The billboard (Jan-June 1896)

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BILLBOARD ADVERTISING. March, 1896. Classified Adyertisements. BILL POSTERS' DIBECTORT. 7aM> bne Distiaytd Advtrtisementl under this heaittnf, iscjbr one instrtum, 6oc.for three tnser- lu». 7SC. Jbr yintr znserstans, $ijx> for six imer- tiont larger cards , IOC per agate line Winoxia, Hiim., Henry 'Wemer, tnijy BtH Pcisters d DistTibacor. B'anaimo, British Ctol. Fop. 7,000. A.'A. Davla uwns and controls all bill boards and spacea P. O. Box 189. Classified Adyertiseiiieittis DISTRIBUTEES' DIRECTORT. We can gnarantpe that advertisers will re- oejTe bonest/rellHble service fr"m any Arm or person whose adTerti>.enient appeiirs In the following list. MoadvertlBrments receiv dfn>m niinnrs Beferences as to honesty »ud in'legr ty mastaccompauy all applies'ion** Fort Wajme City Bill Posting Co; Theatrical and City Bill Fosters, Olstri- bating and Advertising Agents. Work nroinptly and properly ezeented.! FORT WA7N£, IKD. O. B. Woodworth, Manager. _ Joliet, ni., DeIrf>nK & Biederman, Bill Fosters and Distrlbntors. AlboqaeFaae. N. M. Pop. lO.QOO. The Badsoa Adv. & Bill FoaUnarCo.,'Owu ' and control all bill boards. &lao dodistrl- bntlng, tacking, fence painting, malting. Boone^ lows, Popnlatioii 8,O0O as J. J. glrby, CltyBllfFoster and Distribntor Bettalebem. Pa., pop. 25.123, South and West i'a. Groman Bill Fostine and Dlstrlbntlng Co. Jacksonville, 111., 807 S. Main S.t, Wm. Bnrke, niemhei of and recommended by XS ■•<■ Dlst. Bnreau ; ". Donat .3. IjefelTTre, iUancIiester, N. B.,Box48S.- Rellahiel>tslribatbr of all Kinds of Advert slag M.alfer."-*" Boise, Idaho, Spaiilding & Gordon, Beliable Distrlbniers and Sign Tackers. We 'pay rent for onr locations and can coarantee. Boston. Mass. ISOO Washlneton St. Wm.-B. l>rescatt.'l>IatVibi:(^i of advertis- . Ing matter. 'Advert iseta .write at once.' ne EXFEBT AD WBITEBS. Adverttitmenis -under tkii head ftjo per year, im - nonpareil. In 6old-fau type^ ^joo ptr ytar, Dis- " play adverttsewtents not exceeiSng 7 lines, ^cper line. ' 'All advertisements amounting to tijo and over include a year's subscription Jree. POSTER PRHfTEBS. Cincinnati, O. .Pbp. 360,000 Unexcelled Dl8trlbnlfnES»rvlce. W.H. Stelnbrenner, 811 :Vine, Cincinnati Chicago, Ills. J. A. -Cloneh, Contracts-solicited fbrlJi'e^Htrl button of -all legitimate advertising matter In tnii- cagoandsabnrbantowfas. - - - .^ ..-. . SKinrE^ COI.O. The Cnrran Bill PoatinK A Distribnting Co. owns and controls all bill boards and ad- vertising privileges In Denver, Pueblo and Colorado springs. Pt>paIation of Denver. leS-MX^ Pueblo. 40,000; Cblomdo Springs! Colondo City and Maniton, 20,000. . tc i Carthage, Mo.- Pop.'lO.OOO. Joseph Barratt. I)iitrlbdter;>«ampler and General Advertiser. Delaware, O. O. D. aCoOalre, • Ity Bill P. ster, Distributor Lima, Ohio. Pop. 20,OO0, W. C'Tlrrill, City Bill Poster and DUtri. boter. Worfc promptly done. tf ■anehestep, N. H. Frank P. Colby, city Bill Poster. B strlbnter and Baggage Transfer. Address 30 Manchester st. Memphis, Tenn. Van Benren &CO., BUI Posters and Distrl- buters, 22i Second stre et. Milford, Mass. Fopulatiop, 10,000. W. B. Cheney, City B il Poster, Distribntor. MSo. Bow street. Sole aontrol of alt bill boar*ls In city and adjoin, ing towns, ao years' experience in this city Baggage and scenery truck express, ja-12 Mew Hampton, Iowa, R. B. Oarver, BlU Poster and Distiibnter, Clrcalara distributed in Nortfaem Iowa. Honeat worn, teasonable Bates. Rfference Convent,Zia..