Billboard advertising (July-Dec 1895)

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14 BILLBOARD ADVERTISING is the Official Organ of the INTER-STATE BILL POSTERS'ASSOCIATION Poultry Shows. NOTK —Unless given, the secretary's address corresponds with that of the show. CALIFORNIA. San Francisco. E. H Freeman, sec'y. Santa Ciara,:Cal. Dec 11-17. Oakland. I K Fetch, judge, P Mecfclem, sec'v. 417 Sacramento street, San Francisco, Cal, Jan, COLOBADO. Colorado Springs. F W Hitchcock, judge, I M . Hill, sec'y, 6oz East Kiowa street, Jan. 1-4. ~ Denver. I K Felch, judge, John Herr, sec'}-, Jan. 6-12. CONNECTICUT. Seymour. G H Weaver, sec'y, Dec. 25-27. Derby. F B zimtner, H P Scudder and X A Nichols, judges, E M Hunt, sec'y, Dec. 24-26. DISTRICT OS 1 COLUMBIA. National Poultry Show, Washington. Geo E Howard, sec'y, Feb. 12-18. GEOBGIA. Cotton State Exposition, Atlanta. C. A. Collier sec'y. Dec. 5-12. INDIANA. Indiana Pigeon & Pet Stock Association. Frank Erdelmeyer, sec'y. Dec, 2-6. Kokotno. E. E. Sanders, sec'y. Dec. 16-2C IOWA. Ottumwa Poultry Association, Ottumwa. W. S. Russell, judge. C. A. M ur, sec'y. Nov. 21-23. Iowa State Poultry Association. Ottumwa. Shel- labarger and Emry, judges, W. S. Russell, secy. Dec. 2-7. ML Pleasant. W. S. Russell, judge. C R. Doe sec'y. Dec. 10-14. Hampton. Holden and Hersey, judges, Paul Jones, sec'y, Dec. 30-Jan. 4. KANSAS. Parsons. J. W. Wale, judge. J. R. Alexander, sec y. Nov. 12-15. Topeka- Theo Hewes, iudge, D A Wise, sec'y Jan.6-u. ■" MARYLAND. Frederick. Henry C. Keefer, sec'y. Oct-8-12. Hagerstown. G. O. Brown, J. H. Drevenstedt, and J. C. Long, judges. John I,. Cost, super- intendent. Oct. 15-18. MASSACHUSETTS. Amesbury. I. K. Felch, judge. E. J. Graves- sec'y. Dec 4-6. Northampton. C H Tuttle, sec'v, Jan. 7-10. Boston Poultry Association, Boston. C M Weld- sec'y, Jan. 14-1S. MICHIGAN. Saginaw. Butterfield and Tucker, judges A F. Herbert, sec y. Ionia, Mich. Dec 10-13, Concord L K. Felcb, judge. Jas. A. Tucker, sec'y. Dec. 23-25. Sta l5 Show. Jackson. Bridge, Butterfield. Sew- ell. Tucker. Slifer. judges, F W McKenrie, sec y. Concord, Mich., Jan. 7-12. Grand Rapids. Hewes and Tucker, iudges,Alice M- Mason, sec'y, Jan. 20-24. " Marquette. Branson, judge, Geo W Freeman. ssc'y, Jan. 23-26. MISSOURI. Mid-Continental. Kansas City. F. M Slut* sec'y, 2024 Chestnut street. J. W. Wale W s' Russell. Sharp Butterfield. J. H. Dreveustedt," Theo. Sternberg. F, W. Russell and D.T. Heim- hck, judges. Nov. 27-Dec 2. Stewartsville. Theo. Hewes. judge. C C Rob- erts, sec'y. Dec. 4-6. St. Louis. J. y. Bicknell, H. A. Bridge. D, T. Heimlich. J. W. Wall and F. W. Hitchcock, judges. C R. Crouse, cor.-sec'y. Jefferson Bar- tacks, Mo. Dec 9-14. Lebanon. Theo. Hewes, judge G H. Hinds sec'y. Dec 16-21. Hutchison. Cy Emry. judge, Dr J F McArthur. sec'y, Jan 1-4. NEBRASKA. Tecumseh. ai. n. Dafoe, sec'y. c. A. Emry judge. Nov. 28-30. J Auburn. W. S. Russell, judge. H J. F.'Wert seCy. Dec 17-21. Wayne. L. P. Harris, judge. H. Cregorv, sec'y, Dec 18-20 \ - J ' Beatrice. Cy A Emry, judge. E E Greer, sec'y, Dec 24-27, -v NEW JERSEY. Burlington County. Mt Holly. Kenn I. Budd sec'y. John E. DiehL poultry judge. H. L. Koou, Sr., pigeon judge. OcL 7-10 Garden State Poultry and Pigeon Association irackensack. C. W, Johnson, sec'v Cranford N j. Nov. 26-2S. NEW