The billboard (July-Dec 1895)

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BILLBOARD ADVERTISING is the Official Organ of the SHOW PRINTERS' ASSOCIATION. Classified Advertisements. BILL POSTERS' DIRECTORY. Two line Displayed Advertisements under this heading, 25c. for one insertion, 60c. for three inser- tions, 75c. for four inversions, Sr.00 for six inser- tions. Larger cards, 10c per agate line Headville, Pa. Geopge Knox, City Bill Foster and Distributer. Kefereuce if desired. Is a city of 12,000 Inhabitants, sttnated on the main line of the N. Y„ V. A O. R. B.; bas large railroad, machine and car shops, boiler shops. Iron works, fara'- ture factories, etc., and Is one of the most enterprising cities of Its size in Western Pennsylvania, ■ Leonia. N. J. MY Ii. Dilnay Bin roster and Distributer 3,000 fe e t of boards. Newport, Ky. 6. H. Otting & Son, Own and control all boards. Good Service. Moline, III. F. W. Stuhl & Co. Bill Posters and Advertising Agents. Sioux City, Iowa, pop. 40.000, Posters. Dlstiibutor and lackers. We do all kinds of advertising 4 guarantee if ork Sioux City Bill Posting and Advertising Co. [Licensed] Member A. B. P. A. Indianapolis, Ind. k Pop. 105,436, Indianapolis Bill Posting Company, 63 N. Pennsylvania Street. Waukesha, Wis., pop. 9,000, All boards owned and controlled by ad. F. Mevls, 638 Masn street Farmer City, M., A. H. Shnmaker, BUI Poster A Distributer. Bethlehem. Pa., poo. 25,123. South and West Pa. Groman Bill Posting ana UlBtrtbntlDg Co. ? James B. Henry & Son, Up-to-date Bill Posters and Distributers Detroit, Mich. Established 1865, Carbondale, Pa. ■ „.»,..,. Carbondale City 111 Posting and Dlstrib- nting CO. ■ J. O'Hearn, Manager Prairie City, Iowa, Write to W. a. Parker, City Bill Poster and Distributer Port Huron, Mien., Bennett * Murray, City Bill Fosters, Mem- bers State ABB'n. L. T.Bennett,operahonse Wilmington, Del., pop. 70,132, Ueo. W. Jackson, City Bill Foster and Dls- tribnter, 907 Orange street J. E. Williams. Oshkosh, Wis., City Bill Poster and Distributer. Reliable and definite service. Population 32 826. Own all boards In the city, 30,000 square feet *'I have troubles of my own; don't—"etc. Washington, Ind. has a population of 10,000 Write Horrall Bros about posting Pana. Ills. Pop.'.7,000. LOUEOLET, Bill Poster,:controls all the ima boards. 540 ft. of desirable locations Los Angeles, Cal. Pop. 85,000. City Bill Posting Co., 251B. Main street. , Geo. P. McClain, Pro. P. E. Holtslandar, Mg Pasadena, Cal: City Bill Posting Co. D. Coyle, Mgr. Geo. P. McClain, Prop Hllford, Mass. Population 10.000. W. E. Cheney, City Bill Poster. Distrlbnter M So. Bow street. Sole control of all bill boards In city and adjoining-towns. 20 years' experience in this city. : ■ Baggage and scenery ■'■■:.■: BoonVlfie, N. T. Wm. Comstoek, City BUI Poster. Owns and controla all boards. Fort Seott, Kas. Pop. 14.000, Harry U. Ernich, City Bill Poster, Litho- grapher and Programmer. Cards tacked up and samples distributed. Put Font Scott. Kaxsas, ox tour list Laeonia, N. H., pop. 15,000, Folsom Opera House. Driving Park and Show Grounds, J. F. Harriman, Manager, owns all boards in city and snbnrbs. Grand Junction, Col. Z Pop. 4,000, Bill PoBting, Distributing, Tacking, etc., Clrcula'r mailed, or list of names at resi- dents of Meso County furnished, best of reference. Edwin A. Haskell. ■ Western Bill Posting o., Owners of all Advertising Spaces. Bait Lake City, Utah. Waverly, S. T., Sayre, Pa., Population 10,000. Address, Mnidoch, A Co., Waverly, N. T. Perth Amboy, N. J., Pop. 13,000 Geo. Searles, City Bill Poster and Distribu- tor. Springfield. Ohio, H. H. Tyner Licensed City BUI iPoster and Distributer. A. C. H. Mesler, City BiU Poster and Distributer, Port