Billboard advertising (July-Dec 1895)

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billboard Classified Advertisements. BJLL POSTERS' |" DIRECTORY ' Jbio Uke-"Displayed Advertisements under this heading, ye.'Jbr ohe-matertum, 6b£.for three inser- tions', 7se~for'jburii&sersiohs. $ijeo for side inser- ■lions. /Eyr eer cards, r^c. peragateline <^\ "'■ DENVEB* GOI.O. ^ "^f The CUrran Bill Posting & Distributing Co. - :(nrss au'd r controls all bill boards'and ad- vertising privileges in Denver, Pueblo and Colorado springs. Population of Denver, • 163,000; Pueblo, 40,000; Colorado Springs, .. Colorado City and Manitou, 20,000. . * ;•;« Delaware, O. iO.D. MoGuire. City BUI Poster, Distributor.'. A. C. H: Hesler, City BiUPoster" and IMstriipter, Port Jervte > N*.X. Springfield, Ohio, Hi'H; Tynep- Licensed City BUI ,Poster-and Distributer. Perth Amboy, N. J.; Pop. 13,000 Geo. Searles, City Bill poster and Distribu- tor. Waverly, N; Y., Sayre, Pa., Population. 10,030. Address; - Mm doch, <fc Co., .Wta verly, Jft T. ■ : .. . " Western Bill Posting o., Owners orall AdvertiBlug.SpaceB. Salt Lake. Cliy,.Utali>. Grand Junetlon, Col. - Pop. 4.00O, Bill Posting;, Distributing, Tacking, etc., Circula-s mailed, or list «.f names of resi-' dents of Meso county furnished, best of referehcei .Edwin A,. Haskell. - Leonla, N. J. M. li. DelhSy BI'J Poster and^Distrtbuter 3,000 fe e t of boards. n_ojT the SHOW PRINTERS' ASSOCIATION B1LLB0ABD ADVERTISING is the Official Organ of the Associated Bill Posters' Association, * J Yertis£meirts ' Classified-Advertisements South Fpamingtoa.iri>"Maw». , W. H: Trowbridgeffiffl Postef. Fiye t Owatonna, Minn; • 2£f '&* Morehouse tiros.) City Bill Pogfflrs. W J Waukegan, HL r ■£ '-■ z a Ru'ney A Sou, Distributors. Bill Posters, .- etc. (Circuit la towns ), Pop. 35.000. J *aB Lima, Ohio. Poj).\2O,OO0j . T?': Wr C. Tirrill, City Bill Poster and Distri- buter. Woi^ promptly done. f ~ - . - = *- r vif- Manchester, N. B. Frank F. Corby, City BiU Poster. D slributer and Baggage Transfer. Address30.Manchestersi. f .. Arabs. tWiVfo: Perform! rflt'&rabs strong, 10 Onion S. tBBLLETIN. M. M. ForsnSan, Pl Makes a specialty of _ Tnal Balloon Ascenslt? 1 Trioape o*: I PT PISTRI Bowling'Green, Ky., "Pop.'-lCUOOO. : All 'Desirable Boards-Controlled By- Ji-My- Robertson, manager Opera House. •-:■' -~ iU Display Advertising. <T0 REHT.*'4' 1000 spaces on bill boards for pain ted sign?., . each: ISO square - feet. ' Located -In;' Sew:. Knglaud towns and citits, Locatibh'&fr- boards guaranteed first-class ^ .-;.'.- i^ • ■ C. S. KIErH, Bill Posting and Painted 81gn" Board Advertising , .- • ■'? , "ST?."'-> ■ » • 447 Main street, Fitchburgj-Mflss' San Antonio,-Texas. fop-AO OOOv* Texas Advertising Co- Cltyffijll Posters' and Distributers. < Office.' Alamo 'Plazai : WeckesBldgV B.O Bbx6»6;- " -* .T^—■ -' -. Signs painted and tacted upyr' IT&EWOBKS, "''Write for our aescrlpu Masten & WejlB.Ftrewo Chicago, Illali j. Ai Clo'nih, t'oatraoU solicited for the djrtribution of all legitimate' adverilsldg ^majtlbr in Chi- cago and suburban towns./r; .