MEXICO. AlitiKiusrq'ie. Snyder, judge, A F Overman sec'y, Jan. 13-19. NEW YORK. Meridian. Wm. H. Carr, Jr., sec'v. J. Y. Bick- nell, judge. Nov. 19-22. Rochester Fanciers'.Club, Rochester. W. J. Har- rison, sec'y. Dec 2-6. Rochester. H. P. Schwab, sec'y. Dec. 16-21. Smyrna. Sharp Butterfield, judge, S K Wilcox, sec'y, Dec 31-Jan. 2, Hamburg, E C Pease, sec'y, Jan. 6-10. New York Poultry and Pigeon Association, Madi- son Square Garden. New York City H VCraw- ford, sec'y, Montclair, N J. Feb. 1-6. NORTH CAROLINA. North Carolina State, Raleigh. John Nichols, sec'y. Oct, 22-25. OHIO. Cleveland and Ohio State (Columbus), Cleve- land. Pierce. Butterfield, Bridge, Barker Murphy and Weston, judges. W. S. Rowe, sec'y, 18 HerscheuerSt. Dec4ton. Tri-State Poultry and Pigeon Association, East Liverpool. J. A. Mcintosh, sec'y. Dec. 4-14. Tiffin. J. Y. Bicknell, judge. D. S. Biller. sec'y. Dec. 17-21. Alliance. Sharp Bntterfield, judge, C S Angle- meyer, sec'y, Dec 26-31. Dayton. IK Felch, judge. C H Clark, sec'v, 136 Hawthorn street, Dec 26-31. Findlay." RM Wise, sec'y, Jan. 1-4. Washington C. H. W R Dalby, sec'y, Jan. 4-S, Bloomiugton.. J B Peele, sec'y, Jan. 6-10, Toledo Fanciers' Association. John Davidson, dog judge; Sharp Butterfield, poultry judge; A Muehlig and A W McClijre, pigeon judges- A W Bell, sec'y, Jan. 28-31. PENNSYLVANIA. Pittston. F. P. Cosper, sec'y. Dec. 17-21. RHODE ISLAND. Rhode Island Poultry Association, Providence, H, S. Babcock, sec'y- Dec 10-14. TENNESSEE. West Tennessee Poiiltrv Association, Jackscn. C A Emry, judge, H M Dawson, sec'y, Jan. 6-10. Nashville, A R Gray, sec'y, Jan. 14-18. TEXAS Dallas Exposition. Dallas. C. A. Cour, sec'y Oct. 19 to Nov. 3. Fort Worth. D. O. Lively, sec'y. D. M. Owen, judge. Dec 10-12. State Show. Galveston. J. G. McReynolds, sec'v, Neches, Tex. Dec. 17 to 21. UTAH. Salt Lake City, J W Haslam, secy, Jan. 6-10. VIRGINIA. Virginia State, Richmond. Wm. G. Owens, seV Oct. 8-12. Roanoke. J. H Drevenstedt, judge. Flank A. Lovelock, sec'y, Salem, Va. Dec 4-7. WASHINGTON. Tacoma. Theodore Sternberg, judge, F A Row- sen. secy, Dec 31-Jan,4 Seattle. IK Felch, judge, W B Goodrich, sec'y, Jan. 22-2S. BRITISH COLUMBIA. Vancouver Poultry Association, Vancouver. Cor Spice, sec'y, Jan. 7-11. Conventions, etc. Oct- 16, Eastern Synod of Reformed church in the United States, Shamokin, Pa. Oct. 8 to 10. 31st annual convention of Pennsyl- vania State Sabbath School Association, at Williarasport, Pa. Oct. x to 21. Great Episcopalian Council, at Minneapolis, Minn. Oct. 15 to 17. Non-partisan Women's Christian Temperance Union, State convention, to be held at Cleveland, O. Oct. 3 to 6. Illinois Christian Endeavor Societies state convention, at Bloomington, His. Oct. 24 to 27. Indiana Christian Endeavor Union Sth annual State convention. Greensburg, Ind. Oct. j to it. New Jersey Christian Endeavor Union will meet at Atlantic City. Oct. 8 to 10. Christian Endeavorers' State Con- vention, at Brooklyn, N. Y. Oct, 14 to 17. American Institute x>f Architects, 29th annual convention, St. Louis, Mo. Oct. 8 to II. Women's Christian Temperance Union of New Jersey, 22d annual convention, Paterson, N.J. Oct. 7 to 9 Kansas Grand Lodge of Good Tem- plars, Topeka, Kas. Oct. 16. Pennsylvania German Society, meets at Bethlehem, Pa. Oct. 8. Commercial Traveler's Association of