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BILLBOARD ADVERTISING. |ifDlll,P0SYERp CENSURED. The official organ was censured t>v tbe members of the New York State Associ- ation in convention assembled, November loth, at tbe Marlborough Hotel, New York City. In testimony oF his displeasure, the Secretary gave the proceedings to Profit- able Advertising which comes not in ad- vance of Mr- Campbell's paper, and there Candor compels us to state in justice to But no; the Secretary of the New York Association thinks differently, and his wishes are law. The members of the New York Association supinely and ser- viley endorse his every whim, and it is owing to him : The Man With The Charley!**! An Enemy To The Entire Craft. I have said that there are thousands of adveitisers that never will post again. I will change the wording somewhat, and say they will never post again because they were not properly treated on their first attempt. Everybody in any way connected with bill posting knows tbe word "charley- boi", and the most of them know that it is not a myth. Bot the honest majority (and it is a big That ma, be all very well." he answer, ed. "we won't disco** the question of which Tt tbe best sue of poster to use ; the siie we use is used became it is conven- ient to ca-ry around, and because onr men can get it up whether the town contains a bill poster or not; and as for posting i Dm s been adopted by tbe A. K P. A. At best, they are but cheap bluffs and advertisers, and agents so regard them, but for that very reason they hurt the business. The billboards do not earn a tithe of the money they are capable of. They can and wilt be made to pay enormously, but this will not come about by insulting patrons. Neither will curt refusals, dis- nor arrogant the Secretary. He proposed and they as- sented. He was the only one who was really displeased- The others, if they thought about the matter at all. mnst have known that there was little if any- not allowed to print all the news; they may not criticize any me.ru- ■ Is of the A. B P. A- They posters, scattered throughout tbe A bill poster friend of i wrote me the other day. that he i ting out some snipes for the I salesman of a patent medicine house whose headqusrteas were in this city, and that this salesman was very much impressed with the possibilities" of bill posting if large scale, using large stands. right, (orat least dont, some way), we shall never try tbe experiment again. Some three years ago we sent 40,000 books for distribution, and some 3,000 sheets of paper for posting to Oofty & Ooft, bill posters, of Uniptyville; only a few days before 01 drug trade, to be ready t way as during the previous year when no advertising had been placed there." "We wrote to some druggists, asking if they had seen anything of the booklets or the posters, or had heard anything of them from their trade, with the reply that a book had been thrown into their store, but they had beard of none otherwise, didn't know of any posters. By same mail came a bill for the distributing and post- ing, with a request for remittance, date of the pasting and ot leagues in the.Slate Associations The members of the A- B. P A. think long and seriously before they al- low him to extend bis baneful influence and further entrench himself by turning the New York Slate Association into a issued until the Constitution is amended mit of it and as that can only a regular meeting of the Asso- wffl give the 1 He is purely se a his col- the remedy they make is one of the rem- edies that my grandmother used to swear" by when I was a child ; I don't suppose there is a drug store in America that does upply of this medicine ; I t think more than three fourths of the stuff still unopened in Oofty & Ooft's bill room." "A id that's why we do no more posting or distributing, unless one of our own men can been the spot to see that it is done." must be carefully pruned before they ap- pear. Bill posters find it doll and prosy H consequence. W Aad J"* withal, they have pot not a done much good for the c spec t alone. Every 1 " ccived it became a possible patron of the boards, and doubtless many actual con- If the utterances of the Secretary of the New York State Association were as ably edited as is the d organ, far greater" dignity would containing a newspaper but has the chance of reading of this remedy in I paper, and pretty nearly all the A New Association. be quoted, opines that if Stahlbrodt suc- ceeds in adding the entire Hast to the New York Association, and obtaining a charter for it from the A. B, p. A., be will be backed by so much power and influence tbat will once more completely The I introduced myself, and had called to talk of more especially of bill posting and dis- tributing; "Don't bill posting-don't want to do any bill posting—don't want to ever hear tell of bill posting or bill posters," was the reply I received, in a tone of voice tbat warned me that I would be* safest between him and the door. Well, sir," I replied, "I came here at the request of one of your road men, who, I understand, is doing some posting for you up the state, and who is so well pleased with there- suits or the little he is doing as to advise you to go into the matter right. Sniping is all right for villages, and along < roads, but when you get i at some period of bis busjne have happened upon a dishonest book- keeper, a no reason for forever thereafter perhaps I may be able to get him to see the matter in the same light in regard to bill posters: but even if I should, there ia the past that is gone, and tbe money that is gone into other channels can never be recovered by the bill posters. These people, these Charleyboiers, though few and far between, have done more to injure bill posting than all tbe tirades of the n< On. of Tirrilr. Lima, Ohio, Board..