Billboard advertising (July-Dec 1895)

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v'.agf^^- rf^« <te; ISlSlilg ■:§S£ : 4Hi I^b 3iS r£L?E ;5rs *8 42 BILLBOARD ADVERTISING Is the Official Organ of the SHOW PRINTERS' ASSOCIATION. Classified Advertisements. BILL POSTERS' DIRECTORY. 7w line Disflayed Advertisements under this heading* 35c for one insertion* 60c for three inser- tion 75c. for four insersioHs, Sum for six inser- tions Larger cards* socper agate line Tucson, Arizona, 2,000 ft. of boards WM. Map. Box. 148. d !2 Luverne Advertising Agency, Dana H. Baer, mgr. Lock Box, 490, La verne Minn. dl DENVEB, COLO. The Curran BUI Posting. 4 Distributing Co. owns and controls all bill boards and ad- vertising privileges in Denver; Pueblo and Colorado Springs. Population of Denver, 165,000; Pueblo, 40,000; Colorado Springs, Colorado City and Manitou, 20,000. tf jOohYWare O G. D. MeGuire'city BUI Poster, Distributor A. C. H. Hosier, City Bill Poster and Distributer, Port Jervis N. Y. Springfield, Ohio, H. H. Tynep Licensed City Bill |Poster and DiKtributer. Perth Amboy, N. J., Pop. 13,000 Geo. Seartes, City BUI Foster and Distribu- tor. Waverly, H. Y., Sayre, Pa., •Population 10,000. Address. Muidocn, & Co., Waverly, N.Y. Western Bill Posting Co., Owners of all Advertising Spaces. Halt Lake City, Utah. Grand Janetion, Col. Pop. 4,000, BUI Posting, Distributing. Tacking, etc., Circnla-s mailed, or list of names of resi- dents of Meso County furnished, best of reference...Edwin _ Haskell. Leonia, N. J. M. U. Delhay Bill Poster andjDistributer 3,000 fe e t of boards. Laeonia, N. H., pop. 15,000, Folsom Opera Bouse, Driving Park and Show Grounds. J. F. Harrinvan, Manager, owns aU boards In city and snhurbs. FortSeott,Kas._ Pop.ii4.OOQ, _ Harry C. Brnich, City BIU Foster, Litho- grapher, and Programmer. Cards tacked up and samples distributed. Pur Fobt Scott, Kansas, on tods ust Newport, Ky. G. H. Ottlng & Son, Own-and control all boards. Good Service. Boonville, N. Y. Wm. Comstoek. City BUI Poster. ' Owns and controls all boards. Moline, ill. F. W. Stuhl & Co. BUI Posters and Advertising Agents. Sionx City, Iowa, pop. 40.000, Posters. Distiibutor and Tackers. We do aU kinds of advertising A guarantee work Sionx City BiU Posting and Advertising Co. [Licensed] ~ - • Member a. B. P. A. Pasadena; Cal. Co. D. Coyle, M—. City Bill Posting Geo. P. McClaln, Prop Indianapolis, Ind., Pop. 105,436, Indianapolis BiU Posting Company. 63 N. Pennsylvania Street . '■ —:—7— — — : '- : -sZ* Lost Angeles, CaL Pop. 85,000. U t j BUT Po uti ng Co.; 254 B. Main street. Geov P. McClaln, Pro. P. E. Holtalandcr, Mg Waukesha, Wis:, pop. 0,000, AU boards ewned and controlled by Cad. F. Mevls. 638 Masn street- . Washington, Ind. has a population oflfl.OUO Write Horrall Bros abont posting Pana, Ills. Pop. 7,000. DOU B.ODEY, Bill Poster, controls all the ina boards. S40 ft. of desirablelocations Bethlehem. Pa., poo." 25.123, South and West Pa. Gromah Bill and Distributing Co. PosUng James E. Henry & Son, Up-to-date BiU Posters and Distributers Detroit, Mich. Established 1865 Carbondale, Pa. Carbondale City ill Posting and Distrib - ntlDgCo J. O'Hearn. Manager Prairie City, Iowa, 7 Write to W. B. Farker, City BiU Poster and Distributer - J. E. Williams. Oshkosb, Wis., City.Bill