The billboard (July 1896)

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BILLBOARD ADVERTISING. July, 1896. Boston Budget. H. T. Miller, of Rochester, N. Y., his assistant, O. E. Rogers, ot The Boston Job Print, the poster plant Waverly. O., representing S. C. Wells & owned by (he late John Stetson, is ran- Co., of Le Roy, N. Y., a wholesale med- ning, making money and will not be irine company, were arrested at Nelson- closed, bnt will be conducted by Man- o.. May 29, at the instance ot W. ager BlaisdelTtiil the -Sain of the estate S- Rnnion, City bill poster, for distrib- â– liilij^iiilwilimV "." utlng advertising matter without a li- So'rapid U the wheel now whirling cense. The case was tried next day round the Hub that to keep pace with it before Mayor Buckley and they Boston is to have a bicycle daily. It will discharged. They had prepared to fight be called Ail-the-Go, and sell for one the case through all the courts, in case cent a day. they had been fined . If a little boy hadn't been knocked down by a herdie last week, only a few AU toa&& ]ead to Chicago. The Inter- vention take, place at the In- land House, Chicago, 111., July 21-23. From Indianapolis. The ercellent work and general satis- faction given its many patrons by the Empire Bill Posting Company is fast in- creasing its popularity. That the com- pany is able to handle successfully the largest attractions on the road was plain ly demonstrated by the billing of the Buffalo BiU Wild West show. The"Em- pire"biued-eitciusively this great show, and many were the compliments ten- dered for the great showing made. All the large tented exhibitions visiting here swear by the above-mentioned company, and will be pany, "Metropolitan Fashions," New York City; 18.640 samples "Pain Pills," and delivered 126 drugei-^' packages for the Dr. Miles Medical Company, Elk- hart, In. I., and are con tanlly gaining new patrons. Their workentchea (hem, Illinois Central, Van Camps Pork and Beans, Mai to, Bromo-Kola. Hire's Root Beer, Colgan'a Gum, Coca-Cola. Morton Route and General Arthur cigars are the posters that are now on the boards here. Business very good with the bill posters, as well as distribuors. From Willi uraport. George H. Buhb, of Williamspnrt, Pa., of the only available circus lot in Indianapolis obtained considerable credence, during the early part of June. Harbison's idea Bailey, Buffalo Bill and Forepaugh Sells the Indianapolis Bill Posting Company, of which he is man- ager, and which said shows have stead- a renewal of twenty eight-sheets 1 Liggett & Myers. They have held space since last November. Also a renewal of two hundred two-sheets; five hundred one sheets, and ten thousand cardboard Spring Company. Dr. Sine, our leading dentist, is trying billboards w of the I