■v.;'.y Chester, Conn. Cbas.E Shedman's ConrsirfgHou 1 ; W S. Shedman;.t>8 and SO Cent: Chas: Fenz & Co.. New Yofek, "■■>"„•«* ? "MB BS Hth st, ; - Furniah an_kinds of Oj*?nV U Albuquerque, N. ; The Hudson Adv. & Lacmila, N. H., pop. 15,000, Fonola Opera House, Driving Park and- Bbttw Orounds, & F. Uarriman, Manager, owns aljBoards in; city and suburbs. Fort^SBoit, Kasi Pop. 14.000, ^ Harry5C3i;rulch,.aty Bill Poster, LlthoJ; grapner and Programmer. Cards tackeov: up and samples distributed. . TT ; BovFokt kcott. Kansas, on todk i^ Newport, Ky. G. H. Ottlng & Son^i OwlLTjsiniijCOntrol all boards. Good Serviu:^^ Boony|Ile, N. Y. Wm. Comstoek. „i ; 'i\T* City Bill Poster. ' ~Owns and cdntroli all boards. Molina, HI. F.|W. Stuhl & Co. Bill Posters and Advertising Agent--. HUfordyHass. Population 10.000^ W. E. Cheney, City Bill Poster. Distributer 81 So: Bow street. Sole control of all bill boards-in city and adjoining: towns. _S0 yeas'.experience in this city^..Baggage andteeriery track express., —*^" Sioux City, Iowa, pop^^ Posters'.'Blstiibator and-Tack'ers. : Wedb all kinds of advertising Atuarautee work Sloifx City Bill t ostlnganftAdvertising Co: [Kifceused] MemJBerA. B7P.A.-- v. & BUI Postrng»Cd^To5i— and control all bill boards. Also do-dljtrt-: bntlng, tacking, fence painting; jnaJUrtg^ ■' : Vietoria, British Col. Pop.~20.wO~6T The Vicvoria BiU Posting Co. own an con- trol all bill boards, paint Bigns and bulletins and does distributing. Address ROBERT JAMIESON. Manager. P- «>. Drawer,28 _ Laurenee, Kas. Pop. 15.000, AVM. Fog. City Bill Poster and Distributer .Jleridian, Miss. Pop. 15,000, ^ *I*T>. Hoffer, city Bill PoBter <t Dlstribnter I Nopthfi'eld/Minn. Pop. 4,000. T H. 0 Ensign, Bill Poster and Distributer ; : ?Boarjjg»jgcitgr9U0 sheets | New-Hampton, Iowa, I ~ B: HLMSarver, Bill Poster and Distributer, - Circulars' distributed in Northern IowS. Honest work: Reasonable Bates. Btf erenee W. -E. PATTOTfc, Corinth, Miss, '■ Bill Poster and Distributer. Reference for- - -n shed. Pasadena," Cal. Co :''D: Coyle, Mgr. City" BiU Posting Geo. P. McClain, Prop Indianapolis, Ind., Pop. 105,436, Indianapolis Bill Posting:Company; 63*N. Pennsylvania Street. -..-.. •« ..-y---''' ■: Los Angeles, Cal. Pop. 85,000.--- City Blli PosUng Co., 254 S. Main street. Geo. P: McClain, Pro. F. E. Holtslagdcr, Mg Waukesha, Wis., pop. 9,000*, All boards ewned and controlled by Cad. F. Mevis^ i?38Jtfasn street ' Wasiiingson, Ind. has a population of 10.000 Write HprraH Bros about posting Pana, His. Pop. 7,000. DUO ROL.EY, Bill Poster, controls all the /Air Attractions for Fairs, fetes, etc Balloon Ascensions : And ParachuteDcops cf Every Description _WiD/3B.Hanner, Cincinnati, O - FaipSilis and PosterSj v ' "^ r-rAT&Bg Donaldson LlthoCo.,..C(ncInnat*,O Fair Qronnds Attractions,- ":<>t; Cincinnati Arause- menl Agency; Err E. 8th St.. Cincinnati, O. , -"■': - -'r£-,' >"j'-... ^^ ; rae.Oiily Comedy Attraction for . -JPBjrsextant Fortpaugh's -Yankee Farmer •Baes.B. Macks, Address, care of Donaldson "• ,o^-Cp,y Cincinnati, O. onHAseonsiohs," ,- *."" T Aeronauts, Trenton, N. J. Jeajggfg^opy Hippodrome, ! Sjgg nywwf sT . r lctly flret-class attraction for KSffe .^Chariot Races, Roman Standing B>ces;lPdi>v.FIat Races, etc. Address .- C ' ill Enrtre' or any part <jf- the- alsoi*., . '-.'-: posting _ aingtoD, B. c. '•.■■i:U.~^.i-r> ^PKIHTZ 4 CO.i-73fr-9th SWSBKrifeiE. Dis- 1>ut«rs of.adyertlslbgnMtM^p: Write us. l,-<ltass.- .-M<i,Whirk i; ... .ebesteri?N. Di'J^I*"feBvrefA , ; '-iUlter=DisVrKn«ti, lanager, Batavia, 111b. GFeenviile, -.Miss.. ^Fdr BUI Posting and Distribu'ine, address, 'Mi Hexter, mnKer Opera Hi me. St. Charles, Mo.