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* i u THE BILLBOARD There is weeping and -wailing and gnashing of teeth among the fakirs, con- cessionaire and showmen at Nashville. From letters received we learn that the paid admissions on the first day barely reached 10,000, and have scarcely topped 2,500 any day since up to this writing, (MayS.) ; Theshow was anything but complete when it was opened. The general opinion is that in point of attractions and attractiveness, it iays away over Atlanta, and the citizens of Nashville are hoping that this will pull the attendance up to a paving point. If Nashville, like Atlanta, p-oves a financial failure, what may be expected of Omaha next year? It has less p ople within the zone of the hundred mile radius than either. The great trouble with these affairs is that they are handled by men of no ex- perience. If Nashville had picked out, say Walter Cooper appointed him director general, and heeded his-advice, the fair would have been a success from the start. His experience at Atlanta would have saved Nashville thousands ar.d thousands of dollars. But no, green and untried men as usual, have been thrust into places of trying re- sponsibility, and as a consequence, the Nashville Centennial,like all ether affairs cf tLe kind, will be simply an experiment. Just about the time its managers have learned how to run things successfully, the. fair-will come to a close. The man- agers will gain a lot of experience, which will be worthless, because other cities, which will hold fairs, will not avail them- selves of it, preferring, like Nashville, to have green men. True, it might be avail- able should the experiment be repeated in Nashville, but then Centennial celebra- tions are a long ways apart. When, oh. when, will th2 fair man ager of experience have his innings. WISCONSIN. A complete report of the Wisconsin State Fair Association is made part of the Donaldson Lithographing Co.'s catalogue of fair posters. A sample copy will be mailed to any officer of a Fair Association who makes application for one. Address the Donaldson Litho. Co., Cincinnati, O. Aeronaut Leo Stevens may be addressed at 370 8th ave, New York. Fair man- agers, who want a. balloon ascension for a feature or special attraction performed by a man on whom they can rely, will do well to write" to him early. He rarely has any open dates in the falL Bill posters everywhere complain of the niggardly consignment of paper sent them by the Tennessee Centennial. They say it is utterly impossible to give a decent showing. We are very anxious to have our fair list complete in our July issue. Secre- taries will favor lis greatly if they will send us dates of neighboring fairs that do not appear in this issue. Please, also ex- amine your dates as they appear herein, and if any mistake advise us. _ Of all advertisements there is none so simple, direct forcible, and powerful as the exhibition of the thing itself. Sup- plement this with a card bearing the price and the name and address of the maker, and you have attaiued the very acme of advertising efficacy. Nebraska. State Fair at Omaha. Sep. 17-224 The fair for 1S97 will be held on same grounds where held for years 1S95 and 1S96, adjoining the Omaha city limits on the west, and embrace 160 acres of land, enclosed with eight-foot woven wire fence of modern and most approved style for such use. The grounds, as to equipments and arrangements, have no superior'in the world. They are reached direct by all the great Western railroads centering at Omaha, and by a double-track line - of electric street railway, starting to and from the Fair Grounds and city of Omaha every five minutes. Runs from Council Bluffs, Iowa, will be made at short in- tervals. Regular steam railway passenger trains will run to and from the Fair Grounds, from Omaha and South Omaha, at short intervals. All transportation facilities to and from the Fair Grounds are full, perfect, and complete. All pas- sengers, exhibits and other freights, un- loaded and reloaded at main gates. An experienced and careful master of trans- portation will be in attendance at all hours, day and night. All exhibits will be reloaded and reshipped the day the fair closes An inexhaustible supply of pure water in all parts of *the grounds. All improvements are new. and with all modern conveniences and accommoda- tions. One of the very best