Billboard advertising (July-Dec 1895)

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36 BILLBOARD ADVERTISING IS FULL OF SUGGESTIONS IN COMPOSITION. i Once Jlgaitt Tilling Orders. For a short time we have been entirely out of two sizes of the IMPROVED BROWER QUOIN, but we believe that from now on we shall surely be able to keep up with all demands upon us. So send in your orders, please. Large size, only $1.75; medium size, only $1.50; and small size, only $1.40. -Steel keys, 50 cts. each. Every printer, who has any other standard quoin, should write for our circular, in which we tell how he may substitute the Improved Brower at nominal expense. Those who know, say that the Brower Quoin is way ahead the best thing of its kind ever brought out. Have you seen the circular we issue, describing it? Don't let your neighbor get ahead of you in this. It is no trouble now to have absolute register in color work. We also make many other articles needed by printers. Our goods are all high grade, and our prices, unprecedentedly low. UNION QUOIN CO., 358 Dearborn St., CHICAGO. I S+*&*^*^*^*^*^*&*&*^+^<*&*^*!X*^'^*^'l^*^*^ RWDTN3 BHT Posing C©- R^ad?n& Pa- All kinds of posting, and distributing done promptly. Satisfaction guaranteed or no pay. Locations the best in the city. Office at the Academy of Music. JOHN D. MISHLER, Manager. STEVENSON & SOLOMON, EITYBILLPOSTERS JACKSON, MICH. DISTRIBUTING A specialty. CL7SYON E. DOUB, 320 N. Mulberry St. HAGERSTOWN, MD. Distributor and Sampler. 49-REFERXCES FCItNISHED-ea Bay City, nticfc Bill Posting ft. Distributing Promptly Attended to. * » « C. 1- BloomfiefcL G. RUNEY & SON, Distributers & Bill Postersi ssm iiiiri wmm LIVE AND LET LIVE. "Advertising is the key note to success." Biuboard ADVERTISING. ! CIRCUIT ) I 18 TOWNS S >REFFRENCES—Bradstreet, Dun and Security Saving Bank. WAUKEGAN, ILL.! RADUGAH, KY. Population 22,000. All Boards made of tongued and gooved lumber, perfectly tight. ADDRESS, FLETCHER TERRELL, Mg r. City Bill Posting^Distributing Co. Offllkes-Barre Bill Posting Company, AT. H. BURQUNDER. MANAGER. City Bill Posters and Distributors. We do Bill Posting, Distributing and Card Tacking. Out-Door Advertising of All Kinds. 7 W. Market St. WILKES BARRE, PA. \ HENRY C. WILMOT City Bill Poster & Distributor. Wort Done Promptly and Satisfacto rily 33 N. MAIN STREET. V ANN ARBOR, MICH. LIMA, O. Dec. i. Lima is full of Billboards. Our paste is full of glue. Don't wait, but give us a call, And see for 3'ourself, At the end of thirty days, If what we say is not true to the day. U/.<?.9<?.BJim?II BTU POSTERS and HOLLAND, MICH, pop- 8,000 J. Van den Berg, CITY BILL POSTER. DISTRIBUTOR AND CARD TACKING. C. FRANK TROTT ABOUT ADVERTISING. I Post Bills. Distribute Circulars and Samples. Tack up Cards and Sign*, and do General Ad- vertising. Prices and work guaranteed. C. FRANK TROTT, City Sill Poster, Junction City, Kansas. Population 5,000. 3 miles from Fort Riley, 3,000 men stationed. .V BILLBOARD ADVERTISING is the Official Organ of the MICHIGAN Bill Posters' Association: 37 toJImICthe J, 3d Animal Convention Protective League of American Showmen THE -AT- CINCINNATI, January 7,8 and 9, '9S. Special * Convention International Asssociation of —. Distributors, AT CINCINNATI, January 8 and 9, '96. Solid Uestibukd trains. ■> - CINCINNATI — S Indianapolis kG o , t oN tQ0 "N DETROIT/ Superb Dining, Parlor and 3 Sleeping *> Car Service, l-'or particular information as to rates, schedules, and through car service, call on or write, J. S. I.KAH V. Cent Trav Pass. Agt. GEO. W. HAYLER, Dist. Pas*. Agt. CHICAGO, ILL. INDIANAPOLIS, 1SD. JOHN BASTABLE, Dist. Pass. Agt. TOLEDO. OHIO. D. B. TRACY. Nor. Pass. Agt. DETROIT, MICH. YourTfSill will run into the enormous sum of a dollar if you permit yourself to indulge in an annual snbscription to American Homes, the only magazine in the world which tells vou hour to Plan, Build or Beautify •;' ourhomeia,hebes,mi " ,ner and at least cost. Advertisers pay bills cheerfully because their ads in American Homes ^avthem. ' Let us Azure on your Bill for advertising in 1S96. AMERICAN HONES PUB. CO., Knoxville, Tenn. L ONE .COPY ~ fe>.« DIME •••• •••• •••• •••■ •••• •••• H.H.TYNER&60. City Bill Posters and Distributors. •••• SPRINGFIELD, 0. Twenty-Five Years' Experience. Population 50,000. QffMffi EDWARD T. HEVERIN. CHARLES T. HEVERIN. * E.T.HEVERIN6BR0. LICENSED I CITY BILL POSTERS COMMERCIAL ADVERTISERS. LOUISVILLE. KY. engraving VMUL-Jffssk Also, Zm Stock for Small Eetters. A Large Stock of these goods always on hand. Can furnish all orders Promptly. Highest Grades and Lowest Prices. Setter Bro$. $ Co., «■» «■*. n - *♦ **1*1iAt r c 11 That Barne y and Ike wiu alwa y s e? ve > ou a sq 11316 deal. They *** mat ! The Southern Bill po5tio4 Co. CiKy Jin Say." L1CBNS6D City Bill Posters, Distributors, Card, Sign and General Railroad and Commercial Advertisers. Best Billboards in the South. Special Men for Distributing. KNOXVILLE, TENN. POPULATION, 48,000. E C. BARNES, Manager. IKE N. DOUGLAS, Sec y and Treas. STAUNTON, VA., Pop. 12,000 WM. GLENN, Bill Poster and Distributor. All work promptly and satisfactorily done. L. A. DANIELS, gill PostSf & D' s t HfcLtCr> SANTA CRUZ, CALIFORNIA. THE CAPITAL Ottawa, Canada, Pop. 50,000 ALEX. JACQUES Bill Poster and Distributor. Also contracts to supply circuses with rigs, feed, etc. Own all the billboards. J. H. BtLIZ, a uUli, 11 . ck . <Iia „o, co. p*. 654 DEACON STREET, GENERAL • ADVERTISING. Distributors. Signs nailed up. Territory, Seranton and Luzern Co. Charter members of I. A. of Distributors of X. A.