- top.. lO.OOO, . - City Bill PdstlDgCor, -ownand- control all bill boards,-also do Distributing. Tackinjh- etc.; circulars'mailed, or HsToP names of V residents of^^^^arles City-and Country fnfnlntird TfEralriffiijTflrr 1 ■ J. N. MUgSgg&jjjjptewer"- k qO ■Waukesha^ T fadweU- Fr-&§riB~<ms : Bin-Poster and Distributere^MalS. ■'..- ' .t Camden, Me. Wm. H. deinmli * class DistributerT ^.^^Posier, First- /.;.- boards: 510 ft. of desirable locations Bethlehem. Pa., pop;; 25.-123, SoutSand West Pa. Grorian Bill Posting and BlgtribotlngCo. ■- ~y J antes E. .Henry & Son, Dp-ta.dflte,Blil Posters aSd. Distributers Petrol t^Mlctr. Established 1865 Carbohdale, Pa. ":«■ Carbondala City ill Postlnglani" Dlstrlb'- ntlng Co- ■£.. J. O' Hearn.-Mafiager PralrirCity, Iqwa,,. , *• Write b» W. a. Parker, Cliy Bill Po8ter"and Distributer - -■-... J. E. Williams. Oshkosh, Wis., City Bill Poster and Distributer. Reliable and definite service. Population 32 828. Own all boards in the city, 30,080 square feet "I have troubles of my own; don't—"etc. Wilmington, Del., pop. 70,132, Geo. W. Jackson, City Bill Poster and Dls- tribnter. 907 Orange street When you write, mention BUBmxrd Advertising. Clinton, His. - *--^'~ John-B.Arthurs. City Bill Poster, Manager . New Opera House. ■ J Iiexington, Ky.' Bamsey & lo, Licensed Bill Posters and: Dlalributers, White men do onr distri- buting. I irculars$1.50perlOOO, one In each house; if books. !2toS3 per 1000. Samples according to size. Satisfaction guaranteed Champaign, Hie. J- W. Muiliken Bill Posting Co., Special' attention to posting and distributing. . 1 Balton, 6s., D.K.McK AM Y.Bill Poster. t Pocatello, Idaho, J.:-W. KELDEY, Bill Poster. t Wallace, Idaho, ~~~ ~~ ~ Coeurd'Alene Miner. J. C. Campbell: Bill Poster and Distributer. References. s6 Caldwell, Kas. ' S. H.- HOitNER. City BUI Poster. . % Memphis, Term. : ~7~~: ■ -VanBeureiKfe Co., Bill Posters and Distri- - bntfere, 221-8ecoDd street. A % Palatka^Ka.^' . ■--". - "ne"- W. S. NagentrBltl Poster and Distributor Woodland, Cal. Dletz and Glendennlng, Bill Posters. 6no Shelby ville, Ind. T. F. Chaffee & Son County and City Bill Posters A Distributors When you write, mention BUWodrd Advertising. fJHESPgnBDTERS' DIRECTORY. tee'that advertisers will -re- " b.lfi service fn-m any firm ""vertttement appears in received from minors honesty -and integrity applications for space - Advertising and Dlstrlou- , , . -, H posting, signs tacked. n6 -•T afaB'?^ ■ ^ F-aUTOyer.-Bristol Co., Mass. ■ -C. A Page. -Dlstrlbuipr, 143 8th Bod way. J Bichmond HHl, L. I. Circulars-distributed honestly in Queens iCoontybyL.Bangert. n6 iOOO. ^Distributer yertiBing Louisville, K,. J General Di8triBtftw^«tBt'.olass-service. 542SecondSt. 9--i.- > ?.?'V-. - ; -- Minter, Ala., B. fep'EVans. ■Crger" •-•-■■■- - —- ,wau: r Distributor and Bill Poster. " r work. It Wili^y Distributers " -■■: To teepdjae'r ads- in tbis column. AdWrtiiSng of all kinds handled with cpSS.'slgns tacked, rates low, reference' The Lacking 11st. & Mailing Agency, 11>4 -1 SoutifSide Square, Newark. Ohio. Cumberland. Ind. .Chas. Caylor DistributlnK matter In*Maritfn and adjoin lng Counties - * Marinette, Wis. Menominee, Mich. Pop. 15,812— Adjoining Pop. 12^24 Wm. H.-Karle, Marinette, Wis. Keliable Distributor. -Your contracts solicited Cincinnati, 0. -H. E. Meisner .