Jervls, N. Y. Wku yea write, mention Billboard Advertising. Classified Advertisements BILL POSTERS' DIRECTORY. It Will Pay BiU Posters To keep the'r ads- iu this column. Display Advertising. TO RENT. 1000 spaces on bill boards for painted signs, each 150 square feet. Located in Mew Kngland towns and cities, location of boards guaranteed first-class 0.8. KIE ru. Bill Posting and Painted Sign Board Advertising 447 Main street, Fitchburg, Mass Lima, Ohio. W. C. TIRRILL owns and controlB aU Bill BoardB in Lima and adjacent towns, Louisiana, Mo. Population 10,000. C. A. Bragsdale City Bill Poster, Distrlbnter Manchester, H." H. Frank P. Colby, City BiU Poster. D'stributer and Baggage Transfer. Address 30 Manchester Bt. San Antonio, Texas. Pop. 40.000. Texas Advertising Co., City Bill Posters and Distributers. Office, Alamo Plaza, Weckes Bldg. P. O- Box 6x6. Signs painted and tacked up. Albuquerque, N. M. Pop. 10.000. The Hudson Adv. A BIU Posting Co., own and control all bill boards. Alao do distri- hnting, tacking, fence painting, mailing. Tietoria, British Col. Pop. 20.000. The Victoria Bill Posting Co. own an con irolallbUiboards,palntsTgnsand bulletins and does distributing. Address ROBERT JAMIESON. Manager.P.O. Drawer28 . Laurence, Kas. Pop. 15.000, A. M. Pott, City Bill Poster and Distrlbnter Meridian, Miss. Pop. 15,000, L. D. Hofler, City Bill Poster A Distrlbnter Belfast, Me F. E. Cottrell, City BUI Poster. P. O. box 781. Residence 20 High street. BIU Posting and Distributing service Northfleld, Minn. Pop. 4,000. H. IT Ensign, BUI Poster and Distrlbnter Board capacity, gUOsheelB New Hampton, Iowa, R. B.' Garver, BUI Foster and Distributer, Circulars distributed in Northern Iowa. Honest work. Reasonable Rates. Reference W. E. PATTOK, Corinth, Miss, Bill Poster and Distributer. Reference fur- mind. . Greenville, Miss.. For Bill Posting and Distributing, address, It. Hester, ma nager Opera House. Bowling Green, Ky., Pop. 10,000. All Desirable Boards controlled by J. M. Robertson, manager Opera House. Lee Bros. & Co , City Bill Posters and Distributers. Santa Rosa, Cal., Popnlation 7,000. E. S. Carpenter, Bill Poster and Distrlbnter. Daulelson, Conn AMERICAN FAIR BULLETIN. WANTED ! ! Privelege men in all branches, EVERY- THING goes this year, The Central Ohio Fair, Orrville, 0. Prices reason- able and fair treatment Oct 8 to II. Proctor E. Seas, sec. &. sunt Priveleges Classified Advertisements AMERICAN FAIR BULLETIN. Arabs. A Wonderful Troupe of Performing Arabs; address Jan. J. Arm- strong. 10 Union Square. New York City M. M. Forsmar, Peoria, IHs. . Makes a specialty of Odd, Unique and Orlg- inal Balloon Ascensions, Parachute Drops FIBEWOEKS, Write for our descriptive catalogue. The Masten A Wells Fireworks Co., Boston Shedman's Coursing Hounds, W S Sbedman, b8 and 90 Centre.jNew York DISTRIBUTERS' DIRECTORY. We can guarantee that advertisers will re- ceive honest, reliable service from any firm or person whose advertisement appears In the following list. No advertisements receive d from minors References as to honesty and integrity must accompany all applications, for space J. E. Stroyer* Co., Rochester, N.Y. 114 Welch St. Distributors. Signs nailed np. -Cover Western N Y.. We are re iable and prompt, and give reference. Newark. 