Poster and Distributer. Reliable and definite service.. Popnlation 32 826. OWnall boards in the city, 30,000 square feet "x nave troubles of my own; don't—" etc When yon write, msntlon BWboard Advertising Classified Advertisements BILL POSTERS' DIRECTORY. Logan, Utah, Population 6,000 Si Win Xrochett, Bill Poster and Distributor Minter, Ala., B. I*. Evans, Circular Distributer and Bill Poster,wants your work. dl Lamed, Kansas, W. Eoddy City Bill Poster and Distributor, dl d6 Distributor Boone, Iowa, Population 9,000 J. J. Klrby, City Bill Poster and Distril Gloucester, Mass., J. H. Procter, Bill Poster and Distributer. Population with surrounding towns 43,000. Orders promptly executed. P. o Box. 731, d3 South Framingham, Mass. W. H. Trowbridge, Bill Poster. Five towns Waukegan, TIL G. Runey & Sou, Distributors. Bill Posters, etc. (Circuit 18 towns.) Pop. 35.000. n6 Lima, Ohio. Pop. 20,000, W. V- Tlrrill, City Bill Foster and Distrl- bnler. Work promptly d one. tf Manchester, N. H. Frank P. Colby, City BIU Poster. Distributer and Baggage Transfer. Address 30 Manchester St. Bowling Green, Ky., Pop. 10,000. All Desirable Boards controlled by J. M. Robertson, manager Opera House. Display Advertising. TO RENT. 1000 spaces on bill boards for painted signs, each 150 square feet. Located in New England towns and cities, Location of boards guaranteed first-class C. 8. KIErU, Bill Posting and Painted Sign Board Advertising 447 Main street, Fitchburg, Mass San Antonio, Texas. Pop. 40.000. Texas Advertising Co., City BiU Fosters and Distributers. Office, Alamo Plaza, WeckesBldg. P.O. Box686. Signs painted and tacked up. Albuquerque, N. M. Pop. 10.000. The Hudson Adv. & Bill Posting Co., own and control all biU boards. Also do distri- buting, tacking, fence painting, mailing. Vietoria, British Col. Pop. 20.000. The Victoria BiU Posting Co. own an eon- trolallbUl boards, paint signs and bnUetins and does distributing. Address ROBERT JAM1ESON. Manager, P. o. Drawer 28. Wilmington, Del., pop. 70,132, Geo. W. Jackson, City BiU Poster and Dis- tributer, 907 Orange street Laurenee, Kas. Pop. 15,000, A. M. Fog; City Bill Foster and Dlstribnter Meridian, Miss. Pop. 15,000, Ii. D. Hoffer, City BUI Foster & Distributer Northfleld, Minn. Pop. 4,000. H. U Ensign, Bill Foster and Distributer Board capacity, 9U0 sheets New Hampton, Iowa, R. B. Garver, Bill Poster and Dlstribnter, Circulars distributed in Northern Iowa. Honest work, Seasonable Rates. Reference Greenville, Miss.. For BUI Posting and Distributing, address, L. Hexter. manager Opera Hoote. St. Charles, Mo. Fop. 10,000, City Bill PostiDg Co., own and control all biU boards, also do Distributing, Tacking, etc;-circulars mailed, or list of names of residents of St. Charles City and County furnished. Best cfreference. J. N. Mittleberger, Manager. 06 Lexington, Ky. Ramsey <fc co, Licensed Bill Posters and Distributers, White men do onr distri- buting, circulars *U50 per 1000, one in each house; if books, S2 to S3 per 1000. Samples according to size. Satisfaction guaranteed Wallace, Idaho, . . ." Coeur d'Alene Mines. J. C. Campbell. Bill Poster and Distributer, References. ' s6 Palatka, Fla. n e W. 8. Nugent, BiU Poster and Dlstribntor Woodland, Cal. i Dletz and Glendennlng, Bill Posters. 