America, 4th annual convention, Buffalo, N. Y. Oct. 17 to 20, Young Men's Christian Associa- tion of the Pacific Northwest, 12th annual convention, at Salem, Ore. Oct. 4 to 6. Young Men's Christian Association of the Second District, Middletown, N. Y. Oct. 16 to 20. Yoang Men's Christian Associa tion, state convention at Evanston, III. Oct. 23. Young Men's Christian Association Auxiliaries, annual State conference, held in Waterbury, Conn. Oct. 11 to 13. Young Men's Christian Association third district convention. Cohoes, N. Y. Oct. 10 to 13.- Young Men's Christian Associa- tion, State convention, Wausau, Wis. Oct. 15,16. Kane county annual Snndav School convention, Dundee, 111. Oct. 10. Oregon Knights Templaa Commandery Albany. Oct. t4. Idaho grand lodge, I. O. O. F. Cald- well. Oct. 21. State Suffragist's Convention, Ashta- bula, O. Oct. 22, 23. . River convention, Vicksburg, Miss. Oct S. Lucas county Old Settlers' Association. Chariton, la. Oct. 14 to 16. American Purity Congress, at Baltimore,'Md. Oct. 24 to 26. Missouri Press Association, Pertle Springs, Mo. t let. IS. Mystic Shriners, Grand Rapids, Mich. Oct. 17 to 19. Northeastern Iowa Educational Association, Charles City, la. Oct. 9, 10. 9th Reunion of the r6lh Illinois Infan- try, Watsefca, Ills. Oct. 9. ■ National Republican Vigilant Associa- tion, Negro National convention, Baltimore Md. v Oct. 11. Seventh Michigan Cavalry Association Saginaw, Mich. Oct. 22to 24. Fifth General District Convention Dayton, O. Nov. 5, 6. State Federation of Clubs, (Women's) Grand Rapids, Mich. Nov. 19. National Manufacturers' Association. Chicago, Ills. Nov. 29, 30 Congress of Librarians, Atlanta, Ga. Nov. 12, Texas Irrigation Association, at San Antonio, Tex. Dec. 6. 7. Reform Press Association, Lawrence, Kas. RACES, ETC. Oct. 8, 10. New Hampton Racing Association, New Hampton, la. Oct. 11. Decatur Wheelmen's Club, Decatur Ills. • Oct. 22. National Circuit Race Meet, Pueblo. Colo. ENCAMPMENTS. Oct. 16 to IS. National Encampment of thr> I nion Veteran Legion, Buffalo, N. Y. SHOWS. Se .y'- . s ? '? Xov - - Fourth Annual Food and Health Exposition. Brooklyn. N. Y. Nov. 14. 15. Flower Show, Houston, Tex. Nov. u to 16. National Horse Show, Madison Square Garden, New York. Nov 6 to 16. American Horse, Fat Stock, Doc and Poultry Show. Chicago, Ills, •••••• •••••• •••••• ••*••• •••••• •••••• •••••• •••••• •••••• •••••• •••••• •••••• •••••• •••••• •••••• ■••■•• •••••• •••••• •••••• ■••••• •••••• •••••• •••••• •••••• ■••••• •••••• •••••• •••••• ■••••• •••••• ■••••• ■••••• •••••• -•••»• •••••• •••••• •••••• ■••■•• •••••• •••••• -••••• •••••• ••••• HoTfday an d C©rnnn3.-c*aT •••••• Business Boomers. Our catalogue of new Holiday and Commercial Posters, suitable for every business, is now ready for bill posters. Serjci your pame in ■at once if you warit oqe. They are FREE. Besides the commission we allow you, you get the posting todo! They will sell on. sigh.t. CTncTnnatf ? o. Make Your Business Boom. •••••• ••••• •••••• •••••- •••••• •••••• •••••• •••••- •••••• •••••• •••••• •••••• ••■•» •••••• •••••• •••••• •••••• •••••• •••••• •••••• •••••• •••••• •••••• •••••■ •••••• •••••• •••••■ •••••• •••••• BOISEJDgHO. SPAI7Z, UI A G & GORDON, CITY BILL POSTERS AND DISTRIBUTERS. CA ^ A - C ^ T ^- ^£ n t x7 S'* 114 *- ° ne 4xl2 Stand, One Hundred 3-Sheet Scattering StandsL Two Handred 1-sheet Scattering Stands, One Hundred 1-sheet Boards to be listed. »"•"«», vue We pay mil for our Iwationx arid can flimmntcr,. REFERENCES:-First National Bank ; W. S. Whitehead, druggist ; E. B. Lage, postmaster Mem1»er Associated Bill Posters* Association. «. C SfAULUlSU* Manager. POSTER S PROPERLY PRINTED & POSTED PAY Prodigious PROFITS. 