The billboard (Oct 1897)

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14 THE BILLBOARD SETTER BROS. & C0. MlL,N8MNTHl NEW YORK. ENGRAVING BLOCKS Cheaper than any other firm en earth. By good Engraving Blocks we mean blocks that ate in every way strictly high-grade and first- class in every respect. We have sold over 100,000 of these blocks in the past five years, and our trade is increasing at such a rale that we expect to sell as many more in the next twelve months. That is the best testimonial we can offer of the quality of our blocks. RULE. reglet. AND PASTE BOAffDS LUMBER. & CO. COLLINS CENTER, NEW YORK. < CT1ARLES w. YORK I ;., Bill Pester and * D Distributor. * HAVERHILL, MASS. Po'keeosie, N.Y. 24 Mechanic St. M. F. Sprapgir.Tue Bona-. Kin* till Po" SPIRITUALISTIC SENSATION! I.W.V.. Fop. 16,000 Grand Rapids, Mich. YOUR PORTRAIT. We will send The Advertising World (price 75c.) and engravi your portrait, style herewith, and famish plate ready for an' printer to print from, all for (1.15. Send photo, whici .. j siie instead if yon prefer. its a portrait For use on slaliotiery and other printed ■ WI1.T . »c make this offer just to introduce our paper to new readers. The AdvertiBing World is an eight-page, five-column, monthly, illustrated, original, devoled lo up to-date methods of i advertising. When you read it yon will understand why it has a large circulation. Address THE ADVERTISING WORLD. Columbus Ohio. FRANK M. DEUEL, BILL POSTER AND PAIfTTER; ALSO CIRCULAR DISTRIBUTOR, 187 Schuyler Avenue, KANKAKEE, ILL. 1891. "Everything c 0 hugllea while he wile." 1807, The Hustler Advertising Co. I OUT-DOOR ADVERTISING I r„....... I IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. | tAi«"X" W. K. CASE, MAN*.... 1. erauT. - FORT WAYNE. IND. BELVIDERB, ILLS. JOHN H. JONES, OHlce, N. W. Cor. FlouM & Mctit nrj St... BALTIMORE, MO. TROY, ILL. CROSBY ADUERTISINC SIGNS 1II9I PATERSON, N. J.