6no Shelbyville, Ind. T. F. Chaffee ft Son COnnty and City Bill Posters * Distributors Memphis, Tenn. Van Beuren & Co., Bill Posters and Distri- buters, 224 Second street. Bill Posters, I5 1 p?ii I ?,U* >v . ,!0nvel, J r costaM; makes S°_ Pla ?. 10c - Circular free. Thk Adage, Boston, Mass. Wnen yon write, mention BUtboara Advertising. Classified Advertisements DISTRIBUTERS'DIRECTORY. . We can guarantee that advertisers will re- oe\ve honest, reliable service from any firm or person whose advertisement appears in the foUowlng list. -No advertisements re'eel v. d f rom minors . References as to bonesty and Integrity most accompany all ap plications for space Paterson, M". J., Population 98,000. Abram H. Fo st. Distributor, 48 Hamburgh New Orleans, La. " Southern Advertising Distributing Bureau 408 t'arondelet St. Ueueral Distributors. Honest work. d4 Eastoh, Md. The Adv. Dist. Bureau, posts and distri- butes bills, Bigus aud circulats, and all classes of advertising matter. John R. Thompson. Manrger. Box 118. d6 Pittsburgh, Pa. ~~ 1 i le *Viwl«» Cities" Distributing Agency, advertising matter of all kinds carefully and promptly distributed in "Greater Pitis- bur ft ropolation 600,000. Bates, etc., on application. Office 6 Sixth St.. Pittsburg, _^ na |™ ncn . Allegheny Fa., J. T. Hudson: Millersburg, Dauphin Co. Pa. - Boscoe c. Hinkle, Dlstribn ter, 82 per m. d3 Milford, Mass. " Edwin R. Megus, Distributo r. Williamsport, Pa. S. HL. Bond. Dlstribntor. Barracks 16, Nat. Military Home. Circulars, samples and ail kinds of adver- tising matter distributed IntMontsromery tounty, o. Population 100 832, at from S to So per 1.000, Honest work. Write for terms. Mem. Nat. Dis. Ass'n of Am. E. D. Marchael, Montgomery County, o. ' dl North Cramer Hill, n7j! John J. Tischner, distributes circulars,etc. and tacks s'gns. Reference furnished dl W. E. Fatten, Corinth, Mass. BUI Poster and Distributer. Reference fur- nlshed. Box 79 Detroit, Mich., Harry P. Merkle, Reliable Dlstribntor and Sign Tacker. 21 w. Elizabeth Street. d3 Fredonia, N. Y. John H. Case, Distributor. Box 1097. d6 Portage, Wis. W. H. Bathgate Advertising and Distribu- ting Agency. Bill posting, signs tacked. n6 Kiehmond HilL L. I. Circulars dlstribnted honestly In Queens County by D. Baugert. D 6 Boston. MaSS. 1500 Washington St. wm. E. Frescott. Distributoi of advertis- ing matter. Advertisers write at once. n6 Bochester, N. Y. If you have advertising matter which you wish to send out, notify us and we will •send you prices. Highest results. J. E. Stroyer Co» U4 Weld street. n2 ; * — Valparaiso, Indiana, Distributing in Forter co, J. H. MoGill Matawan, Monmouth Co., N. J. Lloyd's Distributing Agen cy, Box 67 St. Charles, Mo., ~~ B. F. Brnns A Co., Ad vertlsl ng Distributers Haekettstown, N. J., C. A. McLean, Dis tributer, signs tacked Newport. Ky. G H. Ottlng a Son, Bill Posters and Dis- tributors, 608 York street. Grand Rapids, Mich. George M. Leonard, Reliable Dlstribnter Nashville, Tennessee. -Circulars, eta, dlstribnted, cards nailed Si 50 per 1000 up. James L. Hill, 323 Broad street. Nashville, Tenn. Seranton, Lackawanna Co., Pa. John H. Beltz & sons. General Advertising Agents, Write to us, 654 Deacon street Carthage, Mo. Pop. 10,000. Joseph Barratt, Dlstribnter; Sampler and General Advertiser. Boise.'Idano, Spaulding ft Gordon, Reliable Distributers and Sign Tackers. We 'pay rent for our locations and can guarantee. Western Bill Posting Co., . General Distributers. Salt Lake City, Utah When you write, menuon BWboard Advertlsl>>- 1 Classified Advertisements DISTRIBUTERS' DIRECTORY. ' Cincinnati, 0. : ~ r ~' Distributing. Reliable, prompt. Reference Population 350.000. Address. W. H. Stelnbrenner. 