Billboard advertising (July-Dec 1895)

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16 BILLBOARD ADVERTISING HAS THE f **(**? EJACULATION AMONG THE MANUFACTURERS. PUT LEXINGTON ON YOUR LIST. FOR BILL. POSTING, DISTRIBUTING, SIGN ADVERTISING, Lexington is the hub of the Famous Blue Grass Region of Kentucky. The people for fifty miles around come to Lexington' to buy their goods. 7 railroads and 14 smooth turnpikes, makes traveling easy. They come, stay all day, and go home at night loaded with goods. They are the most properous people on earth. THERE IS ONE WAY, AND ONLY ONE. TO REACH ALL Or THESE PEOPLE, AND THAT IS BILL BOARDS AND BULLETINS -IN AND AROUND LEXINGTON. TO BILL It RIGHT SEND 6oo or 700 sheets paper. If it's Stands, we can only use 18 4x7; or 40 4x4; or 40 2x4 -, or 50 2x6. Can judiciously use 100 three-sheets; 30n to 500 one-sheets, although 500 is too many, unless you haven't any other paper. DISTRIBUTING. 6500 Circulars or Books will cover the town thoroughly, one in every house, one to every person in stores, offices, etc. THE PRICE. Posting: 7 cents per sheet, 30 days. Showing, 3 cents first week, 2 cents next, and t cent each for next two weeks. Distributing: $1.50 for Circulars; $2.00 to $2.50 for books; Samples ji.50 to £3.00. RAMSEY & CO. LEXINGTON. WE WANT •She names and addresses of Sign Painters, especially those who make a specialty of writing fancy window cards, placards and signs. WE PAY For these addresses in Cash, or subscriptions, or advertising space. Address, BH1I1BOABD ADVERTISING CO., Cincinnati. THE DONALDSON BILL POSTERS' PASTE BRUSH COPPER BOUND & STEEL RIVETED THE BEST AND MOST DUR- ABLE OF THEM ALL. PRICES: each, $3.75 " 3-25 2.85 10 in, doz, $40.00 9 " " 36.00 8 " " 32.00 SEND YOUE OB.DEB TO The Donaldson Litho. Go. CINCINNATI, OHIO. ; ]V\auber_retis printingfjouse, limited Prmtinj - POStef.S Work ALL '■ all .sizes- : all stvles.. THE FINEST. 1 Prices 'THE. LOWEST. Branches. ^^1_^526 to 532 Poydras Street, •••Enoj-ravino--- NEW ORLEANS. When you write, mention BtlUward Advertising. MOGGa-CLAp-' CMf-T®op EGjlGfitAVIING. SEND good Photograph and ' Get a Good Cut PRICES: 2x3, . $2.50 2Xx3X- • 2.05 2J*x3#, ■ 2.75 PRICES: 3x4,. . $3.00 3%xA#, . 3-25 4x5, . 3.50 SEND The Money With The Order. Tfiffc© U(BU®h<B!?f\P\©l©-@F&W^©© 0 Oll|@Off|B|&feo DISSOLVED THE FIRM OF BENNETT & MURRAY, Of PORT HURON, MICH. Have this 10th. day of October, 1895, dissolved partnership, O. J. Murray retiring. L. T. Dennett will continue the business under the name of THE BENNETT BILL POSTING City Bill Posters and Distributors. Address all communications to LEWIS G. BENNETT, Manager. Reference: Any bank or responsible business house in the city. Members Michigan State Bill Posters' Association. CO. T$ CM* fione$t? As near as possible, I instruct my men, to hand out Irj per- son,, or place under the door, all matter entrusted to n-je. Washington h,as 30,000 Government Clerks coming from, every state in th,e Un'on- The population change gradu- ally every four years—there is no stereotyped crowd to deal with.. Write to JAMES R. LONG, Manager Business Advertiser Co. 418 5th Street. Washington. D. C. P. F. SCHAEFER, President, Chicago, Ills. P. G. STOUT, jst Vice Pres't, St. Louis, Mo. W. J. HORN. 2nd Vice Pres't, Springfield, III.- - ■ P. B. HABER. 3rd Vice Pres't. Fon du Lac, Wis. CHAS. C. MAXWELL, Treas. Lincoln, 111. CLARENCE E. RUKEY, Pec. Waulcegan, 111. P. G. STOUT, I). SPENCER, G. IIEBERT, C. E. PERRY. Inter-State Bill Posters' Protective Association. Scale of Prices Adopted for Listed, Protected and Renewed. SO DAYS' DISPLAY. Population. Per shrrt to 5.000 3 cents 5,000 to 10,000 4 cents 10,000to 20,000 scents to 40,000 6 cents 40.000to 60,000 Scents 60,000 to 150,000 9 cents Over 150,000- la cents One Sheets, t5 days.... 3 cents A. H. CARNEGIE, V. P. MEYERS. L. E. TIEMANN, C. STARKS A. O. GOODMANN. A. J.TURNER, C. H. GRIEBEL, L. ROLEY, TARRANT & KRONSHAGE, Milwaukee.—Attorneys—MAXWELL & MAXWELL, Lincoln, CHAS. B. KITTREDSE, Wankegon—Traveling Inspectors—C. E RUNEY, Waukegon. Address all Correspondence to the Secretary. 35 YEARS IN PASTE. Wtoen you write, mention , ♦ GEO. M. LEONARD, BILL POSTING, DISTRIBUTING, ADVERTISING SIGNS GRAND RAPIDS, MIOH. Billboard Advertising. '"Wr- % fy. V!, /v ' "..-'■■'■* ■■ *•';.?.** ifliL--- (HRiSTMAS^iUrlBCR^ mm?*' J&f SSg^f" ; ""^St",:. ■,,...**'**