one-mile regulation speed tracks is now in prime condition. All railroad switching free to exhibitors, when in full car lots. W. H. Harrison, general superintend- ent, will, on the Fair Grounds, direct exhibitors to their proper places. For all concessions, apply to Charles A. Dunham, 1526 South 2Sth street, Omaha. The American News Co. orders 6,000 copies of The Buxboard for June. In- dication now point to a probable sale of S.000 copies on the stands during this month. As these are largely bought by advertisers, fair followers, horsemen, ex- hibitors, concessionaires and privilege men, fair managers can form some idea of the efficacy of our advertising columns. T. F. Grinley, the aeronaut, now lo- cated at Carbon, Ind., writes us that he originated the "circular dropped from the clouds idea." J. C Poland (Montana Joe) is perma- nently* located at 33J£ Rathbone street, Jamestown, N. Y. The Woods-Dysart Racing Motocycle (horseless carriage) can be engaged as a special attraction. Address Paul I,. Dy- sart, manager, 4714 Evans ave., Chicago. We acknowledge the receipt of "Life and Adventures of Bronco John," (wild west for fairs) a neat and attractive book. Peter Currier, of 518 Powell street, Philadelphia, manufactures rubber, gas and whistling balloons, toy whips, canes, etc., for fair followers, fakirs, etc. Thurston Bro.'s Midway Show, 54 Mead street, Columbus, O. Great attraction for big fairs. May Stewart, Menage act, and "Jjapet 1 - nick,' dancing horse, 99 Adams street, Bridgeport, Conn. Leo Stevens, aeronaut, 361 West 25th street. New York. Sie Hassan Ben Ali's troop of Arab acrobats, is a splendid special attraction. They can be engaged. Address Sie Has- san Ben AH, care of the Journalist's Club, Baltimore. Md. H. G. Barclay, of Johnstown, Pa., fur- nishes special attractions for fairs. Del vjyc ami Frits are again hooking their original production at fairs. It is called the Clown and Policeman trick- bouse act, and is a splendid special at- traction The Aermoter Co., 12th and Rockwell streets, Chicago, will exhibit extensively at agricultural fairs this season. Fair managers in need of fire-works or pyrotechnical exhibitions, will do well to write Harry M. Dey, Tyrone, Pa. The Donaldson Litho. Co., of Cincin- nati, sent out their samples of fair posters May 20. Every fair manager in the United States and Canada received a package. It took 1,113 packages to go round. Michigan. The prospects for the State Fair society hold- ing a fair at Grand Rapids or anywhere else next fall are decidedly gloomy. The Lansing creditors refused to settle lor nine cents on the do.lar. and asked for fifteen cents, nine per cent payable at this time and six per cent after the close of the fair next fall. This offer the state fair officers did not feel warranted in accepting, and the negotiations are, therefore, at a stand- still. If no settlement is made with the Lansing creditors, whose claims aggregate about $[8,000, no fair will be held, and the death knell of the society will be sounded. Indiana. The executive committee of the State Board of Agriculture was i 1 session all day vesterday passing upon various matters in connection with this year's state fair. The committee is com- posed of President C B. Harris, of Goshen, Aaron Jones*, of South Bend. Mason J Niblack; of vine- lines; J. L. Thompson, of Gas City, and Charles Downing, of Greenfield. Ex-Governor Matthews made his first appearance -as a mem- ber of the board and participated in the work Purely Personal. We are indebted to W. C Garraid, secretary of the Illinois State Board of Agriculture, for an exceptionally complete list cf Illinois fairs. Harry Nowlan. secretary of the Lawrence- burg (Ind.) fair, is also secretary of the Indiana Swine Breeders' Association, arid has charge of the swine exhibit at the state fair at Indian- apolis. Ind. C De Vos. secretary of the fair at coopcrsville, Mich., is publisher of Ti.e Ob- server, a paper which has a larger circul itioii than any other paper published in Holland Co. Brownsville, Tenn., will have a fair July 3, 4 and 5. W. R. Holbrook is the secretarv.