0. Licking Distributing At Mailing Agency. Advertising of all kinds handled, signs tacked up. Low rates. RefeVence given. UK South Bide Square. *' Valparaiso, Indiana,' - - DistributiFgin Porter eo, J. H. McGill Chas. Fenz & Co.. New York, 103 E. 14th st. Furnish all kinds of Open Air Attractions for Fairs, Fetes, etc Balloon Aseensfons And Parachute Drops of Every Description Wm. B. Hanner, Cincinnati, O Wanted—Fair Grounds Attractions, Races and Fair, September 24th to 28th, '95. Address, with full particulars and terms. A1.KX. KniKtA^P, fecy, Raotjcah. Ky Fair Bills and Posters, The Donaldson Lltho Co., Cincinnati, O Fair Grounds Attractions, Of Every Descripjione. Cincinnati Amuse- ment Agency, 127 E. 8th tt.. Cincinnati, O. The Only Comedy Attraction for Fairsextant Fortpaugh's Yankee Kaimer James B. Macks, Address, care of Donaldson Lltho., Co., Cincinnati, O. Balloon Ascensions, Jewell Bros, Aeronauts, Trenton, N. J. Matawan, Monmouth Co., N. J. Lloyd's Distributing Agency, Box 67 St. Charles, Mo., B. F. Brans A Co., Advertising Distributers Haekettstown, N. J., C. A. McLean, Distributer, signs tacked Newport, Ky. O H. Ottlng a Sou, Bill Posters and Dis- tributors, 60S York street. Grand Rapids, Mich.- George M. Leonard, Reliable Distributer Nashville, Tennessee. Circulars, etc, distributed, cards nailed SI SO per 1000 up. James L. Hill, 323 Broad street, Nashville, Tenn. Seranton, Laekawanna Co., Pa. Jo."n H. Beltz A Sons, General Advertising AgentE, Write to us, 651 Deacon street Carthage, Mo. Pop. 10,000. Joseph Barrett, Distrlbnter; Sampler and General Advertiser. Cincinnati, O. Distributing. Reliable, prompt. Reference Population 850,000. Address, W. H. Steinbrenner, 313 Vine, Cincinnati Chicago, Ills. J. A. dough, Contracts solicited for tbe dlxtributlon of all legitimate advertising matter In Chi- cago and suburban towns. Western BUI Posting Co., General Distributers, halt Lafce City, Utah I wlU Distribute Circulars, and Post Bills. Advertisers, write at once, B. K. Uvaus, Minster Ala. Chester, Conn. Chas. E. Lord. Entire or any paitof the Stale, postlDg also. Washington, D. C. P. PRINTZ A CO., 730 9th Street, N. E. Dis- tributers of advertising matter. Write us. Boston, Mass. Pop. 600,000. J. F. McWhlrk, General Adv, Distrlbnter Manchester, N. H., D. J. Lefebvre. All kinds of Advertising Matter Distributed. P.O.Box483. Louisville, Ky General Distributer. 542 Heeond St, "Laloo " Greatest.of all Living Attractions. Adrirere Geo . Arlington. 88 90 Centre St., New York Jeakles' Pony Hippodrome, "~ Strong and strictly first-class attraction for Fairs. Chariot -fences. Roman Standing Races, Poi y Flat R»cf«, etc. Address E -C.'Pratt, Manager, Batavia, Ills. When you write, mention Billboard Advertising. Classified Advertisements EXPERT AD. WRITERS. 4 Cuts and 4 Retail ad*, for $1.00 Up-to-date proofs free. Margie Bowman, •IhbAdagb. Buffalo, N. Y Robt. Carroll, Dayton, Ky. D. B Archibald, 73 Nassau Street, N. Y. C. F. McHenry, Newport, Ky. Geo. Guilford, 127 E. Eight St., Cincinnati, O Bert M. Moses, Brooklyn, N. Y. - . POSTER PRINTERS Advertisements under this head are printed free of charge in nonpareil. In boldface type two dollars per yea". Display advertisements (not exceeding seven lines, tuxnty-five cents per line. Advertisements amounting to one dollar and over include a year's subscription, free, Bien, Julius & Co., 140 6th ave. New York Boston Job Printing Co., 4 Alden, Boston Mass Brooklyn Daily Eagle Job Printing Co, Brooklyn Brooklyn Times Printing Co, Brooklyn Budget Show Print., Box 38, Blmira, N. Y. Calhoun Printing Co, Hartford, Conn Calvert Litho Co, Detroit, Mich Cameron Show Printing Co, 57 Ann, New-York Central City Show Printing Co, Jackson, Mich Central Litho and Eng Co, 1406th ave. New York Central Show Printing Co, 143 Monroe, Chicago Commercial-Gazette Job Rooms, Cincinnati Correspondent Show Printing Co, Piqua, Ohio Courier Printing Co, Brantford, Ontario Courier-Journal Job Rooms, Louisville. Ky. Courier Show Printing Co, Buffalo, N Y Cox's Sons, John, Gay and Pratt, Baltimore The Donaldson: Litho. Co., Cin'ti, O. Eichner & Co, Baltimore . Empire Show printing Co., 73-75 Plymouth Place t Chicago Enquirer Job Roomfe, 88 East Eighth, Cincinnati