^r .:: ri: Karnes of residents of'St^Jiames r-o'unty fufnlshed at reason--«ble Pt^es. F.Vi-zonx. W. E. Fatton, Cormthr^llGss 1 - ^-r.,.^-,= -ur w rrr t.,,,.^™.,.. »,- T^.ff=i„ » -„ Sshfr^B^x^o'''*^""'"'*'"- ««^«™°=«'n'-^^5^^"■ »■' "o^?^^ wS'.^''^^"" " ?■ Detroit, Mich., Harry V. Merkle, Neliable Uistribntor and Sign Taeker, 21W. Elizabeth Streef. d3 Dowagiac, Mich. ifi TheMlclf.Adv.Bir(aa Wm.J.Kryder.Pre" ATcher, Addison, 706 Girard Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. Archibald, David B., 73 Nassau St., New York City. N. Y. Ascherfeld, Havre-de-«race, Md. Bagley, F. B., 212 SouUi isth st, Philadelphia Pa- Ball, Burt, 314 Union Trust Bldg., St. I,ouis, Mo. Bates, Charles Austin, 1413-1415 Vanderbiit Bldg* NewVorfc,N. Y. Barless, C J.. Rose, N. Y. Busy Bee, 72 Adage. Boston, Mass. 4 ads and 4 cuts for Ji, Any line. 4 good ones tor grocers, with cuts, for $1. Brown, H. P Paulsboro, N. J. Carleton, R. S., New Haven, Conn. Coffrain. L. D., Adams & Co., Buffalo, N. V. Cohen, 0., 335 Forest Ave., New York. N. Y. CorbeU, B. A, care Post, Boston, Mass. Crawford, O. 'W., Advertising Manager, Masonic Temple, Chicago. Ills. Curran, R. 1,., iii West 34th st. New York, N. Y. David, C. F., 67 Mil k St., Boston, Mass. Day, Chas. H., "Whitneyville, Conn. Decker, F.'Wr., 155 Chambers St., Newbuigh.N.Y. Dixey, Wolstan, 85 World Building, New York ■N. Y.: Fairbanks, W. I,., Box 857, Philadelphia. Pa. Fowler, Nath. C, Tribune Building, New York, N. Y. Fowler, Frank Field, 13 School St., Boston; Mass. Gillam, Manley I,., Hilton, Hughes & Co., New York, N. Y. Herren, Jno. W., Norwich, Conn. Holmes; Henry, 17 Beekman st. New York, n; Y. Hnbbaid, J. S., Plymoutli, "Wis. Kahrs, Hy, 240 East sjrd st, New York, N Y. Kennedy, J. E; 4ai B'd of Trade. Montreal, Can. Kilkpatndc, W. B., 513 So. Shippen St., Lan- caster, Pa. Advertisemunis under this head SssSo per year, in year in nonpareil. In helifiu* type, ^m> tn- year. Display advertisemtnts mil exceeding 7 lines, iwenty-Jlue cents per line. Advertisements amounting to tr^o and over in- clude ayear's subscription, Jree. BaBton,JCd. Tne Adv. Dlst..Bhrean, posts and distri- butes bills,, signs and circniats, and all classes'of advertising matter. John R. Thompson. Mjt-iager. Box 118. d6 Fredoiua, Wi T; John tii Case, Distributor. Box 1097. d6 Newport. Ky. 6. H. Ottlng & Son, Own and control all IxiaTds. GocH Bervire.- Salatka, Fla. no W.8- Nugent. Bill Poster and Distributor SheIbyTill». Ind. T. F. Chafee ft 9en County andClty Bill Fosters A Distrlbntors Grand'Baplds, Hieh. George M. ixonard. Reliable Distributer Ironton, Ohio. , ' , .iDlsljioutlns by James Haynes <t Son. ■arlnette. Wis. Menominee, Hieh. • Pop.. 15 -AM-^ Adjninlii& Hop. 12.524 X"?:.!?- ."^arie. Mar nejtS Wis. Keliable I'totribntor. Yonr contracts sollclled South Framingham, Mass. ^ . W.H Trowbridge, Bill Foster. Fivetowna ^KTaukegan, m. O Biiney:&Sou, Distrlbntors. Bill Posters, etc.- tCtrcQtt 18towns) Fop. 33.000. *-n6' Tucson, Arizona, 2,000 ft. of hoards WM. KEIO. Box. 148. " -- di2 Sprlngneld, Ohio, H. H.-tyheF- Ucensed City Bill .Foster and IHKtribnter. St. Charles, Mo. Fop. 10,000, City BlU Posting Co.. own and contmlall blU boards, also do Dlstrlbntlng. Tacking, etcf circalars mailed, or list of names of residents of Rt. Charles City and Countv famished. Best cf reference. J. IT. Mittleberger, Manager. 06 Milford. Mass.. ~ - , Edwin B Neeas. Jlstribntdr. Newport. Ky. - - iLJ*-^'""I. * ^^^' ^'" fosters and DIs- trlbmors. m Yi*rkstreet- *ii. Nashville, Tennessee. 4rS°'f^!>nS*'^ distributed,'cards nailed S,2iP*Jr'''*!?.5P.' James L,. HIU, 323 Broad street ITaabyUl^, Tenn. ' ^^ _i_ .I7ew Orleans, C. ,H irouhg& Co., I^ir^""?