1 We Print Posters Properly. It's worth a great deal more to have your posters done right. And our prices are as low, and even lower than others who do inferior work. Designs and estimates turnished. Correspondence solicited. Advice free. BILL POSTERS: '"§38 This diagram represents a strong Thrcr,-Shrct l\txt<:r, designed for your own use. It will advertise your business on your own boards. Strong, brief, and to the point. We furnish them as per diagram, printed • Red on White. Red on Yellow, Brown on White, Brown on Yellow. Furnish them all one color or assorted at the following prices: 25. . . . S2.2S too, ... $ 5.50 50, . . . 3.75 200, . . . 10.00 75. . . . 4.50 soo, . . . 20.00 HennAfyflnA Ga 127 East Eighth street nennegan ge> I/O. Cincinnati, ohio. BILLBOARD ADVERTISING Believes in the Efficacy of MURAL SIGNS AND PAINTED BULLETINS. 15 DO YOU WHNT IT? COLORHDO. ME CHN GI1ZE IT TO YOU. THE CurranCo Main Office, Denver, Colo. Branches, Colorado Springs and Pueblo. Controls the Big 3 Distributing Points for Bill Posting, Distributing, Wall and Fence Advertising Signs. IT'LL. BE A BOOMER. Be sure to have your ad. \t\ the Christmas number of "BILLBOARD ADVERTISING." Magnificently Illustrated. irij B.VCECT YOUR AB. Have vqu seen the New Model No. 2. Improved American Typewriter? $8 Contains New Ideas and Improved Construction developed in the manufacture and use of thous- ands of the No. 1. It is a marvelous combination of simplicity and capability, beinp rapid, durable, portable, and serviceable. Writes in sight; uses no ribbon, but prints direct from the type, which. combined with the perfect alignment, gives results unexcelled by any ; handsomely enameled and nickeled ; every machine is guaranteed. Our Third Year and No Competitor. Send for catalogue and letter written with it. AMERICAN TYPEWRITER COMPANY CITY HALL SQUARE, NEW YORK. The Old Reliable. THE JOHIf CHAPMAK. JOHN CHAPMAN CO. UCENSED CITY AND SUBURBAN Bill Posters, DISTRIBUTERS, ART BULLETIN ADVERTISERS, PASTE MANUFACTURERS. 19 Long worth St., Telephone 2314. CINCINNATI, O. For Ascensions Of Any Description, Address, The Great Hanner Balloon Co. CINCINNATI, OHIO. WRITE TO THE BELLEVILLE, ILL., (licensed) BILL POSTER AXU DISTRIBUTER. ■i MONTANA ■ Bill Posters'Association, C. A. HAHNOIS, Helena, STATE CONTRACTOR FOR Bill Posting, Distributing, and General Advertising, Helena. Butte, Great Falls. Missoula, Anaconda, Bozetnan. Livingston, Rillings, Deer Lodge. Bill Posters! Best Pasts Brush Hadle on Earth. I HAVE THEM. YOU NEED THEM. MACK W. PEACHEE, 16 Water Street, INDIANAPOLIS, IND. ISSUE IDEAS. • Cost }i. Makes you S50. Xctt. Samples loc.'rlan free. A DACE CO., Boston CONTRACTS SOLICITED FOR Distributing All Kinds of Advertising Matter, by the International Association of Distributers OF NORTH AMERICA. Reliable Members Only. Affidavits Furnished Prices Low consistent with Good Work. W. H. STEINBRENNER, Solicitor, No. 811 Vine Street, CINCINNATI, 0.