Billboard advertising (July-Dec 1897)

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s^si - ■„.: r~ * 14 THE BILLBOARD THE BILLBOARD J5 KSlg SPSS • *>£ 3SSS55 V nig pp lHI lH E^Sl JOS. ML GOLDSMITH. M1RGINI7S. GOLDSMITH BROS. JAKE GOLDSMITH. ORERA HOUSE MANAGERS AND CITY BILL ROSTERS. RREDERICKSBURG. VIRGINIA. Best Boards, Best Stock, Best Localities, and mdstimportant of all. Best of References. Population 6,000. Drawing Population 50.CC0 Only Licensed Bill Posters, Distributors and General Out-Door Advertisers. ALL WIND Is the professed love of the solicitor for the small city^bill poster- . They only send paper to him when forced to by the advertiser. They'inevitable send it to large cities, so that their commissions can ^e collected in greater bulc If Sam Hoke or any other solicitorjnrill guaran- tee us the paper we will build boards enough to make this town look circused. < / NOON BILL P0STIN6 CO., MARBLEHEAD, JWSS. Meridian, Miss., Fop. 15,000 L. D. Hofler, city bill poster and distribu- tor. *7 * ESTABUSHED 18J6. T 4 ♦ B 1 CHARLES W. YORK. ♦ ;ill Poster and ! Distributor. I HAVERHILL, MASS. > *• I make a specialty ol Distributing. T Reference if required. UU97 a Wm.k, Expert Ad Writer, I Station T, Boston, Mass. Southern Press Clipping Bureau, Atlanta, Ga. Newspaper Press Clippings for Trade Papers, Manufacturers and Advertisers. Also list of .names for circularizing. ■ "2" ^ . v „ MEMPHIS, TENN. Van Benren A Co., Bill Posters-and Distri- buters, 224 Second street, tl THE MANHATTAN PRESS-CLIPPING BUREAU. NEW YORK. LONDON. ARTHUR CASSOT, Manager. Knickerbocker Building. No. 2 West 14th St, New York. Supplies press clippings forTrade Jour- nals, and on all subjects. Best facilities. Hon. CHAUNCEY M. DEPEW is one of our regular patrons. Hon. CALVTN S. BRICE: You have the best facilities of any- one in the field in your business. Delaware, 0. G. D. McGuire, City Bill Foster and Distributor. YOUR DISTRIBUTOR Should be like your doctor 3 —you've got to trust him. w If you didn't lie wouldn't » have your business. Many $ advertisers have trusted • Steinbrenner, and none * have regretted it. g Wa H. STEINBRENNER, "| ROOM 609 LINCOLN INN COURT, 519 MAIN ST., S m CINCINNATI, O. I • McC/tLL, AD WRITER, SARATOGA SPRINGS. N. Y. * ^fe oCC g CC sJ CCCCCBCCCWWCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC CC CCC CC CCCtC *^ IgYTHE NATIONAL DISTRIBUTING CO., UP-TO-DATE DISTRIBUTORS AND TACKERS. 15 AND 17 WINDER STREET, - - DETROIT, MICH. The W. D. Husted Advertising Co. SSS?. BIL2L2 POSTERS, Distributors,. Bulletin Sign Painting, AND Out door Advertising of every descriptiion Office: 67 Main Street, MANSFIELD, TIOGA CO., PA. Wi rE OWN OR CONTROL ALL BOARDS AND POSTING PRIVILEGES IN MANSFIELD. The leading town in the "Northern Tier," over 6,000 square feet of boards. Also have boards and posting privi- leges in every town in the county. SS CHE above cut shows one of our Paste Mixers for Bill Posters. We make three grades (Oood, Better, Best). Prices to suit all.! Our catalogue tells all about them. It is sent free oil ap- plication. ECONOMY IS THE ROAD TO WEM.TH." If there ever was a time when this old adage was true, it has long since passed away. Cer- tainly it is not true in these hustling bustling days. One cannot make money by saving it— not now. The only way that the modern man can make money is by spending it—spending it wisely. Money spent in labor saving machinery is wisely spent. Spending money in this wise is making money. Our Paste Mixers will make more and better paste with less flour and labor than any other in the market. THEY ARE MONEY MAKERS. J. H. DAY & co." 44 "" , ""' s,, " AVE CINCINNATI, O. Kansas City, Mo. and her suburbs Combined population 300,000. 