Billboard advertising (July-Dec 1895)

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BILL BOARD ADVERTISING IS BEAD ALL OVER THE ENGLIS H SPEAKING WORLD. THE RIGHT END TICKET CO., parquet. INCORPORATED. r " Retain , o«« /"» z$ tMs bee. o. part. —— i Row 1 MUSKEGON, MICH. j .. You are sure to get the ' RIGHT END. Tickets for Opera Houses, Fairs, etc. Kake known your wants and ask for Samples and- Prices. RIGHT END TICKET CO., Muskegon, Mich. W. J. McAllister & Son, TROY We Post and Distribute in the following ' Towns: | Troy, - - . 66.5S7 ! West Troy, - - 15970 lr| I Green Island, - 5,904 Lansingburgh, - 12,327 N.Y. 100,788 TfrJL fiett, «3 SSUSft: Portsmouth, ]i. ji Owns and controls all Bill Boards in Portsmouth and Vicinity Bill Posters Look Here! You can increase your local patronage. You can interest the merchants of your town in the advantages of poster advertising, IF you can give them modern-posters. We have engaged the services of one of the best Expert Ad Writers in America. We will prepare copy. We will furnish you with clear, logical and convincing advertisements, admirably dis- played, in the shape of one sheet posters, suitable for grocers, dry goods merchants, druggists, hardware dealers, jewelers in fact, retailers of all kinds. Here are the prices: 150 One Sheets, $4.oo 175 " 4.50 200 -" 5-O0 250 " 5-50 And We Prepay The Expressage, that is to say we furnish the posters to you at the above prices delivered in your office. As these prices are about one half what a country office would charge for them, and inasmuch as our facilities for turning out an exceptionally fine grade of work, are unsurpassed,- if will pay you to look into the matter. It will pay you to solicit for us. Once started, no merchant will discontinue the service, for our posters pay, they bring immediate and satisfactory returns to the user. 25 One Sheets, $t.5o 50 " 2.00 75 " _'2oO 100 " 3.00 THIS FIN-DE-SIECLB BILL* F>OSTl$U Is more than a mere bill poster. That is, he is more than the term ordinarily implies, for he is agent for some show priming house, and sells their goods in his town and adjacent territory. In this manner he not only secures more paper for his boards, but a good fat commission from the printer besides. WE WANT BILL POSTERS In every city, town and village to handle our posters on commision. Write us for samples and we will tell you all about it. We handle Fair Posters, Poultry Show Posters, Dog Show Posters, Flower Show Posters, Holiday Posters, Commercial Posters, In fact posters of every nature and every description, especially posters for amateur entertainments, such as Concerts. Dramatic, Musical and Min- strel entertainments, etc. If a bill poster handles our goods he can almost double his business. Address, THE DONALDSON LITHO. CO. CINCINNATI, OHIO Bicycle Posters, Racing Posters, Excursion Posters, Balloon Posters, It Brii)4$ Result?. We can give a thirty days showing on work at any time. OTJB (Careful "Work, STRONG-" Prominence, POINTS: I Lengthy Showing. ffff WftrtW BIL1 P0 STING CO. <^n ww M Marble Head, Mass. Advertisers look happier after doing business with us. Manchester, N. H.™**,™!**. Distributer and Baggage Transfer. Owns and controls all Bill Boards in the vicinity R. F. WRIGHT, Lebanon, N. H. BILL POSTER AND DISTRIBUTER Population, 4,600. Distributing $2 per 1000. Itjyiauberretls printing J-Jouse, 5 r Posters wo i,i! .■ ..'■ ■■■»•■.;■ thi Y" /%m, y all .sizes- ■ '-' -> rit Work THE FINEST. Hennegail & CO., Cincinnati. Prices THE. LOWEST! Branches hes. x '526 to 532 Poydras Street, [•• • MZWORIJZAXS. Wh«n jroa writ*, mention Billboard Advertising. if ;1 : i!| :11 si I 1