Billboard advertising (July-Dec 1895)

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32 BILLBOARD ADVERTISING Bulieves in the Efficacy of MURAL SIGNS AND PAINTED BULLETINS. DEATH Will soon steal its inevitable march on the old year. Youth and vigor- old age and decrepitude-are the morning and evening of all things ma- terial This truth applies to business as well, but there is an advantage; the evil day can be put off by the infusion of new blood. A business has its birth, its growth, its period of seeming inactivity, and finally, the end. Ward off the end infuse new blood, new ideas, into your shop. In other words, keep abreast of the times. It is positive economy to add to your outfit every labor-saving device obtainable. _^^^^^^^e are the physician whom you should consult. Cbe Hamilton manufacturing Co, TWO RIVERS, WIS. WOOD TYPE, PINE CABINET. AND _ PRINTERS' FURNITURE, of superior quality. costuslotsofmoney.butwiUsaveyoumuchmore. ASK FOB OUB GOODS. THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST. ^mtmttmttmtmmttmmmmmmmmmmi 'The difference between I Heaven & Hell" | •»— Take the Keeley Cure for Drunkeness at -~m ^— The Keeley Institute of the East, _^ ^ NO. CONWAY, N. H. ^ ^— "The Finest Keeley Institute in the World.'' _^^ THE. OF THE FOR THE MOST LEAST That is to say, the MOST information anent advertising, of the BEST quality and char- acter, for the very L.EAST monetary outlay, may be had by subscribing for punters' ink "The T.ittte Schoolmaster in the Art of Adver- tising." It is published weekly, and is ever fraught with fresh pointers, valuable statistics, and useful hints for JW 25 YEARS IN NEWPORT, KY. *S%S^ii&&' Own all the Boards in . NEWPORT, BEIXEVUE, DAYTON, FORT THOMAS, CUPTON HEIGHTS, COTE BRIU.IAMT, SOTJTHGATB, CI.BN PARK, INGATAS* FARK, INVERNESS, BONNIE LESUE. THE FIRM OF . Q. H. OTTING & SON, Bill« Posters« ana « Distributors^ OF NEWPORT, KY.. Was established in 1870 -and for a quarter of a century have en- joyed the confidence and esteem of their patrons. Easiness Office, 608 York St., NEW ff* T » DISTRIBUTING , 18.000 V TACKING. Ft. of Boards V / City Bill Poster.X, BORU MARVIN,"> \ AURORA, ILL. / '\. Population, -•-.. 25,000, PAINTED BULLETINS. ■vcrtiscr* -smiths ■printers If you |%Ain you wl» 8 ctu for two dollars subscribe HOW a year for as long a period as ===== as vou care to pay for. If you JlMtil after January ist. 1896, you will wait.. Unlll find the subscription price ad- __ _— vancedi nn d you will have to paj J5.00 per year. Send your subscription to the publishers. Geo. P. Rowtll * Co. , No. 10 Spruce St. New York City. Sample Copy Free. BILLBOARD ADVERTISING HAS THE L ARGEST CIRCULATION AMONG THE MANUFACTURERS. SHOW PRINTING 33 Dates, 3-Sheets, Hangers, &c. P. B. Gaber Printing ljou$e. PON DU LAC, WIS. THE BEST AND Cheapest on Earth § P. B. HA8ER, City Bill Poster, m tSOOO U/nov 1..,,... ^^.__ I GEORGE ELST0N, CITY BILL POSTER Owns all Boards and Privileges. liSTAHLlSHED 1SS9. DISTRIBUTING A SPECIALTY. Anaconda, Deer Lodged Co., Mont. KALAMAZOO. • - MlCH. J. E. MCCARTHY, Bill Poster and Distributor. I call special attention to my Distributing Service. I use a wagon, drawn by a beautiful Iceland Pony, and my men dress in uniform. which attracts attention. They do good work as veil. 1 give my personal attention to this branch business. Try me; you will stav with me. OFFICE OPERA HOUSE BLOCK. (ipi 5 SH OW PRINTING THAT IS UP TO THE TIMES 6 TYPE and BLOCK Work. The Finest In America. WINTERBURN SHOW PRINTING 166 COMPANY, clark st. CHICAGO, ILLS. 6 of the business. Good Work. KNOX MEAOViLLE. PA Beneficial Results. POSTERS PAY PROPITS. J0HNA.LAKIN, 1868-1S9S CTTY BTU POSTER, COOPERSTOWN N Y. Revised Mailing List of 1,000 Names for sale. I post and dis- tribute bills, and paint