318 Vine.! Chicago, Ills. J. A. Clough, Contracts solicited for the distribution of all legitimate advertising matter In Chl- cago and suburban t owns. Washington, D. C. P. PRINTZ <s CO., 730 9lh Street. N. E. DIs- trlbuters of advertising matter. Write us. Boston, Mass. Pop. 600,000. J. F. McWhlrk. General Adv. Distributer Manchester, N. H., ~~' D. J.Lefebvre. All kinds of Advertising Matter Distributed. P. O. Box 483. Taylor, First class service. Louisville, Ky. R. General Distributer. 512 second St. Advertising of all kinds handled with care, signs tacked, rates low, reference The Licking 1 1st. 4 Mailing Aeency. llli t-outh Side Square. Newark. Ohio. Cumberland. Ind. Chas. Caylor Distributing matter in Marlon and adjoin ing Coamles Marinette, Wis. Menominee, Mich. Pop. 15.312^— Adjoining Pop. 12,624 Wm. H. Earle, Marinette, Wis. Reliable Distributor. Your contracts solicited Cincinnati, 0. H. E. Melsner Distributing, sign lacking. South «fe Depo t EXPERT AD. WRITERS. Ads'that will make your business Grow." Chas. A. Wooltolk, 446 Main St. Louisville. Ky. Advertisement Writer. o J. H. SDBEB8. i New Chambers 8t. N. Y Five neat ads for your business for $2. Send stamp for booklet, H. Frank-Winchester, 162 Ash ford St. Brooklyn, N. Y. o3 ADVERTISERS! ADV. MANAGERS! We Want Your Attention. Don!tYou -Want a Good- Reliable Man to Distribute Your Advertising Matter in New Hampshire. Prices from $1.50 to $3.00 per thousand. Con- sistent with honest work. Circulars Mailed. Reference Furnished. D0NAT J. LEFEBVRE, P. 0. Box 483. M ANCHESTER. N. H. ADVERTISING CIRCULATORS WANTED. We have no paper for yon to advertise in. No fake association for you to join. No list of worth- less names for yon to bnyi but DO want you to circulate advertising. For full particulars, etc., send reference and stamps. Maine Med. Co., B. & A. N. Windham, Me. WOBCESTEB, Mass., Pop. 281,000 "Signs tackej np. Circulars, etc, Distributed. M. W. Corbett, Westminster, Member of I. A. of Distributors, of N. A. SHOW BILL DATING OUTFITS RUBBER TYPE, Etc, Catalogue Free. E. TAYLOB ft CO., Cleveland, O. B. F. BRUNS A CO. Circulars Distributors £ Bill Posters 105 N. Main St., ST. CHARLE S, M0. "The Advertiser's Trade Journal of New England." PROFITABLE ADVERTISING. Filled with valuable Ideas and suggestions . for Advertisers and Bill Posters. Worth hundreds of dollars to many advertisers. Issued now under new management. Handsome new coyer design for Decem- ber, printed in colors. December issue FREE to every subsrriber who.remits One Dollar before Jan. 1st. Address, KATE E. GRISWOLD, Pub'r, 13 School St.. Boston, Mass. When yon write, mention Billboard Advertising. kJfo ESTABLISHED 1879. HARRY E. STOOPS, Manager. POPULATION. 50.000. 5 the Stoops Bill Posting and Advertising £o. OWNING THE FINEST LINE OF BOARDS IN THE SOUTH. CONTROLLING ALL THE DEAD WALLS IN THE CITY. HI ii RUT CHATTANOOGAl ON YOUR LIST. .- .r