®'?* ei.- General DKtrlbatora. -Ujillnalte«l referepce Honest work. ; d4 I,ong, Jas. R., 419 Fiftn St, Washington, D. C. ' Bianning, tTlysesG , South Bend, Ind. Marsh, Chas. H., gisChamber of Commerce, Chi- cago, nis. Marston, Geo TV., Portsxnontb, N. H. Mathews & Lewis, soi Main St., Kansas City, Mo. Moses, Bert M., Box 283. Brooklyn, N. Y. Newitt, X> C ,-Stinison Bldg, X,os Angeles, Cat. Quigg, Qias. T., Farmington, Me. Patterson, 'Will J., 12554 W. 3d 1,0s Angeles, Cal. Paine, A W., Traverse City, Mich. Payne, Theo, C, 2519 Master St., Philadelphia, Pa. Scarboro, Jed, 48 Athuckle Bldg, BroSklyn, N. Y. Smith, B. I» Codman Bldg., Boston, Mass. Smith, P. M. C, Equitable Bldg., Baltimore, Md. Smith, Chas. Hite, Knoxville, Tenn. Star Ad. Writing Bureau, Evening Star Bldg., 'Washington, D. C Spencei^ C H., Advocate Bldg., Newark, Ohio. Stewart, W. C, 4114 Elm Ave., Philadelphia, Pa Stump,-Frank v., Goshen, Ind. Subers, J. H., 4 New Chambers St., New Yor^ N. Y, The News Press, 114 Nassan st. New York City N.Y. ^ady, Clifton S., Room Si. 27 School St., Boston. Ward, Artemas, Lincoln Bldg., Union Sq., N. Y. ^asson, J. B., 270 "W. 39th St., New York, N. Y. ■Wheatley, E. A., Effective Advertising, N. Y, -Life Bldg., New York, N. Y. 'Wheelock, E. J., 100 So. loth St., Philadelphia. Wilder&CD., 621 Marketst., SanFiancisco,Cal. 'WilHams, R. L., Loan & Trust Building, Wash- ington,'D. C^ "Winchester, H. Frank, 162 Ashfordst. Brooklyn, N. Y. — 'Woolfolk, Chas. A.. 446 "SfT, Main street, Louisville, Ey. Calhoun Printing Co, Hartfordi Conn Calvert Litho Co, Detroit, Mich Cameron Show Printing Co, 57 Ann, New York Central City Show PrinUng Co, Jackson, Mich Central Litho and Eng Co, 1406111 ave, New York Central Show Printing Co, 143 Monroe, Chicago Correspondent Show Printing Co, Piqna, Ohio Courier Printing Co, BrsnUord. Ontario CoutieF-JoumarJob Rooms, Louisville, Ky, Courier Show Printing Co. Buffalo. K Y Cox's Sons, John, Gay and Piatt, Baltimore The Donaldson Litho. Co.. Cln'tl, 0. Eichner & Co, Baltimore Empire Show Printing Co., 73-75 Plymouth PUice, Chicago Forbes* Litho Co, 181 Devonshire, Boston Francis & Valentine, 517 Clay, San Fianciaco Fpee Press Show Print., Detroit- Fox. Richard K. Franklin and Dover, Mew York Grihler Litho Co. Chicago. Gillin Show Print, i32^vfest 14th, New York Goes' I4tho Co, X40 Monroe, Chicago Gt. Am. Eng & Print Co, S7 Beekman, New York Great Western Printing Co, 511 Market, St Louis Greve Litho Co, The, Milwaulde, Wis Uaber, P. "»., Fond-du-la'^ Wis Hasselman Printing Co., Indianapolis, Ind Hatch, C R. & H. H., NashviUe. Tsnn Hennegan & Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. Jackson. J B., 48 Centre, New York Jordan Show Frintsng Co., v& Franklin, Chicago Journal Job Rooms. Columbus, O. Ledger Job Office, fos Sansom. Philadelphia Libhle Show Print, Bos'on, Bass. Lick Show Flint, Fort Smith, Ark Liebler & Blaass, 224 Centre, New York Mauberret's Printing House, Nevr Orieana, La. Metropolitan Printing Co . 22a W. afith. New York Miner Litho..Co The H. C. 342 west 14th SL New York, - Mor^n, W. J. & Co., St. Clair, rieveland Morrison Show Print. Detroit, Mich. National Printiiig & Eng. Co., (.bicago Orcutt Litho. Co. Chicago Pioneer Printing Co., 214 Jefferson,'Seattle,\irash Planet Show Print, rhatham. OnL, r^^o't- Richardson & Foos. 1124th AVe, New Yotk Riverdde Printing < o.. 316 3rd, BUlwaukee, Wis United States Printing Co., Cincinnati What Cheer Show'Printing Co., Providence, R. I. Wlnterbnm Show Print., i£6 Clark, Chicago MURAL SIGNS AND PAINTED BUU£TINS Advertisements under this Mead Sf^o 'per jrar in nonpareil In bold face trpe, ^m> per year. Display advertisements not exceetbng 7 lines, ts^. per line. Advertisements amounting to and over include a year's subscription Jree. ,. STREET CAR ADVERTISING. Sioux City, Iowa, pop. 40 000, Postas. Dlstilbntor and Tackers. We do all kinds of advertising & guarantee work Siona nty Bill Postlneand Advertising Co- {Ucensed] MemberA. B. P. A. ^^E^^ ?