The billboard (Nov 1895)

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BILLBOARD ADVERTISING Brieves in the Efficacy of MURAL SIGNS AND PAINTED BULLETINS. 15 many Bill Posters « flrt uklm froa $:o.oo to $40.00 per w«k ii > coMKfleM by Hlllig our emmrdal Pottm. you £ati, too. • Write to us ana we will Stat, yw a Mt Ol Samplti ■ ml tell foi how N do It. Ok Donaldson Citho. Co. Cincinnati, 0. Have vou seen the New Model Ao. ° Improved American Typewriter? $8 <Uol the No. ■. Ida IVearudNoConpetttar. S( AMERICAN TYPEWRITER COMPANY CITT HALL SQUARE, NEW YORK. JOHN CHAPMAN CO. LICENSED CITY AND SUBURBAN Bill Posters, DISTRIBUTERS, ART BULLETIN ADVERTISERS, PASTE MANUFACTURERS. 19 . Telephone 2314. CINCINNATI, O. For. Ascensions Of Any Description, Address, The Great Hanner Balloon Co. ■ MONTANA ■ Bill Posters'Association, C. A. HAEHOIS, Helena, Bill Posting, Distributing, and General Advertising, Telena, Butte, Great Falls, Missoula, Billings, Deer Lodge. One Dollar Sent to Billboard Advertising 60. Cincinnati, During November j * r ' Will Secure \ To the Sender - - A Subscription to Billboard Advertising Beginning with December. 1895, and Extending to January. 1897, Two Christmas Numbers Are worth The Dollar. Bill Posters! Best'Piste Brush He on [si, ' I HAVE THEM. YOU NEED THEM. HACK W. PEACHEE, ' We Do It All i DESIGN, PRINT akd POST. In dealing with na, you avoid jail the.: are incidental to bill board advertising. One covers everything. Give us j ouririen. oMhaa line yon wish to advertise, and we wili^ftS design ... , ':. * - that atrttct h the ■ one day's notice, and ■ PRINT prions that defy competition. We also contract ti POST Tour bills in any desired territory, or number of cities .... .- ~- T lonK or ehort time. Ono contract covers - Again we aay, . • • WE OO.IT ALL— . - DESIGN.PRINT ah'o post. TTft Wh«'an Poster $dvi No. 141 East FourthStl, Cll