Enterprise Show Print, Cleveland, O. Erie Show PrintingCo, Erie, Pa Fair printing House, Norwalk, O. Forbes' Litho Co, 181 Devonshire, Boston Francis & Valentine, 517 Clay, San Francisco Free Press Show Print., Detroit. Fox; Richard K, Franklin and Dover, New York Gillin Show Print, 131 West 14th, New York Goes* Litho Co, 140 Monroe, Chicago Gt. Am. Eng & Print Co, 57 Beekman, New York Great Western Printing Co, 511 Market, St Louis Greve Litho Co, The, Milwaukee, Wis Haber, P. F., Fond-du-la-., Wis Hasselman Printing Co., Indianapolis, Ind Hatch, C R. & H. H., Nashville, Tsnn Hennegan & Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. Jackson, J B., 48 Centre, New York Jordan Show Printing Co., 138 Franklin. Chicago Journal Job Rooms, Columbus, O Ledger Job Office, 60s Sansom, Philadelphia Llbbie Show Print, Boston, Mass. Lick Show Print, Fort Smith, Ark Liebler & Maass, 224 Centre, New York Mauberret's Printing House, New Orleans, La. Metropolitan Printing Co , al W. 36th, New York Miner Litho. Co. The H. C. 342 west 14th st. New York, . Mitchell, Chas., Ottawa, Ont., Canada Morgan. W. J. & Co., St. Clair, Cleveland National Printing & Eng. Co., Chicago Pioneer Printing Co., 214 Jefferson, Seattle-Wasn Planet Show Print, Chatham, Ont., Canada. Richardson & Foos, in 4th Ave, New York Riverside Printing Co.. 216 3rd, Milwaukee, Wis Sackett & Wilhelms Litho. Co., 5th ave. and 16th St., New York. Sirffin, H. C, 172 Skillman Ave., Brooklyn Seers, A. S., 19 E. 17th street. New York Shober &« arqueville,. Jackson St., t hicago Springer & Weity, New York „..,„. star Printing Co.. 606)4 Second, Seattle, Wash Sterrett Show Print- San Francisco, Cat . Strobridge Litho Co., Cincinnati ••-;' Cnion and Advertiser Co., Rochester, N. Y. Union Job printing Co., Walla Walla, Wash- United States Printing Co., Cincinnati What Cheer show Printing Co., Providence, R. I. Winterbnrn Show Print.. 166 Clark. Chip-go PRINTING HOUSES That execute high-class Distributing Matter R. Taylor, First c.ass service. Advertising of all kinds bandied with care, signs tacit ed, rates low, reference Tbe Licking List. A Mailing Agency, 11% Hoath Side Square, Newark. Ohio. Cumberland. Ind. Chas. Caylor Distributing matter in Marlon and adjoin ing Counties Marinette, Wis. Menominee, Mich. Pop. 15,312— Adjoining Pop. 14,600 Wm. H. Karle, Marinette, Wis. Reliable Distributor. Your contracts solicited Cincinnati, 0. H. E. Melsner Distributing, sign tacking, Booth A Depot Hoira, N. Y. F.W. Bucklln Reliable Distributor, Reference furnished. The following firms make a specialty of finely brinted Booklets, Pamphlets, Hand Bills, Fliers, Dodgers, Circulars, Heralds, Couriers, Programs, Blotters, Fancy Cards and Novelties. Advertisements under this head same as above. Blackwater Courier Job Office, Franklin, Va. The Donaldson Litho. Co , Cint'l, 0. Eaton, Allen & Co, Grand Rapids, Mich Hannegan & Co., Cincinnati. 0. Libbie Show Print, 6-12 Beach » • B ^° n - f 5J? 8B ' Lotus Press, 140 west 23rd St.. New York City. Mauberrett's Printing House, New Orleans, La. L Prang & Co., 3S6 Koxbury St., Boston, Mass. Saffin slow Print, 172 Skillman Ave., Brooklyn. Van Fleet, 88 Centre; New York Winthrop Press, Ntw York. Have You Subscribed for BILLBOARD ADVERTISING? BILLBOARD ADVERTISING is the Official Organ of the Illinois Bill Posters' Association. A Monthly Resume Of An That Is New, Bright And Initiating OnThe Boards Vol. IV, No. n. CINCINNATI, SEPTEMBER i, 1895. PRICE 10 CENTS. PER YEAR. $1.00 . BUSINESS. Billboard Advertising is a journal for business men who think. There is much in it which will furnish food for thought, much that will bear careful consideration. We have no private in- terests to foster, no pet hobbies to ride and we know no