— '■ Every fair association should subscribe for The Billboard It is the only paper in the world which devotes a department exclusively to fairs. Onlv a dollar a year, but it is unfair to saddle even thi* sum on any one of the officers. Let the association pay lor it. C. W. Harvey, the hustling and enterprising secretary of the Dodge County fair, at Beaver Dam, writes as follows: "I enjoy reading your paper, and think it could be made of great value to lairs. I think we have no paper that is published to any great extent in the interest of state and county fain. We want a paper that will advertise first-class attractions, the same to be by reliable parties, and them only, these responsible attractions could afford to pay more for their adds, and fairs would be willing to pay more for what use they made of such a paper. We want a paper that secretaries could and would publish an account of their fairs what had helped to make their fair a success or failure. This could and would be of great benefit to all fairs, and would be detrimental to none, for about all fairs are far enough from each other to be but little or no competition as regards securing attendance. The Dodge County fair is, without doubt, the greatest fair on earth of its age, made so by securing the best of everything and advertising the game in such a manner that the people all know it. We are great advertisers. We use all legitimate means to advertise our fair that can be thought of, from a postage stamp and card, to a forty-sheet stand. Our motto is to have a first-class fair, making it better every year. Then advertise it so people will know and be- lieve it, and success is sure to follow. We want first-class attractions, first-class advertising mat- ter, "up-to date," first-class exhibits, and we want people that have got anything they wish to sell to come and try the great Dodge County fair, and we will have the people, but others must do the selling. No gambling of any kind allowed on the grounds." '*>.'<£./■'!• > X.Z-.r? frster (Ymfeiv JOHN F. HENNEGAN. We present on our first i«ge this month a splendid likeness ol Mr. John F. Ileiiuegaii, of the firm of tleunegan & Co.. the well-known printers of Cincinnati. Mr. Henuegan started his career as a printer, at the bottom of the lad- der, with the Russell-Morgan Co. He remained in the lsil>el press room of that famous concern a number of years. The 6rm of Henuegan & Cj. has enjoyed a steady growth since it started some twelve years ago. in a little 10x15 room' until to-day their establishment will compare favorably with the largest in the country. Their work goes to all parts of the world. Mr. llen- negan has a wide acquaintance among the theatrical profession, he himself being an actor of no little repute, having spent several seasons on the road with the best companies. Personal Mention. The S-sheet advertising the Pope Manufactur- ing Co.'s Columbia Bicycles from the pres-s of Knapp & Co, New York, is about the finest poster of the season. A representative of Pnntet's Ink recently interviewed Phillip A Gif- ford, the advertising manager of Hahne & Co a great department store in Newark, N. I Dur- ing the course of the interview Mr. Gifford ob- served : " Posters. We're great on posters- believe in them implicitlv. Perhaps that's be- cause we've been spoiled hv the superlatively good work w. I. Morgan A Co., of Cleveland, o:, ave been giving us. Don't get me wound up on the subject or you'll rue it." The Bruns- wick Ph. Co.. of New Brunswick, N. J., and New York City, are using two different 30-sheet post- ers advertising Sparkling Kolafra. One is from the press of Orcutt * Co.. and the other from H. A. Thomas A Wylie. This latter is especially good. R. M. Wood & Co.. of San Francisco. Cal., recently executed an effective poster for the exposition at Los Angeles. The Metro- politan Job Print, of New York, have subscribed for The Billboard. We now reach every poster printer of note in the world sive only one. In another column we reproduce an exception- ally able article on Poster Advertising by Fred Felton. manager of the Central City Show Print- ing Co.. of Jackson, Mich T. R. Dawley says collections are very poor. The Penn. Print and Pub. Co. advertise that no contracts made by their representatives are valid until ap- proved by the manager. Jos. A. Eslen. The new stand advertising Monarch Bicycles bears the imprint of the Winters Lithographing Co., of Springfield, O. It is very effective. H. Quintus Brooks is representing the Greve Litho- graphing Co. in New York. He is located at the New York Theatrical Exchange, Broadway and Thirty- Eighth street. At last accounts Johns & Co. were still doing business at the same old stand, but Elmore! " Where is he?" W K McCIusky, formerly connected with W. J. Mor grn & Co., of Cleveland, O., has established a good trade in Illinois, Iowa, Missouri, Kansas and Nebraska. He is a first-class poster sales- man L. C Denman, formerly in charge of the New York branch of Johns & Co., of Cleve- land, has severed his connection with that house.