Billboard advertising (Oct 1895)

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io BILLBOARD ADVERTISING Is the Official Organ of the Asso ciated Bill Posters' As sociation. Printing-House Gossip. It Jfc Wilxng Co. report that bus oniing with the".. Tlieyaresell poster ink this year than ever SUIT FOR DISSOLUTION. John R. McLean and his co-directors in the Enquirer Job Printin K Coinp-y brought _ V.'Sl«ll.'lV (Of till" di.JllllllOll ui lliOt , .„ ; ||; , t(J , u j . . The capital stock was fixed f or c i eve n vean " hnl with the exception of fim[ ^ j^., . i bv Mr. McLean, and one anJ „ HU j,i 1DSE if a lone; and well- share each, held by J. J. McDowellJudjje llb(nvl vacation. Mr. Swick is Die pio- neer of the show printing business in St. Louis. .He knows every showman and leading circus attache front Maine to the Pacific, and off and on durins the last thirty years has been in charge of local plants engaged in the design and maiiu- :us and theatrical posters, mty of friends will be glad determination to lay aside )f duties.—.SV. Louit Sttar Sttj/iaga.. ash buses, etc., Supl. of Police lladcnoch has decided that on and after October fif- teenth there shall be no such thing as ••snipinn" done in the city of Chicago, :iiid that is what it should be. If there is any medium offered to adver- tisers that will sooner or later disgust them, it is trying to reach the public by POSTER PRINTERS trances on the property of the corporation, and that the ei all targe" paper, is the only proper wa; for the bill poster to prove himself a great benefactor to the referee vjithiu a speci6ed ti cause why the corporation Should not be dissolved, and for the appr" or more receiversof the es That the dissolution o has been desired for se by the fact that Mr. Mi support of the petition, taken in Wash- ington, D. fci is dated April 24. 1805, A Hebrew ta Chicago. Sept s;th inst, business with ns for the past me has been good. Contracts for future vertising and commercial work are n and larger than last year. Beeman's Chewing Gum, Kola Chewing Label Ketchup, Atlanta Ex- position, etc besides about twelve or fif- teen local -firms- During the past four weeks, several times we had the pleasure 1! Every Bill Poster, Every Distributor, Every Poster Printer, Should send us an advi The Donaldson Lithograph Company last week, performed a very rapid and suc- cessful piece of work. All the lithographs for the Cotton Slates Exposition at At- lanta hm been made b) this nmpaa) and very handsome lithographs Ihey are, by the by. Mr. Cooper, chief of non-leased and non protected walls. Billboard Advertising Co. 127 East Eighth Street. CINCINNATI. OHIO. iUiUiUlUJUJUuuUiUUUiulU Walter ft. Parker, formerly ibe publish- er of Ink FJntel, is now manager of the Eagle Printing and Color Works. Chicago Poster Inks AMYwONtOfl/UM? ""AUUeWtBOMuJ CINCINNATI- NEW YOSK' CHICAGO- -r-jounafjob' Kooms. Louisville. Ky. rataw pruning Co. UufTal:) Nv _ Sou, John. Gny and Pratt. Baltimore The Donaldson Lltno. CO.. ClO'tl, 0. fcmplre Show Printing re,. Enterprise show p..-. ■ Frauds & Valentine. 5 ,, a,,. San Frea Press sh.-" D - jllin Show Print, rji West uth. New York H^^i^in F^Smg Co? Hermegan & Co\, Cincinnati, Ohio. journal Job booms. Cotumbms, o. h Chl ™^ Ledger Job oftce. 605 Sanson. Philadelphia Libble si;ow Print. Bos: on, Bass. Morgan. W. J. A Co.. St ■ lair. ■ lewetan Maajbaa show Print Detroit, Mich. ■SK" t Printing Co.. n, Jefferson. Seattle, Wash S)»-_PnoL Ctatfiam^^Ont^canaai. The Donaldson Lltho. Co , Clnt'i, 0. Eaton, Allen tt Co. Grand Rapid!. Mtch Hennegan & Co., Cincinnati. 0. LibHieSUow Prial, C-N Beach SL. Bolton. Ma*. sK^r^^sp1imfn^?^uje7Ne" pwiftia, L. Prang at Co., aS6 Eo.boty St., Boston, Mm. Saflin Know Print. 171 Sklllmm Are.. Brooklyn. Van Fleet, 88 Centre. New York EAGLE PBIi'HG INK & COLOR r 118-112 Mnnrop SlTMl, Chlctga.