(.Distributing, sign tacking. South £ D,epot Moira, N. J. ,F. W. Buchlin Rellattle UJijili ibnter. Reference furnished. Miller8burg,*35ffliphin -Roscpe C'fH-lnkte, Blstrt|ra B. H. Johnston's "Disl vice, 314 Union TIusltBldg Bjgise. Idaho, ,Sp > s^dlcb^P& Gjordon, ^ "llgn {Taekers. Ions sand cau g Ser- |B, JIO. t Boston; Mass. 1500 Washington St, •Wmr^rPrescott. Distributot offadvertls. .ingirraUer.. Advertisers write at'on'cA n6 Bochester, N. X. ■■'■ "■"<■ \ If yttn have advertising matter which»you Vis*-'to send out, notify us and we'wlll send ,'yoa prlceK Hfehest: rksurts. X E. StrofgrCo.. 114 Weld street! r>g»2 Newark. 0. » Dioking Dislributing & Mailing Agency, Ads that will make your, business Grow." Chas. A. Wooltolk^«6 Main St. Louisviliev'. Ky. - -^r*. , Advertisement Writer. 03 - '" ^j j% H. SDBERS, 4 New Chambers St. N. Y ^ i"Flv« neat ads for yonr business for S2. Send ' stamp for booklet, Up-Krank Winchester, IJB A8b'foi;d St. Brooklyn, N. Y. , o3 Advertising'of ail'kinds handled, sWns w- ,,. c^ . , - ■. !u^.?BM 1 fJ!,™™\ Bderei, - e . g *T eo -' I *C»fe W& 4 Retail ad*, for S1.00 ll^boutn&idebquare. v„ H 'f iiSj,„.3ifc»..n»™,f. »«.» M.r.1. Aran.. Valparaiso, Indiana, - DUtributiEg In Porterco. ; J, H. McGIIl Hatawan, Monmouth do., N. J. ' Lloyd's DIstritmtiDg Agency, Box 67 Sk.-Charles.MOi, ■'■, „ .^B. F. BrunB * Co., Advertising DIstrilTuters^ "Hacheitstown, N.J., ... ■ "W?'t-S C.'.A. McLean, Distributer, signs tacked .' Newport. Ky. G H. Ottlng ^ Sou, Bill Posters and Dis- tributors, 606 York street. Grand:Rapids, Mich. •George M: Leonard, Reliable Distributer Nashville, Tennessee. < Circulars, etc.', distributed, cards nailed $150 per 1000 up. James L. Hill, 323 Broad street: Nashville, Tenn. •• \ Seranton-, Lackawanna Co., Pa. ' -Junii'U. Beltz & Sons, General Advenislng Ag»ntf, Write to us, 654 Deacon street Carthage, Mo. Pop. 10,000. '--- Joseph Barratt, Distributer; Sampler and General Advertiser. Cincinnati, 0. > Distributing. Reliable, prompt. Reference ' Population 330,000. Address, W. H. Stelnbrenner, 813 .Vine, Cincinnati When you write, mention SUtboard Advertising- ^TOllatjle Distributers SMiMfilgn fJsckers. We-pay rent for dHr-ttfcartoas rand cau guarantee. .«, .__^ Western Bill Posting Co.; General Distributers. fealtLakeCliy, Utah Wben you write, mention Billboard Advertising. -■;* EXPERT AD. WRITERS. Hrp-to-date-proofs free. Margie Bowman, ^■^tfAfe|c>|:^uffalo,N;Y. aBntAitta^l^ Ijayum. Ky., •..-.. D. B>ArcB«4m."73 Nassan Street, N. Y. 0^ P. McHenr'y, Newport, Ky. ■■ \ ■ I ! 1. Guilford, 127 E. Eight St., Cincinnati, O Bprt^L Moses, Brooklyn, N. X. Wnen^ou>rrlte, mention Billboard Advertising. l+ajre You Subscribed for BILLBOARD'ADVERTISING? Gets an AUTOGRAPH PLATE FREE. With a yearly subscription at $1 a facslin- eor your signature engraved and plate for riming sent free. Wrlio names with iilnck BIL-LUOABD AD.VEBTISINO, .- Blgltlli St.,. Ci.ncinnaTI.O. TT7 - : J>UZZLE FOLIO.fine adv. Idea nt $1 a 1.000 y X Samples forsln'mp. Quiveu, Buffalo,N.Y A Monthly Resume Of Ail That Is New. Bright And Interestino OnTh^ Boards. Vol. IV, No. 4. CINCINNATI, NOVEMBER 1, 1895. PRICE 10 CENTS PER YEAR. $1.00 BILL BOARD ADVERTISING. The popularity jof billrboard advertising to-day is the wonder of'the, : times ; it is sought after by houses long; established and, not the less, by those'who -are just launching into the business -'.worlds pur. correspondence from, all over the country furnishes universal reports, especially from the larger cities, that the business is on the boom and that the larger bill posting firms are crowded for space. With us, in the Metropolis, this has been the prevail- ing rule for the past