- A. S. Prentiss is trea-urer of the Lining Printing Co.. The Fair Publishing House of Norwalk. O. --James Hogan Printing Co. is the imprint on the Pasteiirine Chewing Gum stands. The paper used in these stands is the very worst we have seen years. It not only yel- lows in the sun but actually turns brown Fred Felton very aptly says if 'billboard' why not' billposter.' We note that our English coun- terpart spells it that way and so hencefoath will we. P. B. Haber. of Fond du Lac, Wis, is busy as usual. The -Correspondent Show Printing Co.. of Piqua. O.. are said to have se- cured large theatrical contracts recently. We acknowledge receipt of letters from the fol- lowing printers: Lack of space prevents our quoting from the Lanning Printing Co., Nor- walk o.: C. D. V. Carter, Lowville, N. Y.; Joe McCormick, Manchester. Iowa; Barr Bros., Sa- lem, Oregon ; Art Printing Co , Chicago, III.; Calvert Lithograph Co., Detroit, Mich. We cull the following from the New York Sun : ISAID TO HAVE SWINDLED ELKS. A Theatrical Printer Charged With Passing Worthless Checks. Frank M. Edwards, who said he was a the- atrical printer, with offices at 210 West Four- teenth street, was charged with being a fugitive from justice when he was arranged in Centre streeet Court by Central Office Detectives Price and Donoghue yesterday. Piice told Magistrate Brann that Rdwards was wanted in Philadelphia for having passed a worthless check for J75 on Eugene Lyons, a theatrical printer, of i« North Fourth street. Warren Stetson <fc Co., of 5S1 At- lantic Avenue. Boston, were said by the detec- tives to be victims to the extent of $175. Julius .j ' ° the Kmplre Theatre, who was in court, said that he hnd cashed a worthless check for Edwards for J75 on March 12. " When I found the check was no good," said Mr. Cahn. " I wrote to the Great Western Printing Co. of St. Louis, whose agent he pretended to be. They answered that Edwards bad no connection with them since the istof February. I also learned fro.. 1 St. Louis correspondents that Edwards, by wearing an Elk's pin, had swindled St. Louis Elks out of several thousand dollar*. Magistrate Brann committed Edwards to the Tombs for thirty days to await the arrival of extradition paper* from Philadelphia. £ Under this heading the publishers invite a i|p (h /tee and full discussion of any and all mat- # A ters of interest la advertisers. Silt posters, dis- w A' tnbutors, sign painters and Fair managers, w <f) when t'ouched in courteous language. Of w 4f> cou rse we do not nefessa rily endorse the vieios d} jjp and opinions of our correspondents. W 'V V W V WTO WW WW V ejSW«£ Chicago, May 12, 1897. KditorTHK BlLtiiOARO, Cincinnati, o Dear Sir—We enclose you check for amount of bill It i» wonderful the inquiries we have had from the little ad we have in your publication. Keep the ad standing if we fail to send uew copv. Yours respectfully. Cross Printing Co. Irouwood, Mich., May 14, 1S97. Kditor Tub Billboard. Cincinnati, O. Dear Sir—I have been an ardent admirer of The Billboard for the past three or four years, and read every line iu it every mouth. 1 would not be without it. On the square, it is the best hill posters' and distributors' paper in the United States. Business is looking much better. 1 have distributed the following in the last month : 7,000 papers for Dr. Miles, s.000 for home firms, and posted paper for James II. Browne's Theater Co., Sam T. Jack. Edison's Projectoscope. Cinea- matascope and for the two theaters across the State line, in Hurley. Wis. Also, received some very handsome samples of posters from Henne- gau & Co. Yours very truly. Charles Garland, Theatefand City Bill Poster. - Taunton, Mass., April 26, 1S97. Bditor The Billboard, Cincinnati. Dear Sir—Yours of the 16th inst. came duly to hand. Owing in part to press of business. I neglected to write you earlier. My not remit- ting, 1 assure vou, was an oversight on my part, for as long as 1 continue in the business I intend to subscribe for