signs. C. A. HIRER. Bochelle, Ills. All work intrusted to me will have my personal prompt attention. D\auberreV*s print in $r J-( 0| Jse, limited P rin,, : n 5 rPostensvworK Practical Bill Poster and Distributor, SOt VT. Parte St. CHAMPA/GW, lit. COIL SPRIN6 SHAFT SUPPORT^ AND ANTI-RATTLER. «° » Wttht oa hom. Vatth i»k« th* ***t fiw tt«i«a-cA »iw in hltcbiac .p. Atnn vwtml. Sra4 .ntnps for eiKOlw. Pric.t1.SiL Stile ,felt, far ttk. « ■all .sizes v all stvles.. GOOD WORK Insures GOOD RESULTS. FON DU LAC, WIS. population, ™' s A LIV E TOWN, and HAS A LIVE BILL POSTER. Bill P osters'flssocia Hon, C. A. HARNOIS, Helena, STATE CONTRACTOR FOR Bill Posting, Distributing;, and General Advertising, Helena, Butte, Great Falls, Missoula, Anaconda, Bozernan, Livingston Billings, Deer Lodge. J. M. Dishon and no other Goes forth in haste, With bills and paste And proclaim* to all creation. Men are wise who advertise In the present generation. Terre Haute, Ind. Work THE FINEST. Prices . THE LOWE£>T. Branches. ,-.._■ 526 to 532 Poydras Street, i •••Engraving---- NEW ORLEANS. THE DECATUR SHAFT SUPPORT C0.~ Decatur, III. "STILL IN THE BUSINESS." EST ABUSED 1864. My Reference is My Work:, Which Speaks Louder Than Words. ALBERT WEBER, THE LICENSED BTTT Poster en* DTstrtbUtor OFFICE: 330 CHMP STREET, Adjoining Picayune Newspaper Bldg., NEW ORLEANS, LA. ISSUE IDEAS. Costji. Makes you J50. New samples 10c. Plan free. ADAGE CO.. Boston fl^?n MA ? l !imo FOOT BATTERIES miS «S5 e » thB J ror !,' J for,u, y potency which will FOOTHAV5?££?SBl nK y° nr feet < ranD - Th«» frn,, JJt AT *pK»ES remove aU aches and pains ET™ fuI , MA GNEXIC INSOLES. Every pair S ? sJSK£ ,< y c,l,, 5? tc,ua,ooW - Wti«fstneuse feeflniSF^ ""? **?" Ured ' »»?«>n<ii worn out II?lT 1 rp»» i inP a 'L, of onr MAGNETIC FOOT W^yS?!? wil1 Ki ,Ut « » =•>«"«> o» your TiSH'f, 8rlve ~J ,ona «»n»ation of warmth and onLtTJff * Pairofthem quick.- 11.00. Z,g%?S?£-? i 'g a y***i?r mail. Send for i ■%&L££ l !i n Koaa to Health." free. - L * 0 " lc Tan »P'«. CHICAGO. n you want to get an accurate glance at the inside of circus life, send twenty cents in postage stamps to L. D. DAY, Whitney- ville. Conn., and receive by return mail "Young Adam Forcpaugh, the Elephant Trainer, His Astonishing Adventures and Kxri ting Experiences, by Ch arles K. Day. H. I. MRNce. City and Theatrical Bill Poatcr and General w.i "te References furnished. Member National Distributor. Ass'n of America. EFFINGHAM, - - Effingham County, ILL IY^ N I- t? h » ar {Tom adverti sers—retail or wholesale—who are willing to contract for their iwJ&i eI 2f ,n8 .- for ?* montns ?r more at very reasonable rates, contracts to take effect January ill u.ntere.ted.addres, CHARLES J. ZIMtfo, Krmington; He. J iscbefs Distributing J|gency. G. E. FISCHER. Manager. 0 . P- GOODMAN Sec'y ,SOS ^Ta^eb. A " R mSCH ^ M ^ G^^CO. 2H5 2Sf^£? r Pa *ent Medicine and Newspaper Work. 2H5 S5?S B S , J OB Ten y ears ln tQ e business. * 2H5 QU ARANTEE—Our reputation for good work. OUR REFERENCE-Never lost a Customer OUR FRIENDS-Our Patrons. 2H5 TSSSSE.9. BY -° maha ' South Omaha.Meb.; CounoU Bluffs, Iowa. OUR ADDRESB-1605 Farnham Street, OMAHA, NEB. JD1,UIB ' i0wa> SCHENECTADY, N. Y. With a population of nearly 30,000 Has a BILL P08TER that can do justice to your work, in the person of C. H. BENEDICT. He personally owns over 90 per cent of all boards In the city. It Pays to Advertise Printing Presses, Printing Infcs, Printers' Furniture, T ype, Paste, Paste Brush Handles, Paste Mixers, Posters, Tickets, Paper Cutters, Printing Offices, Boilers, Engines, Office Furniture, Electrotypes, Photo-Engravings, in m Column* of Billboard Advertising. Bill Posters! . Best Paste Brush Hcidle on Earth. I HAVE THEM. YOU NEED THEM. MACK W. PEACHEE, 16 Water Street, INDIANAPOLIS, IND.