Billboard advertising (July-Dec 1895)

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16 BILLBO ARD ADVERTISING H AS THE,LARGEST CIRCULATION Ajggjjg TH^p^HHFftOTIlBFBff, Capital City J£2osting_co. wya CONTROL ALL BOABDS AMD AVAIL- "^ib ABLE PLACES FOB POSTING IN " BOISE eiTv, JAMES A. PINNEY, Also Manager COLUMBIA THEATBE. " \: HUIE8T=8T0UT SIGN 60. (ISCOKPOHJIIEI) ) Licensed Advertising Si S n Contractors i Bill Posters. 213 N. Eighth St, ST. LOUIS. : .Coin and Control 31.800 LlneM Fett of Bill ard Bo lelin foirds in st. leu's .rd r 0 to t* Manufactured by the MACHINE CO. This Paste to day the simplest piece of mech- (S) anism on the market Easy to operate, can be run by hand or ^ steam power. Size of machine, 4 feet 4 inches long, 23 inches ^ wide, 5 feet 5 inches high. - (•) Write us for printed matter. IDEAL PASTE MACHINE CO. ® DAVENPORT, IOWA. I Write To Montague & McHugh. Fairhaven, Wash. For Information Regarding The Famous WASHINGTON .CEDAR CUIBJOI «r«s "IKIBGKI-gl^Si.. HUtf*T©B\«. SEND A good Photograph and Geta, Good Cut PRICES: 2x3, . $2.50 2#x3X, 2#x3# ) 2.65 2.75 PRICES: 3x4, . $3.00 3?ix4^; . 3.25 4x5, - 3-50 o SEND The , Money Wrth- The " Order. Tfiffc© IHf®IHI«fc®B»5lPIl|@t®-0irAviiiri^O@. OifygooiDi&tii When you write, mention BitSSafdASwraslng. When you write, mention milboa rd Advertising . Chas. H..Day's Circus Story, THE ELEPHANT TRAEbTEB. Mailed on receipt of twenty et8. L. H. DAY WHITNEYVILIiE, CONN. When you write, mention Billboard Advertising. THE DONALDSON BILL POSTERS' PASTE BRUSH COPPER BOUND & STEEL RIVETED THE BEST AND MOST DUR- ABLE OP THEM ALL. - - PRICES: ; ' -. K> in, each, $J.75 I 10 in, doz $40.00 9 •' " 3.25 9 " " 36.00 S " " 2.S5 I 8 " ■" 32XM SEND YOTJB ORDER TO The Donaldson Litho. Co. CINCINNATI, OHIO. YOUR AUTOGRAPH FREE. . With a yearly subscription *t$ I a facsim- ile of join ,j K n:iliiie<n;4iave(l and plate lor priming .-em free. Wrlie minus with I.I;n k inKamt enclose tlienmount. • Billboard advkrtising, Ki^inh St., taiss.,11,0. . . ■ ; PUZZLE FOLIO, Arte art v. Idea nt $1 a 1,000 Samples foi-stnmp.-QuiVEK,-Bu£faIo,N.V When yon write, mention Billboard Advertising. BUSINESS "SHARPER." To Any Sheriff or Constable, GREETING: Arrest the man that did'nt get my 2 dozen trade schemes for business people. On payment of cost (50 ots.) release him. No stamps. Address, JAMES R. LONG, Writer of Advertising, Power, Push & Pull. " Washington, B." C. hy Lexington, TheC^ueen Of The Famous^ -^ BIueGpass Regioi