your valuable paper, it is of general interest to all. No advertiser, distribu- tor or bill poster throughout this broad land should be without it, for it is a bright, newsy sheet, from the first page to the last, and has made wonderful strides from the first issue. Gentlemen, allow me to congratulate you on your wonderful success. Long live The Bill- board. Enclosed please find $1.00 in payment of en closed bill. Very truly yoms, A B.White, Treasurer Taunton Bill Posting Co. Binghamton, N. \\, April 27, 1S97. Editor The Billboard, Cincinnati, O. Dear Sir—An epoch has been reached in the history of advertising, showing most conclu- sively that perfection is still a long ways in the future,and that, notwithstanding the struggles of the advertisers for supremacy, the system is still in its infancy. Especially is this the case in house-to-house distribution of advertising mat- ter. While great strides have been made in the art of printing and attractiveness, the adver- tiser is yet hampered in the establishing of a satisfactory system by which he can place such matter before the public in a manner to bring satisfactory results. He has tried local distributors, who have proven unsatisfactory for the reason they have little or no knowledge of the firm and no par- ticular interest in the literature which they are distributing. Then he has sent out from the home office a force of men drilled in the busi-, ness and giving satisfactory service, but not bringing the desired ' results. Why ? Because, like newspaper advertising, the thing is over- done. Halls, porches, yards are filled with ad- vertising daily, attractive and unattractive, ex- pensive and cheap literature all mixed up, walked on. hacked about and finally scraped up a dirty, disgusting, nauseating mass of brains, consigned to the names, made into ashes to fer- tilize the soil how to remedy the evil. Suppose there was a fertile field, open for the public at large to sow and to reap from as each individual desired. All wish to work the entire field. One wishes a crop of grain; he sows the seed. Another wants a crop of corn: he plants the seed. Another wants a crop of potatoes; he also plants, and to on thtough the entire list of seeds and tubors until the same ground is seeded with dozens of varieties, each individual expect- ing to reap a beautiful crop from his own plant- ing. What would the harvest be? Just so with the advertiser and the distribution; just so with the newspaper and its columns so .vn with nu- merous varieti.-Hof advertising. Seed adapted, seed not adapted, all sown in the same soil-no growth, no harvest. Let one advertiser have the field for his particular crop. Let him sow to-<l«y, reap to-morrow: next dnv some other one. mid no on until all had sown, alt had hnrvested and reaped according to the number of tillers, over mid over again. The results would lie astonish- ing. In the largest newspaper mediums the ground could be covered n tnrgc number of times yearly, each time with the assurance of a beauti- ful harvest. So with the distribution of adver- tising matter from house to house. Let the.nu- merous; heads of these departments meet in assemblage. Let them compare notes on the qualification* of the distributors known to each, select the best from ench town. Let that dis- tributor put out nil the distributions, no two tit the same time. Let him have the entire work so long a* he gives satisfactory service, nud let THE BILLBOARD his services be discontinued when proven unsat- isfactory; all advertisers to pay the same per 100 or 1000 in each town for the same sen-ice or for matter of similar size and weight. Invite the representatives of the distributing fraternity to meet with the advertisers; talk over the best plans, adopt the best ideas and put them into immediate execution. I think this would be a step toward improve- ment. . Let the advertiser encourasre good service bv liberal patronage. Let the distributor educate and interest himself to prove himself worthy of that patronave. Let all work in harmony.'oil the frictional parts, each strive his utmost to improve the service so far as he knows. Let representatives from both advertisers and dis- tributors meet at least once a year, talk over ways, mer.ns and methods, compare results, and there will be no rival organizations, but one grand association of men. and a vast improve- ment in the service