• ^■.' Population 88,000. - Abram, H. Post. UistribntuE..48 Hambnrzh Faducah; Eentuchy. "^." 'xi',, n > "• JOSEPH -HARTH. Bill Plaster and Distributor. Member luter- natlonal Dlstrlbutorg Asf'n of N. X [e Advertisements under this heading per year, in nonpareil. In bold face type, fj.oo per year. Display ^ cents per line. Advertisements amounting to Sr<so and over, in- elude a yearns subscription Jree Bern, Ind., C. W. Stuteanan, Licensed City Bill 1 oster* DlMrlbator. 13 TietbPla, Bpltlsh Col. Pop. 20.000 The Victoria BUI Posting Co. own an con- trol all bill boaitig, paint signs and hnlleti na and does dlstrlbntlng. Address ROBERT JAMIEBON. Manager. P. i>. Drawer as - Western Bill Posting Co., """ Owners of all Advertising Spaces. Salt Lake City, Utah. Wallace, Idaho, Coenrd'AIeneMines. J.C.Campbell Bill Poster and Distributer, Beferences. s« Woodland. Cal. DielgandiJIendeimlng. Bill Posters. Foirtage, Wis. W. H Batneate Advertising and Dlstribu- • ting Agency. BUI posting, signs .acked. n6 Eichmond Hm, I.. L circulars distributed honestly in Oneena C<?nnty by L. Bangerfc ' ° ^ - Ss Seranton, Lackawanna Co., Pa i™Sif - %'if.*.*'°»'««»«»«Adver l-ing Agents. WritPtons, 654 Deacon str.Pt Selkirk, Ohio. «J- P- Rober s. R<-llabl«> Distribii*or. Williamsport, Pa. S. M. Bond. Distributor. George Kissam, fp Bromfield St., Boston, and Postal Telegraph Bnild'g, New York City. Broadway Advcitising Co, Hugh J. Grant, ores. 261 Broadway. Nctv York City. Mark B. Batchelder Co.. 38;^ Ma« rietta Street, Atlanta, Ga. Also Savannah, Ga. Charleston, s. C Rich- mond, Va., Peoria, 111., St. Joseph, Mo.,- Dubu- . que, la. O. J. Mnlford,Hammond Building, Detroit. Mich Western Adv. Co., 3:6 Union Trust Buildinir. St. Louis, Mo. *' Sam. P. Ferree, 231 Broadway, New York City Manhattan E. R. Advertising Co., 33 Murray st. New York City. * M. Wineburgh -r. Boston, Mass. M. wincburgh, Jr., 164 Bank St., Cleveland O. ^Vyndham Robertson, Dallas, Tex The Acton-Burrows Co., Toronto, Out. Western Bill Pos'in^ Co., Qeneral plstrlbnter s. i^altLakeiity. Utah When you write, mention .BWftoardAdverUsliie. 1 When yon wri te, mention -BWfroarrf AflveAialng _6no| Send 24 cts. in stamps to Henne- gan & Co., il7 East Eighth Street, Cinciimati,0., and receive in return a handsome leather bound Sate Book. Be^t ever published. When you write, mentlos BUlboard Advertuiog. BOSTON, Mass. J. Donnelly & Sons, 6 Tamworth St. Boston Advertidsg Co., 8 Bromfield St. BSLOOKLim, N. Y. The New York and Brooklyn Adv. Sign Co.. DcKalband Hudson aves. Thos. A Skidmore, 640 Halsey st. CiNCIHNATI, O. The John Chapmn Sons Co., 19 Lenpworth st. Dilt's Advertising Service. 312 Coleman st. Ph- Morton, 333 west Fifth st. Chicago, I1.1.S. R. J. Gunning, Wabash ave., cor. VauBuren st. Bour & Company, jo Dearborn St. F. M. Lewis & Co., Temple Court Thos. Cussack, Blue Island ave. and Throup st. Clkvelaki), O. Btyan & Co., High and Middle SU. Obkvesl. Coi- The Curran Bill Posting and Adveitiaing Co. Detroit, Mich. Walker & Co.. 43 Rowland it. KAI.AIIAZOO, Micii. —^J. s Mc« atthy & Co.. Lbxikoton, Kt. L H. Ramsey & Co., 137 east Main St. L0UISVI1.1.B, Kv.—Heverin Bros. NEWARK. N. J.