The billboard (Sept 1897)

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10 THE miBOAHn an)pai§t) ^tar)ds Made from our Stock Letters are greatest ever seen. Talk about "Busincss-Bringers." One tall poster recently sent us $1.00 for a Campaign Stand, without any order from the candidate, he put it up, and soon ]ai the entire fist of candidates on both ticfals ,Um, actually begg^g him {or Ibcatioa. Hb boaids are hJil Yaa can do likewise. If you have no campaign, try one of your merchants. It's a small investment. It ^xnll pay you. We can make any size stand. Saul $1.00 and copy. d( Our new CATALOGUE wffl ';be icadjrnot mantli. . Jt •» Jt jt Jt ji jt jt. HENNEGAN & CO. POSTER PRII^TERS. 719-721 SYCAMORE. ^, CINCINNATI.