in general. Billboard work is growing in favor with ad, vertisers. Don't leave out the bill poster. I would like to hear from every' advertising manager and from everv bill poster and distrib- utor regarding the subject at as earlv a date as possible. Every one has some idea; why not give others the benefit of it for the general good? Yours truly, W. D. Redington. Manager Distribution Department Dr. Kilmer tk. Co., Binghamton, N. Y. A HOT ONE. When a paper receives as many jollies as we do. a letter like this now and then is a good thing. Enables us to keep 011 wearing an ordi- nary size of hat: Altoona. Pa., May 4, 1S97. Editor The Billboard. Cincinnati. O. Dear Sir—A card soliciting my subscription to your monthly publication, The'Billboard. has reached my address. I observe that you have ■ the poor taste to say. in the most prominent place on vour begging appeal, that the bill poster who does not subscribe for your paper "must be either very poor or very ignorant:" and. also, that intelligent bill posters take it because '"they want to support it.'' WelL I am neitherevery poor nor very ignorant, and yet I don't take vour paper: and because I am ordi- narily intelligent I have no yearning desire to "support-it." I am intelligent enough to know- that it wouldn't be safe to accept "tips" and "pointers" from a concern that hasn't sense enough to be polite when asking for assistance. Judged bv the standard of your impudent card, your "helpful hints" and "suggestions" would hardly be of use to respectable bill posters, though, no doubt, acceptable to thieves and con- fidence men. The card is keyed to their tone. I have managed to get along comfortably for a number of years without the aid of The Bill- board's tips and pointers, and at the same time have preserved my self-respect and enjoyed a clear conscience by avoiding vile literature of everv kind. I will continue on that line and -will be self-supporting, whether The Billboard is or not. As vour publication would hardly make good toilet paper, it could be of no possible use to me. Yours, in disgust, Morris Connor, Altoona Bill Poster Whether vou ever read another issue or not. Morris, youWff read this, and you will have to acknowledge that the preponderance of opinion is against vou. Hundreds openly testify to their appreciation. You are alone in your opinion. We are forced to conclude that the fault lies at your end of the line You are a good bill poster. Morris. We have ascertained that much, and it is enough to make us entirely willing to sup- press the further results of our inquiries. Take as good care of Altoona in the future as you have in the past, and we will never collide again. Xapanee, May 7, 1S97. Editor The Billboard, Cincinnati, O. Dear Sir—The Mav Billboard is very nice. I would miss it, if it" did not come regularly to Napauee. Mr Wallace, the Canadian agent for "Surprise" Soap, was in town and wished me to secure him a copv of vour Christmas number. Wilt you kiudlv send me two or three copies of that number, also the bill, and I will remit the same to vou. Mr. Wallace admired The Bill- board verv much. Awaiting The Billboard. I am, yours etc., J. J- Minchinton. Memphis. Tenn.. May it, 1S97. Editor The Billboard, Cincinnati, O. You mav inform advertisers, through The Billboard, that in addition to the city license of $50.00 that we now pay, the legislature at the last session passed a law imposing a tax on all persons posting, distributing, tacking, sampling, etc , of J35-W- <«nd the county a tax or $20.00 per annum, making the whjle tax $95.00. This law took effect April 30, 1S97. Van Beurkn & Co. Trinidad, Col., April 14. 1S07. Editor The Billboard, Cincinnati. O Dear Sir—Enclosed please find one dollar for subscription to The Billboard. The old firm of the Taylor Bill lasting Co. was bought out by me the 37th of Mav, tSoS. and as I have derived the benefit of Billboard I enclose you one dol- lar, and wish vou to continue sending your val- uable journal to me. It is a newsy journal and is full of good things, and its coming is always nnximtslv awaited. Yours truly, R. W. Ferovjson. City Mill Poster, jiSCommcreial St.,Trinidad,Col. On the center page of this issue of Billboard is shown a photograph of one of Harry Munson's big double deck boards entirely covered with Hoke post- ers. There are the following sizes of paper shown: George \V. Cbilds Cigars, 24 sheets, 16 sheets (2 kinds), S-sheets (2 kinds), 5-sheet streamer, 3 sheet, i-sheet (2 kinds); Admiral Cigarette, 20 sheets, 16 sheets, 8-sheets. 