—Newark Bill Posting Co. NEWYoaicN. Y. - TheO. J. Oude CO.,"3-«»Sw,. Broadway C. S. Hougbtatlng, No. 3 Airk Place . L B L aTo ur. 1718 Broadway 8am W. Hoke, 87 Nassau sL Unexcelled Advertising Co., 46 Vesey street Colyers System Advertising Service, 113 and IIS west Broadwav Omaha, Neb. Thos. Mulvihill, 1512 Harney St. OSHKOSH, Wis.—John B William*. Fhiladblphia. Pa. American Advertising Sign Co., 1336 Race st. Wnt. Johnson, PiTTSBcaoH,, Pa. G. G. O'Brien. PsAiBiB City, Iowa,—W. 8. Parker SAn FRAifcisco, Cal. Arthur M. Plato. S. I. Stone, 506 Commercial st. SCRAirroir, Pa.— Reese & Long Adv. Co. St. Lotm^ Mo. W. F. 'Williamson, 113-115 N. 6th street Huieit ac Stout Adv. Sign Co. R. J. Gunning, ToBONTO, Can.— Price Advertising Co. The Acton Burrows Co. Vancoitvrb. Cam.— The Acton Burrows Co. wiNNiPKo, CAw,-*-Tlie Acton Bumwi Co. When you write, msntlon JBUIDi^ant Advertlsnw A MoNTniY Resume Of Ah That Is New. BmoifrAND InhreshnoOnThc Boards Vol. V, No. .3 CINCINNATI, MARCH i, 1896. PRICE 10 CENTS. PER YEAR. $i.oo. ••HOTE" INTERVIEWED. A reporter for " BllltMmnI Advertising" cross- examines the "King off the Road." An Inter- esting talk with the Sign King. The new association he Is forming styled the American Bill Posters' Unlan. Probably no one person in America is better known among advertisers and bill posters than C. S. Houghtaling, familiarly and affectionately termed "Hote," and the address of his laige establishment at Xo. 3 Park Place is almost equally so. I hadlittledifiicnltyin securing an audience being ushered into his privateoSGce almost immediately upon presenting my card. " Hullo! " he said cheerfully as I enter- ed, " What can I do for yon? " " BiLLBOAKD ADVBRTISING would like to know something about the American Bill Posters* Union " I replied. " Humph," he observed, "you don't let the grass grow under your feet. Why, I only mailed that ad to them yesterday." " That'saltogetherprt)bable,"I replied, " my instructions came by wire, and I re- ceived the telegram but half an hour since. But about the uew association ? How is it ? Arc you serious ?'' " You bet, I am serious; in fact, I am <1—d serious. I'll show you an association inside of a year that will be a power in the land. It will reach from the Atlantic to the Pacific, and from Hudson's Bay to the Gulf. My lawyers ha-re already taken the necessary steps to incorporate it. You know it will be a corporation under the laws of New Jersey, and will be capital- ized at half a million dollars. It's a new idea. Only occurred to me last VFcek, but it solves all the difficulties that at- tempts of this nature have encountered tn the past. As soon as the scheme is laid before the bill posters of the country you will see them fairly falling over one another to get a piece of it" " It is intimated. Mr. Uoughtaling.that this is merely an attempt on your part to get even with the Associated Bill Posters' Association for depriving you of the rights and pri'vileges of memtiership in their organization." That's a lie, a d—d unequivocal down- right lie. Why, the members of the As- sociated didn't fire me. It was Campbell and Gunning's St Louis representative, Ilager, I believe, his name is. Why, I've got ten friends to their one among the iiicinbers of the Association. Look here," lie said, displaying a big stack of letters, •' these are all from bill posters, most of them members of the * Associated,' all of them expressing the most pronounced in- dignation at the indignities that have been put upon ine." " It is said that Stahlbrodt could and should have prevented it" " I