Billboard advertising (July-Dec 1895)

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40 BILLBOARD ADVERTISING Believes in the Efficacy of MURAL SIGNS AND PAINTED BULLETINS. 1! If Bjjj Hj THE. JDaagbe^V Risible (Myp^mUv, KITTANNING, RA. RRIGE. $75.00. EVERY LETTER on page absolutely in, plain sight. m Rapid. Durable. Simple. Saves Vou money. « « « Does €asl * r Sour ?a$ftr Uiork ME lOigbest Hwar6 for /Ifoerit at Htlanta Exposition. MACHINE SENT ON TRIAL. SEND REFERENCE WITH ORDER. m nn m "The ten Daugherty- Typewriters in use in our editorial rooms have' given perfect satisfaction. We consider the 'Daugherty' as good in general work as the 'Remington,' 'Smith-Premier' or ' Caligraph,' each of -which machines have been used in our office, and in preparing original manu- script for the Linotype machines the ' Daugherty' is superior to all others." PRESS PUBLISHING CO.. Chas. W. Houston-, Bus. Manager, Pittsburg, Pa. " I have been using one of your Daugherty Visible machines tor the past eight months and can certify to its splendid work." H. E. Harmon - , Editor Southern Tobacco Journal, Winston, X. C. "The six Daughertys have given us good satisfaction; in constant use over a year, doing all kinds of office work and in our editorial rooms." Ind'pls News Co., Ind., W. J. Richards, Manager. Chicago, 111., May 13th, 1895. LAW DEPARTMENT, Pennsylvania Lines West of Pittsburg. " After a two months' trial, we find the Daugherty type Aniters so satisfactory that we have exchanged our last Reming- ton for another Daugherty. I am very willing to have you use cur names if you like." P. J. Lohsch. "I have used the Daugherty typewriter for eleven months and find that it wears eminently satisfactory. The machine is well made, works well and does not get out of order easily. For one who writes some of his own letters or who composes for the press, the Daugherty is an ideal machine." Prof. W. J. Green, Ohio State College, Wooster, O. " The Daugherty purchased last September has been in ilmost constant use and has given the very best of satisfaction." E. H. IIorj.owA.Y, Columbiana, O. m my H dj Si Isj M \m BILLBOARD ADVERTISING is the Official Organ of the Inter-State Bill Posters' Protective Association. 41 Big Four Route to Sliowmeii's, Bill JPoster's # Distributors 9 Conventions, Cincinnati, January 7, 8 and 9,1896. Best Line From St. Louis, Peoria, Chicago, Indianapolis, Columbus, Cleveland, Buffalo, New York and Boston. Magnificent Vestibuled Trains, Wagner Buffet Sleeping Cars, Private Compartment Sleeping Cars, Buffet Parlor Cars, and Dining Cars. N. E. INGALLS, President E. 0. NeCORNICK, Passenger Traffic Manager. D. B. MARTIN, General Passenger and Ticket Agent We Employ Young Men todtttlftlUW oar atvertiae- nrcnts in part payment fcrablRb ursae Acme bH wTsleb. V5 send them on approrm l. Ko work done until Um bicycle arrives mndprarci SSIISfSCtOTT. Young Ladies •SSTSS?" If borsordris applrthejPBmBtbeirenfecom* mended. Write for pwUoulara. ACME CYCLE COITPANY. ELKHART, IND. III HHH ..I..I H I ' """ Ft. Worth. Tkx., Oct 10,1S95. Acme Cycle Co., Elkhart, Ind. Dear Sirs :— Mv Acme Light Roadster arrived yesterday morning and not only myself _ but everyone that has seen it pronounces it a strictly first-class wheel and a beauty. I am very well pleased with the same, and will do all I can to get a icreat many more to buy your wheel Yours truly, C- H. CHEATHAM. AI/UAXCK, OHIO, Oct. 11, J895. " Acme Cycle Co., Elkhart, Ind. Dear Silts:—Having given my wheel a good trial, am ready to say I am exceedingly well pleased and thank you very kindly for the favor and privilege you have given me. 1 showed the wheel to one of our prominent bicycle agents, who did his best to sell me a wheel, and he said after taking a short ride on it that it was a fine "heel; and I know if the material is as good as the finish I will never regret my baigain. Yours truly, SKTH BARTON. cs~r» 0-0 0-0 TEXAS ADVERTISING . . . COMPANY . . . GENERAL REPRESENTATIVE Billboard Display Rdvertisinq, General Distributing and Exclusive Street Car Privileges. SAN ANTONIO, TEX. P. O. Box 686. -REMEMBER- CHAS- J. VOGEW MANAGER GITY OPERA HOUSE. —AND- City Biiiii Poster STILL OWNS STEUBENYILLE, OHIO. WE VE NO AGENTS "*- but ship tram our factory at wholesale prices. 8hlp any- where for examination: pay freUbt both ways If not satis- factory. 100 style* of Oarriates. »stylos of Harness. Send iota, for 1U paga catalogue. BUPJURT C1RRUSB AID n.. him ass. W.&rraU,aw-/,E»^^1a«, ■ni-co- llfa Racts! I Write "Catchy" $ Fetching Ads. 12 Years' Practical Experience. All Lines. PEOPLE READ My Booklets, Etc. Ads, One Dollar up, (Display Proof Free) ^^ Money back if you want .. , . !„ rii !e«nnder wox>. publish "vour own" TAPER. (5,000 copies, about $500 per mo.) MerChailtS M? PrIct^'fIa* costs fe-oc-is worth to you perhaps Thousands, mqiuiiauia .. t . NIQCE „ NEW PLAN AXD judicious circulation. WILL J. PATTERSON, 125^ W. 3rd, LOS ANGELES, CAL. ESTABLISHED I860. GEORGE M. LEONARD, Bill 1 'os tin sr, Distributing and A dvertising Signs, Grand Rapids, Mich. USE LEONARDS $2.50 Posting Brush. S inch wide. 6 inch Bristle. When you write, mention Population 100,000. Billboard Advertising. HOWARD H. PECK Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb. Circular, Pamphlet and General Adver- tising Distributor. Surrounding counties. Jolrn Kuhr\ & Son, City Bill Posters And Distributors, Controlling All the Boards ir| the City of HAMILTON, OHIO. Geo MILLER BROS.*® Licensed Bill Fosters And Distributors. COLUMBUS, OHIO 1,000,000 Feet for Commercial Advertisers only All kinds of Advertising .Matter distributed, signs tacked up. Contracts Solicited. All work Ouaran teed WM.M.MELOY, Box 49 .Carlisle, Pa. Member of I. A. of Distributors. When yon write, mention Billboard Advertising.