4-sheets, i-sheet; Dun- lop Detachable Tire, 16-sheets, Hawes Hats, 16-sheets, 3 sheets; Saver Tonic, 3- sheets, 1-sheet; Gold Bond Cigar, 12- sheets; Citizen's Union, i-sheet (2 kinds); Hyomei, 12 sheets, i-sheet; Yellow Kid Cigarettes, 1-sheet; Gillies' Coffee, 3- sheets. The size of the board is remarkably large, though it is by no means the largest billboard in the world It is, however, undoubtedly the largest board ever cov- ered with paper of one solicitor, with hardly a duplicate throughout. The board is located at Forty-Second street, adjoin- ing the West Shore Railroad depot. New York City. Siebe & Green, of San Francisco, have nought the bill posting plant of the Al. Stillwell Co., incorporated, doing business in Oakland and Alameda counties. Allen's Press Clipping Bureau Offices, Rooms 3-4-5-6-7, 510 Montgomery St., San Francisco; Union Block. Portland, Ore.; 105 East First Street, Los Angeles, CaL Established 188S- Reads every publication printed on the Pacific coast from Alaska to Mexico. +J 8 PUT THIS ON YOUR LIST, Uffllis Jones «€o/X«r $ BILL POSTERS, SIGN PAINTERS, and General Advertisers Good, Prompt and Efficient Work, IF YOU WILL LET US. We own and control all boards and posting privileges, besides about 10,000 feet dead walls and bulletin boards for painted signs. Correspondence Solicited. Muslin Signs! Big Display at Small Cost! Brush lettered in bright weather- proof oil colors on best unbleached muslin. To order, 50c. per square yard of surface. S yards or less mailed postpaid. ^ Larger orders by express prepaid. Satisfaction guaranteed. Prompt work. G. F. Harding. Sign Artist since 1SS0. Wurtsboro, N. Y. WHY NOT? Give us a trial order of distrib- uting. We employ honest men, cover all sections, and do not charge any more than others in the same business. J. E. STROYER CO., 114 Weld St., Rochester, N.Y. Members I- A. of D. 17 Novelties. Tricks. Magic. Puzzles. r Continually New Things Invented. Send 12 Cents for The Latest Funny Thine, A Box of Cuban Cigars, a great sur- prise for every man or woman hand- ling that box. Chas. Hesing, importing Stationer, 2'Q East Pea rl St., Cincinnati, Q. CHAMPION $15 TYPEWRITERS. Six brand new machines, never used. $11.25 each. Work equals $100 machines in every re- spect. Send 4c. for catalog and sample work. Morgan, Rice & Co., B St., Springfield, Mass. S BE HEREh I distribute circulars. I will furnish all kinds of names. Write to me for terms. City popula- tion. 6.000. Prof. R. m. JONES, Sumter, S. C. Do You Use Circulars? We send ours to 1,000 or more new names (no directory names) each month with good results. Should be pleased to send yours (6x9 or smaller) with them for $1.00 per thousand. Prepay al charges. We will sell Three Copies Only of our lists for 30 cts. per 100 or S2.00 per thousand. I97 D. W. AlcNEAL CO., 511 W. 67th Street, Chicago, Ills. Newport, Ky. G. H. Otting & Son, - Own and control all boards. Good Service. Milford, Mass. Population, 10,000. W. E. Cheney, City Bill Poster. Distributor. 82 80. Bow street. Bole control of all bill boards In city and adjoin, ing towns. 20 years' experience In this elty Baggage and scenery truck express, fe-12 Farkersburg, W. Va., Pop. 15,000 C U. < henvrout, bill poster and distribu- tor. Reference, any bank In city. HatU- factlon gnarantgpd. |7 What Is worth doing at all. Is worth doing well. JOHN H.JONES, Best facilities for distributing, sampling, sign tacking—card, tin or steel. Population. 500,000. Dwellings. 85,000. Member I. A. of I>. Office, N. W. Cor. rtount & McHenry Sts., BALTIMORE, MP. If you are.an up-todate advertiser you want the latest and best advertising novelties. Before placing your order write The Adv. Novelty Co., 32,34 & 36 E. 3d St. CINCINNATI. OHIO. Manufacturers of and dealers in Domestic and Imported Advertising Novelties. Cards. Calendars. Panels, Shapes, &c I Wheeling, ttl. Ua. J ^ is the center of 100,000 pop- £ • illation and is one of the largest igt manufacturing districts in the S U. S. You can reach this terri- ^ tory through our Bill Postiag and Distributing Agency. Ch? W. $. meek go., WHEELING, W. VA. W. H. STEINBRENNER GIVES THE ONLY RELIABLE DISTRIBUTING SERVICE IN CINCINNATI, O. Mimbirl. A. of D. Room 609 Lincoln Inn Court