60,000 pieces does it all. Send the matter to the MIDLAND ADVERTISING CO. (mem- ber I. A. of D.), Jos. Reio, Manager, 617 Grand Ave , Kansas City, Mo. BELYIDERE, ILLS. Fred. Wlffiu. Bill Poster, 312 Can will 8t. "fr What Is worth dolne at all. Is worth dolng/wcll. JOHN H. JONES, Best facilities for distributing, sampling, sign tacking—card, tin or steel. Population. 500.000. Dwellings, 85.000. Member I. A. of D. Office, N. W. Cor. flount & McHenry 5ts.. BALTIMORE, MD. Laconia, N. H. Pop. 15,000. FolRom Opera House, Driving Park and Show ttrounds J. F- **arrl.-nan. Manager. Owns all boards in the city and suburbs. WE WANT YOU ... To become a subscriber to UP-TO-DATK IDEAS, because we believe it will be ben« - ficial to you, and, again, because we want 50 cents for a year's subscription IT WILL PHY YOU To subscribe for UP-TO-DATE IDEAS. It "has many good suggestions every mouth which will be worth much more than thei cost to you. SAMPLE COPY SENT FREE. UP-TO-DATE IDEAS PUBLISHING CO. GRAND ISLAND, NEBR. Po'keepsie, N.Y. 24 Mechanic St. M. F. Bprenger, The Honest King BUI Pou- ter and Dlsti ibntor. n87 HIGGINSVILLE, MO. Pop. 5 ,oco The Greatest Country on Earth. The only licensed BILL POSTERS in the city. Control and own all billboards and advertising ptivileges in the city. We are up to date. All work properly executed. Also signs taclcrri. Distributors and Sign Painters. -f-f-7 Atlanta, Ga. 124 Haynes St. Wm. Peden, Advertising Distributed, Signs tacked up In this and adjolnlug cou ti- tles, SI.00 per 1000 and up. do? CF.Bangasser&Co. CITY BILL POSTERS AND DISTRIBUTORS, W7 Signs Tacked and Signs Fainted. Own all Bill- Boards in our locality. P. O. Box 38 MCM I N NVI LLE, OREGON. Kansas City, Mo, Pop. 300.000. Midland Advertising Co., Joseph Reld, Mar Distributing, Tacking. Reliable Men only All towns In Jackson and Wyandotte I cis. Mem International Asa'u of Distributors. .. «¥■' Jf THE CUPPIN6 BUREAU-» KEEPS YOU POSTED. We read practically all the daily and weekly newspa- pers of the' country', receiv- ing them direct from the publishers and cutting out those items of designated interest to our clients at once. All the latest literature on any subject selected at your order. Material for trade and class papers, addresses for the catalogues, booklets and printed matter of business houses, personal mentions, articles for speeches, lec- tures, sermons, books, obit- uary notices, advertise- ments, etcT etc. Sending you clippings from our New York and Chicago offices direct, if so desired, as well as from our main office in Boston, we can get clippings to you more fresh than those fur- nished by others. Write for further data and prices, which are the lowest, work considered, of any bureau in existence. THE NEW ENGLAND NEWSPAPER BUREAU, 146 Franklin St, Boston Oakland, CaL Belasoo ft Co, Bill Posters and Painted signs. "" SEND FOR A COPY OF Business f '^ The Office Paper Mailed free to all mentioning this advertisement BUSfNESS contains articles by noted writers upon Office Routine, Business Management, Ac- counting. Advertising and Etanomic subjects, in- cluded under Finance, Transportation, Commerce and Manufacturing . . To read BUSWESS is a liberal commercial education in itself. _ The office of BUSINESS is to be in every office. Monthly, i » a year. Address BUSINESS PUBLISHING CO. n Astor Place. New York. NanaimO, British Col. Fop. 7.000. A. A. Davis owns and controls all bill board* and spaces. P. O. Box 189. L. A. DANIELS, City Bill Foster ana Distributor, SANTA CRUZ, CAL. POPULATION 8.000. Member International Bill Posters Association. of United States and Canada. CTCBCTT Show Printing Co., OI Clll* I I San Franoisco, Cal. TUC80II, Ariz 2,000 ft. of boards WM.KBID, Box. 148. 2dl Butte, Mont. W. E. Kendrick, B'H poster and sign advertUer. P. O. box 122. *"<> WAGONS AND CARTS I "T 18 "" TT' FOR . . BILL POSTERS AND DISTRIBUTORS < *.