am told that he did put up a lame talk in my behalf. I guess it was only a feeble protest to square himself though. But that's all right Stahlbrodt and 1 are square. He has paid me back my five hundred dollars, and we are quits." "How was that?" "Oh, that's an old story. Yon see it was a scheme of Stahlbrodt's to milk the other members of the Association by es- tablishing a New York office and hogging all the. commissions. He invited Sam Pratt, Campbell and myself to go in on it and we each pledged ourselves to give five hundred dollars a piece to support it until it got on a paying basis. We all put up our money except Campbell. He craw- fished,backed right out of his agreement" " Was the venture successful? " " No. I soon made up my mind that Stahlbrodt was not the man to handle it" "Why?" " Oh, that's a leading question. You see, the position is one that requires all the characteristics of a successful so- licitor." "And you think Mr. Stahlbrodt does not possess them ? " '' I -won't say that. I ■will -merely state that an advertiser does not like to be told that he has to do a thing, and when he is approached in this manner he is very likely to develop a prompt and unmistak- able case of the ' studs.'" Do you expect your new Association to break up the Associated Bill Posters' As- sociation?" " No, not at all. The gang that's now running it-will do that." "How's that?" "Well, yon see, they are using it now as a means of getting even -with enemies, and it is largely given o'ver to, personal squabbles, quarrels, spites. The editor of your paper understands the situation. He has -wamed the members for months past of what would happen if a radical change was not instituted. I see he was fired too. That's the penalty of being able to think. The gang wants to do all the thinking " " But they ejected O. J. Gude as well." "Of course they did. He is a first-class solicitor and gets business, lots of it. That, of course, interferes ■with Stahl- brodt" " Many of the members have 'written Billboard Advertising tliat the mis- takes of the Cincinnati meeting will all be rectified at Cleveland next July." " I believe they will if the Association holds together that long." "Why, you surely fion't anticipate such speedy disruption ? "! "It would not surprise me at alL Why, their total receipts last year were J980.00, and the Association 'was run very econom- ically, but their expenses amounted to $886.00, which left them only about {93.00 on hand. Mind you, not a cent "was ex- pended unnecessarily. Nothing but pos- tage, printing and bare necessities were indulged in. But this year it's different The gang have got the reins. The first thing they do is to cover up one of their own blunders by voting $150.00 to an attorney for dra'wing a bond, or some- thing. Then they give the secretary f 250.00 for a stenographer. Then feoo.oo to your paper as a subsidy. Then Stahl- brodt gets ^50.00 to pay the rent of the New York office. Their incidental exr penses 'will be about the same as last year, $886.00, which makes a total of $2,130.00 to be met. Now, their receipts will not be as big as last year, because the Inter- State Bill Posters' Association is cutting down the membership like fun, and every time they lose a member, that means jtist so much less money received." "You think the Inter-State is hurting them?" "Think! Why, I know it Why, my boy, nearly every member they had in Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, and Ken- tucky has gone over to the Inter-State. There isn't enough of the subordinate association in these states left