The billboard (Sept 1897)

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12 • GOLDSMITH BROS. ' OPERA HOUSE MANAGERS AND CIT9 ^ILL ROSTERS, ^REDERICKSBURQ. VIRGINIA. at ol an. Bat of. Only liceiued BSl Ppstef^ tHrtributM «ad Gawnl Ont-Dow Advcrtfaeis. IBEIITONiNaw Jeney Th« Tranton BiH Posting Co- PflYETTEYILLE. N. 6. Do yoa know thU TXar Hampddre will be the AteiM ^ tbodMiidi of wdl-to-do peuple, dnriDEtbe coming Iwtmoirtln, Tbsr go tfiere lo while awaj the time, to be comfoitable and ■m Tm c«t ABTlbiBf U Call tb«ir AttMtiM t*. while they aie idle. SbikiwIiilathelrMblrtl 11 teach all these people. IT maj Had of adi« D.JL8MniiUlv.GL iBiuu mnMnMS. Im'WI. _ ■ ■ rt ii l i r. l.l . 4MMMMMMMMMMMt# jHbMrtb,a. •nt.witt. Wi^ Bn^e, ■n«B>*rataii«nnHBMHM SIGaiMaVILI.B, MO. Pop. S-os RIGG B RO S., HOWUND; [ng Sin le, N. y. CF.Bangasser&Co cdodSlnsPalMed. OnaUBm- ^KHsburg, Pa. Pop. 500,0 UUTBIBUtum, Mr. LEWIS GARRISON Is about to return to South Africa, where he has spent over a year. Rnns wfehingtoopeiittp business relations with South Africa, are invited to cottespood willi MR. GARR^N, at' COLUMBUS, JS9t. "E'^nlMl WW to him wbn liiatiM »hii« ha walte." tgQ7, pom* WAYNE. IHD. FRANK M, DUEL. BILL POSTER AND PAINTER; ALSO CIRCULAR DISTRIBUTOR, 187 Schuyler Avanua, KANKAKCC, lU.. Bill Poster Thm nwgHili ooKBtcfput of The MEMPHIS, TKMN. SiSSS£2S-JSf——-« 111 offtriiig the .sen-ices of tbc United Press News Bureau We beg to annoiinre that we ha\-e succeeded to and united the several business interests heretofore con- ducted by the Register Press Clipp- ing Bureau, the Press Cutting Co., the United Press Clij^ng Bnreaa, and the E. S. MorriscNi PressQifip- iiig Bureau. We are now occapj^g a Space of eight large offices With a carefully trained force of proficient readers And have an eicchange list that thoroughly covers every s ec U os the United State and f'nmula, We feel no he^tancy in asBCfting that M-e can fill any oi^er <mUMiled to us. Sen-ice equal to the best at a price as low as the Io»'est, New customers we will serve on trial for two weeks, without charge, proi-ided that if we get an order we charge from the start. We solicit your patronage. Respectfully. United ites hB BmH, lU Van B«i«i St., KanasCHy,lt. Combined popolatim jnemcBi tafiqo piedcadoditalL Hwil Ihi mMtrntt ft- MiDtAKD Auvwrama eo. im»m- ber I. A. of DL). Job. bm^ Mmivki, Cir Grand ATS , IbMH Cl^, Ma. Hawport, Kt. O. H. OtHDV fe • Own aiti] control all boanlc. UoSi Mwi BRnNTPORD, emu. POP. IT.OOO. TBRRB HAOTB, IND: