Billboard advertising (Mar 1897)

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BILLBOARD ADVERTISING. Pacific Coast Bill Posters. TheTMtfc Annual Co., of Buffalo; Tfaa Erie, of Erie, Pa.; within the gates arc intently watching Johns, of Cleveland ; Calvert, of Detroit; them, regardless of other features of. the Carqnevillc, the National, the Central, fair. That these already deeply interested Orcutt.andtheGoesCo.inCbicago. Are people'show increased animation when none of these entitled to tank as first- the running races are announced is class? Then take the Riverside, of Mil- equally good evidence that this phase is waiikee—Pat Shannon will relish this— highly popular and contributes its full The Great Western, and Compton & Sons, share of influence i of St. Louis; then Cincinnati, with the United States Printing Co., The Job Printing Co., I" Tlic following applications for member- ship were received; G. M. Brush, Peta- lunia; L. A. Daniels, Santa Cruz; B. S. Moirissey, Marysville; Phoenix B. P. Co., John Beck, manager, Phoenix, Arizona; Arthur B. Jewett, New Whatcom, Wash.; Harry Gear, Paso de Robles; X. H. Wil- son, Merced. All were reported upon favorably, and the applicants declared elected. An invitation was received from the California Adaigna Co. to participate in a ride to and lunch at the Cliff House, on Jan, 10. The invitation was accepted. The election of officers resulted mously as follows: President, W. H. Lee, Santa Rosa; Vice President, W. H. Hum. phreys. Stockton ; J. H. Simpson, S. F.; W. A. Caswell, Sacramento. The officers •to then duly installed, the obligation being administered by Al. Stilwetl. An amendment to the Constitution and By-Laws was made by striking out the the words, "Advertising Agent or Solici- tor," which would leave as eligible to membership only the recognized city bill posters within the States and Territories of the Pabific Coast. The California Adsigns Co., of San Francisco, was declared to be the only authorized soliciting agent on the Pacific Coast for the Pacific Coast Bin Posters' Association. The meeting adjourned to meet at the office of the California Adsigns Co of San Francisco, July 14th, 1897, Rees. of Omaha, has introduced a new hapeforadate. It is a novelty that bids Truly a little knowledge is a dangerous thing. /V-o/toAir^i/a^uiVreallyoHght Under the head of Poster Advertising, frwfitaMe Advertising —January issue— holds forth at some length on poster printers. As the article is chiefly remark- able for what the author does not know •boot his subject, we will only quote from it briefly: known printer and ™ B and complete stock of mechanical con- veniences ia located at 33a Clay street, between Montgomery and Sanaome streets, San Francisco, Cal.. forming one of the beat plants on the coast. Although one of the youngest of those engaged in commercial pursuits in this city, Mr. BttRtt has had an abundant and valuable experience, which he utilizes to the best possible advantage in his business He is energetic and fuU of the commendable •pirn of enterprise, without which no man c«» hope to make a success of himself •long business lines. Genial, popular. JM* in all his dealings, he is regarded aa "* one of the brightest of the younger Iwsiniss representatives who keep the ball of commercial activity rolling. Mr.Sterett comes very naturally by his ability, his hitler having been a pioneer and a man acknowledged worthin the community, ll'» son, who succeeded him, anil whose pinirm't is herewith given, ia in every wav " «■ irthy descendant of a highly respected We will not dispute Prvfitable Adver- tising's assertion that the article was not written to advertise anyone in particular. That is perfectly obvious. One need only look at the fourth page of the cover to see protestations uf dtsin- We wonder, though, if all the rest of The Running' Horse at Fairs. When our worthy secretary wrote me, asking that I prepare a paper on some ibject, to submit to this leecing, I rashly asking for the title of my paper, I saw that I had, like some indiscreet politicians, promised more than I could hope to fully perform, and tha partially intaptea ■ I believe firmly that he is . . entertainment to be maintained and en- couraged. It is hard to conceive that anyone who has seen the interest mani- fested in and the enthusiasm aroused by running races among the people at fairs, can combat this proposition. However famous the trotters and pacers contesting for purses, the calling up of the runners is always signalled by an outburst of warm applause from the amphitheatre and the multitude lining peting for the p (1,000 and u Mile and repeat heats, two mile dashes, and long distance novelty races, etc, wen regularly on the list, with generous purse* attached. The bluest racing blood of the connt-y only could hope for success in no "dnnghfll" possesses. Tbose may be regarded as t he "rfci valric days" of horse racing, the decadence of matter for regret The royal the foundation blood of the turf. It is accounted a piime merit in the car, a surety of his ability to heats, if it be known that prominent in him is a strain of thoroughbred running atock. Is it not possible, therefore, if this stock is allowed to become extinct, that in time the blood of trotters may become diluted and vidaled until the family deteriorates. popular feature of the fair yielding of a mile or less,—should also be features of all fairs. Annoyances and losses through the shirking of entry fees and other tricks of latter-day run mux-horse men, doubtless degree at least from the Let us see. We will begin with Boston. I'mjit- able Advertising is published there, and it does not credit Boston with a siugle first class poster printing establishment. Yet the great Forbes Lithographing Co. is there,* and Walker, too -both unde- niably first-class. We have little space at our command, but we will skim lightly over the rest of tile country. Take The Courier Litho. that trials of speed arc leading attractions, inducing attendance, fair managers are on the alert to make this feature as prom- inent and comprehensive as possible. Evidence of the popularity of all speed contests is found in the fact that while they are on substantially all the people The Board of E (Ohio) Fair and Exposition Company, have fixed the date for holding their annual fair this year for September 7, 3 and 9. They will hold two summer race meetings, July 3 and 4. and July 23 and 30. Fast classes and large purses are to be the attractions of this season. J