, o. Bryan & Co., 10 Court Place. Denver, Col. - The Curran Bill Posting and Advertising <*o. Detroit, Mich. - . Walker & Co . 43 Rowland st.' Kalamazoo, -Mich.— J. E. Mcl'artjiy & Co. Lhoxgtox, Ky. X, H. Ramsey & Co., 137 east Main st. XOUISVILLE, Ky.— Heverin Bros. Newark, N. J.—Newark Bill Posting Co.' New York, N. Y. O. J. Gude & Co.,«3 & "5 west Broadway C. s. Houghtaling, No. 3 Park Place standard Display Adv. Co.; 6th ave. and 13th st. i, E LaTour, 1718 Broadway Frank J. Bever, 116 Chambers street New York Adv. Sign Co., 16 and 18 Park Place, Excelsior Adv. Sign Co., World Building, Display Advertising Co., 187 6th avenue Samuel AY. Hoke, 87 Nassau st. H. R. Robinson, Advertising Agent, J- B Coakey, 95 Bowery Albert E. Gans, 261 Broadway. Art Sign Co., 141 Bowery Chas. Jas. W ells & Co., Bowery arid Houston st Frank T. Jones, 40 west Broadway, Unexcelled Advertising Co., 46 Vesey street Colyers System Advertising Service, 113 and 115 wrest Broadway Omaha, Neb Thos- Mulvihill, 1512 Harney st. Oshkosh, Wis.—John E Williams. Philadelphia, Pa. American Advertising Sign Co., 1336 Race st. Win. Johnson, Prairie City, Iowa, —W. S. Parker San Francisco, Cal. S.I. Stone, 506 Commercial st. Scranton, Pa.— Reese & Long Adv. Co. St. Louis, Mo. W. F. « illiamson, 113-115 N. 6th street Huiest & Stout Adv. Sign Co. R. J. Gunning, Toronto, Can.— Price Advertising Co. EDWIN A. Jj ASKELL, BILL POSTING, DISTRIBUTING HND GENERHL HDMERTISING. cire M a e^ m ou'n e f y 7u a r^ s 'g5 esin Grand Junction, Colo. "IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE." W. MELCHER, City Bill Poster. Bill Posting, Distributing, and Sign Tacking, All kinds of advertising satisfactorily done. Try me. oOl, - Control all Bill Boards. References Furnished. oNJ* MT. PLEASANT, IOWA. Lima, Ohio. Population, 20,000. In making up your list, don't forget W.G.TIRRIMv (Vice Pres Ohio Bill Posters' Ass'n ) Gity Bill Poster and Distributer Owns 3,000 Running Feet of Boards. _BURNlTT jkUABiE POSTED E/*£ ^SP"" 8 " G00D wimST^ F0R_YOU_ AND.THE. Masses! _ POST THE PEOPLE or the INDIAN ter. 6000 WHITES IN *"»« T^Jgg - MITE BURNITT. VHEU keep MW- e^t**£L !1 fill I'M m tm I