three or four years, except, of course, during the dull season of the business in July and August of each year. The circus and show people have for many years depended largely on bill board advertising for their publicity,.yea! their very existence, and it is only within the past few years that the larger^ com- mercial firms have adopted display adver- tising as a medium, and how well this has paid them we are unable to say, but the facts of their repeated orders, with increase of time and space, is indicative that the bill posting done in larger cities, with strong lithograph posters, must have yielded them handsomely. Absolute service is guaranteed by us to all advertisers; lists of open locations are furnished in advance and contracts are fully carried out in every instance, renewal paper being furnished by the advertiser to keep the showing complete. The posting . of years ago, such as snipes. % and ?£ sheets, etc., etc., posted as chance might offer, on such places as boxes, barrels, brick piles, and every conceivable place in the larger cities, has been largely done away with, though we see no reason why a line of this fly posting, as we term it, should not always prove beneficial when properly and thoroughly done. Experi- ence has taught us that the only way to secure and hold a show on outside or fly posting is to use large quantities of such posting by the week, and keep it continu- ally before the public, on avenues, drives, principal cross-town streets, ferry en- trances, docks and the thousattd-and-one places where such small, or fly posting, can be used, but, of course, this line of posting cannot be listed or guaranteed. It is on the large lithograph posters that the advertiser gets a guarantee of service. Display advertising is the most natural medium of publicity in existence. Long before newspapers and other. periodicals were in circulation it was the ancient cus- tom to engrave, letter, write and post in public places all notices to engage the at- tention of the public to the various auction sales, legal notices, etc., etc. The first authenticated record we have of dis- play advertising in the way of posting and signs done under contract was in the year 1315 in London, England. At that time the town crier, a man by the name of Col- lingwood, was engaged by the town coun- cil lb" travel through the byways and high- ways of the town ringing a bell and crying out auction sales, lost children, court notices, etc., etc., until the demands for his services became so great that he was unable to remember all the various notices posted and tacked thereon. If our ancient friend, Mr. Collingwood, was to return to earth again and visit the many poster and printing establishments in the Metropolis, Boston, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Cincin- nati, Detroit, Cleveland and Buffalo and witness the mammoth presses, running day and night, ten months out of each year, turning out posters by the millions in various colors and designs, running from one press to another, and thence ^toyeri hpt-rollere^an^^^y^'nn^^ 1 in Clarence E. Runey. he was required to cry out, and he con- ceived the idea of erecting a bulletin and billboard stand, which he did, and leased from the owner of some vacant lots situa- ted opposite the town hall, with the privil- lege of erecting and maintaining a bulletin board, and then commenced to write and engrave, post and paint such notices as he