-^e3 < *-'t- You can get a wagon built by a village blacksmith, and doubtless, too, you could get a oaddlor to make you a pair of shoes, but what is the use when you can go to a firm who make a specialty of the very thins: yon want. We can give you a better vehicle for half the price you will pay at home. •^<y69'V«> Bin Posters' push eart. I D.J LefebvreAdv.Co- rll-<«» f/\»- email Innttic anrl e1ir.«4> I« ^Ul^.. TUZ*. .t..l- ~C ™-* — .1. * r NNNII ^^ " "^ ^ m ^ m ^ *" W m ^ ■ ■ *■ ■ ■ ^^ Great for small towns and short routes in cities. This style of cart enjoys great favor i amonjf the bill posters of t England, where it is regarded as a great convenience, and is \ used almost to the exclusion of all other vehicles. It is equipped with paper bin. p^ste ^ tank and water tank. The tanks are lined with zinc, and the one which contains the '■ water is provided with a faucet. They are beautifully painted, substantially built. Wilt last a lifetime, and I sell them at the phenomenally low price of Jt&~ Nu extra charge for painting firm name on the sides. $24.50 EACH.B Chicago, Ills. J. A. CL0U6H, Bill Posters' Ponv Cart. Light strone and durable. This vehicle is bound to find favor, is the handiest thing imaginable. Has paste tank, water tank, etc., and we furnish complete for the remarkably low price of Bill Posters 9 Wagons. ei lv We make them in almost infinite variety. We have them with shafts and with poles, with and without tops, in fact in every style imaginable. This is one we make in three sires, at the following prices, viz: A—$90.00. B—$100.00. C—130.00. """JOHN H. MICHAEL, Manufacturer Bill Posters' Vehicles, 225,227,229 East 8th St, CINCINNATI, O. We have just completed a new distributor's wagon. It! is a marvel of convenience and utility. Photos free to intend- ing purohasers. Do you know that New Hampshire will be the Mecca of thousands of well-Ki-do people, (luring the coming hot months. They go there to while away the time, to be comfortable and have no cares. Have You got Anything to Call their Attention to, while they are idle. Strike while the Iron is Hot! We can reach all these people. Send us your booklets, samples, or circu- lars or any kind of advertising matter. > RELIABLE DISTRIBUTORS. Box 483, Manchester, N. H. Keep Our Address For Future Reference. W. E. Patton, Corinth, Miss, Bill Poster and Distributor. Keference furnished. Box 161. n97 LIMA, OHIO. Pop. 20,000. Wj C. Tin-m, City Bill foster aod Duttri- ha'pr. Wnrk promptly done. tf "$44,501 Pittsburg, Pa. Pop. 500,000. Contracts solicited for the distribution of all legitimate advertising matter lu Chi- cago and suburban towns. Charleston, "W. Va. Fop. 15,000 £. H.rarwlthen. Distributor. Satisfaction guaranteed >Six adjoining towns. n97 Chillicothe. Mo. Z. B. Myers, Owns all bill boards. Tacking, Distribut- ing and Bill Posling done satisfactory nr no pay. Write him. dOT MILF0RD, MASS. Pop. 9,000. E. R. Nfgu-, Dls< ribntor. 337 Main St. STAVANGER, MINN. Ole Holm, Bill Potter and Distributor. n97 Established 1892. The "TWIN CITIKS" Distributing Agency, DISTRIBUTORS. Office 6, Sixth St. Branch, ALLEGHENY. J. T. Hudson, Manager. CHILLICOTHE. ILL. . CHARVAT BILL POSTING CO. Henry Chakvat, Manager. Seven Cities Covered. Population, 12,000. Correspondence Solicited. §§97 CITY BILL POSTING CO., HARRY B. BUSSING, Manager. NOR WALK, CONN. Jackson, Ga., C. A. Henderson & Co. Member I. A. of D., advertising agents, Territory: Atlanta, McDonough, Griffin, l<ocu*t Grove, Jackson. Flanilla. Macon, Forsyth and Barnesville, includes popula- tion of 175.000. W TERRE HAUTE, IND. James M. Dishon, Distributing, ^29 South Mb. St. n L0EAIN,0. P.J.SMITH. Bill Poster and Distributor. 3196th St. n97 Allen's Press Clipping Bureau Offices, Rooms 3-4-5-6-7, 510 Montgomery St., San Francisco; Union Block, Portland, Ore.: 105 East First Street. Los Angeles, Cal. Established 1888. Reads every publication printed on the' Pacific coast from Alaska to Mexico. ;l s %