politics in the conduct of a business paper because business in- terests are superior to all party interests. We do believe that business men should study advertising, not any one branch of it, not with a view of becoming expert in any particular line but simply and solely as business men with a view to- ward the betterment of business, to the improvement of the commercial interests of the community, for on good business is dependent all progress and develop- ment. By business, -we mean not mere strife for profit, but thVactive work of the world at large, including every call- ing, profession and industry that tends to better the condition of mankind. Advertising is the very life and soul of business and as such it is a fitting and important study for business men. We advocate advertising in general and pos- ters, distributing, mural signs and paint- ed bulletins, exhibits at fairs and expo- sitions, trade journals and class publica- tions in particular. The business man, no matter what he sells, knows too much about his business to properly advertise it. He is handi- capped wtth technical points, sees the inside of what he manufactures or sells, knows everything about his business and his goods, so that when he writes about the goods he writes as an expert, as a technical man, filled with the abundance 0. information, which he understands, and which his clerks and those in the same business with him understand. He over-writes, because he attempts to tell people all he knows about the business. The buyerfcares very little>bout the man- ufacture of anything. The buyer wants to know what the thing is good for and what he can buy it for.— N. C. Fowler. ENTERPRISE? They call it enterprise. This mad en- deavor on the part of the newspapers and magazines to decrease the price of their publication to the very last notch, the extreme minimum at which it is pos- sible to sell and still live. The reader gets their product far below cost, and and like every one who gets something for nothing, utterly fails to appreciate it. The burden must be borne by someone, and in this instance it falls upon the ad- vertiser. How long will he stand it? How long will this reckless mania con- tinue ? Not a great while we venture to predict. Some ten years since, a similar craze afilicted showmen. Attractions which had been obtaining 20, 25,35 and 50 cents admistion, incited by the seeming suc- cess of a bold adventurer, commenced to reduce their prices. One followed an- other until the cheap prices became epi- demic and three quarters of the shows came down to a ten cent basis. Of course there was wild excitement, surging throngs and immense attendance, but the profits were nil. It was impossible to even obtain sufficient funds to keep the repairs up and those organizations Some of the funniest adverti ements are those of printers. I don't believe that one printer in a hundred knows how to advertise his own business Most printers try to impress their patrons with the idea that good printing is an essen- tial part of any successful business. At the same time, their own ads and their own printing serve as horrible examples of how it ought not to be done. I have before me an ad from a paper published in Letts, la. It occupies about eight inches double, and contains no lass than six different feces of type. There i-'tf$% ■• ^ . m ■ - 1 :-' '•''$£-V'S--" '-"■ JAHES H. STAATS. which did not get back to a legitimate admission charge, speedily wore them- selves out. The only attractions of that time who are in existence to-day, are the ones who steadily maintained their prices. F. A. Fitzgerald, manager of the Cream City Bill Posting Co, Milw tukee, Wis., is of the opinion that Billboard Advertising is rendering valuable ser- vice to bill