had been accustomed to cry out in the streets. After that the public of London - were accustomed to congregate from time to time during the day in front of the bul- letin board and read the various notices thing under the sun, and then take a trip through the Metropolis and suburban ter- ritory and see the hundreds of large pro- tected bill boards built of solid iron on roofs of nearly every low building, on the lines of the various "L" roads, and the thousands of protected bill and bulletin boards, from io to 30 feet high and from 25 to 300 feet long, erected on vacant lots in all the avenues, principal cross-town streets, boulevards, drives, entrances to parks, etc., etc., throughout the city, he would surely be well satisfied with his hum- ble beginning, and hail with pride the progress which has been made during his absence.- : The show people; take great care j? and give closer attention to their poster printing than is the. custom with our commercial men. The: showman gets designs from the various lithograph estab- lishments of the country in the way of sketches, drawn to a scale, and use one- - sheet, three-sheets and stands. The stands usually average from 23 j£ feet long by 10 feet highito^-35 and 36 feet long by 10 feet high. The lithographer's artist visits the theatre where the play is being rehearsed; sketches of the various scenes are-worked up into form and reproduced inlarge and small posters. Many of our commercial advertisers take quite as much time rand trouble in arranging their printing-,-but the majority do not; we only wish that \hey would do so, and whenever such com- mercial advertiser takes the same care and attention that the showman does the results are always beneficial and satisfac- tory. As a rule when commercial adver- tisers secure the advice of any of the lead- ing bill posting firms or printing establish- ments of this country about their posters the results in the way of bill board display advertising are sure to be satisfactory. The great trouble we have in most instan- ces with orders from commercial firms is that they first place their order with any printer they happen to know and send a six-dollar-a-week clerk to interview the bill poster and make the arrangements to have the posters "stuck up" as cheap as possible; such advertisers invariably meet with failure from the start, and forever after are sore on the bill poster—thinking they have been robbed. There is a right way to do everything, and the right way to secure a satisfactory- display on the trill boards and bulletins in the Metropolis, or any other large city, is to pay a visit to the principal bill posting firms or send for their representatives, explaining your ideas fully; amount of money to be ex- pended : time contract is to run and the territory, either in the city or country, to be covered, and in this way the advertiser gets all the facts and information as to size of posters used, and what will make the largest and best display for the money to be invested, and then secure a special rating on the bill posting firms who fur- nish sketches, designs, etc., and take the same business precaution you would if you were to open a credit account with any new business firm, to whom you had to intrust a line of goods for the same amount, of money you proposed to invest on the^ posting contract. In this way the adver- * User is always ou the safe side. Their are advertising agencies who make