The billboard (Nov 1897)

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THE BILLBOARD 13 The (%ristmas ^BilixBOard^^ ! — 1597 ; The Christmas Special, out December ist, next, will consist of .16 pages, handsomely illustrated i and will have an illuminated cover, superbly lithographed in colors. It will retail at 25 cents each. The advertising rates will be 10 cents per Agate line, with 20 per cent additional for pre- \ ferred position , LARGER ADVERTISEMENTS. |J| LITHOGRAPHED PAGES. Whole Page S50.00 JIT Page 2 of Cover, in 2 colors S100.00 \ Half Page 27.50 /[ & Page 3 ol Cover, in 2 colors 100.00 Quarter Page 15.00 P •§ Page 4 of Cover, in 8 colors 200.00 ^ Eighth Page "8.00 \ / Double Page Center, in 8 colors 300.00 No deviations will be made from these prices, and no discounts of any kind. Copy for adver- tisements on lithographed pages must reach us not later than November 15th. I.ast form closes November 22. Size of type page, 9V+ X "K- American bill posters, distributors, sign painters and fair managers, who are not subscribers, will have to send 25 cents for this issue, or buy it at that rate at the news stands. Subscribe now and receive it witbont extra cost- One year one dollar. Address THE BILLBOARD PUB. CO., CINCINNATI, OHIO. DENVER, 66LO. 185,000; Foebli. tO.OCO; Cnlnrndo I lly and Nul' ACCOUNTICS.«.« A monthly magazine devoted to Accounting as the vital ele- ment of business. It contains the leading papers and debates of all the Accountant's Asso ciations, together with original inquiries and investigations. The most eminent accountants are contributors. SCIENCE OF ACCOUNTS. " ART OF BOOK-KEEPING. ACCOUNTICS answers ques- tions In higher accounting and book-keeping practice; contains Independent Reviews and Crit- Icisirs of books on accounting and Economic topics; fully illustrated; carefully printed; edited by A. O. KITTREDGE. Subscription One Dollar a year. Accountics* Association, TOOL EXCHANGE, NEW YORK. 1891. "Everything cooin to htm who hurtles while be waits." fS97. The Hustler Advertising Co. i OUT-DOOR ADVERTISING | IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. W. H. CASE. Manas En. _FORT WAYNE, IND. AmYov ONtOfT/UM? ™A»WIW)II(iC« ggj-r HOWARD N. H0LSH0USER, City Bill Poster i TRENTON, New Jersey The Trenton Bill Poetlng Co. Aurora, Ills. B. MARVIN, THEATRICAL AKOC1TY BILL I'OSTEKS. BANGORc TROY, ILL. Scramon, Pa. 654 Deacon, J. B. Belli, member J. A of D.,ump'e« put < .aI,cliTUI»i«nl«irib..l-i1. n-ll-iup. w.,rK i^.^raineed. 2UO.00O people In Lark. r SPIRITUALISTIC SENSATJONj