posters and assures us of his best wishes for our unbounded success. are ten display lines in it, and seven lines of reading matter. The ad is surrounded by an old-fashioned worn out border, and is about as bad an example of display composition as I ever saw. If the print- ers had used two kinds of type, they could have ntade a nice looking ad. To do good priut.ugitis not necessary to have an unlimited number of faces of type. Given three or four different series and the intelligent printer can turn out creditable work, either in the job print- ing line or in newspaper display. Except in occasional .instances, an advertise- ment or job ought not to contain more than two different faces of type, or, a the outside, three. An advertisement or a piece of printed matter ought not to- contain more than two or three display lines. There are occasional exceptions to this rule, but they are few and far between. If you try to emphasize every- thing you say, you will put everything o n a dead level, and nothing will be con- spicuous. If you have ten lines in an ad and display all of them, you might as well have displayed none. If you will pick out one line and make it ten times as big as any other line yon will have something with which to catch atten- tion.— Charles Austin Bates in Printers Ink. We are much afraid that Display Ad- vertising, an exceptionally bright and interesting publication which was started in St. Louis, has suspended. If it has, it will be a pity, as the little journal bid fair to accomplish much good. Bill posters cannot afford to have too many papers of the right sort, and Display Advertising was of that kind. JAHES H. STAATS, Whose picture we present herewith, is one of the best known and most popular men in Lock Port„N. Y., where he is better known as "Staats, Ye Newsman." His admirably arranged store is one of the best known in the country. Mr. Staats is a veteran in the business of bin posting as well as news dealer and everything; in the news line, magazines, periodicals of all kinds, novels and a wonderful assortment of aU that the litterateur finds useful can be secured here- Staats, Ye Newsman, first began business in 1855 when he purchased the good win and interests of Mr. Giddings, who had a store in the old Ar- cade building on Fine street. Through the sug- gestions of Robert Bonner, of the Sew York Ledger, Mr. Staats first entered the bin posting : business in 1857.V He boomed the Xew,York Led. ger, and in the short space of one year was sell- ing 700 copies per week, where previously he sold but 12 copies. He continues the bUl posting business to the present day with success. He has bill boards all over the city, in fact owns over 7,500 running feet of boards, and it may be' said that everything he undertakes is thoroughly and systematically done. That's one reason why Lockport is always on the list. In November of 1891, he was elected secretary of the New York State Bill Posters* Convention, held at Syracuse, which office he still holds, and it may be said that no man is better qualified to fiU that position. Mr. Staats, although getting along well in years, rarely misses a convention, or a chance to talk with the boys, The Way They Circulate. A fairly good idea of ths value of newspaper space can be had from the following notice which we clip from the Muncie, Ind., Daily Herald. We have old papers for sale, and very cheap. If you want paper for wrapping various articles and laying under carpet you can be supplied at the Herald office. We can accomodate custom- ers at a small cost. Laurence Hutton, the well-known critic, is a collectorof posters. For years he has been acol- lector of book plates, and his accumulation of the latter is said to be the largest in America. t t