to form a corporal's guard. I see, too, that not satisfied with the already large indebted- ness incurred, they are going to pile np some more by publishing a paper." "But they expect that that will prove a source of revenue." "Like h—1, it will. What does Camp- bell know about running a paper ? About as much as a hog does about a holiday. I tell you, it's expensive, most uncommonly so, in fact." "You speak as if you had experience." "So I have. In 1S68 I organized the first bill posters' associatioii that 'was ever formed in America. The idea oc- curred to me in New Orleans, during a conversation with Al. Weber, the bill poster of that city. I at once 'went to Chicago, and interested Geo. Treyser in the idea, and we succeeded in effecting an oiganization. Well, to make a long story short, the association wanted a paper, and they authorized me to go ahead and publish it, which I did. It was called The Bill Posters' Review, and lasted just four months, during which time I received just exactly three paid subscriptions of one dollar each. Those four issues cost a little over $3,200,00. The Association wouldn't pay it, so I had to; that's why I remember it so well." "In the case of Caunpbell, however, things 'will be reversed,^because he 'won't pay it, so the Association 'will JiAve to; and the burden is going to fall pretty' hea'vy on the shoulders of the few faith-- ful ones who stick by the Association to' the last It's on account of this reckless extravagance, more than ansrthing else, that I predict the early demise of the or- ganization. "You can say to the boys, though, thaj I will soon have The American Bill Pos- ters Union in operation, and it will come as near to being.a perfect association as it is possible to get one. Tell them it's what they've beeh trying to get for years." ' ANOTHER C^VE. The Southern BUI Posting Trust. A new or> granization projected by M. J. Dooley. of Atlanta. Ga. A new niovement of interest to the Craft In Dixie. . • It never rains but it pours. Following dose upon C. S. Houghtaling's announce- ' ment of the American BiU Posters' Union, comes the news that the popular bill poster at Atlanta, Ga, Mr. M. J. Dooley, has projected, and is about to launch an entirely new and independent Association of Bill Posters in the Sontfa- em States. Dissatisfied 'with the Associ- ated Bill Posters' Associatien, -with vvhich ' he has heretofore affiliated, Mr. Dool^' has severed his connection 'with "that organization, and quietly gone about • effecting an association according to his own ideas in matters of this kind. Rumor has it that it will be operated on entirely new lines. The trust goes into each and every town of the South' 'aaiA ^ buys the boards outright from the bill • poster, paying-him in stock of the trust for same, and installing him as manager. Wherever they caiinot effect this ar- rangement, it is presumed they will in- stitute opposition. In time, this 'will give the trust an absolute monopoly of the boards throughout the entire South. It is also said that the S. S. S. people are interested in the scheme. AND STILL ANOTHER. The Western Bill Posters' Association, covering the states of Montana, Idaho and Oregon, is organizing under the direction of Messrs. Spaulding & Gordon of Boise. They have asked for and re- ceived a charter from the Interstate Bill Posters' Association and will operate as a subordinate organization of that body. Messrs. Spaulding & Gordon are hustlers and their efforts will undoubtedly result in a strong and effective league of the bilj posters of the three states named. .1 ■' W i